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1、新航标职业英语综合英语预备级学生用书Unit3Unit 3 Organization and Culture of a CompanyBackground 1.Corporate cultureHumans are social beings. This is how ideas and beliefs spread. In an ideal culture, people do the right thing, even when no ones looking. Not because theyll be punished or rewarded but because its the c

2、ulturally accepted thing to do. Bottom-line advantages of a strong corporate culture include: Motivation. Low employee turnover/ reduced payroll cost. Attendance. Productivity. Creative/ independent problem solving. Ethics. Personal accountability. Enterprise value.2. Different departments in a comp

3、anyHR Department人力资源部R&D Department 研发部PR Department 公关部Marketing Department 市场部Finance Department 财务部Quality Control Department 质管部Sales Department 销售部Customer Service Department 客服部Logistics Department 后勤部Purchasing Department 采购部Production Department 生产部Legal Affair Department 法务部IT Department 信息

4、技术部Network Operational Department 网络运营部Administration Department 行政部Suggested teaching planItemsObjectivesSuggested TimeGetting ReadyTo learn the different departments in a company and their basic functions.10 min.Text ATo get a general idea about Googles organization cultureTo master the important

5、expressions and structures in the text and be able to apply them in practice80 min.Language FocusTo have a good command of the core vocabulary and structures in Text ATo learn to use possessives45 min.Text BTo have an overview of what motivates you at work and get some inspiration 45 min.Vocational

6、FocusTo learn some basic information about company organization and the features of each department To learn how to introduce a department to others90 min. Skill FocusListening and SpeakingTo learn the differences between some similar sounds in English To learn to express company rulesTo practice sp

7、eaking skills45 min.Skill FocusPractical WritingTo learn how to describe people, using possessives40 min. Practical LearningTo get familiar with different jobs in different departments5 min.Getting Ready1. Have the students think about the questionsWhat departments do you know in a company? What are

8、 their basic functions? Give some hints if necessary. (2 min.)2. Have the students complete the sentences according to their understanding. (4 min.)3. Have the students listen to the recording and check their answers. (4 min.)Listening Scripts of Getting Ready1. The Sales Department sells the produc

9、ts.2. The Production Department manufactures the product.3. The IT Department is in charge of the computer systems.4. The Market Research Department finds out what people will buy.5. The Customer Service Department deals with questions and complaints.6. The R&D Department researches and develops new

10、 products.7. The Logistics Department stores and delivers the products.8. The PR Department is responsible for the image of the company.9. The Marketing Department advertises the products.10. The Quality Control Department checks whether the products are good or not.11. The Finance Department deals

11、with money.12. The Purchasing Department buys materials and equipment.13. The HR Department is responsible for employing new people and training the staff.14. The Import Department buys goods from other countries.15. The Export Department sells products to foreign countries.Key to Getting Ready1.Sal

12、es 2.Production 3.IT 4.Market Research 5.Customer Service 6.R&D 7.Logistics 8.PR9.Marketing 10.Quality Control 11.Finance 12.Purchasing 13.HR 14.Import 15. ExportText A1.Have the students first listen to the recording of the new words and expressions, and then have them read them aloud and get famil

13、iar with their meanings. (10 min.)2. Have the students listen to the recording of the text, and read the text more carefully and do the exercise in “Understanding your reading”. (25 min.)3. Have the students check their answers with each other and then ask some students to give their final answer. (

14、10 min.)4. Ensure the students have a deep understanding of the text by explaining the language points. If time permits, have the students practice using them by composing new sentences. (25 min.)5. After an in-depth reading of the text, have the students work in groups to summarize the secret of Go

15、ogles corporate culture. (10 min.)Key to Text A Exercise1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. FLanguage PointsParagraph 11 .in a row 连续,接连This is her third win in a row. 这是她连续获得的第三次胜利。Inflation has fallen for the third month in a row. 通货膨胀连续第三个月在下降。【拓展】row n. 一排,一列,一行We sat in a row at the back of the room. 我们在屋子的

16、后面坐成一排。Lets sit in the back row. 我们坐最后一排吧。2. peer n. 同龄人,同辈,同等地位的人She enjoys the respect of her peers. 她受到同辈的尊重。Peer pressure is strong among young people. 年轻人受到强大的同辈压力。3. benefit n. 福利,利益,益处Weve had the benefit of a good education. 我们得益于受过良好的教育。 It will be to your benefit to arrive early. 早到将会对你有利。

17、【拓展】benefit v. 对(某人)有用,使收益 We should spend the money on something that will benefit everyone. 我们应该把这笔钱花在大家都能得益的事上。 Who can exactly benefit from these changes? 到底是谁会从这些变革中获益?Paragraph essence 本质上,实质上,其实In essence, your situation isnt so different from mine. 从本质上讲,你我的情况并非相差很远。In essence, he is a

18、 good person. 从本质上讲,他是个好人。【拓展】essence n. 本质,实质,;精髓2.settle down 确定下来,安定下来;平静下来 When are you going to get married and settle down? 你打算什么时候成家,安定下来? It always takes the class a while to settle down at the start of the lesson. 那个班一上课总得过一会儿才能安静下来。【拓展】settle v. 结束,解决;确定;定居 We should settle the dispute amo

