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1、hit有几种用法hit有几种用法 你知道hit的用法吗?快来一起学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。精神打击:hit有几种用法To me, the definition of focus is knowing exactly where you want to be today, next week, next month, next year, then never deviating from your plan. Once you can see, touch and feel your objective, all you have to do is pull back and p

2、ut all your strength behind it, and youll hit your target every time.Bruce Jenner对我来说,专注的定义是确切知道你今天、下周、下个月及明年会在哪里,绝不偏离你的计画。一旦你能看到、摸到及感受你的目标,你唯一需要做的是退后一步、把你所有的力气放在那愿景之后,你将每次都达到目标。布鲁斯杰纳一、关于hit,你应该知道的用法有n.1.打,击 an act or instance of hitting or being hitEach hit was like a blow.每一击就像一个打击。2.(精神上的)打击 C a

3、stroke mentallyIf the rich head for the door, the financial system could take a hit as well.如果富人携资本离开,金融系统也有可能遭受打击。3.碰撞 C severly touch我们被车撞了,肇事司机逃逸。4.成功,轰动 C a great successThe new fad even made a hit among older people too.这新的流行甚至也受年龄较大的人们欢迎。5.击中,命中;得分 C base hitNot even one player got a hit.甚至没有球

4、员得分。v.1.撞击,碰撞 I,T to bring your hand, or an object you are holding, against sb / sth quickly and with forceThe car hit a tree.车碰撞在树上。2.达到 T to reach a particular levelAll industrial discharge has hit the state limits by May 2000.工业污染源已于2000年5月全部达到国家排放标准。3.袭击 T to attack sb / sthWe were hit by really

5、 bad weather.我们遭受到了坏天气的袭击。4.(精神上)打击,抨击,伤的感情,使受严重影响 T to strike mentallyThe bad news hit everyone hard.这条坏消息使每个人都受到严重打击。5.击中,命中;得分 T to score points by hittingRobinson Cano hit a two-run triple and Damon finished with three singles, a walk and two stolen bases.坎诺击出一支两个得分点的三垒安打,戴门则是整场取得三支一垒安打,一个保送外加两次

6、盗垒成功。二、词义辨析:还有哪些单词能表示“打”的意思呢?beat, strike, hit, thrash, whip这些动词均含有“打”之意。beat普通用词,含义广泛,指连续打击。游戏、竞赛或战争中作打败解。strike普通用词,多指急速或突然一次猛击。hit普通用词,常与strike换用,侧重有目标的猛击,强调用力击中。thrash侧重指用棍子或鞭子等痛打。whip多指用鞭子抽打。三、你知道hit和哪些词更搭吗?hit home击中要害,触及痛处;说中,猜对,得要领hit parade最畅销的流行音乐唱片集hit the books用功hit the ceiling生气,大发雷霆;考试

7、不及格hit the deck被打倒;起床,下床;准备行动四、最后,来做个填词游戏吧He _ me, so I struck him back.他打了我, 所以我才还手打他。hit的各种用法老师说词昨日一老外对我说了这样一句话: Today in China, some of the young millionaires, their purpose to hit the clubs by playing drakes and ducks with money, is just hitting on the innocent girls.(见后PS.) 身旁的朋友听清楚了每个单词,结果没有明白

8、意思。自言自语道:到酒吧闹事hit the clubs,打小姑娘hit on the .girls。听到朋友的叽咕,于是哈哈大笑。今天就讲一下hit的用法,免得在闹笑话。不再啰嗦hit作打,击的用法,就讲hit的名词用法和几个常见的动词短语。1.必须掌握的名词用法hitn. 风行一时受人追捧的事物;成功(电影,戏曲,小说)? Yogo seemed to be a hit for keeping fit last year.对于塑身来说去年瑜伽好像风行一时。? His new published novel seemed to be agreat hit this year.他新出版的小说似乎

9、很畅销。2.可以掌握的名词用法hit与喜爱有关,常用短语be a hit with sb.某人喜爱之物/事? Going to museum on weekends is a big hit with most families.周末去博物馆是我们全家喜欢的事。? Different people have different hobbies, fishing is a hit with me, but jogging is a hit with my wife.不同的人有不同的嗜好,我喜欢的事是钓鱼,太太喜欢是小跑散步。3.第一必须掌握的动词短语hit home说道点子上,击中目标? She

10、 didnt say anything, she knew his comment really hit home.她什么都没说,她知道他的评论说道点子上的。hit the nail on the head=hit home正中要害,一语中的,一针见血? He always hit the nail on the head so all people found him extremly reliable.他说话总是一针见血,所有人都觉得他很靠谱。4.第二必须掌握的动词短语hit on/upon an idea意识到/灵机一动突然想到? He hit on an idea that would

11、 be the perfect birthday surprise.他灵机一动,想到了完美的生日惊喜好主意。hit on sb.勾搭某人(泡某人)? He is talking with the lady joyously. No, she is not aware that he is trying to hit on her.他在和她谈得正欢, 不,她不知道有人正在想泡她。5.第三必须掌握hit =arrive at达到, 遇到to hit the historic record达到历史记录? This year, we have too much rain, the rain fall

12、has hit the historic record.今年我们这里雨水过多,已经达到历史记录了。hit a brick wall无法取得进展 (走入死胡同)? Their research really hit the brick wall, they are trying other ways.他们的研究遇到了瓶颈,他们正在想别的法子。hit the jackpot中头彩,大获成功词源探讨jackpot中的jack是扑克牌中J, pot是罐子,钱罐。一种扑克赌博游戏,直到某持牌方至少持有两张 J 或更大牌才可以开牌并取得胜利。jackpot就相当于博彩行业中的奖池。后引申词义大奖,头奖。汉

