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1、狮子王鉴赏 影视名著欣赏期末作业 指导老师:张强 学院:城市与环境科学学院地理科学专业 学号:2011210064 姓名:曹文花 2014/6/8 (一)归来-永远归不来 电影归来之影评姓名:曹文花 学号:2011210064 学院:城市与环境科学学院地理科学专业 小班班级:1班归来是2014年张艺谋导演拍摄的电影,改编自严歌苓小说陆犯焉识的尾点。由巩俐、陈道明,张慧雯领衔主演,讲述的是陆焉识想归来,却永远归不来的故事。 故事一开始是上世纪70年代初,与家人音讯隔绝多年的劳改犯陆焉识(陈道明饰),因思念心切,在一次农场转徙中逃跑回家。他的行为给怀有芭蕾舞梦想的女儿丹丹(张慧雯饰)带来了巨大压力

2、。女儿想方设法阻止冯婉瑜(巩俐饰)和陆焉识相见,结果使夫妻俩近在咫尺却只能再次相隔天涯。文革结束后,陆焉识终于平安反回家,却发现家中的一切早已是物是人非女儿丹丹放弃了自己的芭蕾梦想,成为一名普通的女工;而更让陆焉识深受打击的是,他深爱的妻子冯婉瑜,因患心因性失忆已然不再认识眼前的他。陆焉识曾试图幻醒妻子对自己的记忆,却又一次次的失败,最后只能选择陪伴在妻子身边,一起等待妻子记忆中的陆焉识归来。 整个电影给人的感觉是压抑的,没有太大的高潮,故事一开始,陆焉识想见妻子,他一次次的敲门声,那声声敲门里饱含着对家的眷恋,饱含着对妻子的爱,我“归来”心切,渴望见到你。而听到敲门的时候,婉瑜在犹豫,开,可






8、什么大的变化,对于当婉瑜不认识他这样有点让人难以接受,如果说是因为在车站为了见丈夫被摔了一跤把头摔坏了才认不出来那还可以信。同时感觉影片的情节内容太单一,只有前面丈夫为了回家而在火车站挣扎,之后都是平淡的未“归来”而努力的情节,同时影片中出现婉瑜去火车站接陆焉识的情节太重复单一,让人感觉导演没有什么好演的,就为了凑够时间而让同一个情节出现那么多次,所以感觉故事情节太单一简单。 (二) Culture Concern Family is the basic unit of the society, And the formation of the family is mark of the ci

9、vilization. The element of the family ethic include : the relationship between the family and the cuntry、the purpose of the marriage and the relationship between the family members. Because there are differences in economy、cunlture and politics between China and western country , the family ethic be

10、tween China and western country are different. Influenced by the confucian small-scale peasant economy,Chinese family pay more attention to the family than the western country. Because agricuture is the main economy of China , and the agricuture need many people to work together . So the family rela

11、tionship is very important in Chinese family ethic. While the commercial is the main economy in western country, so they pay more atttention to liberty and individual-based. The relationship between father and son is the main retionship in family in Chinese, while in western, the main relationship i

12、s the relationship between husband and wife.In china, the movie and television of family have developed since last century, the first climax of the movie and television about family is , which is produced in 1923, in this movie, it advocate the tranditional family ethic of filial piety and praising

13、virtue and punishing vice, it was popular among audience upon producing.And is also another successful family movie. The second climax is the produced of in 1940s. And the third climax in in 1980s, which include 、. And the family ethic movie have gaied successful in the latest years, ,which directed

14、 by Zhangyimou, and so on. When the time come to the 21 century, the family movie show new features,1、The long span of time and narrative way is still existence, but reflecting countrys problem by family have been fadeaway,2、The emotion and relationship between wife and husband have replace the inte

15、rgenrational communication. 3、The family movie have changed from elatra to patricide. This kinds of movie try to fand ways to solve this family problems since the time come to the 21century.4、The nuclear familys problem are reflected in all perspective, which show the modern peoples wordly anxiety a

