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1、中英对照海商法术语船舶物权 Real Rights in Ships1 ownership of ships船舶所有权2 vessel under construction建造中船舶3 mortgage of ship船舶抵押权4 maritime lien船舶优先权5 accessories附属利益6 law costs due to the state诉讼费7 expenses incurred in the common interest of the creditors为债权人共同利益而发生的费用8 dock, harbor and cannel charges港口规费9 wages

2、and other sums due to the master, officers and other members of the vessels complement船长、船员的劳动报酬10 wreck removal清除障碍物11 loss of life and personal injury occurring in direct connection with the operation of the vessel与船舶营运直接有关的人身伤亡12 loss of or damage to property occurring in direct connection with t

3、he operation of the vessel与船舶营运直接有关的财产灭失与损坏13 masters disbursement船长垫支14 possessory lien on vessel船舶留置权15 last in time, first in right时间在后,权利在先船员 Crew/Seamen16 captain/master船长17 function of police警察职能18 function of notarization公证职能19 function of meeting an emergency紧急处分职能20 function of agent代理职能21

4、crewing agreement船员劳动合同班轮运输 Liner Shipping22 contract of carriage of goods by sea海上货物运输合同23 carrier承运人24 shipper托运人25 ship owner船舶所有人26 ship operator船舶经营人27 non-vessel operating common carrier, NVOCC无船经营公共承运人28 freight forwarder货运代理人29 disponent owner二船东30 consignor发货人31 consignee收货人32 merchant货方33

5、general cargo件杂货34 bill of lading, B/L提单35 sea way bill, SWB海运单36 electronic bill of lading电子提单37 contract of ocean through carriage of goods海上货物联运合同38 local carrier区段承运人39 actual carrier实际承运人40 on-carrier接运承运人41 performing carrier履约承运人42 maritime performing party海运履约方43 non-maritime performing part

6、y非海运履约方44 ocean through B/L海上联运提单45 multimodal transport operator, MTOcombined transport operator, CTO多式联运经营人46 multimodal transport document多式联运单证47 multimodal transport B/L多式联运提单48 contract of affreightment, COA海上货物运输总合同/包运合同49 volume contract批量合同50 Hague Rules海牙规则51 Hague-Visby Rules海牙维斯比规则52 Ham

7、burg Rules汉堡规则53 Rotterdam Rules鹿特丹规则54 booking note, B/N订舱单/托运单55 shipbroker航运经纪人56 seaworthy船舶适航57 properly man适当地配备船员58 properly equip the ship适当地装备船舶59 properly supply the ship适当地为船舶配备供应品60 cargoworthy适货61 due diligence谨慎处理62 latent defect潜在缺陷63 before and at the beginning of the voyage开航前和开航当时6

8、4 independent contractor独立合同人65 receive, loading, handling, stowage, carriage, custody, care for, discharge, deliver接收、装载、搬移、积载、运输、保管、照料、卸载、交付66 deviation绕航67 delay in delivery of goods迟延交付68 period of responsibility责任期间69 full container load, FCL整箱货70 less than container load, LCL拼箱货71 tackle to ta

9、ckle钩至钩72 rail to rail舷到舷73 freight运费74 freight repaid/advanced freight预付运费75 freight to collect/freight payable at destination到付运费76 tariff费率本77 ad valorem freight从价运费78 lumpsum freight包干运费79 dead freight亏舱费80 lien on cargo货物留置权81 nautical fault航海过失82 navigation of the ship驾驶船舶83 management of the

10、ship管理船舶84 good seamanship良好船艺85 force majeure不可抗力86 special drawing rights, SDR特别提款权87 package/unit limitation of liability单位责任限制88 non-contractual claim非合同请求/非合同之诉89 notice of loss or damage灭失或损坏的书面通知90 prima facie evidence初步证据91 conclusive evidence绝对证据92 evidence of transportation contract运输合同的证明

11、93 receipt of goods货物收据94 document of title物权凭证/权利凭证95 unknown clause不知条款96 acting in good faith善意97 original bill of lading正本提单98 copy of bill of lading副本提单99 letter of guarantee/indemnity/undertaking, LOG/LOI保函100 delivery of goods without bill of lading无正本提单交付货物101 on board B/L; shipped B/L已装船提单1

12、02 received for shipment B/L收货待运提单103 clean B/L清洁提单104 unclean B/L; foul B/L不清洁提单105 mates receipt大副收据106 straight B/L记名提单107 blank B/L; barer B/L; open B/L不记名提单108 order B/L指示提单109 endorsement背书110 to order凭指示111 special endorsement记名背书112 blank endorsement空白背书113 direct B/L直达提单114 ocean through B/

13、L海上联运提单115 combined transport B/L多式联运提单116 anti-dated B/L倒签提单117 postponed B/L顺签提单118 advanced B/L预借提单119 long form B/L全式提单120 short form B/L简式提单121 switch B/L转换提单122 on deck B/L舱面货提单123 stowed on deck装于舱面上124 parcel B/L包裹提单125 minimum freight B/L最低运费提单126 omnibus B/L合并提单127 separate B/L分提单128 maste

14、r B/L船长提单129 house B/L无船承运人提单130 transhipment clause转船条款131 name of vessel船名132 action in rem对物诉讼133 notify party通知方134 port of loading装货港135 port of discharge卸货港136 port of transhipment转运港137 port of destination目的港138 optional cargo选港货139 description, marks, number and kind of packages or pieces, w

