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1、标准英语口语窗体顶端窗体底端Standard America Englishunit 1 saying greetings and goodbye问候与道别1. Good moring, Mr. Carder!早上好,卡特先生!2. How are you? 你好吗3. Im fine, thanks. How about yourself? 我很好,谢谢。你呢?4. Things couldnt be better.一切都很好。5. Hi! How is it going? 喂,你好吗?(How is everything? How are you doing?)6. Howve you b

2、een? 你最近好吗?I havent seen you for ages.我好久没见到你了7. Its been a long time.是很长时间了。8. Whats up? 有什么新鲜事吗?(Whats new with you?)9. Nothing special.老样了。(还可以)10.I hate to say goodbye, but its getting late.我不想说再见,但天已晚了。11.Cant you stay for a little bit longer.你不能再呆一会吗?12.Ive got to go now.我现在得走了。(Ive got to run

3、. Ive got to roll.)13.See you on Monday.星期一见14.Have a nice weekend. Have fun.周末愉快。玩得开心15.So long, keep in touch.再见,保持联络16.Say hello to your parents.请代我向你的父母问好.17.Tell them I miss them.请转告他们,我很想念他们。18.It was nice talking to you.与你聊天很愉快。19.I enjoy talking to you ,too.我也很喜欢和你聊天。20.Oh,here is my bus. Go

4、tta go, take care.喔,我的公交车来了,我得走了,保重。(Gotta to=Ive got to go=I have to go.)conversation 1 bumping into each other 无意中相遇1.-Good morning, Sue.-Good morning, Tom. How are you?-Im fine, thanks, how about yourself?-Things couldnt be better. Where are you going now?-I am heading for the library. Ive got a

5、research project to do. How about you? (head for向特定的方向出发=Im going to the library.)-Im going to the English class. Itll start in five minutes, Ive got to run.-See you later, alligator. lieit 鳄鱼-After a while, crocodile. krk,dail 鳄鱼汤姆:早安,休!休:早安,汤姆!你好吗?汤姆:我很好。谢谢。你呢?休:一切都很好。你现在要去哪?汤姆:我正要去图书馆。我有一个研究课题需要完

6、成。那你呢?休:我去上英文课。还有五分钟就要开始了。我得走了。汤姆:再见。休:再见。conversation 2 leaving a friends house离开朋友家-I hate to say goodbye, but its late.-Cant you stay for a little bit longer, its only 8.-I wish I could. But Im afraid I cant. Ive got some serious studying to do. I have to go.-OK. See you on Monday.-See you on Mon

7、day. Have a great weekend.-You too. Thanks for dropping in.(drop in=drop by) 汤姆:我不想说再见,但天已晚了。休:你不能再呆一会吗?才八点钟嘛。汤姆:我也希望能再呆一会,但恐怕不行啊。我还有很多功课要做。我得走了。休:好吧,那么星期一见。汤姆:星期一见。祝你周未愉快。休:你也是!谢谢你的顺访。conversation 3 two friends waiting for buses两个朋友在等候公交车-Good evening, John.-Good evening, Mary.-How are you doing?-I

8、m doing fine, thanks. Whats new with you?-Nothing special.-Im wondering whether you could come over for a pizza sometime next week?-Sounds good. Sorry, here comes my bus. You call me, or Ill call you to make a date.-Ill call you.-All right. Gotta go, bye, keep in touch.-OK. Have a great day, take ca

9、re, bye.玛丽:晚上好,约翰!约翰:晚上好,玛丽!玛丽:你好吗?约翰:我很好,谢谢。有没有什么新鲜事?玛丽:老样子。约翰:我想知道你下周什么时候是否能过来吃比萨饼?玛丽:很好啊!对不起,我的公交车来了。你给我打电话或者我给你打电话,我们约定个日期吧。约翰:我给你打电话吧。玛丽:好吧。我得走了。再见!保持联系。约翰:祝你过一个快活的一天!保重!再见!Conversation 4 Old FriendsMary: Hi,John! I havent seen you for ages.John: Hi! Yes, its been a long time. Im really glad to

10、 see you.Mary: Im glad to see you, too. Howve you been?John: Just fine. How is everything with you?Mary: Not bad. I finally bought a house. Its an old one, but built really solid. It is close to here. Do you want to come over for lunch?John: Id like that, but Im flying home this afternoon, and I tol

11、d my parents Id meet them at the airport for lunch.Mary: OK, next time youre here.John: Thats a deal.Mary: I heard that you moved to Florida.John: Yes, Im in Titusville. The space shuttle is launched from near there. Ive seen a lot of space shuttle launches.Mary: Tell me more.John: The shuttle launc

12、hes are beautiful. I saw one that took off at midnight. The whole sky got bright.Mary: Sounds great!John: Im pretty happy living there.Mary: I want to see Disney World, Sea World, Universal Studios, and Weeki-Watchee Springs.John: Ive been to all of them.Mary: Im jealous. Ive never been to Florida.J

