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Module 9 Unit 1同步评估.docx

1、Module 9 Unit 1同步评估Module 9 Unit 1同步评估英语知识运用第一节 单项填空请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。1. In my opinion, traveling with some friends is more interesting than traveling alone._. I prefer traveling alone.A. I couldnt agree with you moreB. It depends C. I really cant agree with youD. Let me take a loo

2、k2. Where did you learn how to plant flowers?It was on the very farm _ we once worked in.A. that B. what C. where D. which3. My father has never liked meat, but he has always had a _ for fruit and vegetables.A. interest B. preferenceC. enthusiasm D. devotion4. Considering your salary, you should _ a

3、t least one hundred dollars a week.A. put forward B. put upC. put out D. put aside5. In my opinion, _ really counts is not failure itself, but what we think of failure and do afterwards.A. it B. which C. that D. what6. He is _ mastering English he gets up early and goes to bed late every day.A. bent

4、 on B. bound toC. desperate to D. abundant in7. My grandfather _ smoking, but normally only smokes when he is free.A. is proud of B. is fond of C. is familiar with D. is afraid of 8. _, my cousin doesnt do well in his lessons. In fact, he shows no interest in his studies.A. Clever as he is B. As he

5、is cleverC. He is as clever D. As clever he is9. Jim, why is Mrs. Green so busy these days?She is _ in writing a novel.A. occupied B. locatedC. included D. brought10. Ive heard that the wood tower was built more than 1,000 years ago, so I think it is worthy _. A. visiting B. to visitC. being visited

6、 D. to be visited11. It will cost too much money to advertise on TV, but I think local newspapers are _ cheap.A. seemingly B. relativelyC. fortunately D. widely12. _ I am concerned, we can either go to Australia this week or next.A. As well as B. As often asC. As far as D. As long as13. _ when have

7、you been living in this city, Uncle Wang?1960.A. Since B. From C. After D. In 14. _ with a new type of machine, the explorers went into a cave, hoping to find some buried treasure.A. Equipping B. Equipped C. Being equipped D. Having equipped15. What are you going to do with so many vegetables?Well,

8、_ allow them to go bad, I will sell them at half price.A. more than B. less thanC. rather than D. other than第二节 完形填空请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Just before Christmas 1978, Kenneth was a passenger in a car as it drove through the Navajo Nation. The night was dark, and the driver, an elder

9、ly woman, 16 and killed an eight-year-old boy. Later, when he saw how sad the boys family were, Kenneth made a(n) 17 . He would “do 18 it takes to make 19 happy at Christmastime.” A year later, at the age of 18, he was living with his mother and younger brother. They were 20 making ends meet on his

10、low wages, but Kenneth bought a used Santa suit and went around 21 people as poor as himself to give candy and fruit for families even more needy. Just before midnight on Christmas Eve, he went knocking on doors of 22 houses in the poorest section of the Navajo Nation. Many of the darkened homes did

11、nt have 23 . Some families were 24 to open their doors so late at night. “Its a man! He has a big bag!” he 25 a boy, holding up a lantern (灯笼) and watching 26 the curtains, tell his parents. Kenneth convinced (使确信) them he was 27 . At every opened door, he 28 candies, oranges, toys and so on. Many N

12、avajo kids had never seen 29 before, so his old costume and store-bought beard didnt 30 them. It touched Kenneth that the kids were excited by so 31 . He 32 it up year after year, gathering more “elves (精灵)” to help him. His Christmas Eve 33 have grown into an annual Navajo feast with gifts of cloth

13、ing, tools and toys for over 700 people. Kids who cant 34 it to the event because theyre sick or lack transportation geta 35 visit from Kenneth or one of his elves. “My grandfather taught me that you learn to be a man by sharing and by keeping promises,” he says.16. A. struck B. touched C. found D.

