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1、模拟联合国主席团标准用语首先开头时说:If there are no objections, we will bring the committee into formal session. If all delegates will please take their seats, the rapporteur will begin roll call.然后书记员就是进行点名,之后主席说:For those delegates who may have arrived while the roll call was being taken, and whose attendance has

2、not yet been recorded, please send a note forward to the dais to let us know of your arrival and voting status. Please be certain your States attendance has been recorded. You will not be recognized while the committee is in substantive voting session if the dais has not recorded your attendance at

3、this session.之后主席说:Are there any motions on the floor at this time? Seeing none, the first order of business before the committee is to set the agenda order. The topics on the committee agenda are I, II and III. If there are no objections from the committee, the chair will open the speakers list to

4、begin deliberations upon setting the agenda. All those who would like to be placed on the speakers list, please raise your placards until your State has been recognized.就是开speakers list,主席点,书记员把国家名记下,写到speakers list中。然后主席可以说一句这样的话:If any additional members of the committee wish to be placed upon the

5、 speakers list, please send a note forward to the dais with an explanation in this regard.之后就正式进入会议环节,主席开始问有没有MOTION了Are their any motions on the floor at this time? 比如说Norway raises placard Norway, to what point do you rise?然后比如挪威说要把发言时间定到两分钟,主席就说。Thank you delegate, this motion is in order. Are th

6、ere any additional points or motions on the floor at this time? no placards Seeing none, a motion to set a limit of two minutes on the speakers time has been introduced. Is there any objection to this motion? placards are raised in objection Seeing objection to this motion, the chair will entertain

7、2 speakers in favor of this motion and 2 speakers in opposition. Will those delegates wishing to speak in favor of this motion pleases raise your placards? 比如Norway and Mexico, you will speak in favor of the motion.Will those delegates wishing to speak in opposition to this motion please raise your

8、placards? 比如Cuba and Costa Rica, you will speak in opposition to this motion.”然后就这样进行。主席讲话就遵循这样一个模式。会议开场Hello, every delegate. Im the chair of this conference. First of all, lets introduce our dais here.各位代表大家好,我是本次会议的主席。首先介绍主席团成员。点名OK, lets start roll call. The delegate called please raise your pla

9、card and say “present” (chair or rappotuer repeat: XXX is present or absent.)现在进行点名,被点到的代表请高举国家牌,答“到”。OK, today we have XX delegate here, so the simple majority will be XX, the 2/3 majority will be XX.现在我们有XX位代表出席会议,那么,简单多数是XX,三分之二多数是XX。设定发言名单OK, we will set our speakers list, the delegate who wants

10、 to speak, please raise your placard.现在我们将设定发言名单,想要发言的代表请举起国家牌。正式发言The delegate of XXX, you have 2 minutes to address your body.X国代表,你有两分名来陈述贵国立场。动议或问题。Are there any motions or points on the floor?请问专政有无动议或问题?Are there any seconds?请问有无附议?OK, lets start vote现在进行投票。This motion clearly passes or failed

11、.这个动议通过或失败了。(有组织核心磋商)the delegate of XX, you want to be the first or the last?(针对动议国代表)X国代表,你希望第一个发言还是最后一个发言?The entire delegate who wish to speak, please raise your placard.其他有发言意愿的代表请高举国家牌。(自由磋商)Now delegates you have 5 minutes.代表们,你们有5分钟的自由讨论时间。Times up! Delegates, please go back to your seats.时间

12、到,请各位代表回席。附录一:主席团规范工作用语中英文对照一、主席团的自我介绍:1The Chair:Good morning /afternoon,honorable delegates,and fellows.My name is,the Chair of todays conference.I will take this opportunity to welcome each of you to todays conference and I would like to introduce the secretariat members ofTo my left is the Direc

