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本文(版高考英语一轮总复习人教版新课标分层限时跟踪练选修6Unit 4.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

版高考英语一轮总复习人教版新课标分层限时跟踪练选修6Unit 4.docx

1、版高考英语一轮总复习人教版新课标分层限时跟踪练选修6Unit 4分层限时跟踪练.单句语法填空1During the second world war,Henry Beecher was badly wounded, tended (tend)by many doctors on the battlefield.2To put it in a more simple way,what we are opposed(oppose) to is political discrimination.3The witness made a statement(state) that he had not

2、seen the woman before.4She has had a number of different jobs,ranging(range) between chef and swimming instructor.5If your grades are above average,you shall get a reward.单句改错1You may borrow the book as long as you will keep it clean._【答案】去掉will2. It always take me three hours to finish my homework_

3、【答案】 take takes3A number of new machines were introduced from abroad, resulted in an increase in production._【答案】resultedresulting4There is no doubt whether they will agree with you on this matter._【答案】whetherthat5Everyone and everything seems normal from a distance,or in a glance._【答案】inat.完成句子1即使我

4、们在工作中取得了巨大的成功,也不应该自满。Even_if_we_achieve_great_success_in_our_work,we should not be proud.2只要你不把书弄脏,就可以借给你。You may borrow the book so/as_long_as_you_keep_it_clean.3我下周就要搬了,在此之前,我还是得忍受这种噪音。Ill_have_to_put_up_with_the_noise till I move next week.4毫无疑问,他们在这件事上会同意你的。There_is_no_doubt_that they will agree

5、 with you on this matter.5要想成为一名长跑运动员,需要体力和耐力。It_takes_strength_and_patience to be a longdistance runner.阅读理解(2016长春统一检测)Pioneering frontrow White House journalist Helen Thomas died at age 92 after a long illness.Thomas covered 10 presidents over nearly half a century, and became a legend in the ind

6、ustry.She was always at White House news conferencessitting front and centerwhere she frequently annoyed government spokesmen with her pointed questions.Thomas began covering the White House for United Press International when John FKennedy became president in 1961 and was a fixture there until her

7、retirement in 2010.In a written statement, Obama called Thomas a “true pioneer” and said she kept the presidents she coveredincluding himselfon their toes.Thomas, the daughter of Lebanese immigrants, was born in Winchester, Kentucky, on August 4, 1920.She was one of nine children.Thomas was raised i

8、n Detroit, where she attended Wayne State University and graduated with a bachelors degree in 1942.In describing her job, Thomas once said,“Ive never covered the president in any way other than that he is ultimately responsible.”Thomas embraced the freedoms of a columnist with vigor (活力)No question

9、seemed offlimits for her.Colleagues remember her as a genuinely fearless woman who asked the toughest questions of presidents, no matter their party.In January 2009, as President George Bush was preparing to leave office, Thomas aimed her editorial guns at him and his administration.In a commentary,

10、she slammed (抨击) Bush for what she considered his failings, including leading the country “into a senseless war against Iraqi a calamity still under way as he leaves office almost six years after the invasion.” She considered him “the worst president ever.”【答案】14CBAD【语篇解读】本文是一篇人物传记。该文讲述了Helen Thomas

11、 的传奇人生她作为记者,历时49年采访过10位总统,敢于提出非常尖锐的问题。1According to the text, Helen Thomas was _.Aa wise politicianBa writing pioneerCa legendary journalistDa White House adviser【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段“Pioneering frontrow White House journalist Helen Thomas .Thomas covered 10 presidents over nearly half a century .”可知,Thom

12、as是一位传奇性的记者 。故选C项。【答案】C2The underlined word “fixture” in Paragraph 3 probably means _.Aan object firmly fixed in placeBa person regarded fixed in the same positionCsomeone to fix tricky problemsDa device to secure something somewhere【解析】词义猜测题。根据第三段的内容可知,从1961年John FKennedy成为美国总统开始,Thomas一直为美国合众国际新闻社