14、stopped17. A. conclusion B. excuse C. promise D. effort18. A. whichever B. wherever C. however D. whatever19. A. the family B. children C. brothers D. his mother20. A. probably B. almost C. hardly D. nearly21. A. suggesting B. persuading C. requiring D. calling22. A. old B. big C. bright D. lonely23

15、. A. electricity B. food C. doors D. windows24. A. happy B. angry C. afraid D. eager 25. A. thought B. hoped C. let D. heard26. A. out for B. from behind C. from under D. out of 27. A. gentle B. generous C. harmless D. helpful 28. A. reached for B. put down C. picked out D. handed out29. A. Kenneth

16、B. candies C. elves D. Santa Claus 30. A. disappoint B. satisfy C. attract D. please 31. A. much B. big C. little D. many 32. A. held B. kept C. gave D. took 33. A. gifts B. experiences C. excitements D. visits 34. A. make B. do C. get D. have 35. A. usual B. personal C. normal D. formal 第三部分 阅读理解请认

17、真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A Ibrahim became disabled after contracting polio (小儿麻痹症) when he was three years old. At first his parents, like many other parents of disabled children in Niger, did not want to send him to school. They were worried he would be laughed at by his classmates. Des

18、pite his disability, and his parents doubts, Ibrahim was determined to go to school. “When I was eight,” Ibrahim says, “other kids of my age were going to school while I stayed at home. I did not like that. So, I pestered(缠着) my parents until they finally let me go to school.” Ibrahims parents sent

19、him to a private school nearby. Although the journey to and from school was a short one, it still wasnt easy for Ibrahim. He had to use his hands to help him move along, protecting them with plastic slippers. But at least he was getting an education. However, after only a year in school, Ibrahims ed

20、ucation was interrupted when his parents separated. His mother did not have the means to continue paying for his tuition (学费). In 2018, Ibrahim received some money to be fitted with a leg brace (支架), corrective shoes and his first pair of crutches (拐杖). Now that he was more mobile than before, the m

21、ost important thing for him was to find a way to go back to school. “I wanted to start school again last October,” Ibrahim says. “After my mother told me she could not afford it, I went to visit some of my relatives for support. And I collected 5,000 francs CFA (US $8) to pay my tuition for half a y

22、ear. I will find the rest of the money somehow.” Ibrahim attends a school in which he is the only disabled student. According to his teacher, he is among the top five students in a class of 55. 36. Why did Ibrahims parents prefer Ibrahim to stay at home? A. There was a lot of housework for him to do

23、. B. They had no money to pay for his tuition. C. There were not enough schools in the country. D. They were afraid the students would make fun of him. 37. How did Ibrahim go to school before his parents separated? A. He went to school on his wheelchair. B. He went to school on his parents bicycle.

24、C. He walked to school with the support of his hands.D. He walked to school using a pair of crutches.38. Ibrahims education was interrupted because of his _. A. parents doubts B. lack of tuition C. physical disability D. terrible mood 39. The best title for the passage might be _.A. A long way to go

25、 B. Determined to learnC. The only disabled student D. I did not like thatB A huge shire horse (夏尔马) in Australia has been declared the biggest horse in the world by its owner, beating the current Guinness World Record by several inches. The giant five-year-old, from Pakenham, S.E. Australia, measur

26、es an amazing 20.1 hands, or 2.057m tall. He weighs over 1.3 tons (1,300 kg) about the same as a small car and is still growing. His owner, horse trainer Jane Greenman, 47, says the only time the horse runs is when there is food on offer. “He eats an incredible amount. I would hate to run a team of

27、eight horses his size it would send you broke (破产的),” she says. The massive horse, whose name is Noddy, was born in Australia with parents imported from England. Noddys grandfather, Ladbrooke Edward (UK) was the worlds tallest horse during the 1980s. But Jane had no idea that the horse she raised fr

28、om the age of six months would grow this big. Noddy immediately began to rocket and soon overtook both his parents in size. Although she says that she is not interested in the Guinness Book of World Records, Jane has carried out her own research and is sure that Noddy comes top. “The nearest is a ho

29、rse in Texas, at 20 hands,” says Jane. “Noddy is already an inch taller than that. The scary thing is he still hasnt finished shire horses arent fully grown until theyre about six or seven.” Jane has said that Noddy could be sold overseas, possibly even fetching a record price to match his height. S

30、he is unwilling to sell, but to cover the high cost of keeping him, she needs to put him to work. “He needs a job. Its very hard to find jobs for such a big horse in Australia. I wish he could stay here but Ive tried everywhere,” she says regretfully. “I just want people to enjoy this beautiful anim

31、al as much as I do.”40. The underlined word “rocket” in Paragraph 4 probably means _.A. walk around B. eat a lot C. grow fast D. look strong41. Which of the following is a big problem for the horses owner?A. She doesnt know how to apply for the Guinness World Record.B. She has to support eight big horses at the same time.C. Another horse in Texas is growing even faster than

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