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1、英语专业毕业论文选题方向论文选题方向中文题目英文题目文学解读麦田里的守望者中霍尔顿的心理世界Psychological study of Holidens image in the Catcher in the Rye文学浅析卡斯特桥市长男主人公的悲剧命运An Analysis of the Tragic Fate of Hero in the Mayor of Caster bridge文学浅析红字中的象征主义An Analysis of Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter文学从女性主义角度解读贵妇画像A Feminist Approach to The Port

2、rait of A Lady文学浅析嘉莉妹妹中摇椅的象征意义An Analysis of the Symbol of Rocking Chair in Sister Carrie -the Up and Down of Life文学浅析飘中斯佳丽的挣扎与命运An Analysis of Starlets Struggle and Fate文学浅析海明威文学中的女性主义Analysis on the Feminism in Hemingways Literature文学浅析无名的裘德中裘德的悲剧生涯The Analysis of Judes Tragic Life in “Jude the Ob

3、scure”文学试探简爱中的哥特式女性主义The exploration on the Gothic Feminism in “Jane Eyre”文学浅析呼啸山庄中窗的意象An Analysis of the image of window in “Wuthering Heights”文学狄更斯风格在小说大卫科波菲尔中的体现及其小说艺术特色The writing style in “David Copperfiled” and the Beauty and relive of Dinchonss writing文学人物圣地亚哥与作者海明威的异同之我见The Relationship Betw

4、een the Character Santiago and Author Hemingway文学哥特式特色在呼啸山庄中的体现Gothic Features in Wuthering Hights文学浅析贵妇画像中伊莎贝莎的悲剧成因An Exploration of the Causes of Isabels Tragedy in The Portrait of a Lady文学紫色中白人女性与黑人女性社会地位的放映The refection of social status of white women and black women in “The Color Purple”文学自然主义在

5、荒野的呼唤中的体现The reflection of naturalism in The Call of The Wild文学19世纪末的审美观在道安格雷画像中的体现The embodiment of 1890s Aestheticism in “The Picture of Dorian Grey”文学论蝇王中的人性幻灭Disillusionment of Human Nature in Lord of the Flies文学黑色幽默在第22条军规中的体现及分析The Reflection of black humor and its analysis in “catch -22”文学对呼啸

6、山庄中主要人物的爱与复仇情节的分析Analysis on Love and Revenge between the Main Characters in Wuthering Heights文学麦田守望者中主人公性格经历的分析An Analysis of the protagonists Character and Experience in “The Catcher in the Rye”文学尤利西斯中的摩莉与查泰莱夫人的情人中的康妮的女权主义意识比较A comparative study of feminist awareness of Molly in Ulysses and Connie

7、 in Lady Chatterleys Lover文学浅谈浪漫主义与现实主义在汤姆索亚历险记中的体现The Romanticism and Realism in the Adventures of Tomsauyer文学浅析嘉莉妹妹中的女性主义An Analysis of Feminism in Sister Carrie文学海明威-一个与死神顽强斗争的雅士Hemingway-An Elegant and Fenacious Fighter for Death文学浅析儿子与情人中父亲的失败及其对当今生活的影响Fathers failures in “Sons and Lovers” and

8、its enlighten to our life文学天使的愤怒的象征主义On the symbolism of rage of angel文学论第22条军规中的反讽On Irony in Catch-22文学“新女性”形象比较:简爱与嘉莉妹妹The Comparison of the Two “New Women” Images: Jane Eyre and Sister Carrie文学分析麦田守望者中霍尔顿的成熟历程The Analysis of Hodlens path to maturity in the Cather In the Rye文学荆棘鸟中人物心理矛盾和心战的探索与思考R

9、eflection on the psychological conflicts and warfare within the characters in The Thorn Birds文学分析哈代诗中Hap的宿命论以及与哈代小说中的宿命论进行对比分析The Analysis of Fatalism in Thomas Hardys poem Hap and a contrast and comparison of that with his novels文学傲慢与偏见与简爱中女主人公形象、性格的比较研究A comparative study of the Images and Charact

10、ers of the Female roles in “Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre诗歌The Analysis of Adgar Allan Poes Poem:The Raven and my understanding of the symbolic mining of the bird文学The Analysis of British gentlemen culture through the character of Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice文学傲慢与偏见:奥斯汀心目中的完美婚姻Pride and Prej

