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unit3 pep新版六年级英语表格教案.docx

1、unit3 pep新版六年级英语表格教案六年级英语备课教学课题Unit 3教学内容A Lets learn主备教师上课教师教学课时备课日期上课日期学期教学总课时教学目标、重点难点及方法Learning aims(学习目标)1.四会单词及短语:visit film trip supermarket tomorrow tonight evening see a film/ take a trip / next week2.理解句子:What are you going to do today ? Im going to see a film.Important &difficult points(

2、重难点)1. 能准确的读出和写出新的单词和短语。2. 能用What are you going? Im going to?进行问答练习。教学准备Word cards教 学 基 本 步 骤个案修改环节师生活动预设自主学习运用所学单词,按所学句型操练Lets learn.What are you going to do today?I am going to visit my grandparents.教师导学Step1 : 预习温故1、T: Greetings T: How do you come to school? S: Usually, I come on foot/. T: Spell

3、them , please! S: o-n, f-o-o-t/. 2、T: How can I get to Pan Zhihua ? S: You can take a bus/taxi. Step 2. 新课内容展示Lets learn new phrases1)T: What are you going to do today ?(引出时间短语this morning /this afternoon/ this evening/ next week/tonight/tomorrow出示单词卡片,教读,学生小组、或同桌练习)2)T: What are you going to do thi

4、s morning ? S: Im going to visit my grandparents/ take a trip /see a film/go to the supermarket. (板书或出示单词卡片,教读,学生小组、或同桌练习)3) Listen to the tape and repeat.4) Use these new phrases to make sentences. (替换练习)Eg: What are you going to do next week/? Im going to see a film/.小组互助1小组朗读Lets learn比赛。2.小组自编对话

5、,操练。练习巩固一根据汉语提示,补全句子。1) I come to school _ _. (骑自行车)2) Tom goes to school _ _(步行).3) (减速)and (停) at a yellow light.4) Stop and (等)at a red light.小结提炼What are you going to do +时间短语? 译:时间+你准备/打算干什么? I m going to +动词短语. 译:我准备/打算板书设计教学反思六年级英语备课教学课题Unit 3教学内容A Lets talk & Lets try主备教师上课教师教学课时备课日期上课日期学期教学

6、总课时教学目标、重点难点及方法Learning aims(学习目标)1.掌握四会句型:What are you going to do tomorrow? Im going to have an art lesson. We are going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park.2.能用四会句型对Let s talk标注的动词短语进行替换练习。3.能够完成Lets try部分听录音选出正确答案。Important &difficult points(重难点)1.重点:掌握四会句型。2.难点:流利朗读Lets talk 部分中对话,并能替换关键词进行替换。

7、教学准备Word cards教 学 基 本 步 骤个案修改环节师生活动预设自主学习1. Go over the old words and phrases : visit film trip supermarket tomorrow tonight evening see a film/ take a trip / next weekT: What are you going to do today/ ? S: Im going to see a film/.T: Can you go swimming/ today ? S: Yes, I can ./No , I cant.教师导学Step

8、 1. 新课内容展示Lets talk1) The telephone is ringing.T(Mike): Hello, Sarah. Its Mike.Sarah:Hi, Mike.M: What are you going to do tomorrow? S: Im going to have an art lesson.M: What are you going to do in your lesson ?S:were going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park .What about you ?M: Im going to see a fi

9、lm tomorrow. S:Have a good time.M: You too. I have to do my homework now. Bye. S: OK. Bye.2) Listen to the tape and imitate(模仿) the dialogue.3) 带领学生理解难点的句子和读音。小组互助1.Read Lets talk in your group.2. 小组讨论编新对话。并展示对话。练习巩固一、英汉互译。 1.去旅行( ) 2. 看电影( )3.看望我祖父母( ) 4.去超市( )5. next week ( ) 6.this evening( ) 7.

10、tomorrow ( ) 8. tonight ( )小结提炼按照时态一致的原则,用be going to 的句子来提问的话,必须用be going to 的句子来回答。板书设计教学反思六年级英语备课教学课题Unit 3教学内容B Lets learn主备教师上课教师教学课时备课日期上课日期学期教学总课时教学目标、重点难点及方法教师寄语: First things first .(重要的事情先做)Learning aims(学习目标)1掌握四会单词、词组:dictionary,word book, postcard, comic book2理解认读句子:“Where are you going

11、? To the bookstore. Im going to buy a new comic book”Important &difficult points(重难点)1重点:听、说、读、写四会单词和短语。 2难点:运用句子并能进行关键词的替换练习。教学准备Word cards教 学 基 本 步 骤个案修改环节师生活动预设自主学习1. Go over the followings :看电影/去旅行/ 去超市/下周/ 在今晚/ Renmin Park/draw pictures/ have an art lesson2. T: What are you going to do tomorrow

12、/? S: Im going to have an art lesson/. 教师导学Lets learn new words1) T: Look at the pictures(可用实物), Whats this in English ?S: Its a book. T:Yes,but its a comic book.(同样方法,引出dictionary,word book,postcard,注意dictionary发音)2)T:Where can we buy a book ? S:Bookstore.T: What are you going to buy ? S: Im going

13、to buy a new comic book/dictionary(操练此句型)3) Listen to the tape and repeat1.领读Lets learn 中的短语及句子,并纠正读音。2.Role play (ask Ss to act)Act1:S1:Can I help you ? S2:Yes, do you have comic books/ ?S1: Yes! Here you are. S2;Thank you ! Act2:S1: What are you going to buy , Sarah ? S2:Im going to buy some word

