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1、福师18春大学英语2在线作业一() 1: That tree looked as if it_for a long time.A: hasnt wateredB: hadnt been wateredC: didnt waterD: wasnt watered() 2: The country is faced with great problems, starvation_the top of them.A: has beenB: isC: beingD: is being() 3: Most of the stones are_ a man and weigh about two and

2、a half tons each.A: more highB: much more highC: higher moreD: higher than() 4: I wish I_longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class.A: could have sleptB: sleptC: might have sleptD: have slept() 5: He told me how he had given me shelter and food without which I _of hunger.A: would hav

3、e diedB: would dieC: would be diedD: will die() 6: This TV program is very in my family _it.A: to watchB: watchesC: watchsD: watched() 7: Just calm down - it doesnt_anything to get so hysterical.A: becomeB: solveC: turnD: involve() 8: The red rose is her _.A: favorB: favoriteC: likeD: best() 9: The

4、_ of yourself that you see in the mirror is produced by the reflection of light.A: lookB: figureC: imageD: appearance() 10: The question_finally, we went home.A: to be settledB: settlingC: having settledD: settled() 11: The instruments of the older factory_.A: is as good or better than the new oneB:

5、 are as good or better than the new oneC: is as good as or better than those of the new oneD: are as good as or better than those of the new one() 12: Can you find out _her pen?A: where Alice had putB: where had Alice putC: where Alice has putD: where has Alice put() 13: Mrs. Lee will move into her

6、new house next Monday, _it will be completely furnished.A: by that timeB: by the timeC: by which timeD: by some time() 14: No one was aware_Jane had gone.A: where thatB: of the placeC: of whereD: the place() 15: The artist spends most of his spare time _ butterfly specimens.A: collectB: collectsC: t

7、o collectD: collecting() 16: We dont doubt _ he can make a good job of it.A: ifB: thatC: whatD: why() 17: We redoubled our efforts, each man_like two.A: workedB: been workingC: workingD: to be worked() 18: My friend _ to visit the Great Wall, too.A: does not planB: plan notC: not plansD: plans() 19:

8、 Young_John was, he was able to swim across the channel within minutes.A: asB: soC: thoughD: although() 20: All examination paper_, the teacher let the students leave.A: handing inB: having handed inC: to be handed inD: having been handed in() 21: Is this museum _you visited a few days ago?A: whereB

9、: thatC: on whichD: the one() 22: To_ an entry visa is very difficult now.A: appeal forB: apply forC: apply inD: appeal in() 23: Either Mr. Lee or the students_ to clean the blackboard.A: hadB: hasC: haveD: having() 24: Well visit Europe next year _we have enough money.A: providedB: unlessC: untilD:

10、 lest() 25: After her husband died, she _ another man in 1964.A: marriedB: married withC: married toD: was married to() 26: It is _ work of art that everyone wants to have a look at it.A: so unusualB: such unusualC: such an unusualD: so an unusual() 27: Whenever she asks_help , he is always ready to

11、 help.A: withB: forC: inD: to() 28: Mathematics as well as other subjects_a science.A: wasB: isC: areD: belong to() 29: Its no good _ here. Lets go home.A: to waitB: waitedC: waitingD: being waited() 30: They will_to Paris next year.A: tripB: getC: visitD: travel() 31: The time will come _ man can f

12、ly _ he likes in the universe.A: how . whereB: when . whereverC: where . whereD: what . which() 32: The road builders claim for a 10 percent pay rise has been under_ by the government.A: considerationB: inquiryC: regardD: application() 33: You will be given a ticket if you _ the speed limit.A: proce

13、edB: exceedC: succeedD: precede() 34: The landlady _ us bread and milk.A: offeredB: recoveredC: receivedD: confronted() 35: The more he tried to help her,_she seemed to appreciate it.A: lessB: the lessC: the leastD: the lesser() 36: -Tomorrow is my birthday. -_.A: Oh, I have a good idea.B: I am glad

14、 you like it.C: Many happy returns of the day!D: You must be very happy.() 37: The young driver looked over the engine carefully lest it_on the way.A: goes wrongB: should go wrongC: went wrongD: would go wrong() 38: -What can I do for you, madam? -_.A: I want a kilo of applesB: You can go your own w

15、ayC: ThanksD: Excuse me. Im busy() 39: He used to have a _ of stampcollecting but he has given it up.A: habitB: hobbyC: customD: like() 40: He and his family had to _ on 50$ a week.A: payB: spendC: liveD: exist() 41: The Smiths family, which_rather a large one,_very fond of their old house.A: were .

16、 wereB: was . wereC: were . wasD: was . was() 42: When you read a book in a hurry, you can _ some less important details.A: leaveB: skidC: skipD: skin() 43: The reason were so late is _.A: for the car breaks downB: due to the car breaking downC: that the car broke downD: because the car broke down()

17、 44: -Do you mind my smoking here? -_.A: No, thanks.B: Yes, I do.C: Yes. Id rather not.D: Good idea.() 45: The colour _ from yellow through green to black.A: consistsB: constitutesC: composesD: ranges() 46: _ is big and round in the sky today.A: moonB: The moonC: MoonD: Star() 47: Cattle_to graze on

18、 the village common.A: are allowedB: is allowedC: allowsD: allow() 48: Frank plays_Alex.A: a lot more better thanB: a lot better thanC: much more better thanD: much more well than() 49: While he was in prison he was not allowed to _ with his family.A: commentB: complainC: communicateD: comprehend() 50: You should make _ your house or flat is secure.A: sureB: certainC: understandingD: knowledge

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