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1、必修一module2知识点大全外研社易错知识辨析: 1. patient adj.耐心的;能忍受的; n.病人(1)_ 对某人有耐心_ 忍耐某事(2)_ _ 对忍无可忍_ 对 不能容忍_= patiently 耐心地 (3) _ adj.不耐烦的;没有耐心的Youll have to _ my mother,for shes going rather deaf.你对我母亲得有耐心,因为她的耳朵越来越背了。You should learn to _ pains.你应该学会忍受痛苦。A teacher must _ answer a students question.老师必须有耐心回答学生的问题

2、。After the earthquake,he waited for the rescue_.地震后,他耐心地等待救援的到来。巧学助记We should take care of our patient patiently,that is we should be patient. _课堂精讲例题:You know,your grandpa has difficulty _ listening,so.So I have to be patient _ him. Ain;with Bon;with Cin;to Dat;for易错知识辨析: 2.avoid vt.避开;逃避;避免avoid s

3、th. 避免,避开某物 avoid doing sth. 避免做某事1John was embarrassed and avoided us the next day._2She tried to avoid my questions. 她避而不答我的问题。This leaflet tells you how to avoid _ while traveling. 这本小册子告诉你怎样在旅行期间防止生病。易错知识辨析:3.appreciate vt.感激;欣赏;赞美;重视(1)appreciate _ 感激(某人)做某事 (2)I would appreciate_ 如果,我将不胜感激_ n.

4、 欣赏;感激注意appreciate后不能接_作宾语。 1Do you appreciate his works?_Doctors are highly appreciated in that country. _I really appreciate having time to relax. _I _ you would turn the music down. 如果你把音乐关小一点,我将不胜感激。We appreciate . 我们感谢你们的帮助。易错知识辨析:4.admit vt.承认(错误、罪行等);容纳,接收;准许进入(或使用)(1)admit sth. 承认(事实、过失等) ad

5、mit _ 承认做了某事 admit that 承认 admit _ 承认某人/事 admit sb. /sth. _ 接纳某人(某物) 进入,吸收某人(某物)参加;许可进入_ 被接收(入学、入院等) (2)_ n. 承认;入场费,会费;准许进入At last the thief admitted his crime._She apologised to me and _ my umbrella by mistake.她向我道歉,承认错拿了我的雨伞。We all _ . 我们都认为他是个傻瓜。The theatre only admits/holds/seats 1,000 persons.

6、_Three thousand students have been our school.我们学校招收了三千名学生。课堂精讲例题: (2009全国卷)If you leave the club,you will not be back in.A. received B. admitted C. turned D. moved易错知识辨析:5.respect vt.尊敬;尊重 n.尊敬;尊重;着眼点,方面;敬意,问候(常用复数)(1) respect sb./sth. _ sth. 因某事尊敬或尊重某人/某物respect _自尊;自重(2) _ 对表示尊重,尊敬_ ones respect

7、出于对的尊敬_ 关于,就而言_=in every respect 在各方面 _ ones respects to 代某人向问候课堂精讲例题:He _ the gold medal for his country.他为国家赢得了金牌,因而受到尊敬。We have been told to our elders.我们被教导必须尊重长辈。Your products are attractive in respect of price._ ,we think the film,The Lord of the Rings,is well worth seeing.从各个方面来看,我们认为影片指环王值得一

8、看。课堂精讲例题:1.Id appreciate if you would like to teach me how to use the computer. A. that B. it C. this D. you2.Little Tom admitted in the examination, that he wouldnt do that in future. A. to cheat;to promise B. cheating;promise C. having cheated;promising D. to have cheated;promised3.The naughty boy

9、 made up excuses to avoid by his teacher. A. punishing B. punished C. to be punished D. being punished4.As a nurse,she is always patient her patients. A. of B. with C. at D. patient with sb, be patient of sth, be out of patience with , have no patient with, with patience, impatient be patien

10、t with, be patient of,have the patience to,with patience/patiently A2. answering, getting ill 3. appreciate (one/ones) doing, I would appreciate it if.appreciation, would appreciate it if, your helping us,人, would appreciate it if, your helping us, 4. admit doing sth. /having done sth,admit sb. /sth

11、. to beadmit sb. /sth. to/into,be admitted toadmission, admitted having taken, admit him to be foolish, admitted to B 5. for,oneself,show/have respect for,out of ,in respect of ,in all respects,give/send,is respected for winning, show/have respect for, In all respects BCDB短语记忆1. 确定;确信;弄清楚 2. 取得进步3.

