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1、七年级上学期英语期中考试目标检测题宁阳八中2016-2017学年度上学期期中考试目标检测试题七年级英语试题时间:120分钟 分值:120分 第卷(共70分) 一、听力(每题 1分,共20分)(一) 听录音,选择正确答语,每个句子读两遍。( )1.A. No, I wasnt. B. Yes, I am. C. No, I am not.( )2. A. I played basketball.B. I played soccer.C. It was good.( )3. A. Yes, she does. B. No, she didnt. C. Yes, he did.( )4. A. Sh

2、e was good.B. It was good.C. Have a good time.( )5. A. They were happy.B. They did their homework.C. They usually play sports.(二)、听录音, 选出与所听内容相符的图片。 每个句子读两遍。( )6.A. B. C. ( )7.A. B. C. ( )8.A. B. C. ( )9.A B. C. ( )10.A. B. C. (三)、听录音,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。( )11.Who didnt go to the movies last night?A. Lis

3、a. B. Jenny. C. Jennys sister.( )12.Where is Ginas aunt ? A. In Shanghai. B. In Beijing. C. In Qingdao.( )13. What color is Helens cat?A. White. B. Black. C. Brown.( ) 14.Where was Mike yesterday morning?A. In the library. B. At school. C. At home.( )15.What did Linda do last Monday?A. She went to a

4、 party. B. She had a party. C. She went to Canada.(四)、听录音,选择正确的答案。短文内容读两遍。( )16.Toms last weekend was _.A. boring. B. great. C. terrible.( )17.On Saturday afternoon, Tom _.A. visited his aunt. B. watched TV. C. went shopping( )18.On Sunday, Tom got up _.A. at 6:30 a.m. B. at 7:00 a.m. C. at 8:00 a.m

5、. ( )19.After Tom ate breakfast, he didnt _.A. do his homework. B. play football. C. practice the piano.( )20.On Sunday evening, Tom talked with his _.A. mother . B. aunt. C. grandmother.二、单项选择. (共20分)( ) 21. She didnt _ _ cows yesterday.A. feed; some B. fed; any C. fed; some D. feed; any( ) 22. Did

6、 you eat _? No, I ate_. A. anything; nothing B. anything; anything C. something; nothing D. something; something( ) 23. She was _scared _ she cried loudly.A. too; to B. so; that C. because; so D. too; that ( ) 24. I _ a boy _ books in the library two days ago.A. see; read B. see; reading C. saw; rea

7、ding D. saw; read( )25. I lost my keys yesterday, _ , a school boy found it and gave it back to me.A . Loudly B. Clearly C. Nearly D. Luckily( )26. Dont shout _others, its impolite(不礼貌的). A. in B. at C. to D. for ( )27. We dont know _ next.A. how to do B. what to do C. what to do it D. where to do(

8、)28.If you _ for your favorite TV programs, you will feel sleepy.A. set up B. stay up C. pick up D. stay at( )29. Please be quiet. I have _ to share with you.A. delicious something B. delicious anything C. something delicious D. anything delicious( )30. There _ some interesting news in yesterdays ne

9、wspaper. A. is B. are C. was D. were ( )31. She went to a _ shop and _ some gifts. A. gift; buy B. gifts; bought C. gift; bought D. gifts; buy( )32.The guide showed us _ the Great Wall.A. on B. for C. around D. with( )33. _ the clothes expensive? A. Did B. Does C. Was D. Were( )34. Is it healthy_ ve

10、getables or fruits? B. ate C. to eat D. eating( )35. My uncle worked _ a farmer on a farm two years ago. A. at B. of C .as D. on( )36. Lucy thinks that _ are very cute but _ are very ugly.(丑的) A. sheep; mouses B. sheep; mice C. sheeps; mouses D. sheeps; mice( )37.-_ was your trip? -It was excit

11、ing.A.What B. Where C. How D. When( )38.There are _ cows on the farm. A. a quite lot of B. quite a lot C . quite a lot of D. a quite lot( ) 39. Mrs. Smith eats _beef, so she is _ heavy.A. too much; much too B. much too; too much C. too much; too much D. much too; much too ( )40. The show wasnt _. I

12、wasnt _in it at all. A. interesting; interested B. interesting; interesting C. interested; interested D. interested; interesting三、完形填空。(每题1分,共10分)Mike is five years old now. His father works at the airport and his mother is a _41_ . The boy is too young to go to school. His mother _42_ him to read a

13、nd write. Sometimes he draws something on the paper, but _43_ can understand what he draws.One day, after a school year was over, Mikes mother decided to have a holiday in _44_ with his husband and son. Mr. Scott, a workmate of Mikes fathers saw them off at the _45 . The man played with the boy and

14、bought some fruit for him. Mike thanked him and said _46 to him before he took the plane.Mike and his parents _47_ some places of interest and the boy saw some strange animals. They _48_ themselves in Paris. And soon the holiday _49_ ,and they had to go back to Canada. Mr. Scott met them at the air

