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1、江苏专用高考英语提分模拟卷三(江苏专用)2020高考英语提分模拟卷(三)第一部分听力(略)第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21.There are also people who object to fairy stories on the grounds they are not objectively true,and that giants,witches,two-headed dragons etc do not exist.A.that B.whatC

2、.which D.when答案A解析考查同位语从句的连接词。句意为:也有人反对童话故事,理由是它们在客观上不真实,巨人、女巫、双头龙等不存在。分析句子结构可知,空格后的同位语从句用来解释说明grounds的具体内容,从句中不缺成分且意义完整。因此本题选A。22.Though scientists get closer to understanding why we age, the reason for different aging rates among individuals remains only understood.A.concretely B.thoroughlyC.vague

3、ly D.flexibly答案C解析考查副词词义辨析。concretely具体地;thoroughly彻底地;vaguely含糊地,茫然地;flexible灵活的。句意为:尽管科学家对人类衰老的原因有了更深的了解,但对于个体衰老速度不同的原因,人们仍知之甚少。故C项正确。23.The expert points out the phenomenon that cream goes bad faster than butter its structure rather than its chemical composition.A.lives up to B.gets down toC.come

4、s down to D.stands up to答案C解析考查动词短语辨析。句意为:专家指出,奶油变质的速度快于黄油的这种现象,归根结底是因为它的结构,而不是它的化学成分。live up to符合;get down to着手;come down to归根结底;stand up to经得起,根据题意,故选C。24. you need any help,feel free to contact me.Thank you for your kindness.A.May B.WillC.Shall D.Should答案D解析考查if引导的虚拟语气。句意为:如果你需要帮助,请随时与我联系。谢谢你的好意。

5、此处是省略if的虚拟语气,如果省略if则将助动词should提前。故选D。25.Oh,my God! Whats wrong with you?I was going the normal speed limit when a truck appeared in front of me and I didnt have time to stop.A.between the lines B.around the clockC.out of the blue D.over the moon答案C解析考查习惯表达。句意为:天啊,你怎么了啊?我当时正以正常速度行驶,突然一辆卡车冲到我的前面,我没有足够

6、的时间踩刹车了。between the lines字里行间;around the clock全天24小时;out of the blue出其不意地;over the moon狂喜。故选C。26.They will fly to Chicago, they plan to stay in for two or three days.A.where B.there C.which D.when答案C解析根据句子结构可知, they plan to stay in for two or three days 是一个非限制性定语从句,句中stay in后面缺一个宾语,所以用which或者that代指前

7、面的Chicago,但是非限制性定语从句的引导词不能用that,故选C。27.Either side seems to have a(n) position;there are still many uncertainties on this issue.A.ambiguous B.delicateC.explicit D.confidential答案A解析考查形容词辨析。句意为:双方似乎都有一个模糊的立场;在这个问题上仍然有许多不确定性。ambiguous模糊的;delicate精美的;explicit明确的;confidential 机密的。故A选项正确。28.How did you en

8、joy the game?I was impressed by the energy and shown by the players.A.qualification B.commitmentC.investment D.privilege答案B解析考查名词。句意为:你觉得这场比赛怎么样?球员们表现出的活力和奉献精神给我留下了深刻的印象。qualification资格;commitment奉献,承诺;investment投资;privilege特权。结合句意可知答案为B。29.She felt totally hopeless about the future one day she lear

9、ned about a charity which provided micro loan to women to start business.A.until B.onceC.unless D.when答案A解析句意:她对未来感到彻底绝望了,直到有一天她听说有家慈善机构提供小额贷款给自主创业的女性。until直到才,引导时间状语从句。30.Hey! Everyone in the office was at the dinner party in honor of Mr Charles except you.What happened?I after Mike,my colleague.He

10、 was badly ill.A.have looked B.was lookingC.would look D.had looked答案B解析考查时态。句意为:嘿,办公室除了你所有人都在为查理斯先生庆祝的晚宴上。发生了什么事?我当时正在照顾麦克,我的同事。他病得很厉害。通过上文可知下文说的是在过去某个时间点(别人参加晚宴时)正在发生的事情,故用过去进行时态,选B。31. making decisions,the human brain cannot be compared with the computer because in the long process of evolution t

