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1、最新冀教版英语五年级下册知识点汇总冀教版五年级下册知识点汇总五年级下册一二单元综合知识点汇总一、单词chair椅子sorry对不起worry担心point指man(复数)men 男士table桌子people 人、人们thirty渴cry哭woman(复数)women 女士can 能beautiful漂亮can 能hungry 饿baby(复数)babies婴儿candy糖果visit 参观、访问may可以draw画画child(复数)-children小孩now现在beside向旁边sleep睡觉run跑ask- answer问-答feel感觉behind在后面tired累see看见sad-

2、 happy 伤心-高兴who 谁some一些hurt 受伤walk 步行easy-difficult简单-困难二、词组arrive at+小地点sing a song 唱歌play football 踢足球ride a bike骑自行车arrive in +大地点到达read a book=read books看书sit down坐下draw a picture=draw pictures 画画watch TV 看电视stand up 站起make his bed 整理床how old 多大play cards 玩纸牌look out of向外看fly a kite 放风筝how long

3、多长play with和玩look at看talk with=talk to交谈wash his hands洗手play basketball 打篮球have fun 玩的开心too many 太多some+复数名词/不可数名词some eggs一些鸡蛋 some water一些水have breakfast 吃早饭Listen to music 听音乐go shopping 购物a+单数名词a banana一个香蕉an+单数名词(元音a,e,i,o,u开头)an apple/egg/orange/email三、祈使句Dont stand up不要站起Dont eat or drink.不要吃

4、喝东西Dont swim.严禁游泳Please sit down坐下Please dont point. 请不要指Be careful小心Dont jump不要跳Dont worry 不要担心Dont walk on the grass.请勿践踏草坪。Dont go straight. 禁止直行Dont forget the stamp别忘了邮票Dont turn left. 禁止左转Dont be afraid 不要害怕Dont ride a bike.禁止骑车四、现在分词去e加ingarrive-arrivingleave-leavingcome-cominggive-givingdanc

5、e-dancing双写最后一个字母put-puttingshop-shoppingsit-sittingrun-running五、写作:用现在进行时表达在某地看见什么例一:There are many people onTiananmen Square. Some children are flying kites. Many women are dancing.A boy is taking pictures. Some men are walking. All the people are happy.例二: My father is watching TV. My mother issi

6、nging a song. I am drawing a picture. My sister is eating. we are happytoday.4.这些简写你都会吗?Its=It is ;lets=let us ;whats=what is;Im=I am ; isnt=is not;arent=are not ;Id like=I would like5.天气,形容词和名词的转化名词形容词形容天气的The SunsunnyCool凉快的CloudcloudyCold冷的rainRainywindwindyWarm暖和的snowsnowyhot热的9.人称代词,物主代词。主格物主性代

7、词宾格SheherherhehishimititsittheytheirthemweourusyouyouryouImymeLi MingLi MingsLi Ming六、句型They arrive at the train station.他们到了火车站。Danny runs to the train.丹尼跑向火车I want to jump/sing/dance.我想跳、唱、跳舞Im excited. 我很兴奋What is Danny looking at? 丹尼正在看什么?Who is singing? 谁正在唱歌?The man behind me is singing.What a

8、re you doing?你正在做什么?I am reading a book. 我正在看一本书.I am drawing a picture我正在画一幅画.Who is talking? 谁正在唱歌?He is talking to the man behind you.他在同你背后的那个男人谈话Jenny is looking out of the window on the train.詹妮正向窗外看They arrive in Beijing at 1:17 in the afternoon.她们于下午1:17到达北京。I am singing a song to your mothe

9、r.我正在给你妈妈唱歌What is the baby doing now? 婴儿在做什么?The baby is crying/sleeping. 婴儿正在哭泣/睡觉。Who is hungry ? 谁饿了?Who is thirsty?谁渴了What would you like to drink? 你想要喝些什么?Id like some water. 我想喝些水Would you like a cup of tea? 你想要一杯茶吗?肯定回答:Yes, please. 否定回答:No , thanks.What is the woman doing now?那个女士正在做什么?She

10、is reading the newspaper?她正在看报纸May I play with the baby, too. Sure!我也可以和这个婴儿玩吗?当然!They are having fun.他们正玩得开心。I cant see the baby.我看不到那个婴儿。There are many people in the park.公园里有许多人。They are on their way to the hotel.他们再去旅馆的路上。A child is flying a kite.一个小孩在放风筝。A man is running.一个男人在跑步。There are many

11、cars and buses.这有许多的小汽车和公交车。Some children are playing football.一些小孩在踢足球。Some old men are doing Tai Chi.老人们在打太极。These people are walking.这些人在散步。Some people are taking pictures on the square.一些人在广场上照相They are visiting the Palace Museum .他们在参观故宫The woman is listening to music.女士在听音乐。Please stand beside

12、 Jenny.请站在詹妮的旁边。Lets fly a kite 我们放风筝吧。Lets look in the window.我们朝窗户里看一看。Im falling.我要摔倒了。I hurt my arm.我伤了我的胳膊。He hurts his tail.它伤到了他的尾巴Jenny feels tired and hungry?詹妮都又累又饿。How old is the Palace Museum?故宫博物馆有多少年历史了?Its about 600 years old.How long is the Great Wall?长城有多长?About 6000 kilometres.大约60

13、00千米Jenny buys a scarf for her mother.詹妮为妈妈买了条毛巾。What time is it?几点了Its 2:30You cant walk to the hotel with that. 你不能带着那个走着去宾馆。五年级下册三四单元综合知识点汇总一、单词much 多少kind友好的miss想everyone每人right右边-left左边fine健康的email电子邮件photo照片back回原处wrong错误的-right正确的write写computer电脑story故事night晚上forget忘记-remember记得turn转向cinema电影

14、院gift礼物letter信fast快slow慢idea想法postcard明信片date 日期post office邮局buy=take 买use使用stamp邮票need需要tomorrow明天many 许多paper纸yesterday昨天send寄often经常二、词组write a letter 写信have a nice triplook at +某物 看The first day第一天have fun 玩的开心last year去年puton把贴上The second day第二天far form 离远be good for 对合适last night 昨晚The third day第三天on the left在左边put on 穿上take a picture=take pictures=take a photo=take photos 照相on the right在右边write back回信go straight 一直走how much多少钱turn left 左转try on 试穿turn right右转三、动词过去式shop-shopped 购物

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