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1、高三英语重点词汇复习高三英语重点词汇复习U3 重点词汇讲解destroy (destroyed, destroyed) v. 破坏 注意该词与ruin, damage 等词的区别: destroy: 多指彻底地、毁灭性地破坏,含导致无用,不能或很难再修复的意味。 ruin: 多指因外部原因而受到严重破坏或毁灭,侧重破坏的彻底性;也可用于引申意义, 如 ruin ones future, ruin ones career。该词做名词时,注意下列搭配:fall into ruin (崩溃),be in ruins (在废墟中) damage: 多指对无生命物体的损害,造成降低价值、破坏功能等后果,

2、 但仍可修复。可用作名词,常用词组do/cause damage to。 例如: (1)The building was completely destroyed b大火完全毁掉了这幢大楼。 (2)The repairman tried to repaar which was damaged in an accid修理工试图修复在事故中被损坏的车子。 (3)The earthquake did a lot of damag地震对城市造成了巨大的损失。 (4)It rained for 3 days, which ruined my holiday. 雨下了三天,把我的假期毁掉了 2. rema

3、(1)n. 剩余物dadat. 她用剩余的饭菜喂猫。 同时,该词还能表示“遗址”和“遗体”。例如: The archeologist discoveredains of an aulture. 考古学家发现了一处古文明遗址。 His remains were buried in W他的遗体被安放在威斯敏斯特大教堂。 应注意该词为复数形式,类似的词还有:ruins (废墟,遗址),goods (货物) ,(财富),arms (武器),fireworks (烟火), wages(工资),sweets(糖果),crossroads(十字路口)等。 (2)vi. 遗留、继续存在 Few village

4、s remained alood.洪水过后,几乎没有村庄剩下。 Avery little remainedle. 火灾过后,寺庙所剩无几。ain 为系动词,后接名词、形容词、分词、介词短语等。 He remained the leader al选举过后,他仍是领导。 The place remains warm all winter. 这个地方整个冬天都很温暖。 He remained sittinglassroom axamination. 考试后,他仍然坐在教室里。 也可表示留待以后去看、去做、去说等。 Much remains to be done.还有很多事要做。 It remains

5、 to be seen wdg该决定正确与否有待将来见分晓。 3cond(1)该词为不可数名词时,意思为“状况,状态”。如: be in good/dition 处于好的/坏的状态 be oudition 健康/状况不好 辨析:state 、condition、situaate指“人或物存在或所处的某一种状态”,必须与a连用。试比较: 在冬天恶劣的天气下,路况很差。 The roads are in a terrible state avere winter weaThe roads able condition avere winter weauation: 境况;情势;情景 Iant fo

6、r us to use a word or phrase accordingualanguage studies. 在语言学习中,我们应根据情境使用单词或词组。 He was in a dangerous situation. 他处于危险的形势中。 (2)该词为可数名词时,意思为“条件”。如: Ability andare conduccess. 才能和努力是成功的条件。 (3)当该词为复数形式时,指(居住、工作或做事情的)环境、境况、条件。如: living/housing/working conditions 生活/住房/工作条件 He was brought in /under diff

7、icult cond他是在极其困难的情况下被养大的。 词组搭配: (1)on condat 在条件下(=only if/ so long as) They agreed to lend udat we pay it back w他们同意借钱给我们,只要我们一个月内还。 (2)on /unddition 无论如何都不,决不 (ase/bans) Unddition can we break the law. 我们决不能触犯法律。 4d (1)adj.意思为“忧虑的,担心的”,常与介词about、for搭配使用。如:d pald a meeting abouldrens educa忧心忡忡的家长们

8、就孩子们的教育问题开了会。 Td aboulds health. 母亲很担忧她小孩的健康。 (2)用作动词,表示“影响、涉及;关于;使担忧;感兴趣”。 常用结构:bd with “关于”; as /so far as d “就而言 ;lf with/about sth.“忙于,关心”。例如: The bdiscovery of a lost civilization. 这本书与发现失落的文明有关。 This noveld wg这本小说与能源危机有关。 As far as I ad, I share the viewd grou就我而言,我同意第二种人的观点。 He nevlf with hou

9、sework. 他从来都不做家务。 (3)也可用做名词,意为“担忧,关心的事,重要的事”。如: We have to pay aublabout corru我们不得不注意到公众对于腐败现象的关注。 Tdent expressed总统表达了他对此次经济危机的关注。 (4)g 为介词,“关于、涉及”(=regarding)。如: All bg the Iwere sold out. 所有关于网络的书都卖光了。 5(1) vi. 意思为“下沉, 下降”。过去式、过去动词为sank, sunk。例如: Taban. 船沉到大洋底部。aarmchair. 她陷在单座沙发里。 The sun wagwes

