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1、高考书面表达热点预刺副本2018高考书面表达热点预刺(注:范文中画线句是高分句,加黑词是高分词)热点预测一:文化自信【热点】国宝国粹、民间艺术、传统节日、诗词歌赋、琴棋书画、舌尖美食、历史名胜【示例l民间艺术】假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Brown听说中国有一种戏剧叫皮影戏,感到很好奇,所以发邮件向你询问。 请你写封邮件告知有关皮影戏的情况。内容包括:1. 表演方式; 2. 文化价值和历史。【高分范文】Dear Brown,Im glad to learn from your last email that you show great interest in a Chinese drama f

2、orm - shadow play. Now here is what I know about it.As far as I know,it is an ancient form of storytelling and entertainment in which the players hold the human figures made of animal skins or hard paper boards with colored paintings. The figures are reflected on the curtain through the light, singi

3、ng and dancing controlled by the players with the silk string. Shadow play with written records dates back to the Song Dynasty. It plays an important role in the invention of the modem movie and the development of the movies and cartoons.Looking forward to your coming to China to enjoy the ancient t

4、reasure yourself.Yours,LI Hua【示例2琴棋书画】假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Tim打算今年暑假来中国学习中国毛笔书法(Chinese brush calligraphy),请你根据以下提示给他写一封电子邮件:1. 表示欢迎;2. 学习毛笔书法的建议(如参观毛笔书法展、参加毛笔书法培训班等)。【高分范文】Dear Tim,Im excited to hear that youll come to China to learn Chinese brush calligraphy during this summer vacation.I have some suggest

5、ions, which will be beneficial to you. First, youd better see exhibitions of Chinese brush calligraphy, where you can appreciate many excellent works. Besides, you are supposed to select an excellent Chinese brush calligraphy training course and follow what the teacher tells you and practice hard. T

6、he more you practice, the better your writing will be. Whats more, you can make new friends in the training, who will help you with the learning. Im convinced that youll make rapid progress.Looking forward to your visit.Yours, Li Hua【示例3历史名胜】假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Jack热爱中国的传统文化,想去文化底蕴深厚的地方旅游。请你给他写封电子邮件,推荐一些他可

7、能感兴趣的景点。内容包括:1. 推荐地点;2. 推荐原因。【高分范文】Dear Jack,I am more than pleased to learn that you are coming to China for a visit. And Im writing to recommend some historic sites that may interest you.As you know, China is a country with a history of over 5 ,000 years, passing down numerous cultural heritages.

8、The first city that you cant miss is, of course, Beijing, which is the capital of China. There are many imperial gardens in Beijing, of which the Summer Palace is the most famous, where you will get to know about the life of the ancient emperors. Besides, the city of Xian,located in the northwest, w

9、ill never fail to attract you with its world-famous historical heritage of Terracotta Warriors. Other cities that I would like to recommend to you are Nanjing, Shanghai and so on.I hope you will have a good time in China and I am expecting to see you soon.Yours, Li Hu热点预测二 校园活动【热点】语言学习、科技创新、人员招聘、文体活

10、动、校园生活、聚会交友【示例4语言学习】假定你是李华,你的美国笔友Jack计划寒假来中国旅游,想向你请教如何学汉语。请你给他写封电子邮 件,要点如下:1. 多听多说,熟能生巧;2. 观看中文电影,培养兴趣;3. 其他建议。【高分范文】Dear Jack,I have received your letter and learn that you will take a trip to China during your winter vacation. Its amazing that you want to learn some Chinese. Im willing to offer yo

11、u some practical tips.To start with, you had better spend more time practicing listening and speaking. As the old saying goes, “Practice makes perfect.” In addition, watch as many Chinese films or TV series as you can, which can arouse your interest in Chinese learning. Besides, reading Chinese nove

12、ls is also a good idea. Last but not least, you can join in some contests so that you can build up your confidence to learn it. Looking forward to your early reply.Yours, Li Hua【示例5科技创新】假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Tom想体验中国高铁,于是写邮件请你帮助购买北京到黄山的高铁票。请你根据以下提示回一封邮件:1. 对他的到来表示欢迎;2. 请他将护照复印件发至你的电子邮箱;3. 当他到北京时,可以凭护照在车站取票;4

13、. 简单介绍中国的高铁。 CRH(China Railway High-speed)中国铁路高速列车 【高分范文】Dear Tom,You cannot imagine how delighted I feel when I know that you are coming to China. You know a copy of the passport is a must for buying the ticket for foreigners. So you are supposed to send one to me by email. Additionally, when the t

14、icket is booked, you could pick it up by having your passport checked upon arriving in Beijing.Finally, I like to express my appreciation for your choice. CRH is the best means of transportation in China. Chinas advanced technology contributes to its high speed, comfort and safety, which also enjoys

15、 great fame abroad.Hope you will enjoy your trip on CRH!Yours, Li Hua【示例6聚会交友】假定你是李华,你在网站上看到美国学生Mike想和一个中国学生交友的信息。请你根据以下提示给他写一封信,内容包括:1. 表达希望与之交友的意愿;2. 简单的自我介绍;3. 询问对方的情况。【高分范文】Dear Mike,I am glad to read your post about making friends with a Chinese student on the Internet and I will be pleased to

16、be your friend.I am Li Hua, a Senior 2 student studying in Xin Hua Middle School. I am 17 years old. I have learned English for nine years and I am good at spoken English. So I believe that we can communicate with each other fluently. Besides, Im interested in traveling. If you have lime to pay a vi