15、eight or measurement of goods货物名称、标志、包件的数量与种类或者体积140 particulars furnished by shipper由托运人提供的事项141 issue of B/L提单的签发142 non-negotiable不可流通143 cargos apparent order and condition货物外表状态144 definition clause定义条款145 clause of jurisdiction and applicable law管辖权与法律适用条款146 paramount clause首要条款147 amount of

16、compensation赔偿金额148 time bar时效149 dangerous cargo危险货物150 live animal活动物151 deck cargo舱面货/甲板货152 cargo in container集装箱货物153 refrigerated cargo冷藏货物154 optional delivery选港交付155 New Jason Clause新杰森条款156 both to blame collision clause, BBC clause双方互有责任碰撞条款157 local clause地区条款158 invalid clause无效条款159 ref

17、erence clause参照条款160 carriers standard conditions of carriage承运人标准运输条件161 right of control货物控制权162 paper document纸面单证163 paperless document无纸单证164 privity私谋165 Himalaya Clause喜马拉雅条款166 basis of liability责任基础167 holder of the B/L提单持有人168 owner of the goods货物所有人169 validity of contractual terms合同条款的有效

18、性170 network liability system网状责任制171 uniform liability system统一责任制172 concealed damages隐藏损失173 amended network liability system经修正的网状责任制174 amended uniform liability system经修正的统一责任制175 overall clause最后责任条款租船运输 Charter Party176 tramp shipping不定期船运输177 voyage charterparty, voy. C/P航次租船合同178 time char

19、terparty, time C/P定期租船合同179 bareboat charterparty, charterparty by demise光船租赁合同180 single trip C/P单航次租船合同181 return trip C/P往返航次租船合同182 consecutive single trip C/P连续单航次租船合同183 consecutive return trip C/P连续往返航次租船合同184 time charter on trip basis, TCT航次期租合同185 bareboat charter with hire purchase光船租购合同1

20、86 shipowner船舶出租人187 charterer船舶承租人188 code name/word租约代号189 rider/additional clause附加条款190 fixture note订约确认书191 essentials基本条款192 details细节193 condition clause条件条款194 warranty clause保证条款195 intermediate/innominate clause中间条款196 B/L under C/P租约提单197 dispatch money速遣费198 Uniform General Charter, GENC

21、ON统一杂货租船合同,“金康”199 Tanker Voyage Charter Party, ASBATANKVOY油船航次租船合同200 capable of steaming能够到达201 description of vessel船舶说明202 preliminary voyage 预备航次203 demurrage滞期费204 lay time装卸时间205 owners responsibility出租人责任206 payment of freight运费支付207 cancelling date解约日208 brokerage commission佣金209 representa

22、tion陈述210 misrepresentation误述211 substituted vessel替代船212 vessels nationality船舶国籍213 flag of convenience方便旗214 vessels class船级215 vessels tonnage船舶吨位216 registered tonnage登记吨217 deadweight tonnage, DWT载重吨218 gross registered tonnage, GRT总登记吨219 net registered tonnage, NRT经登记吨220 net tonnage, NT净吨221

23、 vessels position船舶动态222 now trading现在运营中223 interpellation clause质询条款224 stowage factor积载因素225 declaration宣载226 damage for short lift索赔短装损失227 seaworthy trim clause适航平衡条款228 near clause临近条款229 liner terms班轮条款230 berth terms泊位条款231 gross terms总承兑条款232 free alongside ship, FAS船边交接货物233 free in and ou

24、t, F.I.O.出租人不承担装卸费用234 free in and out, stowed and trimmed, F.I.O.S.T.出租人不承担装卸费用、积载及平舱费用235 liner in, free out出租人承担装货费用,但不承担卸货费用236 free in, liner out出租人不承担装货费用,但承担卸货费用237 laydays受载期238 per hatch per day每日每舱口239 per working hatch per day, WHD每日每作业舱口240 clear day净日241 calendar day日历日242 working days工

25、作日243 weather working day, W.W.D.晴天工作日/良好天气工作日244 weather working day of 24 hours24小时良好天气工作日245 weather working day of 24 consecutive hours连续24小时良好天气工作日246 weather working day, Sunday and holiday excepted, W.W.D.SHEX.良好天气工作日,星期日和节假日除外247 unless sooner commenced除非提前开始248 unless used, U.U.除非已使用249 unl

26、ess used, but only time actually used to count除非已使用,但只计算实际使用的时间250 even if used, EIU即使已使用251 customary quick dispatch, CQD按习惯尽快装卸252 as fast as the vessel can receive/deliver以船舶能够收货或者交货的速度253 notice of readiness, N/R装卸准备就绪通知书254 arrived vessel到达船舶255 port charter港口租船合同256 berth charter泊位租船合同257 reac

27、hable on arrival到达即可靠泊258 whether in berth or not, WIBON不论靠泊与否259 time lost waiting for berth to count as loading/discharging time等待泊位所损失的时间计为装货/卸货时间260 whether vessel in free pratique or not船舶通过检疫与否261 whether customs cleared or not已经报关与否262 demurrage runs continuously滞期时间连续计算263 once on demurrage, always on demurrage一旦滞期,永远滞期264 per like day按同样的日265 dispatch on (all) working time saved, WTS按节省的(全部)工作时间计算速遣费266 dispatch on (all) laytime saved, ATS按节省的(全部)装卸时间计算速遣费267 dispatch on all

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