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1、关于友谊的中文对照佳句1) 在我孤寂忧伤的时候,你默默地给我慰藉、温暖,使我感动。我将把这一切视为最可贵的馈赠、最宝贵的财富。When I was lone and gloomy , silently , you gave me consolation and warmth .I consider them as the most precious gift and valuable wealth.2) 绿色是生命之色,绿色的浪漫是生命的浪漫,愿你的浪漫之旅永葆青春。Green is the color of life , the green romance is the romance of

2、 life .Wish your romantic journey evergreen .3) 给小草以轻柔细语的是春风;给鸟儿以清脆啼声的是树林;给我以唱不完歌的是你那真挚的友情。Its the spring wind that makes the tender grass tell softly . Its the wood that makes the birds cheep crisply .Its your sincere friendship that gives me song endlessly.4) 我们的友情,是生活的结晶,比宝石还要纯净,比黄金还要珍贵。Our frien

3、dship is the crystal of life , purer than the precious stone ,more rare than the gold.5) 记忆的窗口里亮着两盏等,那是你深情的眼睛,你会说话的眼睛对我说:思念的 夜即将过去,请迎接相聚的黎明。Your affectionate eyes are shining like two bright lights in the window of my memory , they are telling me :”the night of missing will soon pass away , please e

4、mbrace the dawn of reunion .”6) 人与人贵在彼此理解,那么,让我们将心比心,以心去换心。The value among people lies in understanding each other .So ,let us treat each other earnestly .7) 是严冬里的炭火,是酷暑里的浓荫,是湍流中的踏脚石,是雾海中的航海灯, 啊,朋友,这就是你给我的友情!It is burning charcoal in the severe cold winter ,thick shade in the scorching summer , ston

5、e-step in the violent river ,and beacon for navigation in the misty sea . oh ,friend ,it is the friendship you have given me .8) 真正的友谊不是一株瓜蔓,会在一夜之间蹿将起来,一天之内枯萎下去。Real friendship is not a rattan ,growing up in just one night ,and withering away in just one day .9) 同窗几年,你把友谊的种子撒在我的心灵上。我将默默地把它带走,精心浇灌栽培,

6、让它来日开出芳馨的鲜花。Being classmates for years ,you cast the seed of friendship in my heart .I will take it silently ,water and cultivate it carefully ,let it bloom fragrant flowers some day .10) 朋友间的友谊,不在美妙的话语中,只存在于相互间那份深切的默契中。The friendship among friends only exists in the deep understanding , not in the

7、beautiful words .11) 无需在离别的岸边踌躇徘徊,也无需抱怨相聚太短。人生的路必定要自己去走,被人搀扶只是人生的童年。Dont be hesitate and lingering in the departure bank ,Dont complain the meeting was too short .You have to walk by yourself in your life ,only in the childhood you are supported by hand.12) 真正的朋友,绝对不会声扬对方的秘密,尤其是,同自尊心有关的秘密。True frien

8、ds never leave out secrets ,especially the secrets concerning the self-esteem .13) 多情的诗句,漂亮的文章,都也代替不了亲密无间的友谊。Sentimental poem ,beautiful article ,all cannot take the place of close friendship .14) 纵使你的足迹踏遍天涯海角,走过千山万水,幸福永远跟着你,我将永远记着你,我的同学。Even if your footmarks are in every corner of the world and ac

9、ross every high mountain ,the happiness will follow you forever and I will remember you for long my classmate .15) 青春是友谊的花朵,在这繁华似锦的日子里,我的祝福是一朵芬芳的勿忘我。Youth is the flower of friendship .In the flourishing days , my blessing is a fragrant not forget me .16) 献上依依惜别的祝愿,愿幸福时刻永远与你相伴。分离融得友情更浓,重聚将在那灿烂的明天。 Pr

10、esent the wishes for the reluctant parting and wish happy days always follow you .The parting makes the friendship even thicker ,and we will meet again in more brilliant day .17) 你刹那间不经意的馈赠,像秋夜的流星,在我身心深处着了火。Your sudden and negligent gift is ,like the meter in the night of fall , burning in my life .

