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1、高一英语阅读理解专讲专练含答案及解析二高一英语阅读理解专讲专练含答案及解析二高一英语阅读理解专讲专练含答案及解析二 略读 略读(skimming)是利用较短的时间粗略地阅读全文的阅读策略,其主要目的是迅速抓住文章的主旨大意或作者的写作意图。这是一种高效的、有选择性的、有针对性的阅读技巧。掌握略读这一技巧的关键就在于学会在阅读过程中区别文章的重要部分和非重要部分,全局部分和枝节部分。一些次要信息要大胆略去不读,迅速找出,即找出概括全段大意的句子。 在运用这一方法阅读文章时,要特别注意:文章的标题;文章的首句或引导性段落;文章尾部的结论性词语;反映段落中心思想的主题句。如果我们找到了每段的主题句,

2、再将这些主题句集中在一起,就差不多能够把握住全文的中心内容了。 Passage A 阅读理解 What do youBle and American people? You migaare no dbetwlwo couAfter allak the same language, dont they? But if you ask a Ban Americadare quite great. What do BlAmericans are like? The BAmericans are very strange. They make a land they laugh too loudly.

3、 They aandlabouBut the British do say that Americans are kind, friendly people. They are halp you if you auble. What do AmericaBritish? WellBritish are cold and very unfriendly. They ad in suaking lTBritabest couworld. They look down uuBut Americans say that the British are quite good wThey are brav

4、e andAndublace difficulties happilu caadeas can cause misunderstanding betwBritish and Americans. But when American and Ble bdusually find things are not as bad axpected. 根据文章内容,选择正确答案:What do youdbetween British and American people? A. Their dare very small. B. The dare very greaThere are no dbetwD

5、lare, bule don?2. What do the BAmericans are like? A. They are strange but friendly.B. They aThey abut unfriendly.D. They are haublThe American and Ble usually get along quite well _. A. when misunderstanding is caused betwBbdagD. wlp ea难句注释 But the British do say that Americans are kind, friendly p

6、eopl但是英国人的确认为美国人是可亲的、友善的。do 在句中是为了表示强调。 Total words:208 Reading time:_ Reading speed:_ You caadeas can cause misunderstanding betwBritish and America你会发现这些想法可能会在英国人和美国人之间引起误解。 Passage B 阅读理解British and American people lvds for a meal aBut you should not be upset (难受的) if your Englds dont invite you

7、home. It doesnt mean they dont like you! Dinner parties usually start between 7 andand end at about 11. Ask youwhau should arrive. Its polite to bring flowlates or a bottle of wine as a gUsually the evening starts with drinks and snacks(小吃). Do you want to blite? Say how much you luwall. But remembe

8、rit?lite to ask how much thingIn many familusband sits adable and the wad. They eat wguull probably staal with soug smallull have meawith vegetables, and then dllowed bIts polverything on your plate and to tau want it. Did youvening? Call youxt day, or waank?you letter. British and American people l

9、ay “ Thank you, thank you, thank you.”all! 根据文章内容,选择正确答案:If you are going to attend a dinner party,_A. youshould bring a certawith you B. you must leavau should ask your host when you should leave D. you must arrive at it b2. In which order will you eat or dllowing things aal? A. Snacks, vegetables,

10、 meat andBduvegetables and dup, meat with vegetables, dessert andD. Dug small, fish and vegetablWway in which you exuvening? A. Before leavingu should say, “Thank you for inviting me.” B. When you shake hands with youu should say, “I didvening.”u can write a thank?you lur host after thaD. You should

11、verything on your plate and tau wa难句注释 Usually the evening starts with drinks and sna通常晚宴都是以一些饮料和小吃开始的。 Total words:2Reading time:_ Reading speed: _ It?s polverything on your plate and to tau wa礼貌的做法是吃完你盘里的所有食物,如果还想吃的话再添一些。 句首的it是形式主语。 Passag阅读理解 If you ale, “How did you learn English so well?” you

12、may get a surprising answer: “In my sleep!” These are people who have taken pax(实验)learn?while?you?sld (方法), ww being tried in several couand with several subglish is amongay thaleep?study method greatly speeds language learning. They say thadinaan learn twas much during sleep aad during the dayand

13、this daffect (影响)any way. However, sleep?teaching will only puur head what you have studied already while you are awake. In one exlessons were broadcast ovadwo weeks. Each lesson lasted twelve hours a.m. Tuglish grammar and vocabulary (词汇) were given wudents awake. Aa lullaby (催眠曲) was broadcad the

14、studleep andxuadio in a soft and low voice broadcast the lesson agaleeping ears. At 2 a.m. a shawavadio to waleeping student up for a few minutes to go over the lesson. Tubaagain while the radio went on. At 5 o?clleep ended and he had to go through the lesson agaurs before breakfa根据文章内容,选择正确答案:By th

15、e learn?while?you?sld, one_A. starts to learn a new llB. learns how to sleep badber his llD. can ladio broadcast while lying in bed 2. In the exlessons were given_AgB. after lullabies were broadcawhiludent was awaD. all through the twelve houBefore each ludent has to_A. get up and take breakfaB. be

