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本文(广东省天河区届高考英语二轮复习语法精讲精炼情景交际3课件.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、广东省天河区届高考英语二轮复习语法精讲精炼情景交际3课件情景交际精讲精炼03 41. Thank you for picking me up in this remote area! _Im just going in the same direction AWith pleasure BNone of you business CThink nothing of it DTheres nothing in it 【答案】C【解析】考查交际用语。此处为感谢的答语,应选择C,表示“没什么;不用放在心上”:D项表示”某事不真实”,应排除。42 .-The Modern Art Exhibition

2、 in the City Museum has been cancelled. -Oh, no!_. A. Its a pity B. It doesnt matter C.I knew it already D. Its not interesting at all【考点】交际用语【答案】A【解析】分析题干语境可知,答语表示的是对于现代艺术展览活动的取消表示遗憾。因此,正确答案为A选项。43. Im terribly sorry to interrupt, but may I use your phone? Its rather urgent. Yes, . A. with pleasure

3、 B. no burry C. it doesnt matter D. of course【考点】交际用语【答案】D【解析】由前面的Yes可知,第二个人同意对方用他的电话,所以用of course。学生可能会误选为A,with pleasure意为“乐意帮忙”而这个题是说对方当然可以用他的电话,所以with pleasure在这儿不合题意。44 . Excuse me. How much is the shirt? _.A. Extra Large B. 50 each C. It sells well D. Altogether there are 5 【答案】 B 【考点】本题考查交际用语

4、。【解析】句意为“打扰一下,这衬衫多少钱?”“_。”A意为“超大号”,B意为“每件50”C意为“它很畅销”,D意为“总共有5(件)”。根据语境,故选B。45. Goodbye, John. Come back again sometime.Sure. _.A. I did B. I do C. I shall D. I will【答案】 D 【考点】本题考查交际用语。【解析】根据上句“再见,约翰。(欢迎)找个时间再来。”而选D,意为:我会的,我愿意。46.Im sorry for being late. I should have phoned you earlier. -_. Ive jus

5、t arrived. A. Thats no trouble B. You are welcome C. Thats all right D. You can never tell【答案】C 【考点】考查交际用语。【解析】A项意思是:一点也不麻烦;B项意思是:不用谢;C项意思是:好的,行;没关系;D项意思是:你永远说不清楚。所填部分是对Im sorry的应答,根据情景选C。47 . The trip shouldnt take more than an hour. _.Tt is at least two hours. A. I guess so B. Thats itC. You must

6、be joking D. It depeds【答案】C 【考点】考查交际用语。【解析】A项意思是:我想是这样;B项意思是:就是它;C项意思是:你一定在开玩笑;D项意思是:看情况。题干中前一分句意思是:旅行不该超过一小时。而应答句的后一分句意思是:至少两小时了,根据情景选C。48. -Try not to work yourself too hard. Take it easy.- Thanks. _A. So what? B. No way C. What for? D. You, too.【答案】D【解析】此处So what? 那又怎么样呢?No way没门儿;What for?为什么; Y

7、ou, too.你也是。句意:-不要让自己太累了。放松点儿。-谢谢。你也是。【考点】考查情景对话。49. -What shall we do tonight then? -_-whatever you want.A. Help yourself B. Its a deal C. No problem D. Its up to you 【答案】D【解析】此处Help yourself 你自己来;Its a deal 一言为定,成交; No problem没问题;Its up to you由你决定。句意:-我们今晚干什么呢?-由你决定。你想做什么就做什么。【考点】考查情景对话。50. -You h

8、ave to believe in yourself. No one else will, if you dont.-_. Confidence is really important.【D】A. Its not my cup of tea B. Thats not the point C. I dont think so D. I couldnt agree more51. -Can I have a day off tomorrow, Mr. Johnson?-_. I can manage without you.【D】A. Forget it B. Im afraid not C. I

9、t depends D. Of course52.-Which one of these do you want? - . Either will do .A. I dont mind B. Im sureC. No problem D. Go ahead【答案】A【解析】此处I dont mind我不介意; Im sure我确信;No problem 没问题;Go ahead继续做。句意:-你想要这些中的那一个?-我不在乎。任何一个都行。【考点】考查情景对话。53. Sorry Im late. I got stuck in traffic. _. Youre here now. Come

10、in and sit down. A. You are welcome B. Thats right C. I have no idea D. Never mind【答案】D【解析】此处you are welcome不用谢;I have no idea我不知道;thats right那是正确的; never mind不介意,没关系。句意:-对不起,我迟到了。我遇到了交通堵塞。-没关系,你现在到了。进来请坐。根据语意选D。【考点】考查交际用语。54. What are you going to do this weekend?一 . If time permits, I may go to Sh