12、对认真的 4. 结果5. _ (在某方面)做得好 6. 睡着 7. 讲笑话;开玩笑 8. 比更喜欢 9. 宁愿 10. _事实上11. _在上对某人要求严格make sure,make progress,be serious about,as a result,do well in,fall asleep,fall asleep, rather,in fact,be strict with sb. in sth.考点精析1.make sure 弄清楚;查明;确信;务必(做到)(1) make sure _ 弄清楚;查明 make sure that _(2) be

13、 sure _ 有把握;确信_ 一定要,务必(去做某事)(3)_ 一定会First you must the time and place. 首先你必须弄清时间和地点。Make sure (that) you pick me up at five. _3He is sure of success. He he will succeed.他深信自己会成功。4He is sure to succeed. _ a result 结果(1)_ 因为;由于 _ 结果_ 毫无结果(2) _ 导致 _ 起因;由来He was ill _ eating bad food.他生病是由于吃了变质的食物。

14、2It rained hard; ,we could not go out.雨下得很大,结果我们不能出去了。3His carelessness the terrible accident.The terrible accident his carelessness. 那桩可怕的事故是由于他的疏忽大意而引起的。(2009全国卷)Jenny nearly missed the flight_ doing too much shopping.A. as a result of B. on top o C. in front of D. in need of3.would rather 宁愿;宁可(1

15、) would rather _ 宁愿(不)做某事 would rather _ than _ = would _ rather than _ =prefer _ rather than _ 宁愿,也不(2) would rather sb. _ sth. 宁愿某人做某事(用一般过去时表示对现在和将来的虚拟) would rather sb._ sth.宁愿某人做过某事(过去完成时表示对过去的虚拟)(3) or rather _ rather than _I would rather the train than take the bus. 我宁愿坐火车而不愿坐公共汽车。Do you mind

16、 if I smoke?“你介意我抽烟吗?”Well,Id rather .“嗯,最好别抽。”5He would rather the promise. 他宁愿自己没许下诺言。4.宁愿,更喜欢(1)prefern./pron. 宁愿,更喜欢(2)prefer sth. to sth. 宁愿而不愿(3)prefer doing sth. 宁愿做某事(表示一般倾向,也就是对某种行为的爱好)(4)prefer to do sth. (指特定或具体的某项动作,即在一定场合下“特别喜欢”)(5)sb. prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. 某人

17、宁愿做而不愿做(6)prefer sb. to do sth喜欢某人做某事(7)preferthat clause (从句中的谓语动词一般为_形式)课堂精讲例题:Most of us prefer reading novels to .我们多数人宁愿读小说而不愿看电视。4I prefer to go out for a walk _ at home.我宁愿出去散步而不愿待在家里。5The old man preferred that all his children (should) stay with him. _1. make sure of/about, of/about/that, I

18、t is certain that. make sure of/about, is sure that, 2. as a result of, as a result, without result, result in, result from, as a result of, as a result, resulted in, resulted from A3. rather (not) do sth, do do sth ,do sth。 do sth,do sth。prefer to do sth,do sth。2)did,had done,3)更确切地说,而不, take, you

19、didnt, he hadnt made, 4虚拟形式,. watching TV. rather than stay课堂精讲例题: 1.Mr.Smith spoke slowly and clearly to all of us students could follow him. A. test B. be sure that C. examine D. make sure2.Mrs.White preferssome voluntary work in a local hospital,rather thannothing at all all day long. A. to doing

20、;do B. to do;to do C. to do;do D. doing;to do3.He is unable to go to work the fall from his bike. A. as a result B. as a result of C. as the result D. as result of4.I would rather you tomorrow. A. to come B. coming C. come D. came5.A survey shows that rich people feel unhappy. ,the happiest are thos

21、e who are poor. A. For another B. In fact C. As a result D. For one thing DCBDBPeriod 2 reading & cultural corner& language points易错知识辨析:一 My first impression of Mrs Li was that she was nervous and shy. 我对李老师最初的印象是她既紧张又害羞。 impression 在此处为可数名词,意为印象。ones (first) impression of 某人对的(最初)印象_你对纽约的第一印象是什么?

22、二 because her teaching is so well organized and clear.organized为形容词,意为“有秩序的;效率高的”。_工作效率高的办事处_组织得不好的事情三. Its up to you 由你来决定。 be up to 1) 想做, 从事于 如:_你拿铁锤想干什么?2) 能, 胜任 如:Shes not up to the job.她不胜任那个工作。_你能看得懂这么难的书吗?3) 应由负责;由决定 Its up to you to carry out the plan. 由你实行那个计划。 _ 那件事由他来决定。Where are we goin

23、g for our vacation? Just as you like.A.You speak. B. Thats settled. C. Its up to you. D. Have you got that? 四. a couple of 1) 两个,一对,一双 I saw her a couple of days ago. 我两天前看过她。2) 两三个,几个人 I asked him a couple of questions.我问了他几个问题。五 formal 正式的,礼节的 反义词informal The Prime Minister made a formal declarati

24、on. 首相发表正式文告。_礼服拘泥形式的,刻板的_ 你对我不必要如此拘谨。appreciation, similar, different, be true of, relax, take notes, come true, point to, tell of, discipline1. We all appreciate her _ style of teaching.2. The two boys dress _.3. Young people must be taught to learn the _ between good and evil.4. His dream of beco

25、ming a star _.5. Its impolite of you to face people with your feet _ them.6. The food is good and the same _ the service.7. The students are busy _ in class.8. He bought a new book_ someones successful experiences.9. Nearly all the teachers can have big problems with _.10. Even if he is rich in knowledge, he was never _ in his lifetime.单项选择11. Mary fell over and broke her leg. _, she will have to be away from school for about one month. A. As a result of B. In a word C. As a res

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