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8、系统是否足够的生活方式,和(11)号的合适的废物原料和类型。一个李克特五点量表评估这些因素,从1 - 很不满意5 - 非常满意。第3节看消费者参与回收计划,并考虑两个问题。第一项措施,自我报告的家庭回收行为(规模:1 - 分离并有选择地丢弃可回收垃圾,0 - 不分离,并有选择地丢弃可回收垃圾)。第二评项估可回收材料的分离和处理的生态点的频率(比例:1 - 从来没有,2 - 有时,3 - 永远)。3.3样本和数据研究人群包括生活在法鲁市成人葡萄牙公民。法鲁是阿尔加维的首都,位于葡萄牙南部,包括六个教区,总人口有58 350居民,其最重要的经济活动是旅游业和服务业。从这一人群中,本研究选取了一个随

9、机抽样的267名公民。样本的计算使用的最保守的估计为一个单一的比例(p= 0.5),置信水平为95%和最大误差为6%。本研究采用分层抽样和访谈分布根据教区是常住人口的比例。在每个教区最重要的购物街被选作地点来进行面试。学院学生管理的问卷调查的受访者在这些街道上,与随机选择的受访者,根据一个系统的过程。一份调查问卷被送到第一人称(14岁以上),在一个限定的时间内通过面试官。然后,建立了一个采样间隔5人,以选择其余的受访者,因此,以填补样本阶层定义为每个教区。3.4数据分析方法本研究主要采用多元数据分析:探索性因子分析(EFA),验证性因素分析(CFA)和判别分析(DA)。四、讨论和结论消费者是一




13、因为大多数弄脏材料要么不能再回收,要么会导致返工成本的增加。在这个意义上,应给予更多的支持,以促进新产品的开发利用回收的材料,也是营销活动,目的是提高消费者使用这种材料时的意识。本文摘译自“国际商业杂志科学和应用管理,2009年4卷1期”Reverse logistics for recycling: The customer serviceDeterminants1 INTRODUCTIONReverse logistics is the continuous logistic process through which shipped products move from the cons

14、umer back to the producer for possible reuse, recycling, remanufacturing or disposal (Johnson, 1998). The European Working Group on Reverse Logistics (RevLog, 2002)describes reverse logistics as “the process of planning, implementing and controlling the flows of raw materials, in process inventory,

15、and finished goods, from a manufacturing, distribution or usage point to a point of proper disposal”. The purpose of a reverse logistics process is to regain the value of returned materials or provide the means for proper disposal. Forward logistics, in contrast to reverse logistics, focuses on the

16、flow of goods from the producer to the consumer. As Maltz and Maltz (1998)propose,customer service in the forward logistics channels is a multifaceted concept that can encompass either objective or perceptual elements. Objective elements correspond to basic customer service (or hard service) such as

17、 inventory availability, on time delivery and order cycle time reliability. Perceptual elements (or soft service) are those related to the suppliers ability to respond to specific customer requests such as after-sale service and effective handling of information requests. Several authors recognize t

18、hat customer service is an issue of central concern in logistics research and practice .Reverse logistics systems for recycling begin with the consumer and finishes with the end market. These systems can be more or less complex depending on whether they possess intermediate levels, such as, the coll

19、ection level, the transfer level and the processing level. Consumers have a particularly important role in this reverse logistics system since they are the first link in the overall logistics chain. Without consumer participation (through the sorting and disposing of recyclable materials), this syst

20、em would not be possible. By providing a convenient system, customer service becomes the touchstone in creating value for consumers as well as in securing their participation (Turner et al., 1994). As recently pointed out, most research in the reverse logistics field is essentially descriptive and b

21、ased on subjective evidence rather than on theoretical bases (Alvarez-Gil et al., 2007). In terms of the reverse logistics systems for recycling, one gap that remains open is the comprehensive investigation of the main elements of customer service that explain the consumer involvement in selective-c

22、ollection programs. This analysis would provide fundamental information about the most important customer service elements and, thus, that require more attention and investment. 2 BACKGROUND ON REVERSE LOGISTICS FOR RECYCLINGRecycling is a resources recovery option that enables the use of part or al

23、l materials from returned goods, either by their original producer(s) or by other industries (RevLog, 2002). The recycling process essentially encompasses two stages. The first is the collection service stage and includes all the necessary procedures that make recyclables possible for further reproc

24、essing. The second is the reprocessing stage from the collection of materials to the replacement of primary raw materials. Some of the studies that address the organization of recycling networks focus on public networks, while others describe private systems. In the first case,environmental concerns

25、 and waste disposal legislation are the main motivations underlying reverse logistics. Contrary to this notion are private reverse logistics networks that handle residues or end-of-life products in which recycling is economically more attractive. Private processors finance the transportation of thes

26、e materials as well as the recycling process itself. For recycling to be economically viable, a significant amount of discarded products (or parts) need to be processed. The reverse logistics literature for recycling also explores the planning and control of recovery activities (i.e., the decisions

27、about what to collect, disassemble and process, and in what quantities, how, when and where), the available information and communication systems (e.g., software, data requirements), the logistical implications of recycling, and the implementation of programs to increase the demand of recyclable mat

28、erials. 3METHODS3.1 SettingThe Green Dot Society (GDS) is a private company, created in 1997 with the purpose of managing the Integrated Recovery System of Packaging Waste Management . Currently, GDS is the only company that develops this type of activity in Portugal. GDS is essentially a reverse lo

29、gistics aggregator with a shareholder structure composed of three holdings that represent almost 200 companies. The first holding represents the packagers/importers, the second represents the distribution and retail trade, and the third represents the manufacturers and recyclers of packaging materia

30、l. In compliance with national legislation, GDS aims to recover 60% of the overall packaging weight and recycle 55% of this material by the end of 2011. Recyclable materials include glass, paper/cardboard, lightweight packaging (plastic, metal) and wood. With the exception of this last type of mater

31、ial, drop-off systems, often referred to as eco-points, allows for the collection of packaging residues.As in other European countries, the IRSPWM relies on the principle of shared environmental responsibility. Packers and importers finance the system, based on the polluter-pays principle in which t

32、he amount and weight of the corresponding packaging material, commonly known as the green spot value, regulates the fee they must pay. In turn, packers and importers receive permission to mark their packaging with the Green Spot symbol, which shows that these companies transfer their recovery respon

33、sibility to GDS and the IRSPWM. The distribution role ensures that their commercial confines only sell non-reusable packaging through the Integrated System. The GDSs business structure does not include municipalities though they are responsible through contract agreement for the multi-material collection

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