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1、第一作业英语答案六上第一作业英语答案六上【篇一:六年级英语第一学期校本作业】ass=txt班级_姓名_ iput the following into english (词组翻译) 1. 家人和亲戚 _ 2. 他的家谱_ 3. 从得到_ 4. 许多礼物_ 5. 一张来自祖父的生日卡片_ 6. 为某人制作_ 7家庭成员之一 _ ii. 按照括号里的音标,拼写出正确的单词以完成下列句子 1. the chens _ are having dinner. /? ? / 2. yesterday one of my _ gave me a new shirt. /? / 3. i like going

2、 _ on a fine day. /? ?/ 4. i go to play with my _ on sundays. /? ?/ iii. 选词填空 1. children get a lot of love _ (to, from) their parents. 2. “happy _ (teachers, teachers) day!” the students said to the teacher. 3. my aunts and uncles give many _ (parents, presents) to grandpa. 4. alice _ (have, has) g

3、ot many birthday cards. 5. who will make a model plane _ (to, for) the little girl? 6. shanghai is one of the beautiful _ (city, cities) in the world. 7. alice often _ (play, plays) badminton on sunday. 8. both alice and kitty _ (have, has) one aunt. 9. i _ (dont have, doesnt have) an uncle. 10._ yo

4、ur friend _ (do has, does have) the book harry potter? iv. 选择最恰当的答案 ()1. dont_up the tree! it is too dangerous. a.climb b.climbs c.climbing d.climbed ()2. the library is so_. please walk into it_. a.quiet;quietb.quietly;quietc.quiet;quietlyd.quietly;quietly()3.you_clean the classroom after school.yo

5、u cant go home. a.must b.can c.need d.may () likes_thin and healthy. b.are c.bed. to be ()5.pudong airport is far away_hongqiao airport. a.from c.with d.for ()6.winnie is_american girl.she lives in _u.s.a. a.the;the b.a;/;/;the ()7.there is _green grass on the playground

6、in summer. a.many b. much c.more d.most () very_and i need a _now. a.thirsty;rest b.hungry;drink c.tired;rest d,friendly;cake ()9.alice has_uncle from australia. a.a c.thed./ ()10.yesterday was my parents said “happy birthday_you!” a.of c.for ()11.the child _ one relat

7、ive alive(活着的)after the earthquake(地震). a.have only b.only have c.only has only ()12._students are there in your new class? old ()13.we made beautiful cards_ the teachers on september 10. b.of c.for ()14._athletes(运动员)from all over the world were in be

8、ijing last summer. a.a few b.a littlec.a lot d.a lot of () are good_ for ill people in shanghai these years. a.parentsb.peasants c.presents d.present v. 在下面短文的空格中填入恰当的单词,所填单词的首字母已给出 my family is a big one.there are seven p_1_ in my family,my grandfather and grandmother are

9、father is a mother is a sister and i a_3_students. my name is ken.i study a_4_no.7middle school.i like sisters name is kally.she is seven.she is at a primary b_5_ name is bill.he is at father and mother l_6_ their work.they work very hard. 1.p_

10、 2.b_ 3.a_ 4.a_ 5.b_ 6.l_预备英语练习(unit 1 ex 2) 班级_姓名_ iput the following into english (词组翻译) 1. 打羽毛球 _ 2. 家谱 _ 3. 还有什么 _ 4. 去骑自行车_ 5. 几个阿姨 _ 6. 只有一个叔叔_ 7我家人和我的一张照片_ 8. 多久一次_ 9. 和妈妈一起去购物_ 10.多少牛奶_ ii. complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空) 1. my mother always

11、 goes _(shop) on sundays. 2. how many _(month) are there in a year? 3. tom likes _(play) badminton with his father. 4. they are my family and _. ( relative) 5. they are my grandparents ,i am their _.( daughter) iii. choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案) () 1. look at the photo, _ _ my father and mother.

12、a. this is b. these are c. that isd. those are () 2. _ your uncle a doctor? a. amb. isc. are d. do () 3. they are my cousins. im _ . a. their brothers b. their brother c. their cousins d. their cousin () 4. mary has got _ presents from her friends. a. many b. much c. lot of d. a lots of () 5. i like

13、 music. i like playing _very much. a. piano b. the piano c. footballd. the football () 6. i only have _ uncle. a. a b. an c. one d. two () 7. breakfast is very important to us. we _ has our breakfast before school. a. alwaysb. usually c. sometimes d. never () 8. he is always the first one to come to