11、udice :The ideal marriage in Austens mind文学简爱中疯女人形象的解析The Analysis of the Mad Woman in Jane Eyre文学年轻的布朗中的黑色力量“Power of Blackness”in Young Goodman Brown by Nathanial Hawthorne翻译经贸类文章中英语习语的灵活翻译The Flexibility of English Idiom Translation in Business English文学从鲁宾逊漂流记中看性格对命运的影响How Characteristic Influen

12、ce Fate in Robinson Crusoe 文学呼啸山庄中爱情与死亡的解析Love and Death in Wuthering Heights文学另外一个波林女孩中三个波林兄妹的性格解析A Character Analysis of Three Bolyen Girls in The Other Bolyen Girl文学试析伊莎贝尔 阿切尔重返婚姻之因An Analysis of the Causes of Isabel Archers Returning to Her Marriage文学对了不起的盖茨比主题的分析An Analysis of the Theme in The

13、Great Gatsby文学试析英文诗歌中“风”的意象An Analysis of the symbolic meanings of “wind” in English Poems文学试析红字中的艺术特色An Analysis of the artistic character of The Scarlet Letter文学从心理分析角度分析福克纳献给爱米利的玫瑰人物性格The Psychology analysis of Emily in Walter Fauknas A Rose for Emily历史历史上美国犯罪心理的研究分析The Psychological Analysis of

14、The Criminal Minds in America Through the History of the USA 文学试分析献给爱米利的玫瑰中的意象“Rose”An Analysis of the image “Rose” in “A Rose for Emily文学比较了不起的盖茨比与推销员之死Comparison of America Dream presented in “The Great Gatsby” and “The Death of a salesman”文学紫色中的妇女主义Womanism in the Color Purple文学麦田里的守望者中逃避和追寻的分析An

15、 Analysis of Escape and Quest in The Catcher in the Rye文学嘉莉妹妹对爱情和物质的选择决定乐不同的命运Destiny determined by choice of love and material文学对小妇人透射出的典型美国文化的分析An Analysis of Typical American Culture Reflected by Little Women文学洛丽塔中洛丽塔悲惨命运的分析An Analysis of the Tragic Life of Lolita in Lolita文学吕蓓卡的两位女主人公的人物分析An Ana

16、lysis of The Two Heroines in Rebecca文学柯南.道尔小说结构与内容的严谨性研究A study on the Rigorous Constraction and Content of Detective Fictions by Artha Conan Dogle文学蝴蝶梦中悬疑手法分析An Analysis of Suspenses Forming in Rebecca文学第五号屠宰场中的黑色幽默Black Humour in Slaughterhouse Five文学恋爱中的女人中的象征主义分析An Analysis of Symbolism in Women

17、 in love文学雾都孤儿中作者的天真乐观主义The Authors Naive Optimistic in “Oliver Twist”文学简 奥斯丁傲慢与偏见中的理性超越情感The Predominance of Reason over passion in Jane Austines “Pride and Prejudice”文学觉醒中新女性在寻求自我价值过程中的悲剧New womans tragedy on the way to pursue her self-value in The Awakening文学红字中的象征主义Symbolism in “The Scarlet Lett

18、er”文学由草叶集看惠特曼的死亡哲学Whitmans death philosophy in Leaves of Grass文学双城记中表现的浪漫现实主义与仁爱精神The romantic realism and benevolence spirit in A Tale of Two Cities文学蝴蝶梦中的浪漫主义The Romanticism in Rebbeca美国文学衰落的美国南部:喧哗与骚动中悲剧的根本原因the Decaying American south: the root cause for the tragedy in Sound and Fury 文学浅谈愤怒的葡萄中的

19、象征主义On Symbolism in The Grapes of Wrath文学活着的“红字”-浅谈红字中珠玑的象征意义The living“Scarlet Letter”On the Symbolism of Pearl in the Scarlet Letter 文学一间属于自己的房子中伍尔夫的女权主义思想 Woolfs feminism in A Room of Ones Own文学新女性的觉醒-浅谈觉醒中埃德娜之死The New Womans Awakening-Interpretation for Ednas Death in The awakening文学呼啸山庄中希思克里夫人性

20、扭曲的分析Analysis of the Distortion of Heachcliffs Humanity in Wuthering Heights文学困境重生-鲁宾逊漂流记中鲁宾逊性格浅析 Rebirth from the Predicament-an Analysis of Robinson Crusoes Character文学白鲸中所体现的现代生活特征The Characteristic of Modern Life Expressed in Moby Dick文学分析呼啸山庄与傲慢与偏见中女性爱情观的描写A Comparison Between The Pride and Pre

