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1、最新综英考试参考重点(梁泽健版)Uinit 1 blast 吹起,劲吹;炸掉,爆炸boundary 边界,分界线budget 预算combine 使结合,使联合 device 设备,装置digest 文摘,摘要economic 经济的,经济学的generate 形成,产生haul (用卡车、马车等)搬运illustrate 加插图于,举例说明improvement 改进,改善indoor 室内的insurance 保险,保险费invest 投资involve 使参加;使陷入;包含,牵涉lower 降低minor 较少的,较小的,较次要的profit n 得益,收益,利润 v 获利,得益,有益于

2、persue 努力去获得(或完成),追求requirement 要求,必备条件resist 抵制scale 规模stack 将堆起来,一堆supplement vt 补充,增补suspect 相信,怀疑temptation 诱惑(物)wicked 邪恶的,坏的aside from 除了;除了以外at that point 就在那时cut back 减少,削减dine out 外出吃饭get by 通过,过得去,过活;获得认可get through 通过,度过just about 几乎on a small/large scale 大(小)规模的on balance 总的来说 unit2aboli

3、sh 废除(法律、习俗等)alongside 在的旁边,沿着的边bid 吩咐,告诉 bid bade biddenauthorize 批准,委托capture 抓捕,捕获compel 强迫,强求confident 有信心的,确信的conviction 坚定的看法或信仰decade 十年disguise 打扮,伪装forge (靠艰苦的工作)建立historic 有历史意义的,历史上著名的impose 把强加于mission 特殊使命,任务motivate 使产生动机,激起racial 种族的religious 宗教的,虔诚的settlement 新拓居地shelter 给庇护所;保护;遮蔽,庇

4、护;遮蔽物,庇护物site 地方,位置,遗址slender 苗条的,细长的spot 看出,辨认;发现terminal (铁路、公共汽车等的)终点;(计算机系统的)终端机threat 恐吓,威胁web 网络,网状物as for 至于at risk 有危险,冒风险be intent on 热衷于,坚持要做close in(on/around) 接近,保卫in the eyes of 在某人看来make the best of 充分利用on the side 作为兼职地,秘密地pass for 被看做,被当做stand up (for)支持unit 3analyze 分析,解析,研究atmosphe

5、re 气氛;(包围地球的)大气barrier 障碍,妨碍chart 图表,示意图civilize 开化,使文明electronic 电子的era 纪元,时代,年代error 错误,差错,误差feature 给以显著地位,突出;由主演medium 中等的,平均的paste 用浆糊粘贴,浆糊,糊状物reflection有损声誉(或受责)的事;思考,反映rural 农村的,有乡村特点的sideways 斜着的,斜向一边的sophisticated 复杂的;精密的;世故的,老练的statistics统计,统计资料suburb 郊区threaten 威胁,恐吓;扬言要universal 全体的,共同的,

6、普遍的system 系统,体系,体制,制度urban 城市的,都市的vulnerable 易攻击的,无防御的wander 漫游,闲逛,徘徊be bathed in 沉浸于,沐浴于build in 使成为建筑物的一部分close up (尤指暂时)关闭on the latch (门)关着但没锁hook up to 连接到look back on 回顾stand for 表示,象征with/by a small/large margin 小/大幅度地without/with not so much as 甚至连都没unit 5accord 使符合于,给予amid 在之中,在之间assemble 集

7、合,装配 considerate 体贴的;考虑周到的diminish 使变小,使减少expose 使暴露,使接触gratitude 感谢,谢意immerse 使沉浸,使沉迷instance 实例,例子marvelous 不可思议的,美妙的,非凡的quote 引用,引述,举证repay 回报,偿还reverse 反转,交换的位置sincere 诚挚的,真诚的specific 明确的,具体的sprinkle 将洒在上,洒statement 声明successive 接连不断的,连续的swift 迅疾的,急速的traditional 传统的,惯例的undrgo 经过,经历unload 将(货物)卸下

8、weep 流泪,为而哭泣and the rest 等等at sea 在海上航行be exposed to 暴露于,与接触be immershed in 沉浸于bring back 回想起get to sth/doing sth 开始认真思考或做某事go about 着手做,四处走动;从事in a flash 一瞬之间in part 在某种程度上,部分的in quest of 寻求,探求in secret 秘密地in turn 轮流的long for渴望on sbs behalf 为了某人的(利益),代表某人put away 把收好,放好takefor grante 认为是理所当然turn ov