11、18) 今天我们是桃花芬芳,明天我们是社会栋梁,祝贺你以优良的成绩毕业,愿你能迎向新的、更高的挑战。Today we are fragrant peach blossoms ;tomorrow we are the pillars of society ,Congratulate you on your graduation with excellent result and hope you to challenge new heights .19) 让我们的生活充满微笑吧!这甜蜜的微笑,将预言着我们未来无限美好!Fill our life smile ! The sweet will pr

12、edict us an ever wonderful future .20) 牵起手来,让心中燃起感情的烈焰,驱走命运留下的寒夜。Shake hands and let the burning felling drive the chilly night left by fate .21) 那年初秋的分别在我的心里已经生了根。每天,凝视落日的余辉,倾听无边的寂静,勾起我对你无尽的思念。Parting in the early autumn of that year has deeply rooted in my heart ,Everyday ,looking attentively at r

13、emaining shine of sunset ,listening attentive to sound of limitless silence ,I begin missing you endlessly .22) 碧蓝的天,碧蓝的海,中间嵌着一块绿洲。让我享有这份荣幸,与你结为知己。There is a oasis in the middle of blue sky and sea . let me have the honor to be your close friend .23) 静中总思动,动中亦思静,人生过程中总在起伏之间,知心好友,你现在可安好,愿你把握每一刻幸福。Thi

14、nking stirs in quietness or quietness stirs in thinking . Invariably life process is between the undulation .My good friend ,how are you doing now ? Hope you hold every moment of happiness.24) 寄上一束白玉兰,每一片洁白如玉的花瓣,都象征纯洁的友谊,每一缕淡雅温馨的气息,都象征朋友的思念。Send a bundle of white jade lily magnolias ,each purely whi

15、te petal signifies the pure friendship ,each stand of simple yet elegant and warm smell signifies the missing of friend .25) 友谊会吹散晨雾中的迷雾,让金色的太阳,闪烁在你的瞳仁里。Friendship can blow the morning mist ,and ,make the golden sunshine in the pupil of your eyes .26) 清晨,我捧着晨光的花束;黄昏,我摇动着晚霞的彩巾。面向东方,遥望海天,远方的学友,你可知道我的期

16、待。At daybreak ,I hold a bunch of flowers made of daylight in hands ; at dusk I shake the color cloth made of sunset glow .to the east ,I look into the distance of the sky .My fellow students at a distance ,do you happen to know my anticipation ?27) 你给我留下一个梦,尽管神秘,却也甜蜜。我睁开眼睛面前是一个彩色的黎明。You leave a drea

17、m to me ,mysterious but sweet ,I open the eyes with a color damn .28) 你的身影,在我心的底片中曝光一摄得那么真,印得那么深!Your shadow exposes to my hearts negative ,so really and deeply.29) 我愿把浅薄向你透露,我愿把弱点让你了解;草木需要阳光,禾苗需要雨水。忠实的朋友,我渴望你的指点。I am really to reveal my superficiality to you .I am ready to let you know my weak poin

18、ts ;plants and trees need sunlight ,the seedlings of cereal crops long for the rainfall ,My faithful friend ,I long for your directions.30) 或许是一阵风雨的洗礼,心与心之间的碰撞更为清晰响亮,更为晶莹绚丽。The touch among hearts may be more clear and sparking .after the cleaning of wind and rain .31) 让我们微笑着。友好地握住手。所有的不快都会忘掉,留下来的只有友

19、谊。Let us friendly shake hands with smile .All the sorrow will be forgotten with only friendship left .32) 听雨,听雨在打树叶、打在瓦背、打在向天仰望的脸上的一阵阵柔音;听雨,其实不是听雨,而是在听你的声音。Listen to raining ,listen to the soft sound that rains strike at the leaf, strike at the back tile ,strike on a face ;Listening to raining is no

20、t a real listening to raining ,but a listening to your voice .33) 春花,在篱笆墙头,忘情地展示着芳姿;秋月,在树梢屋角,幽幽地散发着清光。我的同桌,你在远方还好吧!Spring flowers in the hedge and along the wall are showing their prettiness , without noticing others ,the autumn moon above the treetop and through the house corner is softly shining ,

21、 my classmate, you are fine in a distant place ?34) 友情的路上,你我携手,走过花季,走出雨帘,走向快乐女神的圣殿。On the road of friendship we hand in hand walk through flowers , and rain towards happiness35) 金色的花朵,在我心灵的花园中采撷,最美的一朵给你,我的友人!My friend ,I pick the most beautiful one of flowers in my heart to you !36) 当年的豪情与欢欣,像一丝绿草,点