13、tor To my right is the Rapporteur主席:早上好/下午好,各位尊敬的代表。我是今天会议的主席借此机会我将欢迎各位的到来。现在我将介绍主席团成员。我左边的是会议指导右边的是主席助理2The Director:Good morning/afternoon,my name is,the Director of todays conference.All the files,including working papers,draft resolutions,amendments will directly come to me and I will provide al

14、l the answers at todays conference.会议指导:早上好/下午好。我是今天的会议指导会议中的所有文件,包括工作文件、决议草案、修正案都应直接提交给我。我将解答今天大会上的一切问题。3The Rapporteur: Good morning/afternoon,my name is, the Rapporteur of todays conference主席助理:早上好/下午好。我是今天会议的主席助理二、(roll call)点名Now the rapporteur will do the roll call ,All delegates please your p

15、lacard and saypresentwhen your nations name is called.下面进行点名,被点到国家名的代表请举牌并答“到”。The Rapporteur:Afghanistan. 主席助理:阿富汗Delegate of Afghanistan:present. 阿富汗:到。The Rapporteur: Afghanistan is present. 主席助理:阿富汗代表出席。三、(setting the agenda)设定议题1Since we have two topic today .topic Aand topic Bnow we are going

16、to set the agenda.由于我们今天有两个议题,议题A是议题B是,下面我们将确定议题。2Those delegates wishing to talk about topic A first ,please raise your placard.a,b and c.Thank you .Now delegate of you have 90 second to address the body希望先讨论议题A的代表请举牌,a、b、c。谢谢。现在a国代表,您的发言时间为90秒。3And those delegates wishing to talk about topic B fir

17、st ,please raise your placard.d,e and f.Thank you .Now delegate ofyou have 90 second to address the bodythank youNow delegate ofyou have 90 second to address the body希望先讨论议题B的代表请举牌,d、f、g。谢谢。现在d国代表,您的发言时间为90秒。4Since all the delegates have addressed their position,we now have to vote各位代表发言结束,现在进行投票。5A

18、ll those delegates wishing to discuss topic A first,please raise your placard(counting)thank you希望先讨论议题A的代表请举牌,谢谢 6And all those delegates wishing to discuss topic B first,please raise your placard(counting)thank you希望先讨论议题B的代表请举牌,谢谢。7Since we have delegates in favor of topic A being discussed first

19、 and topic B,we will discuss topic area AB irst现有 代表希望先讨论议题A, 代表希望先讨论议题B。所以将先讨论议题 。四、(SpeakersIist) 确定发言名单1Now the chair would like to open the speakerslist,and all those delegates wishing to speak please raise your placard.(calling the names of the countries)thank you。下面将产生发言名单。希望发言的代表请举牌。谢谢。2If th

20、ere are any other delegates whishing to speak,please send a page to the chair will add your countrys name to the speakerslist.如果还有国家代表希望发言,请递条给主席,主席会把国家名添加在发言名单上。3And each delegate will have 2 minutes to address the body,and the chair will remind you of time with gavel when theres 30 seconds left每位代

21、表将有2分钟的发言时间,在还剩3 O秒的时侯主席会敲桌提醒。4Honorable delegate fro m,you hav 2 min to address the body尊敬的 国代表,您有2分钟的发言时间。五、 (Formal debate) 正式辩论1Thank you,dear delegate.Your time is up.谢谢你 国代表,您的发言时间结束。2Thank you,delegat e. You have lmin leftWould you like to yield your time?谢谢你 国代表,您还有一分钟的发言时问。您愿意让渡您的时间吗? 3Dele

22、gate:I would like to yield my tiine to chair。代表:让渡给主席。4The Chair:Thank you.主席:谢谢。 5The Chair:Thank you,delegateYou have 30 seconds 1eftWould you like to yield your time?主席:谢谢你 国代表,您还有30秒的发言时间。您愿意让渡您的时间吗?6Delegate:I would like to yiel my time to India。代表:我愿意将我的发言时间让渡给印度代表。 7The Chair:Thank you.Delega