14、books/.小组互助1. Read Lets learn in your group.2. Role-play.练习巩固三、翻译下列句子。1.Can I help you 译:_2.Im going to buy a new dictionary.译:_1. What are you going to buy ? 译:_小结提炼What to do? 用做的事情来回答Where. 用地点名词来回答。板书设计教学反思六年级英语备课教学课题Unit 3教学内容B Lets talk & Lets try主备教师上课教师教学课时备课日期上课日期学期教学总课时教学目标、重点难点及方法教师寄语:Thi

15、nk twice before you do.(三思而后行)Learning aims(学习目标)1掌握四会句子:Where are you going? Were going to the cinemaWhen are you going ?2能够听、说、认读what,where,when引导的特殊疑问句并能做出相应回答。3.能够完成Lets try部分听录音选出正确答案。Important &difficult points(重难点)1.重点:掌握四会句型, 流利朗读Lets talk 部分中对话.2.难点:是三个特殊疑问句what,where,when的问答及各种信息的替换和交流.教学准

16、备Word cards教 学 基 本 步 骤个案修改环节师生活动预设自主学习1. Go over the old words and spell them: dictionary/word book/postcard/comic book 2.T:Where are you going ? S: To the bookstore. Im going to buy a new dictionary/(替换练习)教师导学Learn Lets talk1) T: Do you want to see the film “Travel to Mars” ? S: Yes.T: OK. Now lets

17、 learn a talk on p26.T: Where are John and Jack going next week ?S: They are going to the cinema.T: When are they going ?S: Next Wednesday.2) Listen to the tape and imitate(模仿) the dialogue.3) 带领学生理解难点的句子和读音。小组互助1.Group work (finish the forms,可选上)2.Liten to the tape and finish Lets try.练习巩固一、填一填,读一读

18、,译一译,写一写。1、 (什么)are you going to buy?2、 (哪儿) are you going this afternoon?3、 (什么时候)are you going ?4._ (怎样) do you come to school ?小结提炼哪儿哪儿 where where where什么时候 when when when什么什么 what what what板书设计教学反思六年级英语备课教学课题Unit 3教学内容Read and write /Tips for pronunciation主备教师上课教师教学课时备课日期上课日期学期教学总课时教学目标、重点难点及方法

19、教师寄语:Practice makes perfect.实践出真知Learning aims(学习目标)1.能完成Read and write 的理解和练习题。2.了解单词的重读音节和非重读音节的区别,并能正确划分音节。Important &difficult points(重难点)1. 理解Read and write。2. 了解节日的一些风俗习惯。教学准备Word cards教 学 基 本 步 骤个案修改环节师生活动预设自主学习1.Go over the old words in Section a A and Section B .2.T:What are you going to do

20、 tonight/? S:I m going to see a film.T: Where are you going ?S: I m going to the bookstore/.T: When are you going ? S: Next Sunday/ 教师导学1.T:Look at these pictures ,what are these holidays ?S:(中秋节)Mid-Autumn Festival /(国庆节)Nation Day(圣诞节)/Christmas DayT: Today well learn a dialogue about Wu Yifans fa

21、mily ?2Listen to the tape of Read and write , and find out:T:What are Wu Yifans family going to do for Mid-Autumn Festival?Who Be going to /willWu Yifans family get togetherWu Yifans aunt make mooncakes . .3.Students draw out the key sentences and finish the table.小组互助1、 Discuss :What are you going

22、to do for Mid-Autumn Festival then finish the plan.4.、Listen to the tape “Tips for pronunciation”2、 练习巩固根据Read and write短文,排序。(也可变成听力排序)( )My family are going to get together.( )Robin and I are going to read a poem.( )Tomorrow is Mid-Autumn Festival.( )My aunt is going to make mooncakes.( )My grandm

23、a will tell us a story.小结提炼1. 传统节日背景知识多了解,对阅读有很大帮助。2. 单词朗读应该注重重音,元音读响亮,辅音不拖拉。板书设计教学反思六年级英语备课教学课题Unit 3教学内容Main sencep/Lets check主备教师上课教师教学课时备课日期上课日期学期教学总课时教学目标、重点难点及方法教师寄语:More haste ,less speed.(欲速则不达)Learning aims(学习目标)1.复习本单元的知识要点。2.能够独立完成Lets check/Lets wrap it up部分内容。3.理解Story time 中的故事。Importa

24、nt &difficult points(重难点)1.掌握本单元知识要点。2.完成相关练习并理解故事。教学准备Word cards教 学 基 本 步 骤个案修改环节师生活动预设自主学习1) Review the words in U.3.(多操练)eg:T show card of visit S: visit, visit my grandparents.2)spelling match . eg:T: tonight . S:T-O-N-I-G-H-T.教师导学1)Main scene(多操练)T: What are you going to do in the nature park?

25、S:I m going to draw some pictures. What about you ?T: I m going to look for some beautiful leaves.2) Listen to the tape and tick . 3)Listen t o the tape again and fill in the blanks by self, then check them .4) T: How many sentences can you make ? S:Do it in pairs , then make a match between groups.

26、小组互助1)Story time. 观察主图,学生用汉语说出故事大概内容。2)Listen to the tape of the story and find out the key sentences: Zip: What are you going to do tomorrow ? Zoom: I m going to learn how to swim .3) T helps Ss to understand the story Learn by doing 。4) Role play.练习巩固1、 Liu Yun _ the Renmin Park this weekend.A is

27、going to B goes to C is going2、What are you going to do _?A this weekend B yesterday C last week3、Were going to the cinema _ this afternoon. A in B on C /4、_ are you going ?I m going at 3 oclock.A Where B How C When 5、-Are you going to buy _ books?-Yes, I want to buy _ comic books. A some ;any B any; some C any; any 小结提炼要问将去哪 Where are you going ?要问将要什么时候去 When are you going?要问将去干嘛 What are you going to do ?板书设计教学反思

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