15、port, They were happy to see each other again. But Mike was _50_ and called out, ”Oh, dear, Uncle Scott! Are you still waiting for your plane?”( ) B. worker C. teacher D. farmer( )42.A.tells B. teaches C. wants D. asks( )43.A.someone B. anyone C. no one D. everyone( )44.A.France B. Americ

16、a C. Australia D. Japan( )45.A.airport B. station C. stop D. school( )46.A.hello B. sorry C. thanks D. goodbye( )47.A.missed B. went C. watched D. visited( )48.A.liked B. enjoyed C. went on D. followed( )49.A.ended B. began C. black straight D. black short( )50.A.angry B. happy C. surprised D. lucky

17、四、阅读理解。(每题1分,共20分) A An artist went to a beautiful part of the country for vacation, and stayed on a farm. Every day he painted from morning to evening. The he went back to the farm and had a good dinner with the kind farmer.At the end of his vacation, he wanted to pay(付钱给) the farmer, but the farme

18、r said, “No, I dont want money. Please give me one of your pictures. What is money? In a week, it will be all over, but your picture will still(仍然) be here.”The artist was very happy and thanked the farmer form saying such kind things about his pictures.The farmer smiled and said, “ Its not like tha

19、t. I have a son in London. He wants to be an artist. When he comes here next month, I will show him your picture. And then he will not(将不再) want to be an artist any more, I think.”判断正(T)误(F)( )51. The artist went to London for vacation.( )52. The farmer was kind to the artist.( )53. The artist gave

20、100 dollars to the farmer.( )54. The artist drew very well.( )55. The farmer didnt want his son to be an artist.B We had a terrible school trip last weekend. Some students were late. We wanted to take the school bus to the zoo, but it didnt come. So our teacher took us to take the subway.(地铁) It too

21、k us about an hour. When we arrived at the zoo, it was eleven oclock. We wanted to see dolphins(海豚), but there werent any. There were some really smart seals(海豹),but we didnt see the show because we arrived too late. We left our camera at school, so we didnt take any photos. Then it started(开始) to r

22、ain. So we went for lunch. My friends had some bread. But I didnt have any , because I dont like it. I wanted hamburgers but there werent any in the shop. We didnt see many animals because of the rain. In the end we went back to school. I didnt enjoy my school trip at all.( )56. Why did the students

23、 take the subway? A. Because the weather was terrible. B. Because the school bus didnt come. C. Because there were too many students. D. Because many cars were on the road. ( )57. What animal show were there at the zoo? A. Dolphin shows. B. Seal shows. C. Giraffe shows . D. Panda shows. ( )58. The u

24、nderlined word ”camera” means_ in Chinese. A. 播放器 B. 笔记本 C. 照相机 D. 录音机( )59. How was the weather? A. Sunny. B. Cloudy. C. Rainy. D. Windy. ( )60. What did the writer think of the trip? A. Terrible. B. Excellent. C. Exciting. D. Fun. C. My friend has a big police dog named Kim. Police dog are often v

25、ery smart. Every Sunday afternoon my friend takes Kim for a long walk in the park. Kim likes walking very much. One Sunday afternoon a man visited my friend. He talked to my friend for a long time. They talked and talked. Soon it was time for my friend to take Kim for his walk, but the man still sta

26、yed. Kim became very worried about his walk in the park. He walked around the living-room sometimes and at last sat down in front of the man and looked at him. But the man went on talking.(继续侃侃而谈). After thirty minutes, Kim couldnt stand it. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later.

27、 He sat down in front of the man again but this time he held( 叼走) the mans hat in his mouth.( )61. The story is about _. A. dogs B. cats C. people D. a police dog ( )62. Whats the dog like? A. Smart B. Dangerous C. Big D. Easygoing(脾气温顺的)( )63. Where do they go for a walk? A. Outside the house. B. B

28、ehind the park. C. In the park. D. In the living room.( )64. When do they go for a walk? A. On Mondays. B. On Saturdays. C. On weekends. D. Every Sunday afternoon. ( )65. Which of the following is true? A. The man knew Kim wanted to go out for a walk. B. Kim doesnt like walking with my friend. C. Th

29、e man thought Kim was dangerous. D. Kim sat down in front of the man because he asked him to leave.D.Donna: I studied all the weekend. I studied for a math test all day on Saturday. On Sunday morning, I did my history homework. In the evening , I talked to my friends on the phone. Glen: I had a grea

30、t weekend. I visited some of my friends. On Saturday night, I went out to a party. On Sunday night, I went out to the park. We really had a good time.Judy: I had a boring weekend. On Saturday, I cleaned the house and washed the clothes. On Sunday, I painted my bedroom. It was really a tiring(累人的) we

31、ekend.Alan: Last weekend , I stayed at home. I watched old videos on Saturday. And on Sunday I saw an old movie. It was an interesting weekend.( )66.Donna talked to his friends on the phone on _. A. Saturday morning. B. Saturday evening. C. Sunday morning. D. Sunday evening( )67.Judy had a _ weekend.A.great B. bori

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