23、te of india,now you have 30 seconds主席:谢谢。印度代表,现往你有30秒的发言时间。 8The Chair:Are there any points or motions of the floor?主席:台下有无问题或动议7 9Delegateof Israel:Point以色列代表:问题。 10The Chair:Delegate of Israel,to what point do you rise?主席:以色列代表有何问题?11Delegate of Israel:Point of personal privilege。Israel feels a li

24、ttle bit hot,shold we have open the window?以色列代表:个人特权问题。以色列觉得有些热,可否开窗?12The Chair:Thank you,delegate .We are now sending our conference staff to open the window。主席:谢谢代表。我现在让工作人员开窗。六、(Informal debate)非正式辩论1Now the de1egate of China motions for a moderated caucus for 5min on the topic of and each dele

25、gate has 30 sec to address the body现在中国代表就 问题进行5分钟的有主持核心磋商,每名代表的发言时间为3O秒。2Now the delegate of China motions for an unmoderated caucus for 10minutes中国代表有一动议,进行lO分钟的白由磋商3Is there a second?Now we have to vote All those delegates in favor of this motion please raise your placardA nd all those against th

26、is motion,please raise your placard.The motion obviously passed(the chair is sorry that the motion failed) 请问台下有无附议?下面进行投票。赞成此动议的代表请举牌。反对此动议的代表请举牌,此动议明显通过了(主席很遗憾此动议未能通过)4All delegates,please beseated!代表们请就座七、(Summit working paper and draft resolution)工作草案和决议草案提交1The chair would like to encourage the

27、 delegate to summit your working paper to the director now.主席希望代表现在能向会议指导提交工作文件2The chair would like to see draft resolution submitted to the director now.主席希望代表现住能向会议指导提交决议草案3Now we have wor ing paperdraft resolution 11 submitted by China printed for every are there any points or moti

28、ons on the f1oor?中国代表提交了工作文件决议草案1.1,现己印发给了各位代表。请问台下有无问题或动议。八、友好修正案(会议指导需要介绍友好修正案的内容)The Director:We now have a friendly amendment submitted by Cuba and it will be spontaneously added to the draft resolution 11 as a clause No4.会议指导:现住,古巴代表提交了友好修正案,并将被引入决议草案第四款。九、非友好修正案1The Director:By this moment,we

29、have an unfriendly amendment 1.11 submitted by Sudan and with the signatories from China,Egypt,South Africa and UK.会议指导:现在苏丹提交了一份非友好修正案111,该修止案得到了中国、埃及、南非和联合王国的附议。主席:由于该草案为非友好修正案,现在需要两位支持该草案的代表和两位反对该修正案的代表发言。支持该草案的代表请举牌。法国。法国代表,你有9 0秒的发言时间。3The Chair:We now have to voteFor the first clause of amendm

30、ent 111,all those delegate in favor of this clause,please raise your placardsThank you .With 9 delegate in favor of this clause,it wont be added to the draft resolutionso the amendment submitted by Sudan will not be added to the draft resolution. 所以苏丹提交的修正案1.1.1,不会被加入修正案。十、(Close the debate)结束辩论1The

31、 delegate from China motions to close the debate and have the final vote. We need two de1egates to speak for this motion and two against it现在中国代表动议结束辩论并进行最终投票。下面请两位赞成此动议的代表和两位反对此动议的代表发言。2Those delegates wishing to close this debate please raise your placard. And those against it please raise your placard希望结束辩论的代表请举牌。希望继续辩论的代表请举牌。十一、(Vote) 投票1The Chair:Now the Chair would like to introduce the Rappoteur to hold the role cal vote.主席:现在由主席助理来主持投票。“yes”or “no”or “abstain”when your countrys name is called.Australia,Australia votes “yes”主席助理:请被点到的代表答“赞成”、“反对”、或“弃权”。澳大利亚,澳大利亚赞

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