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1、英文报纸常出现的单词列表英文报纸常出现的单词列表缩写词ABC warfare Atomic-Biological-Chemical warfare 原子、生物、化学战ABM Treaty Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty 反弹道导弹条约ADB Asian Development Bank 亚洲发展银行AID Agency for International Development国际开发总署AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome获得性免疫缺陷综合症(艾滋病)ANC African National Congress 非洲人国民

2、大会APEC Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation亚太经济合作组织ARATS Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits 海峡两岸关系协会ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations东南亚国家联盟(东盟)ASEM Asia-Europe Meeting 亚欧会议ATM Automatic Teller Machine 自动取款机AVC American Veteran Committee 美国退伍军人委员会BCCI Bank of Credit and Com

3、mercial International国际信贷和商业银行(1991年破产)BMD Ballistic Missile Defense 弹道导弹防御系统BP British Petroleum Company 英国石油公司BSE Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy 牛海绵状脑病(疯牛病,俗称Mad Cow Disease)CD Compact Disk (激)光盘CEO Chief Executive Officer(公司的) 首席执行官CIA Central Intelligence Agency 美国中央情报局CIS Commonwealth of Inde

4、pendent States独立国家联合体(独联体)CMC Central Military Commission (中国共产党)中央军事委员会COCOM Coordinating Committee for Export to Communist Countries (巴黎)统筹委员会CPPCC- Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference (中国)全国人民政治协商会议CSCE Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe 欧洲安全和合作会议CSIS Center for Strat

5、egic and International Study 战略和国际研究中心CTBT Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty 全面禁止核试验条约DEA Drug Enforcement Administration(美国)毒品缉私局DMZ Demilitarized Zone 非军事区DNA deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸EC European Council 欧盟委员会ECOMOG (在塞拉利昂的)西非维和部队ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States 西非国家经济共同体ERM Exchang

6、e Rate Mechanism(欧洲)货币体系汇率机制EU European Union 欧洲联盟(欧盟)Euratom European Unions Atomic Energy Agency 欧洲原子能机构FAQ Frequently Asked Questions 常见的问题FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation (美国)联邦调查局FBR Fast Breeding Reactor 快速增值反应堆FIFA International Football Federation 国际足球联合会(国际足联)FIS Islamic Salvation Front

7、(阿尔及利亚)伊斯兰救国阵线Frelimo Mozambique Liberation Front 莫桑比克解放阵线FTAA Free Trade Area of the Americas 每周自由贸易区GATT The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关税及贸易总协定(被WTO取代)GIGN Anti-terrorist Elite Force 法国宪兵突击队GMT Greenwich Mean Time 格林尼治平均时间GNP Gross National Product 国民生产总值GNP Grand National Party (韩)大国

8、民党HARM High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile高速反辐射导弹HDTV High Definition Television 高清晰度电视IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency国际原子能机构ICBM Inter-continental Ballistic Missile 洲际弹道导弹ICC International Chamber of Commerce 国际商会ICJ International Court of Justice 国际法院ICRC International Committee of the Red C

9、ross 红十字国际委员会IISS International Institute for Strategic Study (伦敦)国际战略研究所ILO International Labor Organization 国际劳工组织IMF International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织INF Treaty Intermediate-range Nuclear Force Treaty 中程核导弹条约Interpol(ICPO)- International Criminal Police Organization 国际刑警组织IOC International Oly

10、mpic Committee 国际奥林匹克委员会IPR Intellectual Property Rights 知识产权IPTF UNs International Police Task Force 联合国国际警察部队IRBM Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile 中距离弹道导弹IRC International Red Cross 国际红十字会KIA Killed in Action 阵亡KLA Kosovo Liberation Army 科索沃解放军LCD Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示M&A Merge and Acqui

11、sition 兼并与收购MFN Most Favored Nation 最惠国MIF Missing in Action 战争中失踪的人MP Military Police 宪兵队MP Member of Parliament (英国)下院议员MQP Most Quoted Player 最知名运动员MVP Most Valuable Player 最有价值的运动员NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 全国有色人种协进会NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement

12、北美自由贸易协定(美、加、墨签订)NAM Non-Aligned Movement 不结盟运动NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (美国)国家航空和航天局NASDAQ National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (美国)全国证券交易商协会自动报价, 纳斯达克NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织(北约)NBA National Basketball Association 全美篮球协会NB

13、C Warfare Nuclear-Biological-Chemical Warfare核、生物、化学战NFA National Rifle Association 全国步枪射击运动协会NGO Non-governmental Organization 非政府机构NPC National Peoples Congress (中国)全国人民代表大会NPT Nuclear non-Proliferation Treaty 防止核扩散条约NRC National Research Council/Nuclear Regularity Commission (美国)全国科学研究委员会/核管理委员会N

14、RO National Reconnaissance Office 国家勘察办公室NTR Normal Trade Relations 正常贸易关系OAS Organization of American States 美洲国家组织OAU Organization of African Unity 非洲统一组织OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 经济合作与发展组织ORP Orderly Repatriation Program 有计划的遣返计划OTC Over-the-Counter 场外交易市场PA Peopl

15、e Alliance 人民联盟PECC Pacific Economic Cooperation Council 太平洋地区经济合作委员会PNA Palestinian National Authority 巴勒斯坦民族权力机构PKK Kurdish Workers Party (土)库尔德工人党PLO Palestine Liberation Organization巴勒斯坦解放组织POW Prisoner of War 战俘PRI Institutional Revolutionary Party (墨)革命制度党RNA Ribonucleic acid 核糖核酸RPF Rwandan P