11、anghai with my friends.A. Dont mention it B. It doesnt matter C. Forget it D. It depends【考点】交际用语征求意见或看法【答案】D【解析】根据题中的语境,特别是答语的后半部分“If time permits”,可知“看情况决定”选择故选择A项“It depends”,表示同意,其它选项不合题意。本题比较容易。55. You had better_ some time every day for sports so that you can keep yourself energetic.A. set asid

12、e B. take up C. put away D. give out【考点】考查动词短语辨析【答案】A【解析】根据后半句so that you can keep yourself energetic可知上半句应该是建议对方要多留出时间进行运动,set aside“留出,拨出” ;take up“占据,从事“;put away“收拾好”give out“发出,分发”,根据句意只能选择A项。56. Im going to San Francisco for a couple of days. . I wish I could get away for a while.A. It doesnt

13、matter B. Forget it C. I really envy you D. I cant agree more【考点】交际用语征求意见或看法【答案】C【解析】根据句意:-我要去圣弗朗西斯科几天。-真羡慕你(I really envy you)。我多么希望我也可以离开一会儿呀。与I wish相呼应,故答案C符合语境。It doesnt matter ,没有关系;forget it别提了;I cant agree more完全赞同,均不符合语境,故排除。57. Is there anything else to discuss?_. I guess.A. Not at all B. N

14、o, thats all C. Yes, Im sure D. Yea, of course【考点】交际用语征求意见或看法【答案】B【解析】根据句意:-还有其他事要讨论吗?-没有,就这么多(no, thats all),我想。故选答案B。not at all一点儿也不;yes, Im sure是的,我确定;yes, of course是的,当然,均是答非所问,不合题意,故排除。 58. Honey, the cats stuck in the tree. Can you turn off the TV and get a ladder?Oh, it jumped off. .A. Never

15、mind B. All right C. No problem D. Take care【考点】交际用语安慰【答案】A【解析】A项意为“别介意,别放在心上”,。B项意为“好吧”;C项意为“没问题”;D项意为“当心”。 句意为:亲爱的,那只猫被困在树上。你可以关电视,拿梯子?哦,它会59. -Dont worry, Mum. The doctor said it was only the flu.-_! Ill tell Dad theres nothing serious.A. What a relief B. Congratulations C. How surprising D. Im s

16、o sorry【考点】交际用语安慰【答案】A【解析】句意为:妈妈,别担心。医生说只是流感。我可以松口气了。我要告诉爸爸没有什么严重的。A项意为“可以松口气了”,符合语境。B项意为“祝贺”;C项意为“多么令人惊讶啊”;D项意为“我很抱歉”。根据句意,应选A项。60. I love the Internet. Ive come to know many friends on the Net. . Few of them would become your real friends.A. Thats for sure B. Its not the caseC. I couldnt agree mor

17、e D. Im pleased to know that【答案】B【解析】选择B是正确的。后面的句子告诉我们:应答者是持有否定态度的。A、C、D都是持肯定态度的。【考点】考查交际用语。61.May I help you? You seem to be having some problems. , thanks. I think I can manage. A. All right B. No problem C. Itall right D. Theres no way 【答案】C【解析】你说的对。但是谢谢你的好意,我自己可以解决。【考点】交际用语。62. Artistic people c

18、an be very difficult sometimes.Well, you married one. _ . A. You name it B. Ive got it C. I cant agree more D. You should know【答案】D【考点】考察情景交际【解析】句意:艺术家有时生活挺困难的。嗯,你嫁给了一个艺术家,应该是了解的。根据题意应选D。A. You name it表示全部说出来;B. Ive got it表示我明白了;C. I cant agree more表示我完全同意。63. We could invite John and Barbara to the

19、 Friday night party. Yes, _ ? Ill give them a call right now. A. why not B. what for C. why D. what【答案】A【考点】考察情景交际。句意:我们邀请约翰和芭芭拉来参加周五的派对好么?好啊,我现在就给他们打电话。从题意可知,说话人B同意了A的观点,why not为什么不,表赞成,故选A。【解析】64. Did you forget about my birthday? _ Ive booked a table at Michels restaurant for this evening. A. Wha

20、t then? B. Im afraid so. C. How could I? D. For sure.【答案】C【考点】考查交际用语。【解析】根据”Ive booked a table at Michels restaurant for this evening.”可知,答话人并没有忘记对方的生日,因此选择C,How could I?表示“我怎么能忘呢?”。What then?“那便会怎么样呢?”,Im afraid so.“恐怕是这样。”,For sure.“肯定;确定。”,均不符合语境。65. So you gave her your phone?_she said shed retu