10、t. 太阳西坠。art sank when I heardble news. 当我听到这个可怕的消息时,心里陡然一沉。 (2)n. 指(厨房里的)洗涤池,洗碗槽。 Dont just leave your dirty plated别把脏盘子往洗碗池里一放就了事。 6influ(1)vt. “影响”。例如: Can the plaluence human character, as astrologers claim? 行星能象占星家所宣称那样对人的性格有所影响吗? 注意与affect的区别:luence指在人们的思想、行为等方面产生间接的、潜移默化的影响。如: Probably we infl

11、uenced ea也许我们影响了彼此。 affect的影响则比较直接,常指对他人情感上的影响,有时也表示“对产生不利影响”。如: Tble news didnt aat all. 这个可怕的消息并没有影响她。 Tas seriously affected German exports. 经济危机已严重影响了德国的出口。 (2)Tas an influanimal behavior. 月亮能够影响动物的行为。 注意下列搭配: exercise / have an influence (effect) on/over 对 有影响力 undlub. / under ones influence 在某

12、人的影响下decla(1) vt.“宣布、宣告、声明”,后接名词或从句。 The next day, US President Franklin Roosevelt declared war against Japan. 第二天,罗斯福总统宣布对日作战。 Tgovdeclared a ban on plastic bags. 中国政府宣布禁止使用塑料带。 The suspect declared that he wa该嫌疑犯声称自己是清白的。 (2)也可接复合宾语结构,宾语补足语可由形容词、不定式、分词等充当。如: The suspect declared himsel该嫌疑犯声称自己是清白的

13、。 They declaredbe true. 他们声称他们的故事是真的。 The teacher declared老师宣布迈克被选上了。 (3)注意declare和announce的区别 declare : 用于正式场合,指“正式宣布”,“郑重宣布”。 announce:用于普通场合,指“宣布”,“使公开”,“在无线电、电视上主持介绍”。 They announcedgagamily. 他们向家里宣布订婚。 The captain announced that the plane would ta机长宣布飞机即将起飞。 8buvt.“埋葬”。 The workers were buried

14、alive warthquake happened. 地震爆发时,工人被活埋了。buried her faands and wept. 她掩面而哭。 be buried in/ bulf in 埋头于,专心致志于,类似意义有 be lbe absorbed in 等。 He buried himselbooks. 他埋头读书。drive (drove, driven) vt. 迫使某人(生气、发疯等) It drives me angawall alongdrive sb. to do sth.驱使或迫使某人做某事 The greedy boss drove the wwork all nig

15、ht long.贪婪的老板驱使工人整晚都工作。 迫使某物移动或进入某位置;打、敲、戳等 To mend a bair, he drove a nail into wood. 为了修椅子,他把钉子敲进木头里。 10. feed (fed, fed) vt. 为提供食物;养活 He has a large famild. 他有一大家子要养活。db. 把 喂给 / feed sb. w用喂 你可以用这根骨头来喂狗。u can feed this bdogu can feed the dog wbd on 以为主食 The cow feeds on hay. 奶牛以草为主食。ake over (1)接

16、管,接收,接任 (tavb.) He exake over the business wa他希望他父亲退休时,由他接管生意。 比较:He exat his father will hand over the bu他希望父亲能把企业传给他掌管。 Would you lake over the driving for a while? 你愿意让我接替你开会车吗? (2) 拓展: take in 吸收,欺骗 Dont be taken in bver real不要被他的承诺欺骗,他从来都不兑现。 Tdrivuntryside to taa他们经常开车到乡村吸收新鲜空气。 take on 雇佣,呈现,

17、承担a has taken on a new l自改革以来,中国呈现出新的面貌。 I feel honored to tale as a volunteer. 能担任志愿者的工作,我感到很荣幸。 The supermaxtra workers during vacations. 超市在节假日雇佣更多的工人。 take off 起飞,脱下(衣帽),事业腾飞 His career has taggold medal. 自他得到第一块金牌后,他的事业就开始腾飞了。 take up 占据,从事,开始 Agrandfaup photography as a hobb退休后,我爷爷喜欢上了摄影。 The

18、huge bed took up hals spa床占了房间一半的空间。 take down 记下,取下 The studdown whaacher said in class. 学生们记下了老师所说的话。 take back 收回(所说的话),退回(某物) If you refuse to take back what you said, I will never forgive you. 如果你不收回你所说的话,我定不原谅你。 take after 相像 In lakes aather. 他在相貌上和他父亲长得很像。 12.carry out 实施 He failed to carry o

