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1、学年高中英语专题Unit2TheUnitedKingdom1WarmingUpPreUnit 2 The United Kingdom2.1 Warming Up & Pre-reading & Reading & Comprehending 必背单词1. _ vi. & vt. 联合;团结 2. _ n. 省;行政区 3. _ vt. 澄清;阐明4. _ vt. 完成,达到 5. _ n. 矛盾;冲突 6. _ adj. 不愿意的7. _ n. 方便,便利 8. _ adj. 粗糙的 9. _n. 收藏品;珍藏10. _ adj. 令人愉快的重点短语1. consist _由组成2. lea

2、ve _省去;遗漏;不考虑3. _ memory _为了纪念4. _ ones credit为带来荣誉;值得赞扬;在名下5. break _ (from) 挣脱(束缚);脱离经典句型1. Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well. 2. It is a pity that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors.3. You must keep your eyes open if you ar

3、e going to make your trip to the United Kingdom enjoyable and worthwhile.【必背单词】1. unite 2. province 3. clarify 4. accomplish 5. conflict6. unwilling 7. convenience 8. roughly 9. collection 10. enjoyable【重点短语】1. of 2. out 3. in; of 4. to 5. away之词汇篇1.consist of 由组成(构成) (写作佳句)The programme consists of

4、 the following activities:recitation,singing,word spelling,story-telling and so on.该项目包括以下活动:朗诵,唱歌,单词拼写以及讲故事等。【联想】【跟踪典例】单句语法填空/完成句子。The politicians actions do not consist _ the promises in his speeches.这个政治家的所作所为与他在讲演中的承诺并不一致。Success consists _ the ability to continue efforts through failures. 成功在于持

5、续努力克服失败的能力。(写作佳句) This club consists of eight members.This club _ eight members.This club _ eight members.这个俱乐部有8个成员。【答案】withinis made up of;is composed of2. divideinto 把分成,强调把一个整体分成若干部分。We divide the cake into two parts.【联想】【跟踪典例】单句语法填空/完成句子。The US is _ into 50 states and is _ from China by the Pac

6、ific.He divided the sweets _ the children who were divided _ three groups. 【答案】 divided;separated among;into3. accomplish vt.完成;达到;实现 Though the task was difficult,they managed to accomplish it in time. 尽管任务困难,他们仍及时完成了。【联想】【跟踪典例】用accomplish的正确形式填空This task by great effort.The Change project by the e

7、nd of 2020 will achieve our dream of landing on the moon.She is a girl of many .【答案】is accomplished to be accomplished accomplishments4. conflict n矛盾,冲突;vi.冲突与冲突 His idea conflicts with mine.他的观点和我的相冲突。【跟踪典例】完成句子Your statement is _ the rest of the evidence. 你的陈述同其余证据有矛盾。There are many _ in the world

8、 every year. 每年世界上有许多武装冲突。【答案】in conflict with armed conflicts5. break away (from) 摆脱(束缚), 脱离。away是副词,后接宾语要加介词from。The boy broke away from his mother and ran away. 【联想】【跟踪典例】It was wrong of you to _ from all your friends who helped you when you were in trouble.A. break away B. break down C. break in

9、to D. break outA 【解析】句意:你离开了所有那些在你有困难时帮助过你的朋友,是你不对。break away from与脱离关系。6. to ones credit 为带来荣誉;值得赞扬 To his credit, he has admitted his mistakes. 值得表扬的是他认了自己的错误。【联想】【跟踪典例】完成句子 (值得称赞的是),he is brave enough to save the boy.The boys behaviour is (为他的父母增光).I gave the student almost . 我给那位学生几乎满分的成绩。Most n

10、ew cars are bought . 大多数新汽车都是贷款购买的。【答案】To his credit a credit to his parents full credit on crdit7. convenience n.便利;方便,为不可数名词;表示便利的事物,便利设施时为可数名词。for convenience 为了方便起见for the convenience of 为了的方便at ones convenience在某人方便的时候if it suits ones convenience 如果对某人方便的话I keep my reference books near my desk

11、for convenience. 【联想】【跟踪典例】单句语法填空/完成句子。The house has all the modern _ (convenient). 这栋房屋有各种现代化的设施。I keep my reference books near my desk _ convenience.我把参考书放在桌子附近以方便使用。We hope that you will accept our invitation if _.如果你方便的话,我们希望你能接受我们的邀请。【答案】conveniencesforit is convenient for/to you 8. attract vt.

12、 吸引;引起注意 attraction n.吸引(力);具有吸引力的人或事物 attract sb to.把某人吸引到(to是介词)attract ones attention 吸引某人的注意力be attracted by 被所吸引What first attracted me to her was her sense of humour.【联想】【跟踪典例】单句语法填空/完成句子。Many tourists are attracted _ this beautiful place every year.每年都会有很多的游客被吸引到这个美丽的地方来。When she caught sight

13、 of the handsome prince,she rushed out to attract _ attention.当她看见了英俊的王子,她冲出去,来吸引他的注意。(写作佳句)_,the girl from London decided to spend another two days on the farm.被大自然的美所吸引,来自伦敦的小女孩决定再在农场住两天。【答案】tohisAttracted by the beauty of nature 9. leave out省去;遗漏;删去;不考虑;未顾及;忽略 (2014新课标全国)Then he said they had fou

14、nd a pile of papers in their trash can that had been left out on the footpath.然后他说,他们在人行道上的垃圾桶里发现了一堆被遗漏的文件。【联想】【跟踪典例】写出下列句子中leave out的含义。Youve left out the most important word in this sentence.You can leave out the details,just give us the main facts.Dont leave me out,please! I want to go there,too.

