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1、8年级下册英语期末考试复习提纲外研版外研版八年级英语下册期末复习资料Module 1 Feelings and impressions必背单词1. smell (v.) 有的气味; 闻; 闻出smelled/smelt (过去式)smelled/smelt(过去分词)2. soft (adj.) 软的; 柔软的softly (adv.) 软地, 柔软地3. lovely (adj.) 令人愉快的; 可爱的love (n.) 爱(v.) 喜爱4. done (adj.) 做完的do (v.) 做5. try (n.) 尝试; 努力(v.) 尝试tried(过去式)tried(过去分词)6. so

2、und (v.) 听起来; 令人觉得(n.)声音7. salt (n.) 盐; 食盐salty (adj.)咸的8. favourite (n.) 最喜欢的人或事(adj.) 最喜欢的9. sour (adj.) 酸的; 馊的10. cookie (n.) 小甜饼; 曲奇饼11. pizza (n.) 比萨饼12. pie (n.) 馅饼; 派13. jam (n.) 果酱14. nervous (adj.) 情绪不安的; 紧张的more nervous (比较级)更紧张的most nervous 最紧张的15. pretty (adj.) 秀丽的; 标致的prettier(比较级)更秀丽的;

3、 更标致的prettiest(最高级)最秀丽的; 最标致的16. proud (adj.) 感到自豪的, 感到骄傲的pride ( n. ) 自豪; 骄傲17. stranger (n.) 陌生人strange (adj.) 陌生的, 奇怪的18. hobby (n.) 业余爱好hobbies (pl.) 19. glasses (n.) 用复数眼镜20. jeans (n.) 用复数牛仔裤21. fair (adj.) (头发)金色的, 浅褐色的22. message (n.) 电子邮件; 口信; 信息必背短语1. would like 要; 想要 2. on top 在顶端, 在上边 3.

4、 a bit 有点 4. .be done 完成了,做好了 5. have a try 尝一尝; 试试看 6. in the middle 在中间 7. sweet tooth 对甜食的爱好 8. be sure 确信 9.hear from sb 收到某人的来信 10.cant wait to do sth 等不及做. 11. arrive at 到达(小) 12.each other 互相 well 也 good at 擅长 proud of 为而感到自豪 school 在学校 17. at first 起初,首先 18.a few 一些,几个

5、 the right way 用正确的方式 20. lots of 许多 with sb 和某人交谈 afraid of 害怕 excited about 对.感到兴奋 24. look like 看起来像25. help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事 26.shake hands with 与.握手 必背句子1. What a delicious smell!多好闻的香味!2. Would you like to try some?你想尝一些吗?3. Im afraid I dont like cheese. 恐怕我不喜欢奶酪。4.

6、 Its my lucky day!今天是我的幸运日!5. Thank you for your last message.谢谢你的上一封电子邮件。6. Im quite tall, with short fair hair, and I wear glasses.我相当高, 梳着金色短发, 而且我戴眼镜。7. How do you feel about coming to China?你觉得来中国怎么样?8. But I cant tell you how excited I am about going to China!但是我无法向你表达我要去中国的兴奋之情!9. How are you

7、 today?今天你感觉如何?10. What is he like?他是什么性格?11. They may be a bit noisy sometimes, but they are quite friendly.有时他们可能有点吵, 但是他们是相当友好的。 必背用法1. Whatadelicioussmell?Smell:一股气味(可数名词)_goodadvice!_fine weather!_interestingthestoryis! (What/How)2. nice:adj.美味的,友好的,令人愉快的niceweather:好天气benicetosb.:对某人友好anicetri

8、p:一次令人愉快的旅行Thecookietastesnice.这块饼干尝起来美味。3. wouldlike比want语气更委婉。-Wouldyouliketostayherewithus?-Yes,Idlike/loveto.4. lovely:令人愉快的,可爱的修饰人或物alovelyafternoon/girl lively:活泼的,生动的 alivelylesson:一堂生动的课5. Imafraidthat+从句:恐怕(表示歉意或让对方失望的情况)ImafraidthatIcantcometoyourpartytomorrow. 我恐怕明天不能去你的聚会。6. 1)abit=alitt

