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1、新人英语必读入职后务必记得的十条建议Starting at a new workplace can be stressful for anyone, whether you have years of experience or are just beginning your career. Here are a few expert tips on how to navigate the first 30 days on your new job:不管你是职场内行仍是初出茅庐的菜鸟,在一个新地址开始一段新的职场生涯都会有压力。以下是专家们就如何顺利渡过入职头30天给出的一些小窍门:1. Be

2、 the Early Bird 当早起的鸟This sounds pretty banal but youd be surprised how often people fail to heed this standard advice。这听起来很老套,但你会吃惊地发觉人们是何等容易轻忽这条放之四海而兼准的好建议。Reaching the office early for the first few weeks gives you more time to complete all the extra formalities required by the human resources an

3、d payroll departments. It will give you more time to explore and absorb your new surroundings。在入职的最初几周,天天提早抵达办公室,你能够有更丰裕的时刻去办理人力资源部和薪酬部门要求办理的诸多入职手续,也能有更多时刻探讨和了解新的工作环境。Arriving early also gives you time to network. And of course it helps impress the new boss by showing your eagerness to work。提早上班让你有时

4、刻与新同事交往。固然,这也有助于给你的新上司留下你热心于工作的印象。2. Ask Questions 多问问题If you need help with something, dont hesitate to ask people around you。若是你在某件事上需要帮忙,应该毫不犹豫地向周围的人求助。It shows your managers that you are interested in learning about your new job and company. More importantly, the answers will help you adapt to y

5、our new surroundings quickly. But, dont forget social and professional etiquette。这会让你的上司感觉你有爱好了解新工作和新公司。更重要的是,你取得的回答将帮忙你快速适应新环境。只是,请别忘了社交和职场礼仪。Dont ask personal questions in the initial days. Try to limit yourself to general or work-related questions。在刚入职的那些日子别问私人问题,尽力让自己只问一样性问题和与工作有关的问题。3. Watch Yo

6、ur Body Language 留意你的躯体语言Your actions can give away a lot more than you think. Slouching, frowning, folding your hands, rocking back-and-forth in your chair or shaking your leg constantly, are some gestures that might give the impression that you are nervous, not confident or are too casual about yo

7、ur job。你的行为转达出的信息会超乎你的想像。没精打采、皱眉、把手叠在一路、在椅子上前后晃动和不断地抖动腿,这些姿态可能给人留下你紧张、缺乏自信或对工作漫不经心的印象。4. Be a Listener 乐于倾听In the initial days, listen more and talk less. When you talk more, you might unintentionally speak out of turn which might be perceived in a wrong way. Listening and observing can help you lea

8、rn more about your peers and managers and their way of doing things. You might even overhear some office gossip, but try not to get sucked into office politics。在入职之初,要多听少说。若是说得过量,你就可能无心中出言莽撞,让他人对你形成误解。倾听和观看有助于你更多地了解同事和上司和他们做事的方式。你或许还会无心入耳到一些办公室的闲言碎语,请尽力要不让自己卷入办公室政治。5. Arrive Ready to Learn 抱定学习的心态Ch

9、ange is always difficult, but if youre joining a new organization, come prepared to soak up a new culture, different ways of doing things and take on new responsibilities。做出改变老是困难的,只是一旦进入了新的工作场所,就要做好同意新的企业文化和不同的做事方式和承担新责任的预备。Try not to say things like In my old job I used to do this. That could make

10、 you seem too aggressive or even annoying。尽可能不要说“我在以前的工作单位适应于这么做”,这会让你显得太张扬乃至令人一辈子厌。6. Dont Rush to Shake Things Up 不要急着去改变If you are joining as a manager, dont be in a hurry to make your mark。若是你是去新单位当领导的,请别急着发号施令。We normally see people come in and make a quick assessment of what is happening, and

11、start making changes quickly。咱们常常看到有人上任伊始就急于对形势做出判定,然后迅速开始着手变革。Thats not a good idea because it can cause friction with your new team and lead to resistance。这不是个好主意,因为这会使你与新接手的团队产生矛盾,致使下属对你产生抵触。Instead, take your time passing judgment and consider introducing your way of doing things slowly while yo

12、u communicate with your team as often as possible。正确的做法是,在沉思熟虑后对形势做出自己的判定,与下属尽可能多地沟通中,让他们慢慢了解你做情形的方式。7. Adapt to Your New Companys Values 适应新公司的价值观One should understand the mission of the company, its core values, and align ones goals and aspirations respectively. This is especially true for people

13、at mid- to senior-level positions, who might be too entrenched in their previous companys cultures。你应该了解自己所就职公司的使命及核心价值观,并使自己的目标和期望与其相一致。这点关于担任中、高级职务的人来讲尤其重要,这些人可能会太过拘执于以往所就职企业的文化。It might help to devote some time to go through the About Us section on the companys Web site。花些时刻去看看公司网站上的“公司简介”或许能有所帮忙

14、。8. Join the Club 加入业余俱乐部Many companies organize events or games for their employees to encourage informal interaction。许多企业会组织员工参加各类活动或竞赛,以此鼓舞员工彼其间进行不拘礼节的交流。Thats your opportunity to get out there and blend in with the crowd. So if theres a quiz or a football game being held by your new company, con

15、sider participating。这是你融入群体的机遇。因此,若是你新入职的公司举行智力竞赛或足球竞赛,要考虑参加。9. Network, Network, Network 交往、交往、交往Dont wait for company events to make friends and meet peers. Introduce yourself over a cup of tea or lunch in the cafeteria or even around the water-cooler. Exchange greetings and ask for advice. People will be flattered that you have reached out。别等着公司举行活动才去结交朋友和同事。在喝茶、用自助午饭甚或去饮水机旁接水时就可顺便着把自己介绍给公司同仁。能够与同事互致问候或向他们寻求建议。你如此主动搭讪,他人会感觉良好。When possible, also reach out to people outside your department. Down the road, they could be your eyes and ears to whats happening in other part

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