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1、届中考英语模拟检测试8中考模拟试卷考生须知:1、本试卷份试题卷和答题卷两部分,满分120分,考试时间100分钟;2、答题时,必须在规定区内写明校名、姓名和准考证号;3、所有答案都必须做在答题卷标定的位置上,请务必注意试题序号和答题序号相对应;4、考试结束后,上交试题卷和答题卷。试题卷I听力部分 (25分)1、听短对话,回答问题(共5小题,计5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试题的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What subject did the woman

2、fail ? A. Math. B. English. C. Chinese.2. Who is Mr Black? A. The man wearing sunglasses. B. The man wearing a hat. C. The man wearing a blue coat. 3. Where does the grandpa probably live? A. In a city. B. In a factory. C. On a farm. 4. How much are the boys jeans? A. 40 yuan. B.160 yuan . C. 80 yua

3、n .5. Whats the weather like now? A. Warm. B. Hot. C. Cold.二、听较长对话,回答问题(共6小题,计12分) 听下面两段长对话。每段对话后有几个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段话前,你有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话读两遍。听下面一段对对话,回答第6至第8三个小题。现在,你有15秒的时间阅读这三个小题。6. What did the teachers do after Tim made trouble? A. They always talked to his par

4、ents. B. They always made him clean the classroom. C. They always laughed at him.7. Why did Tim lie down with his bike on top of him? A. To get a new bike. B. To make his mother angry. C. To play a joke on his mother.8. Whats the conversation mainly about? A. Tims behavior as a little boy. B. Tims f

5、eeling for his school life. C. Tims attitude toward his mother.听下面一段对话,回答第9至第11三个小题,现在你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。9. Where did the man see the lists of places and restaurants? A. On TV. B. In a travel guide. C. From a newspaper.10. What will the man do if he goes camping? A. Cook on an open fire. B. Sleep near

6、 the sea. C. Send a letter to the woman.11. What will the woman do at last? A. Go to Greece. B. Stay at home. C. Go swimming.1. 听独白,回答问题(共4小题,计8分) 听下面一段独白,并按独白的要求在试卷上完成任务。你可以边听边完成任务。然后你会看到4个问题和相关的选项。请从每个问题A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听独白前,你有25秒钟的时间阅读有关材料和4个小题。听完独白后,你有25秒种的时间来选择有关选项。独白连续两遍。小词典: terminal: 终点站12.

7、How many kinds of transportation are mentioned in the passage? A. 5. B. 4. C. 6.13. Which city can you get to only by plane? A. Shanghai. B. Changsha. C. Hong Kong.14. Along the Grand Canal, theres a pleasant boat trip to _. A. Suzhou. B. Dalian. C. Xian.15. Hangzhou is the _ point for the Zhejiang-

8、Jiangxi line. A. starting B. second stop C. center笔试部分 (95分)四、单项填空(共15小题,计15分)从A、B、C、D中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。16The underline part in the word “family” is pronounced as _. A. /i/ B. / C. /ei/ D. /e/17. Do you speak English or French in Canada? _. But I prefer French. A. Neither B. Both C. Either D. All18.

9、The food looks _ and tastes _. A. nicely; good B. nice; good C. nicely; well D. nice; well19.You should _ your teachers advice if you want to improve your English. That sounds great. A. listen B. hear C. catch D. follow20.Have you heard of the news about Jane and Li Lei? News? No, I havent. Tell me

10、about _. A. them B. her C. it D. him21.Oh! There isnt enough _ for us in the bus. No hurry. Lets wait for the next one. A. place B. land C. room D. floor22. What do you mean, there are only ten tickets? There _ be twelve. A. should B. would C. will D. shall23. Tony will never forget the days _ he sp

11、ent with his grandmother in the countryside. A. when B. that C. what D. how24. Mary, do you know _? Sorry, I dont know. A. what was he doing at that time B. what his favorite sport is C. what was happened to him D. what is Mr. Lis father25. Can I use this expression in the text? No. It has _. Nobody

12、 uses it today. A. given away B. broken down C. got up D. gone out26. John, work hard _ you will make much progress. A. or B. nor C. but D. and27. She had to sell the house even though it was _ her own wishes. A. above B. on C. against D. for28. Why not ask Tony to go to the bar together with us? He

13、 _ Shanghai on business, and _ back in two weeks. A. has gone to; come B. has gone to; will be C. has been to; comes D. has been to; will be29. Mary _ in Hangzhou for 5 years and now he lives in Beijing. A. has worked B. worked C. had worked D. is workinga. Hi! My names Bob. Its my first time to be

14、here. _ . A. Its my pleasure B. Im very pleased C. Its very kind of you D. Pleased to meet you五、完形填空 (共15小题,计15分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Growing up is not always easy .When facing difficulties ,courage and a spirit of independence (独立)can be more useful than crying for help .Thats whats t

