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本文(初中英语首字母填空和阅读理解训练新冠肺炎疫情时文阅读类.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、初中英语首字母填空和阅读理解训练新冠肺炎疫情时文阅读类初中英语首字母填空和阅读理解训练(新冠肺炎疫情时文阅读类)时文阅读:火神山医院首字母填空in cludi ng the Un ited States and Japa n. Localdo somethi ng u 2 to stop the furtherIn order to control the spread of the disease,Huoshe nsha n Hospital was set up in Wuha n. It was b 3 in just ten days. Itis used to treat patie

2、nts infected with the NCP.More tha n 7,500 workers and around 1,000 trucks and large pieces of mach inery have bee n work ing at the Huoshe nsha n Hospital site day and ni ght.Around 400 rooms in the hospital have already bee n fini shed so far. The projectbegan on January 25 and finished on Februar

3、y 2. And 1,400 doctors began to treat patie nts in Huoshe nsha n Hospital. There are 1,000 beds for patie nts inHuoshenshanHospital. China also built a s 4 hospital in Wuha n for treati ngthe patie nts, with1,600 beds.Leishe nsha n Hospital was completed on February 5. The hospital r 5 the stress re

4、sult ing from the in creas ing nu mber of patie nts. This played animportant role in fighting the NCP.时文阅读:全球公共卫生事件阅读理解The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared (宣布)the new coronavirus (冠状病毒)outbreak a global public health emergency after the spread of the disease across the world. WHO made t

5、he decision in its third meeting about the coronavirus, after it decided not to take such a step in thefirst two meeti ngs.Officially called a Public Health Emerge ncy of In ternati onal Concern (PHEIC), it is considered to be a public health risk through the international spread ofdisease. It sugge

6、sts a serious, sudden and unusual situation in which the world must act quickly.The WHO said itsspread to countries handle (处理)it.greatest worry was the potential ( with weaker health systems, who潜在性)for the virus might not be abletoto“ We are all in this together and we can only stop it together, s

7、 Director Gen eral, Tedros Adha nom Ghebreyesus.” said the WHO阅读短文,从每小题所给的选项中选择能回答问题的最佳选项。6. What does the un derli ned phrase paragraph?take such a step” mea n in the firstA. Spread the coro navirus across the world.B. Declare the coron avirus a global public health emerge ncy.C. Hold the third mee

8、ting about the coronavirus.D. Restrict trade and travel across the world.7. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. The 2009 swine flu pandemic was a global public health emergency.B. SARS killed about 800 people across the world in 2009.C. The new coro navirus has few cases tha n SARS.D. The s

9、pread of the coron avirus has no risk.8. What could the declaration of global public health emergency cause?A. Bigger outbreak of the coron avirus.B. Trade and travel restricti ons.C. A weaker health system.D. Immediate stop of the coron avirus.Since 2009, there have bee n a few global health emerge

10、 ncies, in clud ing the2009 swine flu pandemic ( 猪流感)and the 2014 outbreak of ebola in West Africa.The new coronavirus has got attention because of its similarity to SARS whichkilled about 800 people across the world in 2002-2003. So far, the new coro navirus does not seem to be as deadly as SARS, b

11、ut there have bee n morecases.Its declarati on could cause trade and travel restrict ions ( 限制).Those whohave made holiday plans might have their plans affected (受影响的)in some parts of the world.全文翻译在全球范围内蔓延后,世界卫生组织宣布新型冠状病毒疫情成为全球性的突发公共卫生 事件。世卫组织在第三次会议上作出了此决定,此前世卫组织在前两次会议上并没有这 样的决定。它被官方称为国际关注的突发公共卫生事件

12、( PHEIC ),它被认为是通过国际传播而造成的公共卫生风险。它暗示着一种严重的、突然的和不寻常的情况,在这种情况下,世 界必须迅速米取行动。自2009年以来,出现了一些全球卫生紧急情况,包括 2009年猪流感大流行以及 2014年西非爆发的埃博拉病毒 。这种新的冠状病毒因其与 2002-2003 年间在全球造成 800人死亡的非典相似而备受关注。到目前为止,这种新的冠状病毒并不像非典那样致命,但已经有了更多的病例。其声明可能导致贸易和旅行限制。那些制定了假期计划的人可能会影响他们在世界的某 些地方旅行的计划。世界卫生组织说它最担心的是病毒传播到卫生系统较弱的国家的潜在性。这些卫生系统 较弱

13、的国家可能无法处理这种新冠病毒。世卫组织总干事泰德罗斯阿德哈农戈巴耶苏斯说:“我们都在同一条船上,我们只能 一起阻止它。”答案 un tries 2.useful 3.built4.seco nd 5.reduced 6-8 BAB时事阅读:完形填空As the saying goes, “A hero is known in the time of misfortune (不幸) ” .ZhongNan sha n is a hero like this. He is a doctor in Guan gdo ng, who 1 many peoples lives in 2003

14、.In 2003, SARS 2 in Guangdong. Later, it spread across China and otherparts of the world. Patie nts coughed a lot and got fevers. Hun dreds of 3 eve n died from the disease. Eve n many doctors and nu rses got SARSwhe n they treated patie nts. So every one was afraid of it. But Zhongwas 4 eno ugh to

15、fight the disease. Zhong spe nt days and ni ghts to findthe cause 5 the disease. And with his way of treati ng, many patie nts bega n to get better. Zhong fin ally won people s trust.In early 2020, a disease called Novel coron avirus pn eum onia ( 新型冠状病毒肺炎)hit Wuhan. It spread 6 around tens of thous

16、ands of Chinese people wereinfected (感染).Zhong, 84, led 7 team to Wuhan to fight the illness. Zhong s team took many measures to cure the patients with Novel coronaviruspneumonia. He advised people to wear masks, 8 hands frequently( 频繁地),stay at home and not to go to crowed places.Zhong likes sports very much. 9 he was 6

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