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1、外国网站材料手工图片 .tw 53 参考资料 reference two unknowns, dean wareham of galaxie 500Creatures of the Winds fall 2012 collection kind of felt like the physical clothing embodiment of all of these ideas for me. Sheba described it

2、 as being from the past and future at the same time, and thats exactly itit at once appears to have an untraceable origin, time and place-wise, but also contains so many tiny references and motifs, fuzzy sweaters and soft flannels and liberty prints in 60s colors and quotes from The Last Unicorn and

3、 Mexican tweeds and patchwork, that all together make up something so familiar. Images related to the 60s or the Southwest have always felt like old memories to me, even though I was obviously not alive in the 60s and when we visited my grandparents in California when I was little - my only experien

4、ce in the Southwest - we spent the whole time inside their house. They did have a great little hill in the backyard with grapefruit trees on top, and I liked to go up the stone path and pretend I was looking out on the whole world even though it was literally just the rest of their retirement commun

5、ity. God, thats depressing. But thats what Im saying! Where did that delusion GO? And where did it COME FROM? Maybe I traveled throughout the Southwest in the 60s in a past life or something. Maybe Im tired and still delusional! Wah wahhhhh. wahhhhh.Basically what Im trying to say is, I think this m

6、ight be my favorite collection of all time. Seriously. I wish I had never complimented anything else before in my life so that this would all have a stronger effect. It has a perfect feminine/masculine balance, there are all those little details that have MAGIC in them, but the pieces dont feel too

7、fantastical or out of reach, theyre still comfy and practical and made for a woman and not a little girl playing dress up. And the fabrics are from all overthe patchwork is made from bags from the 30s that Chris and Shane got at a thrift store, the lace overlay on this skirt is from a couturier in France, but the fabric underneath is from the 80s, thrifted.

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