16、nd survival plight 5、It shows new means of the feminism. 6、 The post modern family movie show the modern peoples emtional confusion、 mental confusion and physiological confusion. Human beings family is a general sociology and cultural form, It has experienced a long history changed, and it has exper

17、ienced huge changes since 1950s, The trend of the modernization has a huge influence on the tranditional family, The tranditional family system and family concept have faced with severe challenge, which means the family crisis.The time went to the 1980s, the family crisis have became a global social

18、 and cultural issue. According to the survey about the American family in 2005, more than 5million family are formed without legal marriage, which account for 50.2% in American family. Amoung this non tranditional family,about 14 million familys householder is single women, and 5million is single ma

19、n. Whats more, there are a lot of cohabitation without marriage.And the same survey in China, we have going into the forth “Single tide”and forth marriage revoluton age. Faced with this fierce social problem, the main stream cultural have make some reaction. Since 1980s, western have launched a pro-

20、family movement. 1994 is regard as the international year of family. This movement is also a culture movement, which advocated the family ethic of family oriented and bearing responsibility. And movie have participated in this movement. Take the Hollywoods movie as an example, in 1920s-1930s, Hollyw

21、ood movie describe the American middle class ideal family. American show the world American type family way of life and estabilish a moral standards for the public.This kind of family have lead the Hollywoods movie into a golden age. The production of is another age for Hollywood. In this movie , Am

22、erican type family are faced with big challenge. The nihilism is reflected in this movie, it has gained the oscar. And the is anotther movie that show American familys problem further. The same kinds of have appeared in the Asia movie.In China, Since the formation the country, the whole history book

23、 is about family ethic. Every imperial household has their own complex family relationship, such as the Xuanwu Gate incident. And the that written by Lao She is also reflects the family ethic about China. In western country ,Shakespeares many works reflects the family ethics about the western countr

24、y. The reflect the relationship about the imperial family, In order to gained the throne, Hamelt killed his own elder brother. And Hamelt revenge for his father and recapture the throne. Shakespears other work 、also reflect the family ethic .Both the literature and the movie are the reflect of the r

25、eality of the family, and they will also influence the family ethic. (三)Movie and Television Literature The movie and television literature refer to the literature that use movie art structure and literature art to portray the image , which include movie literature and television literature. Film an

26、d television literature is not equal to the film and television art, but they are very close. The former is the literary works, while the latter is paraside to the film and television litersture.But the two of which are interdependent. The main features of the movie and television literature is that

27、 :1、It shows audience an artistic world that with high integrated view.2、It mixed time art and space art.3、It usually expressed by montage (四) Movie and television artFilm and television art is the complex of time art and space art, It include movie 、television and the art that used in both of the m

28、ovie and television. The movie and television art is a communicated way that conflict with the reality.“I think movie is just like a big square, all the people around the world gather together to communicate friendly, feel and experienced all the kinds of happy and sorrow of the people in the movie.

29、 That is why movie can make people communicate friendly. Said by Heizeming. Because every audience has his/her own appetite, if you want to satisfied most of the audiences appetite, you need to lead the audience come to you arranged way, turning off the light is the outside way that to achieve this

30、purpose. In the dark enviroment, audiences attention is lead to the big screen in front of them. Whats more, if you want the audience not leave in the halfway, the general way is defamiliarization, let the audience always see the familiar stranger, experience the familiar strange thing. The charm of

31、 the art lie in that make the audiences familiar thing defamiliarization. The essence of the familiar is existence, which include the lifes general problem. The eaaence of the strange is the unique finding and unique explanation.As for the unexpected plot, it is the specific request. After the conti

32、on of communicate is required, the rest thing is the mutual interation between the transmitter and the audience. The process of accepting the movie is a construction way. Even if the simple visual is not the mechanic way that absore the information outiside the word. The movie just only need to reproduction the main part of life, wh

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