19、ng countries in a peaceful way. 我们应该和平解决国家间的争端。 Its all settledwere leaving on the nine oclock plane. 一切都定下来了我们乘九点的航班走。 She settled in Vienna after her fathers death. 父亲死后,她就在维也纳定居了。Paragraph 3fundamental a.根本的;基本的,基础的There is a fundamental difference between the two points of view. 这两个观点有根本区别。Hard

20、work is fundamental to success. 勤奋工作是成功的基础。Paragraph 41.sustain v. 维持,支持;使保持Which planets can sustain life? 哪些行星可以维持生命的存在?She managed to sustain everyones interest until the end of her speech. 她使每个人兴趣盎然,一直听她把话讲完。【拓展】sustainable a. 合理利用的;可持续的 sustainable forest management 合理的森林管理 sustainable developm

21、ent 可持续发展 sustainable economic growth 经济的可持续增长2.depend v. 依靠,信赖;指望 (常与on/upon搭配)Can we depend on you coming in on Saturday? 我们能指望你星期六来参加吗?Is he coming?That depends. He may not have the time. 那要看情况。他不一定有时间。Paragraph on 从事;努力改善(或完成)He is working on a new novel. 他正在写一部新小说。He is out there, worki

22、ng on the car. 他在外面修理汽车。You need to work on your pronunciation a bit more. 你需要再加把劲改进发音。2.promising a. 有前途的,有希望的He is a promising young man. 他是个有前途的年轻人。The weather doesnt look very promising. 天气看起来不会太好。Paragraph 71.log in/on 登录,注册 You need a password to log in. 登录需要密码。 The system is unable to log you

23、 on. 这个系统无法让你登录。 on 就表决 Well listen to the arguments on both sides and then vote on it. 我们将先听取双方的论点,然后再表决。【拓展】vote v. 投票,表决Did you vote for or against her? 你投了她的赞成票还是反对票?How did you vote at the last election? 在上次选举中你是怎么投的票?3.take sth. on 接受某事,承担某事I cant take on any extra work. 我不能承担任何额外工作。【拓展】

24、take sth./sb. on 接纳(乘客),装载;聘用,雇用 The bus stopped to take on more passengers. 公共汽车停下来让其他乘客上车。 She was taken on as a trainee. 她受聘当实习生。Paragraph 9take risks / a risk 冒险Thats a risk Im not prepared to take. 我不愿意去冒这个险。You have no right to take risks with other peoples lives. 你没有权利拿别人的生命去冒险。Paragraph 11fo

25、ster v. 培养,抚育;鼓励,促进The clubs aim is to foster better relations within the community. 俱乐部的宗旨是促进团体部的关系。They have fostered over 60 children during the past ten years. 在过去十年间,他们抚育了60多个儿童。Language FocusA Focus the students attention on the three groups of words by discussing the differences among the thr

26、ee or four words in each group. Have some students read each group of sentences aloud and make sure they understand their meanings. (5 min.)B Have the students finish Exercise B in pairs. One students reads a word in Column A aloud while the other chooses the proper word or expression that agrees wi

27、th it from Column B. (3min.)C Have the students look through the given vocabulary, and have them complete the sentences individually and check their answers in pairs. Then have some of the students read the sentence aloud one by one. (5min.)D a. Have the students look back at the structures “unless”

28、 and “had better” in Text A. Elicit some ideas about the usage and meaning of the structures.b. Have the students compose sentences with the given words. Then have them take turns to read the sentences, making corrections if necessary.(7min.)E Have the students work individually or in pairs. Check t

29、heir E-C translation orally. (5min.)Key to Language FocusA1. a. organization b. organize c. organizational2. a. leadership b. leading c. lead d. leader3. a. founded b. foundation c. founderB1. b 2. a 3.c 4. e 5. dC1. essence 2. fundamental 3. relevant 4. depend on 5. peer 6. in a row 7. Benefits 8.

30、grounded inD1. a. He hasnt got any hobbiesunless you call watching TV a hobby.b. I think she was back at work yesterday, unless Im mistaken.2. a. We had better leave now, or well miss the last subway.b. Youd better not do that to your colleague again.E1. 2012年,谷歌连续第四年获得世界上“最佳雇主”的称号。2. 实质上,它是将创办公司的领导

31、层的信念转化为工作中的日常习惯。3. 信任是创新的土壤在组织文化中缺少了信任,创新就很难维持,因为创新依赖于机智的冒险、团队合作以及反馈 所有这些都需要某种程度的信任。4. 人们登录网络询问,投票选出最想得到回答的问题。5. 这就是企业文化的全部涵:言行一致,建立信任。Grammar Possessives1. Discuss the basic concept of possessives. (5 min.)a. Explain the following sentences in Text A and underline the possessives.These special benefits are a good expression of the true secret behind Googles strong organizational culture.Corporate culture can be seen through many “windows of the house”b. Point out the structure of possessives and ask the stud

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