21、judice and The Wuthering Height towards the view of love of female characters文学威廉姆华兹华斯的我好似一片流云独自漫步中体现的自然与精神的交融The Unity of Nature and Noul in I Wondered Lonely As a Cloud文学麦田守望者中象征主义的分析An analysis of the symbolism in The Cather in the Rye文学圣经智慧在箴言、约伯书和传道书the way of wisdom: Proverbs,J06,Ecelesiastes

22、in the Bible文学论喜福会中象征主义手法在主阐释中的作用Symbolism for Conveying the Theme in Amy Tans Joy Luck Club文学土生子里的悲剧及其原因he Tragedies in Native Son and the Causes文学分析柳林风声中的寓言An Analysis of the Allegory in The Wind in the Willow文学论托尼莫里森在宠儿中复杂的历史观Morrisons Hybrid View of History in Beloved文学试析呼啸山庄中希思克里夫的悲惨命运 Analysis

23、 of the Tragic Fate of Heachcliff in Wuthering Heights文学浅谈傲慢与偏见的现实意义An Analysis of Pride and Prejudice in Practical significance文学通过对小妇人种不同类型婚姻的研究分析总结婚姻成功的关键The most important element of a successful marriage through analysis of little women 文学分析安徒生童话中女性奉献主义的爱情观The analysis of womans altruism toward

24、s love through Andersons fairy tales文学通过红字的研究浅析霍桑心中的黑暗On Hawthornes blackness of vision through the analysis of the Scarlet Letter文学白鲸中折射的人与自然的关系Human-nature relationship in Moby Dick文学对飞越疯人院中象征主义的研究揭示制度社会与人类的较量Institutional society Vs. human mind-symbolism in one flew over the Cuckoos Nest文学托马斯哈代的悲

25、观主义宿命论在苔丝中的体现Thomas Hardys inexorable fate of pessimism in Tess of the Durbervilles文学秀发遭劫记中不雅战争的分析An analysis of the improper battle in Alexander Popes The Rape of the Lock文学宠儿中扭曲的心理畸形的母爱Twisted and spoiled maternal love in Beloved文学存在的行迹中抉择的的意义The choice in The Trial by Existence文学对喜福会中文化身份的通话与表六冲突

26、的浅析The portrait of conflicts between assimilation preservation of cultural identities in Joy Luck Club 文学伟大的盖茨比中的象征意义The symbolism in The Great Gatsby文学威廉福克纳的南方女性观以及他的女性角色William Faulkners viewpoint of southern female and his female characters文学浅析道德情操论中亚当斯密的利己主义与利他主义A brief analysis on Adam Smiths E

27、goism and Althism in the Theory of Moral Sentiments文学麦田守望者中Holder的心理历程Holders psychological journey in J. D. Salingers The Catcher in the Rye文学浅析鲁宾逊漂流记中鲁宾逊的人生观An analysis of Robinsons view of life in Robinson Crusoe文学浅析呼啸山庄中爱与报复主题Love and Revenge in Wuthering Height by Emily Bronte文学浅析献给艾米莉一支玫瑰的人物的主

28、要冲突The conflict of the main characters in A rose for Emily文学浅析嘉莉妹妹中金钱与感情的斗争The analysis of the struggle between wealth and love in Sister Carrie文学浅析黄墙纸中女性的不平等从属地位Analysis of inequality of womens subordination in The Yellow Wall Paper 文学从物质空间和精神空间解读伍尔夫的女性主义Analysis of Woolfs feminism from the materia

29、l and spiritual space文学从女性哥特角度解析安吉拉卡特的与狼为伴Interpretation on the female Gothic in angel Carters The company of wolves文学是比较马克吐温的两部历险记A comparison of Mark Twains two adventure stories文学浅析鲁宾逊漂流记中鲁宾逊的性格对其命运的决定作用The study of the decisive effective of Robinsons character on Robinson Crusoe 文学包法利夫人中埃玛欲望的原因和

30、负面影响causes and harmful effects of Emmas desire in Madame Bovary 文学小镇畸人之畸人分析The Analysis of Grotesques in Winsberg, Ohio文学艾米丽悲剧的成因The Causes of Emilys tragedy文学安徒生童话悲喜剧之美的比较A compassion study of the beauty between the Comedies and the Tragedies of Andersons fairy tales文学回归自然论美国成长小说中的自然崇拜情结Go back to Nature“ Nature-Worshiping” Complex in

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