14、 school. he _gets up latefor school. a. alwaysb. usually c. sometimesd. never () 9. -i sometimes go to a restaurant with my parents. -what else do you do with _? a. they b. themc. himd. her () 10. i like _with my friend on weekend. a. to go cycle b. going cycle c. go cyclingd. going cycling iv. rewr

15、ite the following sentences as required:(根据所给要求,改写下 列句子, 每空格限填一词) 1. she has a beautiful house.(改为一般疑问句) _ she _ a beautiful house? 划线部分提问) _ do you sometimes _ with your mother? 3. i划线部分提问) _ you in your family? 划线部分提问) _ do you sometimes _ with your grandfather? 划线部分提问) _ _ good friends does jenny

16、 have in the school? 1. jack has got a good f_ . 2. there are a lot of hobbies in our school. its t_ for us to play basketball now. 3. what e_ do you do with your grandparents at weekends? 4. my new classmates are all f_ to me. 5. how many m_ are there in your family? vi. write at least 40 words abo

17、ut the topic “ my family” (根据所给的 题目写作,至少40个单词)5% my family _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 预备英语练习(unit 2 ex 1) 班级_姓名_ 一、基础部分 iput the following into english (词组翻译) 1. 和谈话 2. 根本也不 3. 喜欢在一起 4. 几乎每一天 5. 从不出去6. 在夜晚 7. 步行去学校 8. 互相 9. 分享他们的食品

18、10.帮助别人 11. 对友好的对宽容的 13. 努力学习 14. 从不迟到 15. 生气,发脾气16. 和分享 17.说谎 ii. 按照音标,拼写出正确的单词以完成下列句子 1. our teacher is always _ to us. /? ? / 2. please dont _ the earth. its our home. /? / 3. we _ to keep our classroom clean. /?/ 4. eddie works hard. he _ gets to school late. /?/ iii. complete the sentences with

19、 the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空) 1. he is always _ (friend) to me. 2. there is a lot of _ around us. its dirty. (pollute). 3. dictionaries are _ (help) to our study. 4. his father is bad-tempered. he is easy to get _ (angrily). 5. some students are in the singing group. _ (oth

20、er) are in the drawing group. iv. choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案) () 1. alice _ to her lovely dog. a. always talkb. always talks c. talk always d. talks always () 2. alices dog cant write _ read. a. andb. toc. or d. for () 3. it _ rains in shanghai in autumn. a. some time b. some times c. sometimes

21、 d. sometime () 4. the sky is a little bright _ night in shanghai because there are so many lights. a. in b. byc. on d. at【篇二:苏教版课课练六上英语答案】=txt听力材料与参考答案 unit 1 the kings new clothes 第一课时 一、 1. that nice girl is very clever. 2. these are american cowboys. they wear jeans. 3. the king is foolish,i thi

22、nk. 4. my father is hard working. i love him. 5. dont laugh at me. i am your brother. 6. we looked at the girl. (1. a 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. a 6. b) 二、 1. long long ago, there was a king. 2. the little boy pointed at the king and laughed. 3. what do you think of the king? is he clever? 4. a: whos the nex

23、t boy? b: hes mike. 5. the king doesnt wear any clothes. 6. we cannot see any apples on the farm. (1. long long ago 2. laughed 3. think 4. next 5. wear 6. see) 三、 1. was 2. walked 3. were 4. liked 5. was 6. showed 四、 1. b 2. e 3. d 4. a 5. c 五、 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. c 6. a 7. c 8. b 第二课时 一、 1. how

24、much is the dress? 2. what did you do yesterday? 3. did you like the new clothes? 4. what a nice hat! 5. who can make a t-shirt for me? 6. nice to meet you. (1. a 2. c 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. b) 二、 1. each student says one sentence. 2. long long ago, there was a lion. 3. she picked a flower in the park a

25、moment ago. 4. the lion shouted at the old man. 5. the little boy had his cake and asked for another one. 6. be quick! they are over there. (1. each 2. was 3. picked 4. shouted 5. another 6. quick) 三、 1. foolish 2. children 3. are laughing 4. met 5. sat 6. lived 7. got 8. are 四、 1. miss fox and her

26、students are playing a game. 2. there was a mountain many years ago./many years ago there was a mountain. 3. clever people can see them. 4. i got a card from my good friend. 5. are those pear trees too? 五、 1. f 2. t 3. t 4. f 5. t 第三课时 一、 1. do they fit the king? 2. who can see the clothes? 3. please try on the shoes. 4. where were you last week? 5. were there many people in the street? 6. how was the king? (1. b 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. c 6. a) 二、 the king liked clothes. two men wanted to make new clothes for the king. the king was happy. the men showed the king his new clothes, but the king could

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