13、采访白宫,直到2010年退休。由此可以推出,fixture在此处意为固定在同一个工作岗位上。【答案】B3What can we learn about Helen Thomas from the text?AShe covered 10 presidents over a period of 49 years.BShe often raised unreasonable questions.CShe was born and brought up in Lebanon.DShe was criticized by President Obama.【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Thomas

14、 covered 10 presidents over nearly half a century.”可知,她采访过十位总统;根据第三段的内容可知,她从1961年开始当记者到2010年退休。她作为记者的时间应该是:2010196149年。故选A项。【答案】A4How did Thomas comment on George Bush?AHe should be kept on his toes.BHe was forced to be responsible.CHe didnt deserve to be president.DHe shouldnt have started the Iraq

15、 War.【解析】推理判断题。根据文章的最后一段的内容可知,Thomas指责Bush把国家引入伊拉克战争,直到Bush退休时,进行了六年的战争及其带来的灾难还在继续。【答案】D.完形填空(2015呼和浩特质检)Every one of us, rich or poor, should at least have one or two good friends.I learned that a true friend is the most important in my life after I had gone _1_ so many terrible things.I felt upset

16、 when I was told that I would have to _2_ the company.As I had a very big family to _3_ and was in great need of money, what I was _4_ about was how to find another new job.In order to _5_ this problem, I rushed from place to place like crazy.I read almost all the newspapers and _6_ almost all the t

17、elephone numbers in the newspaper _7_ in my notebook and tried to call almost all the companies that needed new _8_.Not until I found a job in a small town near Townsville had I _9_ down.My new boss, Mr.Johnson, was one of my good friends since primary school.“Why didnt you _10_ me until now? Was it

18、 _11_ to do that? Explain to me the reason,”he said, _12_ me a cup of hot coffee.Both of us were overjoyed to see each other and we _13_ the whole afternoon talking about things and persons that we _14_ at school.John asked me to give him some advice about _15_ to enlarge his present business and he

19、 was entirely happy about my _16_.To my great surprise, he offered me a _17_ which didnt need much experience because I was not _18_ with this field but the pay I got was much more than _19_.The moment I saw my _20_, the sum of money given by the company, I cried for the first timethat was the first

20、 time for me to do so since I grew up.【答案】15BADCD610ADCDA1115BCACB1620DABCD【语篇解读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。突如其来的失业让“我”焦急万分,到处寻找新工作来养家糊口,就在最困难的时候,一个朋友帮助了“我”,这让“我”意识到一个真正的朋友在人生中是多么重要。 1A.over BthroughCaround Dfor【解析】go over“重温,复习”;go through“经历”;go around“四处走动”;go for“攻击,努力获得”。根据下文可知,“我”失业了,为了养家糊口,“我”到处疯狂地找工作,这些都是“我

21、”所经历的苦难,所以此处表示“经历了这些事情”。故选B。【答案】B2A.leave BdesertCchoose Doperate【解析】leave“离开”;desert“离弃,抛弃”;choose“选择”;operate“运转,操作”。根据下文“find another new job”可知,“我”被告知要离开公司。故选A。【答案】 BprotectClove Dsupport【解析】care“关心”;protect“保护”;love“爱”;support“支持,支撑”。根据“was in great need of money”可知,“我”需要钱来养活家人。故选D。【答案】

22、D4A.particular BcuriousCconcerned Dexcited【解析】particular“特别的,挑剔的”;curious“好奇的”;concerned“关心的,相关的”;excited“激动的”。上文说到需要钱来养活家人,所以找到一份新工作是“我”关心的事,be concerned about“对关心”,符合语境。故选C。【答案】C5A.analyze BraiseCexplain Dsolve【解析】analyze“分析”;raise“举起,提高”;explain“解释”;solve“解决”。上文提到找工作的问题,所以此处表示“解决这个问题”。故选D。【答案】D6A