17、sit to China, Ill be honored to be your guide and show you around a lot of places of interest.Im looking forward to knowing something more about you. Please write to me as soon as possible.Yours, Li Hua热点预测三 问题解决【热点】问候介绍、申请推荐、邀请祝愿、告别感谢、提醒道歉、建议劝告、询问求助【示例7申请推荐】假定你是李华,你的美国笔友Clifford打算在寒假时来中国做志愿者,但不知道自己

18、该参加何种志愿者工作,特写信向你求助,请你结合以下要点给他回信:1. 推荐适合他的志愿者工作;2. 推荐的原因;3. 可能的收获。【高分范文】Dear Clifford,Nice to receive your letter telling me your plan for the winter vacation. And Im really willing to give you some advice on it.In my community, there is a youth club helping students to study English, where voluntary

19、/ workers are in great demand. Given that you can speak both Chinese and fluent English and you are outgoing, sociable and responsible, I think it could be a good choice for you. In addition, through this, you can not only improve your Chinese but also deepen your understanding of China and its cult

20、ure.Hope my advice will be helpful to you. Wish you good luck and look forward to your inspiring experience.Yours,Li Hu【示例8提醒道歉】假定你是李华,你和英国留学生Kerry通过网络互相帮助,学习彼此的母语,但你现在学习忙,无法继续此事。请按以下提示给Kerry写封邮件说明此事:1. 肯定对方取得的进步;2. 表达歉意并说明原因;3. 希望得到他的谅解。【高分范文】Dear Kerry,I am really sorry but I have no choice but to

21、 stop our online language learning for a while. Words fail me to convey my deep regret. Since we knew each other, you have made much progress in Chinese, so have I in English. But Im afraid I have to stop our communication online for a time. Faced with a significant challenge, the College Entrance E

22、xamination, I will devote myself to my study and have no time to surf the Internet. I promise Ill spare no effort to help with your Chinese learning after the exam.1 would be grateful if you could understand and forgive me. Look forward to studying with you online soon.【示例9询问求助】假定你是李华,前不久听了美国文学教授Mr.

23、 Smith关于读英语文学作品,提高英语运用能力” 的讲座, 受益匪浅,但仍有一些问题不是很清楚,所以写信向他求助,内容包括:1. 自我介绍;2. 请教读文学作品时要注意什么;3. 请他为你推荐几本适合阅读的英语作品。【高分范文】Dear Mr. Smith,My name is Li Hua, a senior 3 student. The other day, I attended your lecture on Read English literary works to improve your ability to use English, which has benefited m

24、e a lot. But in some aspects, I still need your help, so Im writing to you today.First, could you please tell me what I should mainly focus on when reading English literary works, vocabulary, grammar, culture or something else? Besides, whats the correct order to deal with the different aspects? Wha

25、ts more, I was wondering whether you could recommend some good works which are suitable for senior 3 students.Id appreciate it if you could do me a favor! Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua热点预测四 立德树人【热点】孝老爱亲、诚实守信、向上向善、尊师重教【示例10向上向善】假定你是李华,你校学生会组织了一次为贫困儿童献爱心的活动,请你根据以下提示给你的美国笔友Peter写一封邮件介绍此次活动。1. 活动时间;2. 活动内容;3

26、. 活动感受。【高分范文】Dear Peter,Our Student Union launched a campaign aimed at helping chi1dren in need in my school last weekend. And all the students took an active part in the activity.Some donated their pocket money, and some contributed clothes or books. And some students invited the children to their

27、home treating them to delicious foods and even showed them around the city. In doing so, we also learned that helping others brings great happiness not only to the receiver but also to the giver.I think this campaign is really a success. Though it came to an end, I know theres still a long way to go

28、 for us to change the life of disadvantaged groups and this needs everyones effort.Yours, 热点预测五 绿水青山【热点】保护环境、节约资源、生态旅游、和谐美丽、开放共享【示例11保护环境】水是生命之源,但水资源短缺和水污染已成为世界最严重的资源环境问题之一,需要引起极大关注。假定你是某国际学校的学生李华,请就此问题写一篇演讲稿。要点如下:1. 世界人口增多,工农业发展需要越来越多的水;2. 河流、湖泊污染严重;3. 全民动员,保护水资源。【高分范文】Good morning, everyone,As we

29、all know, no life can live without water. Water is of great importance to all living things. Not only do people need water, but also plants and animals need water.However, as the population grows and industry and agriculture develop, more and more water is needed and used. Besides, many beautiful ri

30、vers and lakes have been polluted by the waste water from factories, and the polluted water even does harm to people as well as other living things.Therefore, its high time we took measures to prevent water from being polluted, to save water as much as possible and to protect the water source on the

31、 earth. Otherwise, the last drop of water on the earth will be humans tear!Thanks for listening.【示例12和谐美丽】.来中国旅游的外国游客与曰俱增,他们的一些不文明行为引起了广泛关注。China Daily正在举行以文明旅游为主题的讨论活动。假定你是李华,请给该报社写一封信参与讨论,呼吁外国游客文明旅游。要点如下:1. 尊重当地习俗;2. 文明用语、保护环境;3. 其他。【高分范文】Dear Editor,Ive read the discussion in your newspaper about

32、 how to be a civilized tourist in China. Indeed, the number of foreign tourists in China is sharply increasing, which causes a big concern. While they are enjoying the beautiful scenery, some of them behave rudely. How to be a civilized tourist has become a heated topic.Personally, I think its necessary for them to mind their manners. First of all, theyd better respect and follow local cus

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