11、he slow pace of life didnt require such an ability of the human brain.A.On behalf of B.In contrast toC.In salute to D.In terms of答案D解析考查介词短语辨析。句意为:在做决定方面,人类的大脑无法与计算机相比,因为在漫长的进化过程中,生活的缓慢节奏并不需要人类大脑有这样的能力。on behalf of代表;in contrast to相比之下;in salute to向致敬;in terms of按照,在方面。故选D。32.I came across an old sc

12、hool friend in China Town last week, at his funny hairstyle.A.surprised B.surprisingC.being surprised D.having surprised答案A解析考查非谓语动词。句意为:上个星期我在唐人街遇到一位老同学,他的滑稽发型让我很惊讶。此处是形容词短语作状语,用来形容主语的状态,主语为I指人,而surprised用来修饰人,表示“对感到惊讶”。故选A。33.Mike is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does hi

13、s boss.A.serves B.satisfiesC.promises D.supports答案B解析serve为服务;satisfy使满意;promise许诺;support拥护。句意为:迈克正在寻找另一份工作,因为他感觉他所做的任何事都不能使老板满意。由句意可知答案选B。34.Home is somebody notices when you are no longer there.A.that D.where答案D解析考查表语从句。句意为:家是一个当你不在的时候别人会注意到(你不在)的地方。where在此处引导表语从句,意为“地点,场所”。35.What a

14、waste of time to watch such a boring match! .Why not switch the channel?A.Its no big dealB.With your permissionC.My feelings exactlyD.Youve got to be kidding答案C解析考查情景交际。Its no big deal没什么大不了的;With your permission在你允许的情况下;My feelings exactly我也这么认为,我的感觉也是这样;Youve got to be kidding你一定在开玩笑。句意为:看这么无聊的比赛,

15、真是浪费时间!我也这么认为,为什么不换个频道?故选 C。第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。When I was small,I spoke with a stutter(结巴).If I had a cent for every time I was 36 ,I could have potentially retired at twelve.Its not easy being a kid,and its especially difficult when youre 37 .The bigges

16、t fear for most Americans is public speaking,so imagine being a stuttering child having to 38 a paragraph from Charlottes Web 39 the entire class looks,listens,and laughs.Its 40 .That all 41 for me in the eighth grade when I decided to 42 my anxiety by 43 to read each and every time.My hand was alwa

17、ys the first to go up and stayed up for most of the class.I chose to be in complete 44 of what and when to read.If kids laughed,Id usually have a witty one-liner to 45 ,which would finally shut them up.From then on,I never again looked at my stuttering as a(n) 46 challenge.Fast forward to 2012 and I

18、m a comic.When I 47 in comedy,my goal was simply to make the audience 48 .But after each show,Id get feedback(反馈) on how my comedy helped educate them to understand and 49 those who also suffered from a speech disorder.I was 50 .Until seeing my routine,theyd never considered the 51 a person who stut

19、ters faces on a daily basis.Imagine the fear of talking on a telephone.Imagine the fear of ordering food at a restaurant.Stuttering is still one of the great 52 .Ive been stuttering for forty years and still cant explain it. 53 ,I,just like any person who stutters,have my good days and bad days and

20、everything in between.Whether its a big nose or ugly toes,we all have 54 that each of us should 55 ;if not,how can we possibly expect understanding and support from others?语篇解读从小口吃的作者学会了勇敢面对自己的不足,也努力影响他人来理解和接纳身体有缺陷的人。36.A.looked into B.made fun ofC.looked after D.made use of答案B解析根据下文中的“the entire cl

21、ass looks,listens,and laughs.”可知,如果每被嘲笑一次,我就得到一美分的话,估计我在十二岁的时候赚的钱就够养老了。make fun of取笑,符合语境。look into调查,观察;look after照顾,打理;make use of使用,利用。37.A.sympathetic B.differentC.ashamed D.desperate答案B解析根据文章首句可知,我和别人不同。different不同的,有区别的,符合语境。sympathetic同情的;ashamed羞愧的;desperate绝望的,极度渴望的。38.A.write B.selectC.rec