16、atriotic Front 卢旺达爱国阵线SADC Southern African Development Community 南部非洲发展共同体SALT Strategic Arms Limitation Talks 限制战略武器会谈SAREC South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation 南亚地区合作联盟SCNPC Standing Committee of the Peoples Congress (中国)全国人大常务委员会SDI Strategic Defense Initiatives 战略防御计划(星球大战,后改称BMD弹道导

17、弹防御系统) SEF Straits Exchange Foundation (台湾)海峡交流基金会SETI Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence 外星文明搜索计划SEZ Special Economic Zone (中国)经济特区Sonar Sound navigation ranging 声纳STRART Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty 削减战略武器条约SWAPO South West African Peoples Organization 西南非洲人民组织UCTAD United Nations Confer

18、ence on Trade and Development 联合国贸易和发展会议UDA Ulster Defence Association 北爱尔兰防卫组织UFO Unidentified Flying Object 不明飞行物;飞碟UNAMIR United Nations Assistance Mission Rwanda 联合国援助卢旺达部队UNDC United Nations Disarmament Committee 联合国裁军委员会UNDP United Nations Development Program 联合国发展总署UNDRO United Nations Disast

19、er Relief Organization 联合国救灾组织UNEP United Nations Environment Programme 联合国环境规划署UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 联合国教科文组织UNFAO United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization 联合国粮食及农业组织UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee 联合国难民事务高级专员办事处UNICEF Uni

20、ted Nations Childrens Fund (UN International Childrens Emergence Fund) 联合国儿童基金组织UNOM United Nations Observers Mission 联合国观察团UNSCOM United Nations Special Committee 联合国特委会USS United States Ship 美国军舰Volrep Voluntary repatriation 自由遣返WEU Western European Union 西欧联盟WFP World Food Program 世界粮食署WTO World

21、Trade Organization 世界贸易组织(1995年取代GATT) 六、 政治术语accord 协议administrative reform 行政改革Agrarian Party 农民党, 农业党agreement (对外国所派使节的)正式承认al-Qaida 艾尔-卡达(基地组织)amity 友好; 亲善Awami League (孟加拉)人民联盟Baath Party 阿拉伯复兴社会党blue book 蓝皮书Board of Trade (英)商务部Board 委员会, 部, 厅, 局bureau 局bureaucracy 官僚政治, 官僚主义 cabinet 内阁catch

22、 the speakers eye 获准发言caucus 决策委员会, 秘密会议charter 宪章Christian Democratic Party 基督教民主党civic 公民的, 市民的coalition government 联合政府commission 委员会committee 委员会Commonwealth 英联邦Communiqu 法 公报 joint 共同声 明 (联合公报)Communist Party 共产党condemn 谴责Congress 国会Conservative Party 保守党convene 召集,召开; 聚集, 聚会Council 委员会credenti

23、al 国书, 证书Democratic Party 民主党Democratic Progressive Party (台湾)民进党denounce 谴责Department of Defence 国防部Department of State 国务院Department 部, 院Diet (丹麦、日本等)国会Duma (俄)下议院Exchequer (英)财政部Foreign Ministry 外交部Freedom Alliance 自由联盟Freedom Front 自由阵线general suffrage 普通选举权 Green Party 绿党HAMAS 哈马斯(伊斯兰抵抗组织)House

24、 of Representatives 众议院incumbent 现任的; 在职的 Indian National Congress Party 印度国民大会党interim government 临时政府, 过渡(性质的)政府Irish Republican Party (IRA) 爱尔兰共和军Junta 军人统治集团jurisdiction 司法权; 管辖权 Justice Party 正义党Knesset (以色列)国会Komeito (日)公明党Kuomintang (KMT) (中国)国民党Kurdistan Democratic Party(KDP) (伊拉克)库尔德民主党Labo

25、r Party 劳动党, 工党Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) (日)自由民主党Liberal Party 自由党Liqud Group (Coalition) (以)利库德集团Lower House (House of Commons)(英)下院mass resignation 总辞职 memorandum 备忘录militarism 军国主义 ministry 部mission 委员会National Party (南非)国民党National Security Council 国家安全委员会Nazi 德国国家社会党党员(纳粹分 子)non-confidence

26、 bill 不信任案 note 照会off-the-record 非正式的; 不可公开的Opposition 反对派, 反对党Pan Africanist Congress 泛非洲人大会Panel (研究某个问题的)专门小组parliament 议会Patriotic Front 爱国阵线Peoples Party 人民党persona non grata 不受欢迎的人Poliburo 政治局Progressive Party 进步党protest 抗议书protocol 纪要quasi-official body 半官方团体ratify 批准recall 罢免 regime 政权Republ

27、ican Party 共和党Resistance Movement 抵抗运动ruling party 执政党secretariat 秘书处Senate 参议院shadow cabinet 影子内阁Social Democratic Party 社会民主党social security system 社会福利制度 Socialist Party 社会党standing committee 常务委员会State Council 国务院state visit 正式访问; 国事访问steering committee (团体组织中的)筹划指导委员会tentative (cabinet) 临时(内阁)t

28、reaty 条约ultimatum 最后通牒Upper House (House of Lords) (英)上院US federal reserve 美联邦储备委员会(美联储)Ways and Means Committee 众议院筹款委员会white paper (book) 白皮书womens suffrage 妇女选举权Youth League 青年团 七、 军事术语(aircraft) carrier 航空母舰(C-130) Hercules (C-130型)大力神式巨型运输机101st Airborne Division 101空降师3rd Infantry Division 第三步兵师ABC weapons = Atomic, Biological and Chemical weapons 核生化武器air attack 空袭air raid siren 空袭警报Air-to-air missile 空对空导弹

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