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1、人教版八年级英语下册Unit3单词拼写练习八下单词拼写练习U31.A good n_ is better than a brother far off.2.After f _ the letter carefully, he put it into a small box.3.After finishing the letter, he f_ it and put it into the envelop.4.After the dinner yesterday, the waiter p _ coffee for everyone.5.America became i _ on 4th Jul

2、y, 1776.6.Annie gets used to touching her iPhone with her middle f _.7.As he walked past the tree, an apple d _ from it.8.As middle school students, we shouldnt d _ too much on our parents. We should learn to lookafter ourselves.9.As we can see from the chart, the cost of childrens education has alm

3、ost doubled ever s_ .10.As we can see, the cost of living has almost doubled ever s_ .11.Can I borrow your dictionary?Sorry, I l _ it to my cousin yesterday.12.Can you p _ me with some first hand information?13.Children d _ on their parents for food and clothing.14.Children these days d _ on their p

4、arents too much, which is not good for their future.15.China is a d _ country, for there are still many poor areas.16.China is d _ very fast these years and Chinese peoples life is becoming better and better.17.Cindy is very i _, because she began to do many things by herself when she was a little g

5、irl.18.Could I b _ your bike from you until next week?19.Could you help me s _ the floor of the classroom?20.Could you p _ me the sugar, Mom? The coffee is too bitter.21.Could you please help me s _ the floor?No problem.22.Could you please l _ me your pen? Mine is missing.23.Could you please p _ me

6、the apple on the table?OK. Here you are.24.Did your father agree to let you travel alone?No, he didnt agree and n _ did my mother.25.Do you know who s _ the floor? Its pretty clean.I did.26.Do you think its the parents job to p _ a clean and comfortable environment at home for theirkids?27.Doing cho

7、res helps to d_ childrens independence and teaches them to look after themselves.28.Dont throw r _ anywhere. You should keep the classroom clean.29.Dont f _ down the corners of the page, it damages(损害) the book.30.Emma went to work in New York a year ago, and we havent seen her ever s _. We are look

8、ingforward to her return.31.English is f_ useful now, but some students think its rather difficult to learn.32.Every one of you should learn to live on yourself instead of d _ on your parents.33.Everybody has 10 f _ and 10 toes.34.Everybody is born with their ability to learn. But whether or not you

9、 can do this well d_ onyour learning habits.35.For one week, she did not do any housework and n_ did I.36.Good health d _ on good living habbits.37.Han Mei was cooking dinner w _ his father was listening to music.38.He can speak n _ of these two languages, hes from France and can only speak French.3

10、9.He cut one of the f _ when he cut the onions.40.He f _ the paper and carefully puts it into his bag.41.He is used to d _ on his parents, and cannot be independent at all.42.He often d _ by to visit me when he was free but now he never calls me.43.He plays computer games all the time on weekends. W

11、hat a w _ of time!44.He says it is u _ to make him do the housework alone.45.He was i _ but nobody took him to the hospital.46.Helen s_ the floor and then took out the litter.47.How long have you taught in our school s_ you came to China?48.How often do you eat out?It d _. But usually once a week.49

12、.I agree that doing housework can help d _ our independence.50.I cant understand a word of the English novel.N _ can I.51.I cut my f _ while cutting up the vegetables. It hurts me a lot.52.I d_ the glass on the ground carelessly and it broke into pieces.53.I didnt catch the school bus this morning.N

13、 _ did I.54.I didnt go camping on my vocation. What about you?N _ did I. I went fishing with my father.55.I dont like eating onion because its so smelly. N_ does my daughter.56.I dont like this movie. Its boring.N _ do I. I almost fell asleep just now.57.I dont know how to spell this word.N _ do I.5

14、8.I found a big box d _ from the sixth floor when I passed that building. How dangerous it was!59.I have never been to the US.Me n _. How I wish to go there some day!60.I havent been to New York before and n _ has my sister.61.I l _ 100 yuan to Don last year, but he forgot to give it back to me.62.I