9、le:有点儿,有点后接/形容词/副词Ifeelabitthirstynow.我现在感到有点渴。也可加形容词/副词的比较级Aftertherain,peoplefeelabit/alittlecooler.雨后,人们感到更凉快。2)alittle+不可数名词:Thereisalittletimeleft.那还剩一点时间。abitof+不可数名词:ThereIsabitofwaterinthe bottle.瓶子里面有一点水。7. haveatry:试一试havea/an+名词 haveaswim:游泳haveabreak:休息haveashower:洗沐浴8.Ihaveasweettooth.我

10、喜欢吃甜食。9.besure+从句 确信.:Areyousurewhatyousaid?你确信你所说的吗? besureof/aboutsth.:对确信 Imsureof/aboutthetelephonenumber.我确信这个电话号码besuretodo.sth.:确保/务必做某事 be sure not to do sth 确保/务必不要做某事 Be sure to finish your homework on time.确保按时完成作业。Besurenottomisstheearlybus. 确保不要错过早班车。10.luckyday:幸运日Yourealuckyboy.你是一个幸运

11、儿。Goodlucktoyou.祝你好运。11.thanksfor=thankyoufor:因而感谢你(for 后加名词、代词、动名词)Thankyouforyourhelp.谢谢你的帮助。=Thank you for helping me.12.message:口信、信息(可数名词)takeamessage:捎个口信leaveamessage:留信Information:信息(不可数名词)apieceofinformation,someinformation13.hearfromsb.=get/receivealetterfromsb.:收到某人的来信 Iheardfrommyunclela

12、stweek.=Igot/receivedaletterfrommyunclelastweek.我上周收到了我叔叔的来信。14.cantwaittodosth.:等不及/迫不及待做某事Icantwaittoopenthepresent.我怕不急待打开礼物。15.quite:1)quitea/an+形容词+名词quiteaniceboy:一个相当好的男孩。 2)quite修饰动词时放在动词前Hequitelikesmaths.他很喜欢数学。very:1)avery+形容词+名词 averyniceboy一个相当好的男孩。 2)very与much合在一起修饰动词时,位于句末。HelikesEngl


14、ntry. 我们因我们的国家而自豪。18.begoodatsth./doingsth.=dowellinsth./doingsth.擅长某事/做某事ImgoodatEnglish/swimming.=IdowellinEnglish/swimming.我擅长英语/游泳19.Howdoyoufeelabout=Whatdoyouthinkof?=Howdoyoulike?你认为.怎么样?Howdoyoufeelaboutthefilm?=Whatdoyouthinkofthefilm?=How do you like the film?在多久之后,常用于将来时,对其提问用howsoo

15、n-HowsoonwillyouleaveBeijing?-Illcomebackinthreedays.12.howtodothings:疑问词+不定式,在句中可作主语、宾语、表语 Idontknowwhattodo.=Idontknowhowtodoit.13.1)beafraidofsb./sth.:害怕某人/某物Imafraidofdoctors/dogs.2)beafraidofdoingsth.:害怕做某事Imafraidofflying/goingoutatnight.3)beafraidtodosth.:害怕做某事Imafraidtoswimacrosstheriver.4)

16、Imafraidthat:恐怕Imafraidthatyoumuststudyhard.单元语法表示感觉和知觉的系动词也称感官系动词1. 五个表示感觉和知觉的系动词与眼、耳、口、鼻、手相关系。look,sound,taste,smell,feel+形容词Hefeelstiredafterwork.2.感官系动词后可接介词like,like后常接名词。Hisideasoundslikefun.3.感官系动词的句型结构与be不同,其否定形式和疑问形式要借助动词do。Thefoodtastesdelicious.变成否定句Thefooddoesnttastedelicious.变成一般疑问句Does

17、thefoodtastedelicious?4.持续系动词,用来表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,主要有keep,remain,stay Theweatherwillkeepwarmfor7days.天气将会持续暖和7天。5. 变化系动词有become,grow,turn,get,go等。单元书面表达:描述人物点拨:人物介绍(身份.年龄.外貌.爱好) 典型事例(性格、品质)人物评价(喜爱、夸赞)My friend Daniel My friend Daniel comes from Beijing Sunshine School. He is thirteen years old. He ha

18、s a round face and often wears a pair of glasses.He is outgoing. He is good at playing football. He has many good personal qualities. He is helpful. He often helps his classmates with the homework. He also helps old woman cross the road. He is kind to others. He works at the Helping Hands Club. He i

19、s creative. For example, he can create a TV programme. He is generous to his friends. He likes to share his things with them. So I want to be a person like Daniel from now on and get on well with everyone.My good friend I have a good friend.His name is Jack.He is fourteen years old. He is tall and l