9、er 考虑,思考under way 航行中,工作中,进行中unit6acute急性的,严重的backward 倒着cling 抓紧,抱紧drearyendurefancy 幻想,幻觉;胡思乱想flutter 飘动 晃动fragile 易碎的,虚弱的joint共同的,公有的masterpiece 杰作merry 高兴的,愉快的,欢乐的mingle 翻转的,倒着放的mock 嘲弄,取笑nonsense 废话,荒唐念头,愚蠢的行为persisitent 持续的,一再发生的scarcely 几乎没有,几乎不sin 杜松子酒 琴酒stalk 可怕地蔓延或游荡于;潜行,偷偷接近subtract 减去,扣除

10、whistle 用口哨吹出,吹口哨be wet through 湿透了call to 呼唤cling to 紧紧抓住,紧紧抱住for the rest 至于其他hear of 听说,得知in a whisper 低声地in tune 和谐地look the part看上去很像 pull up 疲倦的,劳累的sit up 坐起来stand out 显著,突出to excess 过度turn loose 放手,放纵wear away 时间(流逝),磨损,磨去综英三班 范围(胡晗版)单词 短语翻译 构词 介词副词填空 四级阅读一篇 两篇短文 完形填空 句子翻译 get by be good enou

11、gh but not very good 过得去,尚可 live off the land 靠土地为生 When it comes to 至于be stuck with 遇到困难无法进行下去keep sb in sth 使某人拥有 /一段时间内不缺乏coveragainst 上险 suburban suburb 近郊的 郊区supplement with(作动词) a supplement to(作名词)persue strive to gain or accomplish 努力去获得(或完成),追求 in persuit of get through=make it through come

12、 successfully to the end 通过,度过at that point at that very moment, right then 就在那时on balance with all things considered 总的来说digest a short account of written materials or data 文摘,摘要;消化,融会贯通generate -generation bring into existence, produce 形成,产生dental relating to or for the teeth 牙的,和牙有关的apart from ex

13、cept for; in addition to 除了;除了之外(尚有)appreciably能够感觉到地,可观地 appreciate be appreciative of appreciableLower low make or become smaller in amount, degree 降低Patronize-patron go to as a customer 光顾,惠顾suspect sb of sth/that suspect believe to be true, likely or probable; feel doubt about . 相信;怀疑invove caus

14、e to take part in ; include by necessity 使参加,使陷入;包含,牵涉On a tighe budget 预算紧张 budget set aside 留出On a small/large scale 小/大规模的resist the temptation 抵制诱惑 temptation make up the difference in income 弥补收入差额 living standard/standard living 生活水准 device a piece of equipment designed to serve a special purp

15、ose 设备,装置invest commit(money or capital) in order to gain a financial or return 投资economic 经济的 ; economical 节俭的satisfied /satisfying 令人满意的,令人愉快的 ;satisfactory 尚可接受的a tolerance for solitude 耐得住寂寞 solitude the state or quality of being alone or remote from others.孤独,独居Confident -confidence feeing or s

16、howing trust in oneself or ones ability 有信心的,确信的 a slender woman in dark 一个苗条的黑衣女子 slender slim; not very wide but comparatively long or high 苗条的,细长的cabin small hut or shelter usually made of wood 小木棚,小木屋ironically-irony it seems ironic that 具有讽刺意味的是a man of principle 一个有原则的人 A historic Site site pl

17、ace where a building , town, was ,is or will be situated .地方,位置;遗址racial conviction宗教信仰 Stand up (for) 支持mission particular task or duty undertaken by an individual or a group.特殊使命,任务Courageous- courage brave, fearless 勇敢的,无畏的Forge create by means of much hard work (靠艰苦的工作)建立Authorize-authority give

18、 a proval or permission for, give authority to 批准,委托Be extent on(sth/doing sth) be eager and determined to (do stn)Urgent needing immediate attention, action or decision. 紧急的,急迫的Decade period of ten years 十年On the side as an additional job or source of income; secretly 作为兼职地;秘密地Spot catch sight of;

19、recognize; discover 发现 Capture capturing or being captured 抓捕,捕获Motivate -motive provide sb with a motive for doing sth; inspire 使产生动机,激起Refuge shelter or protection from danger, trouble, persuit 避难所,庇护所下一段行程 the next leg of the journeyThreat-threaten恐吓,威胁 Impose on 把强加于 by word of mouth口口相传in the f