13、语俗话狗屎运? Sally is the perfect girl for me. Ive hit the jackpot in life by being with her.Sally是我的真命天女,能和她在一起真是我这辈子最大的福分。hit the headlines成为头条新闻? The couple hit the headlines last year when their relationship broke down.去年这两口子关系破裂而上了头条新闻。hit the roof/hit the ceiling暴跳如雷,火气冲天撞到天花板? My parents would hit

14、 the roof if he knew that I wrecked his car.如果我爸发现我毁了他的车,一定会暴跳如雷的。6.第四必须掌握的动词短语hit表示接触hit the books用功啃书? I got an exam tomorrow. so I got to hit the books tonight.我明天有个考试,今晚我要念书呢。? hit the sack= hit the hay累了倒下就睡了Tina was so tired that she hit the sack soon after long hours works.Tina实在是太累了,长时间工作以后,

15、倒下就睡了。hit the bottle酗酒? He started to hit the bottle to relieve stress.他开始用酗酒了释放压力。hit the road上路(赶路)? Lets hit the road after staying here for a night.我们在这呆一晚就上路吧。hit the light开灯? Would you please hit the light for me?请问你可以帮我开一下灯么?7.可以掌握的复合形容词hit-and-miss / hit-or-miss无计划,欠考虑的? It was the hit-and-m

16、iss attack that made the our troop surrounded in the valley.就是这欠考虑的进攻让我们的部队被困在山谷。hit-and-run仅用于名词前 肇事逃逸的? Any hit-and-run driver would be severely punished as a criminal.任何肇事逃逸司机都会被视为罪犯而受到严处。PS.hit on someone并不是打某人的意思,而是大家常说的“撩妹”,“泡妞”。? Cindy never realizes when boys are hitting on her.Cindy总是浑然不知有男

17、生在追她。? Being a cake-eater, his purpose is just hitting on the the single innocentgirl.喜欢和女生泡在一起,他的目的就是泡那些天真无知的少女。老外话的意思是: 今天,一些年轻的富豪,上夜店花钱如流水的目的就是泡那些无知天真的女孩子。? hit a bar/hit some clubs去夜店? play stakes and ducks打水漂漂游戏 ducks and drakes是一种大多数孩子都玩过的游戏,它和鸭子无关,却和水有关,在河滩边或湖边,孩子们在地上捡一些小石片,然后往水面上扔,比谁的

18、石片在水面上跳得远。这种游戏就是play ducks and drakes。但加上介词with,作为一个成语来用,play ducks and drakes with却具有“挥霍,滥用”的意义。间或也有人说play at ducks and drakes with或用动词make来代替play的。? Right after his fathers funeral, he started to play ducks and drakes with the money he had come into.他父亲的丧事刚办完,他就开始挥霍他所继承的钱。? We are not supposed to

19、play ducks and drakes with our parents hard-earned money.我们不应随意滥用父母辛辛苦苦挣来的钱。英语语法:短语hit on, hunt for的用法动词短语是由动词和介词、副词、名词等构成的,在句中作谓语。81. hit on突然想到用法:hit on表示“突然想到”,介词on也可以用upon来代替,主语必须是人。例句:For a moment the other day, she thought she might have hit on a good one. (20XX年12月六级)前几天的一瞬间,她以为她想到了一个好主意。语法结构

20、分析:For a moment the other day是介词词组作状语, she是主语, thought是谓语动词(过去式), she might have hit on a good one整个是宾语从句,其中she是主语,mighthave是谓语, hit是宾语, on a good one是介词词组作状语。82.hunt for追踪,追捕用法:hunt for的宾语可是人,也可以是物。例句:The hunter was wounded when he hunted for the tiger.那个猎人在追捕老虎的时候受伤了。83.impact on冲击,撞击用法:impact on后

21、常接名词或者名词词组。例句:A further expansion of farming area will adversely impact on the worlds natural ecosystems. (20XX年12月六级)再继续扩大耕作面积的话就会对全球生态系统产生不利影响。84. insist on坚持用法:insist on与insist的意义相同,与persist同义。例句:Gary insisted on buying the food for the picnic. (20XX年12月六级)加里坚持为野餐买食物。20191126作业形容词短语:intend for打算例

22、句:The glass bottle is intended for holding flowers picked up from the garden.日常口语中hit的地道用法刚到国外没多久时,有一次下课后我去找老师问个问题,他当时看起来好像有急事的样子,说了句:Sorry,I gotta hit the road,然后巴拉一大堆。我一脸黑人问号,难道他要去砸路或者干什么吗? whats wrong with the road?当时咱不太懂,黑人大叔比较壮实,咱也不太敢问。后来才知道hit the road在日常中表示上路,动身出发的意思。因电影速度与激情而爆红的歌曲see you aga

23、in里面一句歌词也用到了hit the road,这里指的自然是开车上路了。hit除了我们比较熟悉的击打的意思,日常口语中,hit+名词经常被用来表示去做某件事,例如摇滚乐团的主唱常会看看吉他手,键盘手,贝斯手等准备好了没,如果大家准备好了,他就会大喊一声音,Lets hit it,其实这里就表示,Lets do it。再比如,去冲个澡,大家一般会用take a shower来表达,这样当然没问题,但如果用hit a shower 就会显得地道多了。就好比中国人说“我们一起去洗澡吧”,显得比较客套拘谨,但换成“走,咱搓个澡去”的话,那感觉就蹭蹭上去了。还有一些其他常见的用法如下:hit the bed,去睡觉hit the restroom,上厕所hit the books,看书学习hit the ceiling,勃然大怒例句:“ I have to hit the books tonight, so I cant go to the movies with you“我今晚要去看书学习,所以不能和你一起去看电影了”hit有几种用法(文库搜索)

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