15、 l_ several records to John but he never returned them.63.I never learned to swim and n _ did my sister.64.I often have much s _ and fall ill before exams. What should I do?65.I s _ the floor yesterday though it was not my turn to be on duty.66.I t _the ball to Sally, but she didnt catch it.67.I thi

16、nk its really a w _ of time playing computer games.68.I think this program is meaningless and its just a w _ of time.69.I tried two bookshops for the dictionary I wanted, but n _ of them had it.70.If you dont study hard, your grades will d _.71.If you want to be i_, you must learn how to look after

17、yourself.72.In every restaurant, there is a sign Empty your plate. It tells us not to w _ food.73.In general, growing up means we have become i_. We dont need our parents to take care ofus anymore and we must be responsible for ourselves.74.In the countryside, the roads used to be too narrow for car

18、s to p _. But now theyve beenwiden a lot.75.It has been almost a year s _ the girl came here.76.It has been three years s _ we last saw our primary school classmates.77.It is f _ cold outside. My legs feel like big pieces of ice.78.It is helpful to d _ a good habit of reading in language learning.79

19、.It is important for you to d _ your good habits.80.It is necessary for students to d_ a good study habit.81.It is necessary to build a society with f_ and justness82.It is the parents job to p _ their children with a comfortable environment.83.Its a complete w _ of time and money, dont do it anymor

20、e.84.Its a w _ of time just listening to teachers without taking notes.85.Its important to d_ childrens interest in study.86.Its no good b _ something without returning.87.Its not my fault, but he u _ blamed me.88.Jane hasnt been to the science museum and n _ have I.89.Jason often fell ill and misse

21、d many classes. As a result, his grades d_.90.Justin h _ Christmas because he spent too much money buying gifts.91.Let your little daughter make some decisions by herself. Its important to d _ her independence.92.Look! The f _ of the clock points to twelve. Lets go and have lunch.93.Mary began to do

22、 her homework after she s _ the floor.94.Mary likes blue, w _ Tom likes red.95.May I use your English-Chinese dictionary now, Jill?Sorry. I have l _ it to Peter. He borrowed from me this morning.96.Mike was so generous that he l _ me 100 dollars without asking why.97.Miss tang has taught English s _

23、 she came here.98.Mr. Jackson has been back to America s _ two weeks ago.99.My brother never eats carrots and n _ do I.100.My little daughter can make her bed and f _ her clothes.101.My n_ is a young man from China. His room is next to mine.102.My parents are used to teaching me to do things myself

24、so that Im so i _.103.My pen isnt here, Can I b _ yours?OK, here you are.104.My sister didnt do any housework and n _ did I.105.My twin brother is a little different from me. He is quieter w _ I am more outgoing.106.N _ Anna nor I was interested in the movie, so we went shopping, instead.107.N _ of

25、my parents liked the movie, but I enjoyed it very much.108.N _ of my parents went to work yesterday. They stayed at home.109.N _ of the books is mine.110.N _ of the plans works well. We need to make a third one.111.N _ of the two answers is right. Do you have a third one?112.N _ of us did any homewo

26、rk, so our teacher was very angry with Mark and me.113.N _ of us will go to the party, because we are all busy.114.N _ Sam nor sally won the competition. The winner was Tim.115.N_ of my parents can speak English, so its difficult for them to live in America.116.N_ of the twins likes swimming. They b

27、oth like playing basketball.117.Our next-door n _ are so noisy that we can hardly sleep some nights.118.P _ the exam is a piece of cake for me.119.People who live the next door are called n _.120.Peter cant swim. N _ can I. So both us stay on the bank.121.Potato chips are one of childrens favorite s

28、 _.122.S _ no one in our class know the answer, I will tell you the way to work out the math problem.123.S _ we live in Hangzhou, we should do our best to be volunteers for G Summit.124.S _ we live in the same house, we should share the housework.125.S _ you all feel tired, please stop to have a res

29、t.126.S _ you are not able to answer perhaps, we should ask someone else.127.S _ you have nothing to do now, could you please help me around the house?128.S _ you live in one house with your parents, you should know that everyone should do theirpart in keeping it clean and tidy.129.S_ you cant answer the question, I will have

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