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SAT OG 语法部分 错题总结+错题详细讲解.docx

1、SAT OG 语法部分 错题总结+错题详细讲解Kyle 错题总结OG test 错题OG-test #1S615. Jerome often referred to(A) art history textbooks while he(B) was sculpting; whenever he learned a new method in art class, he seeks out(C) the work of sculptors who has used it(D) in the past. No error(E)考察时态的一致性。虽然是often,但是是过去的常常的动作,所以C部分也应

2、该是相应的过去时。Seek的过去时是sought。19. Before boarding(A), passengers must purchase(B) his or her(C) tickets in the main concourse of the bus terminal because(D) tickets are not sold on the bus. No error(E)以后会慢慢发现,只要用he or her或者he and her或者he and she来替代their或者they都是错的。可以直接排除。20. According to(A) some demograph

3、ers, the number of United States citizens aged 65 or older(B) is(C) likely to rise(D) to 87 million by 2050. No error(E)此题无错误。B处的表达不是错误的。虽然理论上“速度很快”这种表达方法是不合适的(应该是速度很高),但是真题中出现了“temperature is hot”这种表达方法。22. Contrary to what(A) many people believe, heat lightning is not lightning(B) caused by heat;

4、it is ordinary lightning that occurs at too great a distance(C) for its accompanying thunder to be audible(D). No error(E)此题无错误。Too great a distance 其实在此句中是tooto do的前半部分。这种结构实际上还是很常见的“So beautiful a girl she is that everyone likes her.”25. As(A) their brains mature neurologically(B), infants become

5、more capable to distinguish(C) the shapes and textures of the objects around them(D). No error(E)C。此题考察介词搭配。应该是be capable of doing sth. 或者be able to do sth. 28. The regularly scheduled(A) conference between may tutor and me(B) is(C) set for Friday, but my low grades in chemistry requires(D) me to ar

6、range an earlier meeting. No error(E)D。此题是典型的主谓一致题目。But引导的分句的主语是my low grades,应该是复数。实际上,这里的成绩是很多科目的成绩,当然不能看成一个抽象名词了。如下句:The surgery itself and post-operative recoverycostsvary across the countryS107. The shift from traditional to cosmetic dentistry is because adults are getting fewer cavities and be

7、coming more vain.A. is because adults are getting fewer cavities and becoming B. is because of adults getting fewer cavities and their becomingC. is caused from adults getting fewer cavities and in addition becomeD. is occurring because adults are getting fewer cavities and becomingE. occurs because

8、 of adults getting fewer cavities and become“be because” 这种表达方法是错误的。Because 不能出现在表语从句中。理论上只能出现在状语从句里。(某些主语从句虽然也能用because引导:Just because something appears valuable does not mean that it really is valuable.)12. All species of sea turtles are endangered because of overharvesting of adults, their eggs b

9、eing disturbed and destruction of nesting habitats.A. of overharvesting of adults, their eggs being disturbed, and destruction of nesting habitatsB. of the adults being overharvested, their eggs disturbed, and destroying nesting habitatsC. the overharvesting of adults, disturbance of their eggs, and

10、 destruction of nesting habitatsD. the adults are overharvested, their eggs are disturbed, and their nesting habitats are destroyedE. being overharvested as adults, their eggs being disturbed, and destruction of nesting habitats原句的错误出现在并列结构的逻辑主语不一致。我们选择D三个平行的原因状语从句。14. Acquaintances of Alexei have c

11、ommented that he is at once annoying because of his unpredictability but his imagination is still a delight.A. but his imagination is still a delightB. although he is delightfully imaginativeC. and he is delightful in his imagination tooD. while being imaginative and they are delightedE. and delight

12、ful because of his imaginationE。我们选择平行结构最正常的一个选项。平行的结构是adj.+because of +n.OG-test #2S610. For all their talk about ecology, major companies have so far spent very little to fight pollution. (A) For all their talk (B) In spite of the fact of their having talked (C) Besides their having talked (D) In

13、addition to their talking (E) Although there is talk between one and the other A考察for all。For all 翻译成“尽管”,有转折的意思,后面接名词。B选项太罗嗦。实际根据后面做题的经验,出现了fact of /fact that之类的表达都要注意是否有啰嗦之嫌。C选项的besides明显不是转折的意思。E选项使用there be 句型未免太罗嗦。11. The survival of many species of marine life may depend on both the enforcemen

14、t of waste-disposal regulations and the education of the public about the fragility of ocean resources. (A) and the education of the public (B) educating the public (C) and the public being educated (D) along with the education of the public (E) in combination with public education典型的平行结构。要根据结构一致性的原

15、则,明显n.+of+n.的结构更加合适。所以原文就是对的。23. At the conclusion of the novel The Great Gatsby, Nick Carraway, a young Midwesterner recently arrived to (A) New York, moodily (B) watches (C) the blinking green light at the tip of (D) Long Island. No error (E)1. 时态方面:描述小说或者故事中的情节,如果没有前后照应,最好用一般现在时。因为故事中的动作是常看常新的。2.