20、ooks strong. He has short brown hair, big black eyes and a very friendly face. He plays football well and he loves reading.He always helps others.We like him。Module 2 Experiences必背单词1. ever (adv.) 曾经;从来;在任何时候never(反义词)从不2.dream (v.) 做梦;梦到;梦想dreamed/dreamt(过去式)dreamed/dreamt(过去分词)3. afford (v.) (有财力)

21、买得起,付得起afford to do sth. 干某事负担得起4. invite (v.) 邀请invitation (n.) 邀请5. enter (v.) (使)参加;(使)报名6. competition (n.) 比赛;竞争7. prize (n.) 奖品;奖项8. move (v.) 搬家;改变的位置movement (n.) 搬动9. send (v.) 派遣去;命令去sent(过去式)sent(过去分词)10. Germany (n.) 德国German ( adj.) 德国的,德语的,德国人的 (n.)德语,德国人(复数:Germans)11. France (n.) 法国F

22、rench (adj.) 法语的,法国的,法国人的 (n.)法语,法国人(集合名词)12. way (n.) 方面;态度ways (复.) 13. mix (v.) 相混合;融合mixes(第三人称单数形式)14. miss (v.) 惦念;怀念;想念misses(第三人称单数形式)15. tower (n.) 塔16. ancient (adj.) 古老的;古代的17. king (n.) 国王;君王18. queen (n.) 女王;王后必背短语1. enter a competition 参加比赛 14.a fifteen-year-old boy 一个十五岁的男孩2. first pr

23、ize 一等奖 15.move to 搬到.3. good luck 好运 16.send sb to do sth派遣某人去做某事.4. think about 思考;考虑 17.have been to 曾去过.5. write about 编写;写作 18.begin to do sth 开始做某事6. make up 编写;创作 19.ask sb to do sth 要求某人做某事7. invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人去做某事 20.whats more 此外,而且;更有甚者8. at the moment 目前,现在 21.look forward to doi

24、ng sth渴望;期盼做某事9. for example 例如 22.find out 弄清楚,搞明白10. be different from 和不同 23.something special 特别的东西11. in many ways 在许多方面 24. a pair of 一双,一副,一对12. all over the world 全世界 far 到目前为止13. count down 倒数;倒计时必背句子1. Have you ever won any prizes before?以前你曾得过奖吗?2. But I cant afford it.但是我支付不起费用。3.

25、Thats a pity.那很遗憾。4. They have been to many interesting places.他们去过许多有趣的地方。5. They find it hard to spell and pronounce the words.他们发现拼、读单词很难。6. However,they still enjoy learning it.然而,他们仍然喜欢学它。7. Have you ever wanted to save the trees in the forest?你曾想过挽救森林中的树木吗?必背用法1. 1)enter=takepartin=joinin参加ent

26、eracompetition:参加比赛2)enter=come/gointo进入Pleaseentertheclassroom.请进教室。2. ever:曾经、从来,用于现在完成时的一疑问句、否定句。1)Have/Hassb.ever+donesth.?某人曾经做过某事吗?Haveyoueverenteredaclub?你曾经参加过俱乐部吗?2)ever用于否定句,notever=never从来Shehasnteverenteredanycompetitions.她从来没参加过任何比赛。3.beforeadv.以前,与现在完成时连用;也可与一般过去时/一般现在时连用,Shehasneverbe

27、entoBeijingbefore.Turnoffthelightbeforeyouleavetheroom.Hecamebackbefore10oclocklastnight.4.1)afford:买得起、付得起,常与can,could,beableto连用。Thehouseistooexpensive.Icantaffordit.2)afford后跟动词不定式作宾语,canaffordtodosth.:有能力支付做某事IcanaffordtovisitShanghaithisyear.5.Thatsapity. Whatapity!真遗憾!It sapitythat.太可惜了It sapi

28、tythatyoucantcometotheparty.6. here,there,out,in等表示方位的副词开头的句子中,主语是名词,句子要全部倒装;如果主语是代词,句子则要部分倒装。Hereisagiftforyou.Herecomesthebus.(主语是名词)Hereitis.Hereyouare.(主语是代词)7.不定式短语在句中作目的状语,位于句首或句中。Tocatchtheearlybus,Igetupearly.(位于句首,其后有逗号)Hestudiedhardtopasstheexam.(位于主句后即句末)8.worry about =be worried about.为.担心 Sheworriesaboutherfuture.=Sheis编造,组成

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