15、 【答案】漏掉删去,省去不考虑,忽略 之句式篇1. Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well. 如今当人们提起英格兰时,你会发现威尔士也是包括在内的。 “findn./pron.宾补”意为“发现处于状态”,在此结构中,宾补可用过去分词、现在分词、形容词、副词、名词、介词短语等,变为被动语态时,原来的宾补则变为主补。 She found a wallet lying on the ground. 她发现一个钱包在地上。 He hurried there,but found them all out. 他赶到那

16、里,却发现大家都出去了。 You will find it a difficult book. 你将发现这是一本难懂的书。 When day broke,we found ourselves in a small village at the foot of the mountain. 天亮时,我们发现我们自己来到了那座山脚下的一个小村子里。【跟踪典例】单句改错He was about to open the door when he found his key losing. _When I came in, I found her seating at the back of the cl

17、assroom. _The driver found a dead dog lie on the highway. _When he found the road blocking with snow, he decided to spend the holiday at home. _【答案】 losing改为lost seating改为seated lie改为lying blocking改为blocked2. It is a pity that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visi

18、tors. 遗憾的是,这些建于19世纪的工业城市对游客并没有吸引力。 本句中, it为形式主语,真正的主语是thatvisitors。该主语从句中,过去分词短语built in the nineteenth century作the industrial cities的后置定语。【跟踪典例】_ was a real race against time to get the project done. Luckily, we made it.A. There B. This C. That D. It【答案】D【解析】本题考查代词it的用法。it显然是形式主语,真正的主语是不定式to get th

19、e project done。句意:完成这个项目真是在和时间赛跑。幸运的是,我们赢了。I. 根据下列句子意思用所给词的正确形式或所给汉语填空1. I was grateful to Anna for being open and giving me the opportunity to explain and c_ (阐述,澄清) the misunderstanding between us.2. The secretary arranged a(n) _ (convenience) time and place for the application to have an intervie

20、w.3. I am not sure exactly how much money you will receive, but it will _ (rough) cover your major expense.4. New technology means that astronomers can _ (完成) in a single night what once took years.5. The charming scenery and the hot spring baths combine to make the travelers stay there most _ (enjo

21、y).6. The three clocks are part of the largest _ (collect) of musical clocks worldwide and were made by Western artisans, primarily British.单项填空1People may wonder why different words are used _ these four countries:England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. Ato describe Bto describing Cdescribe

22、 Dfor describe2Now when people _ England you find Wales included as well. Astick to Bkeep to Crefer to Dpoint to3Finally the English government tried in the early twentieth century to form the United Kingdom by getting Ireland _ in the same peaceful way. Ato connect Bconnected Cconnect Dconnecting4H

23、owever, the southern part of Ireland was unwilling and _ to form its own government. Abroke down Bbroke away Cbroke up Dbroke out5The zone nearest France is called the South of England, the middle zone is called the Midlands and the one nearest to Scotland is known _ the North. Ato Bas Cfor Dof6Alth

24、ough, nationwide, these cities are not as large as _ in China, they have worldfamous football teams and some of them even have two! Ait Bone Cthat Dthose7It is a pity that the industrial cities _ in the nineteenth century do not _ visitors. Abuilding;attack Bbuilt;attack Cto build;attract Dbuilt;att

25、ract8What geographical factors make _ difficult to invade England successfully? Aso Bmuch Cthat DitIII. 根据汉语提示用本章节的短语填空,每空一词。1. 你拾金不昧的行为是非常值得表扬的。It is greatly_ _ _that you gave back the money you found.2. 我们能做什么来帮助他们摆脱困境呢?What can we do to help them to_ _ _ the difficult position?3. 一年有365天。One year

26、_ _365 days.4. 这条河在这里被分成两条小溪。The river_ _ _two streams at this point.5. 抄写这份文件时,要细心不要漏掉任何一字。In copying this paper,be careful not to_ _any word.6. 我们的幸福就在于为社会做些有价值的事情。Our happiness_ _doing something valuable for society.7. 在制订计划时,他们到图书馆查阅了许多书籍。In drawing up the plan,they went to the library to_ _many

27、 books.8. 你别惹我妹妹,不然我要告诉爸爸了。You _my sister _ or Ill tell my father.9. 他敲窗户以引起我的注意。He knocked on the window to_ _ _.10. 一条大河把这个城市的北部和南部隔开了。A large river _ the north of the city _ the south. I. 阅读理解A My husband hasnt stopped laughing about a funny thing that happened to me. Its funny now but it wasnt a

28、t the time. Last Friday, after doing all the family shopping in town, I wanted a rest before catching the train, so I bought a newspaper and some chocolate and went into the station coffee shopthat was a cheap self-service place with long tables to sit at. I put my heavy bag down on the floor, put the newspaper and chocolate on the table to keep a place, and went to get a cup of coffee. When I went back with the coffee, there was someone in the next seat. It was one of those wild-looking youngsters, with dark gla

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