22、ord D.read答案D解析根据上文中的“The biggest fear for most Americans is public speaking.”可知,此处指口吃的孩子要当着全班同学的面朗读(read)夏洛特的网当中的一段。 caseC.though that答案A解析参考上题解析。as意为“当的时候”,符合语境。40.A.impossible B.uneasyC.lonely D.unusual答案B解析口吃的孩子要当着全班同学的面朗读夏洛特的网当中的一段,在大庭广众之下暴露自己的弱点会让人很不舒服,uneasy意为“不舒服的,不安的”,符合语境

23、。41.A.changed B.disappearedC.returned D.settled答案A解析根据上下文语境可知,当我决定通过主动要求朗读来缓解焦虑时,事情有了变化(change)。42.A.share B.ignoreC.relieve D.employ答案C解析根据上下文语境可知,我主动要求朗读的目的是缓解焦虑。relieve缓解,减轻,符合语境。43.A.appearing B.pretendingC.preparing D.volunteering答案D解析参考上题解析。volunteer自愿,主动要求,符合语境。44.A.control D

24、.satisfaction答案A解析根据上下文语境可知,我选择做自己的主人翁,自己控制(control)朗读内容和时间。 up B.cut outC.shoot back D.break down答案C解析如果同学们取笑我,我就用机智的俏皮话顶回去,让他们闭嘴。shoot back顶回去,还击,符合语境。show up到场;cut out裁剪,停止;break down失败,损坏。46.A.interesting B.significantC.confusing D.delicate答案B解析根据上文可知,我不再把自己的口吃看作是很大的挑战。significant有意义的,重

25、大的,符合语境。delicate微妙的,精巧的。47.A.accomplished B.set outC.acted D.started out答案D解析根据上下文语境可知,最开始从事(start out)喜剧的时候,我只是单纯地想要逗笑(laugh)观众。48.A.laugh B.promiseC.applaud D.think答案A解析参考上题解析。49.A.remember B.respectC.recognize D.receive答案B解析根据understand可知,表演之后,我通过反馈得知我的喜剧不仅为观众带来了欢乐,还起到了教育意义,人们通过观看我的喜剧学会理解和尊重有语言障碍

26、的人。respect尊敬,敬重,符合语境。remember记得,回想起;recognize认出,识别;receive收到,得到。50.A.put through B.cared forC.blown away D.depended on答案C解析根据下文“Until seeing my routine,theyd never considered.”可知,得知人们在看我的表演之前,从来没有为有语言障碍的人考虑过时,我很惊讶。blow away使某人大吃一惊,给留下深刻印象,符合语境。put through实行,接通;care for照料,喜欢;depend on依赖,相信。51.A.chall

27、enges B.opportunitiesC.dilemmas D.consequences答案A解析根据第三段最后一句和倒数第三段中的“Imagine the fear of talking on a telephone.Imagine the fear of ordering food at a restaurant.”可知,口吃的人每天都面对挑战。challenge挑战,符合语境。opportunity机会;dilemma进退两难的窘境;consequence结果,后果。52.A.findings B.unknownsC.adventures D.worries答案B解析根据下文中的“I

28、ve been stuttering for forty years and still cant explain it.”可知,结巴仍然是一个解释不了的现象(unknown)。53.A.Therefore B.OtherwiseC.Instead D.Nevertheless答案D解析根据上下文语境可知,前后两个句子为转折关系。然而(nevertheless),我和其他口吃的人一样每天过着平淡的日子。54.A.illnesses B.anxietiesC.imperfections D.failures答案C解析根据上文“Whether its a big nose or ugly toes

29、”可知,每个人都应该接纳(accept)自己的不足之处(imperfection)。imperfection不完美,瑕疵,符合语境。55.A.accept B.expectC.believe D.entertain答案A解析参考上题解析。第三部分阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AAfrica Finance Corporation(AFC) is an African-led international finance institution established in 2007 to bridge

30、Africas infrastructure(基础设施) investment gap through the supply of debt and equity finance,project development,and technical and financial advisory services.AFC has invested over USD 4.5 billion in infrastructure projects in 28 countries across Africa,with a focus on power,transport,telecommunication

31、s,heavy industries and natural resources.AFC is looking to appoint,for a period of 5 years (renewable),a new CEO.This individual who will be based in Lagos,Nigeria,will oversee all strategic and business aspects of the institution.This CEO will have responsibility for the day-to-day leadership,strategy,operational management,and growth of the AFC and will guide

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