21、rn it to me when she could afford her own. A. My pleasure B. Not exactly C. No doubt D. All right【答案】B【考点】考查交际用语。【解析】句意:“所以你把你的手机给她了?”“事实上不是,她说她自己能买得起的时候就把它还给我。“Not exactly表示”不完全如此“。My pleasure”不客气”,为道谢的答语;No doubt“毫无疑问”;Allright“行,好”,均不符合语境。66. Im sorry I broken the vase. Oh, _. It wasnt very expen

22、sive. A. youd better not B. Im afraid not C. as you wish D. thats all right【答案】D【考点】考查交际用语。【解析】句意:对不起,我打碎了花瓶。-哦,没关系,它不很贵。根据句子情境上下文,用来回答sorry.其他选项不符合英语表达习惯A.“你最好别那样做”。B“我恐怕不是这样”C“正如你期待的”67. Are you going to Toms birthday party? _.I might have to work. A. It depends B. Thank you C. Sound great D. Dont

23、 mention it【答案】A【考点】此题为考查交际用语。【解析】句意“-你要去参加汤姆的生日聚会吗?-看情况而定。我可能得工作。”根据回答的后半句推测句意选A.C为“听起来不错”,用于接受某人的提议 D为“不用提了”用于回答别人说“thank you”.68. - We need three single rooms for the first week in June.- _. The hotels not busy then. A. No problem B. Dont bother C. Never mind D. It doesnt matter【答案】A【考点】考察情景交际【解析

24、】No problem没问题。Dont bother.别打扰。Never mind.没关系。It doesnt matter.没关系前句问我是否可以预定六月第一周的房间吗?从后一句答语没问题,宾馆在之后是不忙的。所以前一句答语应该是肯定的并且语气十分肯定。答案:A69. You could always put the decisions off a little bit longer. _ If I leave it much longer I might miss my chance. A. Thats reasonable advice. B. Isnt it a good idea?

25、C. Do you think so? D. I cant agree more.【答案】C【考点】考查交际用语。【解析】根据后面的句子If I leave it much longer I might miss my chance.可判断,第二个人并不赞同第一个人的说法,因此反问“你这样认为吗”。其他三项均表示赞同对方的说法或建议。70. Oh, you sounded just like a native. _, I still have trouble expressing myself.A. Well, not quite B.I dont care C. Yes, youre rig

26、ht D. Im glad you like it【答案】A【考点】考查情境交际。【解析】句意为:“哦,听起来你说地就像说母语的人一样。”“那里啊,我要表达自己的看法仍然有些困难”。A项为“并非完全”;B项为“我不介意”;C项为“你说的对”;D项为“你能喜欢我很高兴”。根据句意选择A项。71. You can have a pet dog, but suppose you get bored with it in a few days? _?We wont, we promise!A. Then what B. All right C. How come D. So what【答案】C【考点】

27、考查情境交际。【解析】句意为:“你可以养只宠物狗,但是假如过了几天你厌烦了呢?下一步会怎么样呢?”“我们保证不会厌烦的。”A项为“下一步会怎样?下一步怎么办?”;B项为“好吧”,表示赞同别人的建议;C项为“怎么会呢?”,表示惊讶;D项为“那又怎样?”,表示对某事不关心或认为某事不重要。根据句意选择A项。72. We got here Tuesday afternoon. _Why didnt you call us earlier? A. Good luck! B. You did? C. Its no surprise. D. You are welcome【答案】B【考点】考查情境交际。【

28、解析】句意为:“我们是星期二下午到达这里的。”“是吗?那为什么不早点给我们打电话?”A项为“祝你好运!”,用于事前的祝愿;B项为“是吗?”,是对对方回答的惊讶;C项为“毫不惊奇”;D项为“不用谢!别客气!”,在美国英语中用于道谢的答语。根据下句话Why didnt you call us earlier?选择B项。73. Linda didnt invite us to the party._? I dont care. A. For what B. So what C. Whats on D. Whats up【答案】B【考点】考查交际用语。【解析】根据后面的句子I dont care.可判

29、断,此处表示“那又怎么样”,表示满不在乎或无所谓的态度。A项表示“为了什么”,C项表示“在展览什么”;D项表示”怎么了,发生什么啦”。74. Im sorry I didnt make it to your party last night._, I know youre busy these days.A. Of course B. No kidding C. Thats all night D. Dont mention it【答案】C【考点】本题考查交际用语。【解析】句意为:对不起,我昨天没到你的party那去,没关系,我知道你忙。选C。75. Can I come and have a

30、 look at your new house? Yes, _! A. with pleasure B. I like it C. I quite agree D. by all means【答案】D【考点】考查交际用语。【解析】句意为:我可以看到您的新房子吗?随时可以。选D。76. I dont think Ill be able to go mountain-climbing tomorrow. _? A. And how B. How come C. Hows it going D. How about it【答案】B【考点】考查交际用语。【解析】句意为:我明天可能不会去爬山。为什么?A. And how对,正确,当然啦。B. How come为什么,怎么会。77.

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