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1、南开大学18秋学期1703外贸函电在线作业1【奥鹏】南开大学18秋学期(1703)外贸函电在线作业试卷总分:100 得分:100第1题,()party shall notify the other party of the ratification by their respective authorities .A、eachB、oneC、eitherD、a第2题,We will do our best to()shipment to meet your requirements in timeA、complyB、makeC、expediteD、arrange第3题,We are making

2、 you our quotation for shoes()A、as followsB、as followingC、as followD、following第4题,Please effect payment when the draft ( ) .A、expiresB、dueC、falls dueD、falls expiration第5题,()you wish to know why we have placed no further orders with you recently, we are willing to raise a matter that caused us some t

3、rouble .A、sinceB、thoughC、asD、although第6题,Our advice of despatch was mailed to you three days ago and you no doubt()it by now.A、will receiveB、have had receivedC、receivedD、have had received第7题,A check of the()revealed shortage of fifty shirts .A、packageB、contentC、packagesD、contents第8题,Please see to it

4、 that the goods we ordered are shipped as soon as the covering letter of credit ( )you.A、getsB、comesC、arrivesD、reaches第9题,Fifty cases of Green Tea you sent us were found to be badly damaged. This was apparently attributable to ( )packing.A、inferiorB、superiorC、faultyD、mistake第10题,Generally we cover i

5、nsurance ( )definite instructions from our clients.A、in absence ofB、in the absence ofC、in no absence ofD、in all absence of第11题,Any loss or damage noticed when the goods are delivered must be reported to the()at the time, otherwise he will not be liable for it.A、carrierB、shipperC、consignorD、consignee

6、第12题,We will instruct our bank to issue an L/C( ) favor of your company.A、OnB、ForC、WithD、In第13题,There has been a nation-wide shortage of building materials ,()which the trade is only just recovering .A、forB、onC、atD、from第14题,We think we can promise that the building will be ready()the end of August .

7、A、byB、forC、toD、towards第15题,While ( ) an enquiry, you ought to enquire into quality, specification and price etc.A、givingB、offeringC、sendingD、making第16题,As it()only a small quantity, we hope you will have no difficulty in settling this matter.A、has involvedB、involvedC、involvesD、may have involved第17题,

8、Regarding insurance, the coverage is for 110% of invoice().A、worthB、valueC、priceD、cost第18题,We very much regret that we fail to complete the work() the agreed contract time .A、withinB、atC、inD、for第19题,We thank you for your letter of May 27 and the()illustrated catalogue.A、sentB、enclosedC、givenD、presen

9、ted第20题,()our general agent ,you would also have to look after the advertising .A、beingB、forC、asD、to be第21题,We contacted our customers and they showed great interest because there is a growing().A、supplyB、demandC、desireD、want第22题,Your terms of payment are ( )to us.A、agreeB、agreedC、agreementD、agreeab

10、le第23题,The bank who opens the L/C is called ( ) .A、issuing bankB、notifying bankC、establishing bankD、paying bank第24题,Your full cooperation in this respect will be highly().A、appreciatingB、appreciatedC、thankingD、thanked第25题,We hope that you will entrust us with more orders when you are again().A、in th

11、e marketB、on the marketC、out of the marketD、at the market.第26题,The users are in urgent()of the machine contracted.A、needB、wantC、desireD、supply第27题,This agreement is applicable to transactions in()direction between the two parties .A、bothB、twoC、eitherD、one第28题,Insurance is to be()by the buyer if a tr

12、ansaction is concluded on FOB or CFR basis.A、takenB、coveredC、doneD、made第29题,A mail notation should be included in which of the following cases()A、the exact address is unknownB、the sender has something exciting mentioned in the letterC、the letter is confidential and only readable to someone intendedD

13、、none of the above第30题,Our company has wide experience ( ) the textiles line.A、onB、IinC、aboutD、of第31题,()is attached to contract, indicating that both parties agree on the correcting of certain points of contracts.A、OrderB、L/CC、S/CD、Memo第32题,It is beyond question ()we can get the necessary import lic

14、ense from our authorities.A、whichB、thatC、whenD、where第33题,The introduction of containers in transport greatly() carriage of goods .A、facilitateB、speedsC、facilitatesD、economizes第34题,Will you please()to take out All Risks insurance for us on the following consignment?A、helpB、arrangeC、coverD、insure第35题,

15、Packing charges()in the price, and we can make delivery whenever you wish.A、in includedB、are includedC、includeD、included第36题,()on our past experience , we suggest establishing a branch office in that city .A、basingB、basedC、relyingD、rely第37题,We assure you that you will find a ready sale()this type of

16、 new product.A、toB、forC、onD、in第38题,As it involves only a small ( ), we hope you will have no difficulty on promotion.A、qualityB、figureC、quantityD、number第39题,We think your price is offered()high level.A、on theB、at aC、on aD、at the第40题,The inside address contains all of the following information, excep

17、t()A、company nameB、the date of typing of the messageC、the name of the city and the countryD、the name of the state第41题,Confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit payable by draft at sight 代表保兑、可撤销的、即汇票支付的信用证。A、错误B、正确第42题,We note from your letter of September 10th that you are interested in walnut meat.A

18、、错误B、正确第43题,Please make sure that the stipulations in the L/C are in exact accordance with the terms of the Sales Contract.A、错误B、正确第44题,Owing unusual shortage of stock, this offer is made, subject to the goods being unsold.A、错误B、正确第45题,can you offer us machine tools with the follow specification?A、错

19、误B、正确第46题,Dear Sirs 对应的结束语是Faithfully yours。A、错误B、正确第47题,Quotation 的含义单纯是指某一商品的单价。A、错误B、正确第48题,We are glad that in the past few years,by joint efforts,have been greatly promoted both business and friendship.A、错误B、正确第49题,We shall certainly contact you, as soon we are in a position to entertain new business in your district.A、错误B、正确第50题,We are glad to enter into business relations with you.A、错误B、正确

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