13、ohn: The Sunshine State certainly is worth visiting. Come down for a vacation sometime. Ill take you to Disney World.Mary: That sounds great! Ill take you up on that invitation.John: I hope you do. And keep in touch, OK?Mary: I sure will.John: Heres my business card. Send me an email once in a while

14、.Mary: Count on it. And heres my card. Dont hesitate to call me anytime.John: Thank you. Id better get going. I dont want to be late for lunch. Mom would worry.Mary: Well, Im really glad we bumped into each other. Have a good trip.John: Take good care of yourself, Mary.Mary: I will. Good-bye.John: B



17、兴。祝你旅途愉快。约翰:保重,玛丽。玛丽:好的。再见。约翰:再见窗体顶端窗体底端Unit2 Talking about oneself and others 21. Hello,my name is Mark Erikson.22. Hi,glad to meet you,Mark.23. Where are you from, Karon?24. I am from Huston. 25. I was born in Taiwan. But now Im an American citizen.26. I work for NASA(美国航空航天局).27. Where do you wor

18、k?28. Im an elementary school teacher in Auston Texas.-(AmE)小学=(BrE) primary school-(elementary初级的,基础的.only before noun)29. That man with red hair in the right corner of the room is my husband, John. He is a New Yorker.30. That tall women over there is my wife, Jane. Shes a Floridion.31. She has a l

19、ittle bit of southern accent.32. I like classical literature, but Jane likes modern American literature.33. I love romantic movies, but John loves action movies.34. Jane was born in Indonesia.35. She likes coffee with cream and sugar.36. John and I both love tea with milk.37. Jane and I both love to

20、 read science fiction.38. We live in an apartment close to my school.39. We live in a house far away from NASA.40. Do you have a long commute?-每天上下班的路程Floating in English:Introduction to Mark and Karon and their spouses(配偶,爱人)Mark Erikson is an elementary teacher in Auston Texas. His wife, Jane Erik

21、son, is a Floridion. So when she speaks, she has a southern accent. Jane was born in Indonesia, but grew up in Florida. Her parents are Chinese. Jane and Mark have three little children. They live in an apartment close to Marks school. Mark likes classical literature, while Jane likes modern America

22、n literature. However they both love to read science fiction. Jane likes coffee with cream and sugar. Karen Wang lives in Huston. She is a Chinese-American working for NASA. She has kept her maid name Wang.(1) Her husband John is from New York. He is an astronaut. Karen and John lives in a house far

23、 away from NASA. Karen spends two hours a day driving to and from work. Its a long commute from Karens home to NASA. Keren and John both love tea with milk. Keren loves romantic movies, but John loves action movies.-Note (1)意思是没有改成她老公的姓. _maid name Wang: 没结婚时的姓._maid:未婚女子,少女,女仆Conversation:-Hello, m

24、y name is Mark Erikson.-Hi, glad to meet you, Mark. My name is Karen Wang.-Glad to meet you, too. Where are you from, Karen?-Im originally from Taiwan. I live in Huston now.-My wifes family name is Wang.-Thats not too surprising. There are a lot of us Wangs.-I guess so. Where do you work?-Im a NASA

25、computer programmer. How about you?-Im an elementary school teacher in Auston Texas.-Is that woman your wife?-Yes, she is. Jane is born in Indonesia. But grew up in Florida. She has a bit of southern accent.-She is very pretty.-Thank you. She used to be a model. Now she stays at home with our three

26、young children. The children keep her very busy everyday. Who is that man with red hair?-Thats my husband John. Hes from New York. John is an astronaut.-He sure is popular.-Yes. Astronauts always get a lot of questions. -Where do you and Jane live?-We live in an apartment close to my school. -How ab

27、out you and John?-We share a big house with Johns parents. -Do you have a long commute?-Yes, the house is on a beautiful big range. -But I have to drive two hours a day.-Thats a lot of commuting time.-It sure is.-Do you listen to music while you drive?-Yes, I do. I love romantic music from old movie

28、s.-I like classical music. I also enjoy modern romantic music. Jane likes jazz.-Does Jane exercise a lot?-Yes, she does. She spends an hour everyday on a jogging machine. She also does a rop dancing. How about you? -jogging machine,跑步机(jog,慢跑)-I try to exercise when Im driving. That helps a little.

29、We also help with a ranch work. John and I both love to ride horses. Do you think people will ever ride horses on the moon? -ranch work,农场牧场工作-Sure they will. Jane and I both love to read science fiction. People invent the future, horses on the moon. I love that idea. Jane would like it, too. Id like to introduce you to Jane.-Sounds good. Id like to meet her and find out how she handles three children. And maybe she will have some tips on exercising. 窗体顶端窗体底端UNIT3: Talking about likes and dislikes. 41. How do you like Dr.Seusss Horton Hatches and Egg? 42

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