15、he story Ive heard recently tells me . The young man was born in1982 in a 31 family in a small town .When he was only 11, his father became mentally ill and one day came back with an abandoned baby (弃儿) girl .A year later ,his 32 left home with his younger brother because she couldnt 33 hard life an

16、d pressure from her mad husband . The 12-year-old boy began to 34 his whole family : he took care of not only his sick father ,but also the little girl . 35 ,he didnt give up studying .Later he went to college . To care for the little girl ,he rented a room near his college and 36 her education by d

17、oing part-time jobs . After the young mans story went public ,people were deeply impressed by his behavior.37 his life was hard ,he didnt abandon his father and his sister because 38 needed his help very much . And he 39 donations from others . He said he felt 40 because of kind offers ,but he could

18、 depend on his own work .With his hard won money ,he 41 helped other students in trouble . Today when many young people worry more about their own happiness, this young mans behavior reminds us of what we dont usually 42 : love and care for others .nobody could Continue to live 43 these . Through hi

19、s hard life ,the young man is regarded as a 44 . So when facing difficulties ,dont 45 bad luck .Consider what more you could do for your family and society ,and youll find the world smiling back .31.A. richB. happyC. poorD. sad 32.A. fatherB. motherC. sisterD. brother 33.A. understandB. standC. beli

20、eveD. think.34.A.supportB. organizeC .hateD .like35.A.At timesB. SometimesC. At the same timeD. For the first time36.A.plantedB. affordedC endedD. went37.A.SinceB. UnlessC. IfD. Although38.A. theyB. he C sheD. you39.A.receivedB .expectedC. refusedD. got40.A. sorry B. thankfulC. encouragedD .sad41.A.

21、 evenB. hardlyC. stillD .too42 A. get used toB. worry aboutC. pay attention toD. look forward to43.A. withB. without C. byD. for44.A.foolB. volunteerC. heroD. boy45.A.knock intoB. dream about C. talk about D. complain about 六、阅读理解(共15小题,计30分,其中第一节10小题,计20分;第二节5小题,计10分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中

22、选出最佳选项。AThe owner of a missing cat is asking for help. “My baby has been missing for over a month now, and I want him back so badly,” said Mrs. Brown, a 56-year-old woman. Mrs. Brown lives by herself in a trailer park near Clovis. She said that Clyde, her 7-year-old cat, didnt come home for dinner m

23、ore than a month ago. The next morning he didnt appear for breakfast either. After Clyde missed an extra-special lunch, she called the police.When the policeman asked her to describe Clyde, she told him that Clyde had beautiful green eyes, had all his teeth but was missing half of his left ear, and

24、was seven years old and completely white. She then told the officer that Clyde was about a foot high.A bell went off. “Is Clyde your child or your pet?” the officer suspiciously asked. “Well, hes my cat, of course,” Mrs. Brown replied. “Lady, youre supposed to report missing PERSONS, not missing CAT

25、S,” said the sppeadeotoned policeman. “Well, who can I report this to?” she asked. “You cant. You have to ask around your neighborhood or put up flyers,” replied the officer.Mrs. Brown figured that a billboard would work a lot better than an 8”x11” piece of paper on a telephone pole. There was an em

26、pty billboard at the end of her street just off the interstate(州际公路) highway. The billboard had a phone number on it. She called that number, and they told her they could blow up a picture of Clyde (from Mrs. Browns family album) and put it on the billboard for all to see.“But how can people see it

27、when they whiz(快速移动) by on the interstate?” she asked. “Oh, dont worry, maam, they only whiz by between 2 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. The rest of the day, the interstate is so full of commuters that no one moves.” They told her it would cost only $3,000 a month. So she took most of the money out of her savin

28、gs account and rented the billboard for a month.The month has passed, but Clyde has not appeared. Because she has almost no money in savings, Mrs. Brown called the local newspaper to see if anyone could help her rent the billboard for just one more month. She is waiting but, so far, no one has stepp

29、ed forward.46. How long has the cat been missing? A. More than a month B. More than two monthsC. More than three months D. Its been back.47. Who did the old lady finally turn to for help? A. A billboard company B. The policeC. The phone company D. The interstate telephone line48. How is the old lady

30、 like? A. Stupid B. Loving C. Smart D. Decisive(有决断力的)49. The underlined word was mistyped(打错了). But we can still guess its most probable meaning:_. A. angry B. surprised C. happy D. excited50. Whats the best title for this passage?A. An advertisement B. A missing cat C. A pets story D. Life without catBYUXI, China Many people of this city in southwest China spent Saturday night in tents, too scared to sleep in their homes after an earthquake which killed 188 people early that morning. Countless homes were destroyed and lots of people became homeless

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