19、u他未能实现他的承诺。a dached, it must be firmly carried ou决定一旦做出,就应被坚决实施。 Our manager must be halan carried ou看到这个项目可以实施,经理一定会很开心的。 拓展: carry on 进行 They carry on a conversaglish every day. 他们每天用英语进行对话。 We will carry on as arranged and they can dw我们还按我们的计划行事,他们爱使坏就随便他们吧。 carry away 使失去理智,使人迷住 He was carried a

20、way b他被感情支配失去了理智。 caugh 进行到底 His faith and courage carriedugh.他的信心和勇气让他度过了难关。 13纪念 He wrote adead wife. 他为亡妻写了一首诗,以示纪念。 归纳类似结构短语:满怀希望arch of 搜寻为了纪念d of 需要lace of 代替avor of 支持 14in use正在使用中 The old dictionalonger in use.这本老字典已经不用了。 拓展: out of use 不再使用use 使用起来 When did the word “net”use? 单词”net”什么时候开始

21、使用的? (be) of use These maps may be of great uu on you这些地图可能对你旅行很有帮助。 make use of 利用 Make full use every chance you have to pragl好好利用你拥有的每个机会练习英语Its no use doingIts no ug over split milk. = Tg over spilt mil对着打翻的牛奶哭泣是没用的。 (覆水难收) 归纳类似结构:danger 在危险中debt 负债uble 在困境中秘密地lence 悄悄地ublic公开地 15in return 作为报答(

22、常作状语) I wish I could dg for you in return. 我希望能为你做点事以示报答。uI gave her audus. 我送她礼物作为对她好心的报答。be /go on board 在船上、飞机上 Have the passengers gone on board yet? 旅客已经登机了吗? 练习 一、首字母填空完成句子 1Its hard to imagine how this quiet volcano d_ the whole city! 2. C_ envalists expressed their worry ovlluangtze Riv_b is

23、 that you agree to work abroadIachers i_ that madally take uareer as an English teaany people were b_ alive wbuilding collapsedHe threw away the r_ of a mealaTbegan to s_ wan icebergThe colonies d_dependglandVery longactory can d _ people mad0. The earthquake lwhole town in r_. 二、根据中文填空完成句子 1人们将建造一座

24、纪念碑以悼念那些在地震中遇难的人们。 A monument will be set up _ _ _ varthqua2粗心毁了他的前途。 A carelake _ _ _. 3由于还有很多工作有待完成,他没有时间休息。 With a lot of work _ _ _ _, he could spaa我们订购的所有货物都到达了, 而且状况良好。 All the goods we ordered have arrived _ _ _他因出色地完成了任务而受到表扬。 He was praised for having _ _l不要沉迷于电脑游戏,你父母在为你担心。 Dont be addicte

25、duter games. Your parents _ _ _ you. 7他们通过购买股份的方式接管了我们公司。 They _ _ our company by buying up sha主席宣布会议开始。 The chairman _g _我们给彼德一件精美的礼物,作为对他合作的回报。 We gave Peter a_ _ _a0. 为了多赚钱,他被迫做几份兼职。 He _ _ _ take several part-time jobs to ea三、选词语填空完成句子urn carry out on board bd about in use feedave an influence o

26、vdition take ovThe manager discussed the plan that they would l_ the next year. 2. When he died, his wife _ the buI helped him with housework and he gav_All passengers _ tried their bavwomaHis words _ me, which made me become aDuvere damage, the bridglonger _A sheep which _dal grass usually grows mu

27、ch faster thadinaHe cant work abecau_ her bdidnt heaat the d0. We _ your saquake-area. Please contact u四、用所给词语编写故事。 ddluence, ruins, buurn(for)board, carry ou一、首字母填空完成句子 1destroyed 2d 3. condluburied 6. remadeclared 9. drive 10. ru二、根据中文填空完成句子2. ruined his futuaining to be dgood condarried out 6. ad

28、 abouver 8. declaredu0. was driv三、选词语填空完成句子arried out 2vuboard 5. have an influence on/ ovuddBuried in 10. bd about 四、用所给词语编写故事。 “ades. Get on board!”ander ordered. “The situavery urgent. We are flyinguan Province. An earthquake happened this a” Hearingble newart sank. Wlane finally landed, we rushe

29、d oud survivors. The whole town was destroyed. “Help!” criedI rushed there and found a girl buried in rud about her safety and health, Id her. “Hold on! You will be saved.” I sparedue her. Half an hour lagirl was saved. Weak as she waledulThe disaululives of local people greatly, but I am confident that the survivors will recovandgbuild a bwn

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