16、woken up by a loud vllesson again in slD. review (复习) the lesson by himselThe sleep?study method is being tried in many couach_Aglish language B. grammar and vocabulaa number of subD. foreign languag难句注释 However, sleep?teaching will only puur head what you have studied already while you are awake. 然

17、而,睡眠教学法只会使你记住清醒时已学过的东西。 Total words:260 Reading time:_ Reading speed: _ Tubaagain while the radio w轻音乐又一次使他入眠而收音机在继续播放。 Passage D 完形填空 Many people who work in London want to live outside it and to gals every day by train, car or bus, even thougave to get up earlg and reach 2 lavening.benefit (好处) of

18、 living outside Londat houses aven a small flat (公寓) in London without a gardquite a lot 4 . Waan get a little houuntry with a gardwn. Tuan band huwas to get up earlier and spendains or buan sleep 8 at night, and, during weekends and 9 summer eveninga0 clean auntry. Igardan spend ones 12 time diggin

19、g, planting, watering and doing the hundred andbs which agarden. Then, wlowers and vegetablaward (回报) of awho has sharedle, however, taugs;lwn, was and theatres, beautiful shops and budance?halls and restaurants. Such people would 17 thalife was not wad to live it outside London. A walarks and a va

20、every suall the cou20. 根据文章内容,选择正确答案:A. showsB. exansD. needs 2. A. home B. family C. flatD. houA. cleaner BbiggerD. cheaAB. to lend C. to borrowDA. himB?sDA. free B. farC. outD. abA. If B. Although C. BecauseD. AA. little B. less C. longerD. bA. on Bat D. b0. A. coldB. waD. pleasaAB. lwantsD2. A. d

21、ay BareD. wholA. made B. brought C. carriedD. neededABupDvA. work BD. natuA. health B. hawealthD. futuA. know B. feel C. understandDA. wasting B. finding C. livingD. spendingA. for BD. a20. A. hope B. wish C. askD. wa难句注释 Many people who work in London want to live outsidven thougaave to get up earl

22、g and realavening很多在伦敦市区工作的人想住郊外,尽管这意味着他们不得不早出晚归。 .doing the hundred andbs which are neededgard做花园里需要干的其他许多活。 le, however, taug然而,一些人对乡下的事物却不感兴趣。 Passage A 本文讲述了英美两国人对彼此的看法。 1?B. 根据第一段最后一句可知差异是相当大的。 2?A. 第二段提出英国人认为美国人是奇怪而友好的。 3?B. 依据是全文最后一句话。 Passage B 本文主要介绍了应邀参加英美人举办的家庭晚宴需注意的一些礼节。A. 由第二段“It?s poli

23、te to a gift.”得知。 2. C. 按第三、五两段中提出的进餐顺序可选出答案。四个选项中只有C符合文末提出的感谢宴请的方式。 Passag本文介绍了一种通过睡眠来学习外语的新方法。据第三段最后一句可知。 2. A. 据第四段可知,收音机授课是从晚上八点到早晨八点。据第四段第四句 “adio.broadcast the lesson agaleeping ears” 可推知。据第二段可知这种方法正在好几门功课中进行尝试。 Passage D 许多人乐意住在伦敦的郊区。本文对比了住在市中心和郊区的一些利弊。住在郊外就意味着早晨早起去上班。 2. A. 到家用reach

24、 home, 其他词需用the。D. 从下文看,郊外的房屋便宜。D. 房子不是借而是租用。与句子主语一致,of one?s own 意为“属于自己的”。B. 意为“远离”。B. 根据下文应是转折让步关系。D. 从上文“.faand huwn.” 可看出,睡得好。A. 具体哪一天的上午、下午、晚上,要用on。 10. C. 乡下的空气清新、无污染。B. 喜欢花园才会有下文的种花。 12. C. spare time意为“空闲时间”。D. 前面列举的“.diggingundred andbs.”都是花园里所需要干的活。up意为“长出来”。D. 在花园中养花、种花,涉及的是大自然的奥秘。B. 在城市

25、中才有快乐。l意为“在于”。B. 此处强调的是“感受”。be worth doing 意为“值得做”。live a.life意为“过着的生活”。B. a vlace意为“ 去某地游览”。 20. D. 不可以说hope, wish 或a。Usually the evening starts with drinks and snacks. 通常晚宴都是以饮料和小吃开始的。(Line 7, Passage B) “以开始”可用start with. 或begin w表达;“以结束”可用end (up) with. 或close w表达。如:At the dinner we usually begi

26、n with soup and end up with fruit. 在宴会上,开始的一道菜通常是汤,最后的一道是水果。 In a word, the long March ended (up) with vus and defea总而言之,长征以我们的胜利,敌人的失败而告终。 2. Waan get a little houuntry with a gards own. 用同样的钱,一个人可以在乡下买到一幢有属于自己的花园的小屋子。(Line 5, Passage D)s own 意为“属于自己的”。He?d like a cawn. 他想有辆属于自己的汽车。on ones own 意为“独自地;单独地”。She livwn. 她独自过日子。with ones own eyes 意为“亲眼”。I saw it ww那是我亲眼所见。on ones own time 意为“用自己的课余时间”。 If you want to play football, you?ll have to dur ow如果你想踢足球,你只能用课余时间去踢。

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