20、ace of 面临,面对Disguise as 假扮为,伪装为 disguise make look or sound different from normal; give a false appearance.funeral procession出殡队伍 Abolish -abolition end the existence of(a custom, system) 废除(法律、习俗等)Make the best of 尽量利用, 充分利用Compel sb to do sth 强迫某人做某事 compel force; get or bring about by force 强迫;强求

21、 At huge risk 冒很大的风险In ones eye of 在某人看来,在某人眼中pass for 被当做,被看做On the latch 门关着但没上锁Rural in or suggesting the countryside 农村的;有乡村特点的urban situated in or living in a city or town 城市的;都市的 well-patrolled urban street 巡逻严密的城市街道be vulnerable to -vulnerable exposed to danger or attack; unprotected易受攻击的,无防御

22、的Statistics -statistical collection of information expressed in numbers 统计,统计资料易受攻击的,无防御的allegedly 据称Tranquil -tranquility calm, quiet, undisturbed 宁静的Electronic media 电子媒体Hook up to connect or attach(sth) to (sth else) with or as if with a hook 连接到build in elegantly 使成为建筑的一部分under surveillance 在监视之

23、下put up barricades 设置路障Wander move about without a fixed purpose 漫游;闲逛;徘徊without/with not so much as甚至连都没有move sideways to the left斜向一边的 Be bathed in 沉浸于,沐浴于with /by a small/large margin大/小幅度地Reflection(反思 可做复数)a thing bringing discredit or criticism; idea arising from thinking; reflecting or being

24、reflected. 有损声誉(或受指责)的事;思考;反映Whistle a merry tune 哼着愉快的调子outsmart oneself 聪明反被聪明误 look back on 回顾 get around to doing set/go about着手或开始做某事 under way 在进行中,工作中Traditional in accordance with tradition 传统的,惯例的 put away 把收好,放好get to sth/doing sth 开始认真思考做某事like a dawns brightening如同晨曦出现Turn over think abo

25、ut , consider 思考,考虑Repay pay back, reward 偿还,报答Sincere -sincerity not pretending honest 真诚,真挚express sincere gratitude to sb 对某人表示诚挚的感谢Statement sth is said formally, officially 陈述,声明heartfelt gratitude 由衷的感激At sea 在海上航行On ones behalf/on the behalf of sb 为(某人),为了(某人)的利益;代表(某人)Diminish make or become

26、 smaller or less 使变小,使减少Expose-exposed -exposure to leave uncovered 暴露于,与接触Immerse be immersed in 沉浸于In part to a certain extent; partly 在某种程度上;部分地Considerate thoughtful of the rights and feelings of others; marked by careful thought 体贴的,考虑周到的Recede from 变得模糊 ,褪去accord/consist with . accord sb sth.

27、accord sth to sb 与相一致 be in accordance withSuccessive following one after the other 接连不断的,连接的undergo swift changes 经历迅猛的变化Bring back 回想起go about 忙于,着手做某事long for sth / to do sth渴望 fade out 渐渐消失褪去in tune with 和谐的 , 与和谐一致Joint efforts 共同的努力Scarcely (when) not quite; almost not 几乎没有,几乎不subtractfrom 减去

28、In a whisper 低声地hear of 听说 得知Nonsense foolish talk, ideas, behavior 废话,荒唐念头,愚蠢的行为Turn loose (loosen)放手,放纵Look the part 看上去很像To excess 过度Fancy imagined, unfounded opinion or belief 幻想,幻觉;胡思乱想for the rest 至于其他方面Fragile easily damaged or broken ; not strong and healthy 易碎的,虚弱的Persistent-persist-persist

29、ence continuing , occurring again and again 持续的,一再发生的Endure -endurance continues in existence, last; suffer patienly wear away 时间流逝,磨损,磨去 wear out耐心消失殆尽cling to 紧紧抓住,抱住 leave alone 不管某人,使某人独自在家count backwards 倒着数topmost priority 最重要的是acute (of disease) coming quickly to the critical stage; severe 急性

30、的,严重的be wet through be wet all over 湿透的flutter (cause to )move about in a quick, irregular飘动 晃动 it never occurs to sb to do sth某人从来没有想过做某事national minority / minority group少数民族综英(王思颖版)1. get by 2. live on the land 3. when it comes to 4. be stuck with 5. cover against 6. keep in 7. suburb 8. supplement 9. pursue 10. get through 11. at that point 12. on balance 13. digest 14. generate-generation 15. dental 16. aside from 17. appreciably 18. lower 19. patronize 20. suspect of 21. involve in 22. o

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