22、缀在我们的生活里,绿草丛存着我们的友情。提起来,一片温馨。The lofty sentiments and high sprits in those days ,like one bunch of green grass ,intersperse in our life .There is our friendship in the green grass ,speaking of which ,we feel warm.37) 你是一块砖,普通而又平凡,但我钦佩你的品质:架桥就架桥;铺路就铺路;造屋就造屋.不管干啥,说干就干!You are a brick ,which is ordinar

23、y and common ,But I admire your quality :it can put up bridges; pave a road ; build a house Whatever you do ,you do it soon after you decide!38) 今天的分离,也不过是人生中的一个小插曲,今天的离别,也就是明天的重逢。Todays departure is just a small episode in life ,and is for meeting tomorrow .39) 你像那山间的百合,独自荣枯,无以为憾。盛开时不矜夸,衰谢时不悔恨。清雅流芳

24、,归入永恒的春天。You are the lily in the mountain ,which by itself rises and falls ,without regret .It is not conceited and boastful when flourishing .it is not regretful withering .Elegance remains with fragrance kept in the perpetual spring .40) 一千六百个日子,像片片叶子落在地上,留下的,是让人回味不已的秋黄。1600 days fall to the groun

25、d like pieces of leaves .leaving the fall in endless recollection .41) 这一天阳光普照,这一天欢乐围绕,这一天歌声悦耳,这一天烛光闪耀;拥有新的一岁,你将多一份成功的自信。The sun shines this day ,this day happiness surrounds me ,this day singing is pleasant ,the candlelight flashes this day ;in the new year ,you shall have more confidence in succes

26、s.42) 我们就要天各一方,我突然感到,你的缺点,也变得那么使人留念。We shall part ,suddenly I fell that even your shortcomings deserve my missing .43) 荧荧的烛光,照亮了你人生旅途的崭新路标;拳拳的祝福,赋予你生活的悠远内涵。路还长,向未来跨步吧!The flittering candle lights up a new landmark of your life journey , and the sincere greeting endows your life with s profound meani

27、ng ,The road ahead still long , march to wards to your future !44) 不要为离别而伤情,不要为离别而洒下泪水,因为泪水折射出的不是朋友的期待。Dont be sad ,dont weep for parting ,tears refract not the expectation from friends .45) 朋友,今天是你的生日,值此生日之际,我希望你抬头看看葵花,因为她越是诚实,越是谦虚的低下头。My friend ,today is your birthday .On such an occasion when we

28、can enjoy bright scenery ,please raise your head to have a look at the sunflower : the richer she is ,the more modest she is to bend down .46) 无论你走到哪里,让友情织成白云载你行海阔天空万里征。Wherever you go ,let the friendship weave the cloud carrying you in the wide sky .47) 当生日的步伐向你走来,鲜花、美丽献给你,家人的祝福送给你,我祝你生日快乐的歌声也飘向你。W

29、hen the steps of birthday walks toward you ,all the flowers and beauty are presented to you , the greetings of your family members are presented to you ,and the songs I greet for you birthday is also flowing to you .48) 过去的点点滴滴,汇成小河,汇成大海,留下一片蔚蓝,留下纯洁的回忆。The past bit by bit comes into bring rivers and

30、 big seas ,leaving the blue and pure memories .49) 惦记着生日的笑声,忆起那温馨的友谊,卡片带去我对你的祝福,愿美好的日子永远属于你。祝你生日快乐。With a memory of the laughers in the past ,I treasure the tender friendship ,The card brings my greeting for you .May all the beautiful days belongs to you forever ,Happy birthday .50) 不必为分别而忧伤,相信总有一天,

31、我们在一个新的日出里重逢。You neednt be sad for the parting ,Believe that we will meet on a new sun rising day .51) 很高兴能分吃你的生日蛋糕,你总是那么快乐、坦率、热情,使你周围的人感染到了你的快乐。Im very glad to share with your birthday cake ,you are always so happy ,frank and warm-hearted ,your happiness has been spreaded to all the people around y

32、ou .52) 不要让哭泣占据了离别的主题,笑一笑吧,离别是相聚的序曲。Dont let weep be the theme of parting ,Smile for parting is the overture of meeting .53) 十八岁的最后一天,不再喜欢脚下的涓涓溪水,而向往头上悠悠白云,能自由自在地遨游蓝天。Its the last day of the age 18 .Instead of caring for the streams in below ,I admire the carefree white clouds upon my hand , which is traveling freely in the blue sky .54) 在人生的旅途上,有多少美丽的时刻,短暂的别离,这也是一种享受。How many nice moments in life journey ! Temporary parting is also an enjoyment .55) 平静的湖面,练不

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