16、 arrive in/at 的搭配。是没有arrive to 的。27. According to some theorists, what (A) any (B) particular bird can eat could change with even (C) the slightest (D) variation in the shape of its beak. No error (E) E。没有任何错误。这里的what引导的主语从句:“任何一只鸟能吃的东西”。29. An amateur potter herself, (A) the accountant offered to h

17、elp (B) the artist with his business accounts, complicated as they were (C) by (D) his unusual system of record keeping. No error (E)结构分析省略的状语:An amateur potter herself, (会计师)本人作为一个业余制陶人1,等于 as an amateur potter herself2,potter的同位语herself 其实指的就是the accountant句子主体:the accountant offered to help the a

18、rtist with his business accounts,会计师表示愿意帮助这个艺术家做他的业务往来账目1,offer 表示“有做某事的意愿”2,短语offer to help sb. with sth. 表示“愿意帮助某人做某事”让步状语从句:complicated as they were by his unusual system of record keeping 尽管通过艺术家所保存的奇离古怪的记录系统账目很复杂, 1,complicated as they were 的结构为“形容词 + as + 主谓结构”,这是由于 as 引导的让步状语的要求,其实就是倒装语序,即as

19、they were complicated2,代词 they 指代 his business accounts3,by his unusual system of record keeping 是方式状语,表示“通过的手段”参考译文会计师本人作为一个业余制陶人,尽管通过艺术家所保存的奇离古怪的记录系统进行整理有些复杂,她还是表示愿意帮助他归拢他的这些业务往来账目。S1011. A mixture of jazz and classical idioms, the music of Gershwin was more innovative than most of his contemporar

20、ies. (A)than most of his contemporaries (B)than most of his contemporaries were (C)than were most of his contemporaries (D)than that of most of his contemporaries (E)than most of his contemporaries, as far as music is concerned D. 前后比较一致性原则。N.(单数或不可数)+of+n. 后面应该是that+of+n.12. On October 13, 1955, at

21、 the Six Gallery in San Francisco, Allen Ginsberg read his poem Howl, being the inauguration of both a new style in poetry and the Beat movement. (A)Howl, being the inauguration of both being的出现:不正常,不简洁(B)Howl, both inaugurated (双谓语了) (C)Howl, it was the inauguration of both 粘连句(D)Howl, whose inaugu

22、ration of both 不完整的从句结构(E)Howl, thus inaugurating both E 只有E是对的,非谓语动词的现在分词形式做结果状语。OG-test #3S64. Nursing and physical therapy are an example of health-care fields that have shortages in staffing. (A)are an example of health-care fields that 应该是复数(B)are examples of health-care fields that (C)are exam

23、ples where health-care fields where 放在field后面还靠点谱,放在example后面完全不搭配。(D)exemplifies a health-care field that 主谓不一致了(E)exemplify health-care fields where they 这个they指代不明了B 复数搭配是正确的。Example和of连用也是很简洁明了的。8. Though now one of the most famous abstract artists, critics once ridiculed Jackson Pollock for his

24、 technique of splattering paint on canvases. (A)critics once ridiculed Jackson Pollock (B)critics once were ridiculing Jackson Pollock (C)Jackson Pollock once ridiculed by critics (D)Jackson Pollock was once ridiculed by critics (E)Jackson Pollock, having once been ridiculed by critics 典型的主语一致性问题。逗号

25、前是省略的让步状语从句。完整的结构应该是“Though he is now one of the most famous abstract artists”。主句中的ridicule的意思是嘲笑。如果不认识会有点麻烦。但是看词形应该能和ridiculous(荒谬的;可笑的)联系起来,最差也能想到这里应该用被动形式。11. Twice as many bird species inhabit Ecuador as in North America. (A)as in in的出现多余 (B)as inhabit (C)instead of in in的出现是不对的 inhabit是及物动词(D)w

26、hen compared to when不要随便加(E)than 和比较级连用B 首先要符合asas 的前后结构一致原则。其次注意inhabit在这里是及物动词,后面直接加宾语(地点)13. Because of its innovativeness and its (A) effective presentation, Marys science project received (B) more judges votes at the exhibit (C) than did Jim. (D) No error (E) C前后比较不一致。Than前面的主语是Marys science pr

27、oject后面的比较对象变成了Jim。明显前后的主语不一致了。28. Although (A) familiar to us from representations (B) in ancient art, war chariots are rare museum artifacts because by (C) the sixth century B.C. they were no longer (D) used in battle. No error (E) E。from representations翻译成“从描述中”。所以状语从句中的意思是“虽然战车对我们来说已经很熟悉,这种熟悉来源于

28、古代艺术中的描述。”S107. Because their flight was missed, the brides parents ran frantically to another part of the airport to catch another plane that might still arrive in time for the wedding. (A)Because their flight was missed, the brides parents ran (B)Because the brides parents missed their flight, the

29、y had to run (C)The brides parents had missed their flight, thus, finally, running (D)The brides parents had missed their flight, then they ran (E)Their flight was missed, which eventually caused the brides parents to run B 典型的“主动被动”原则。当然,退一步讲,the flight was missed(飞机被错过了”这样的表达未免太啰嗦了。其他几个选项出现了明显的粘连、

30、无谓语和错用从句现象。14. Nicknamed the supergrain of the future, quinoa is a complete protein, one that contains all the necessary amino acids and is high in fiber. (A)protein, one that contains all the necessary amino acids and is (B)protein, it contains all the necessary amino acids and is 粘连(C)protein, and

31、 containing all the necessary amino acids in addition to being and+伴随状语 (D)protein that contained all the necessary amino acids and also is 时态(E)protein; thus, containing all the necessary amino acids and being also 并列连词+非谓语A 是个典型的“同位语+定语从句”的形式。其他的形式都有明显的错误。OG-test #4S79. Having command of pathos, t

32、ragedy, as well as humor, George Eliot is considered to be a great English novelist. (A)Having command of pathos, tragedy, as well as humor as well as 只能连接两者(B)Having command of pathos, tragedy, and her humorous side 不平行(C)By being in command of both pathos and tragedy and also humor (D)With her command of pathos and tragedy and being humorous (E)Because of her command of pathos, tragedy, and

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