23、.took down Bturned downClooked for Dstood for【解析】take down“记下,取下”;turn down“调小,拒绝”;look for“寻找”;stand for“代表”。根据“all the telephone numbers”和“in my notebook”可知,此处是指记下所有的电话号码。故选A。【答案】A7A.comments BsurveysCreports Dadvertisements【解析】comment“评论”;survey“调查”;report“报道”;advertisement“广告”。根据上文可知,“我”在到处找工作,所

24、以在报纸上找登广告招人的公司。故选D。【答案】D8A.customers BbossesCclerks Dapplicants【解析】customer“顾客”;boss“老板”;clerk“职员”;applicant“申请人”。根据上文可知,“我”在找工作,所以肯定是找招新职员的公司。故选C。【答案】C9A.broken BslowedCsunk Dcalmed【解析】break“打破”;slow“减速,放慢”;sink“下沉”;calm“平静,安静”。根据上文的“I rushed from place to place like crazy”可知,在没找到工作前“我”很着急,现在工作找到了,

25、所以平静下来了。calm down“平静、冷静”,符合语境。故选D。【答案】 BtrustCoverlook Dfind【解析】contact“联系”;trust“信任”;overlook“忽视”;find“发现”。根据上文中的“was one of my good friends since primary school”以及下文中的“Explain to me the reason”可知,“我”和 Mr.Johnson 从小学时就是好朋友,但是一直没有联系,此处是 Mr.Johnson 质问“我”为什么在遇到困难时不联系他。故选A。【答案】A11A.desperat

26、e BharmfulCworthy Dsignificant【解析】desperate“绝望的”;harmful“有害的”;worthy“值得的”;significant“有意义的”。上文提到“我”一直没有联系Mr.Johnson,所以他质问“我”联系他会有什么坏处。故选B。【答案】B12A.awarding BsharingChanding Dshowing【解析】award“授予”;share“分享”;hand“传递,交给”;show“表现”。此处表示 Mr.Johnson 给了“我”一杯咖啡,所以用“hand”贴切。故选C。【答案】C13A.spent BwastedCspared Ds

27、aved【解析】spend“花费”;waste“浪费”;spare“抽出,匀出”;save“节省,挽救”。spend .(in)doing sth.“花费(时间、金钱)做某事”,符合语境。故选A。【答案】A14A.discussed BdebatedCremembered Dimagined【解析】discuss“讨论”;debate“辩论”;remember“记得”;imagine“想象”。根据上文语境可知,我们是小学的时候在一起的,所以此处表示我们谈论的是记得的人和事。故选C。【答案】C15A.what BhowCwhich Dwhen【解析】what“什么”;how“怎么”;which“

28、哪一个”;when“什么时候”。此处表示一种方式。故选B。【答案】B16A.abilities BanswersCinterests Dsuggestions【解析】ability“能力”;answer“答案”;interest“兴趣,利益”;suggestion“建议”。根据上文中的“John asked me to give him some advice”可知,此处表示“我”所提出的建议。故选D。【答案】D17A.position BchanceCfortune Dservice【解析】position“职位”;chance“机会”;fortune“财富,幸运”;service“服务”。

29、根据上文语境和下文中的“which didnt need much experience”可知,Johnson为失业的“我”在他的公司提供了一个不需要太多经验的职位。故选A。【答案】A18A.popular BfamiliarCpatient Dcontent【解析】popular“受欢迎的,流行的,大众的”;familiar“熟悉的”;patient“有耐心的”;content“满意的”。根据上文可知,这个职位不需要太多的经验,由此可知,“我”对这一领域并不熟悉。故选B。【答案】B19A.offered BrequiredCexpected Dneeded【解析】offer“提供”;require“要求”;expect“期望”;need“需要”。根据上文可知,“我”对这一领域没什么工作经验,所以“我”想报酬不会很高,但事实却是给“我”的报酬很高。故选C。【答案】C20A.tip BshareCfund Dsalary【解析】tip“小费”;share“股份”;fund“基金”;salary“工资”。根据下文中的“the sum of money given by the company”可知,这是公司给“我”的工资。故选D。【答案】D

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