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1、兰生复旦中学学年度初三第一学期第一阶段考试兰生复旦中学2017学年度第一学期第一阶段考试(2017.9)I. Choose the best answer.15. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?A、we should think of a plot when creating a comic strip. B、the fish are removed from the birds mouths by Damin.C、yesterday a bank ro

2、bbery happened at the end of the corner.D、he was so shocked that he could hardly say a word.【答案】B16. Word came that several _ soldiers were coming.A、hundreds of enemy B、hundreds enemies C、hundred enemies D、hundred enemy【答案】C17. - which of the books is better? - I have no idea, but you can take eithe

3、r of them and leave _ with me.A、one B、another C、the other D、other one【答案】B18. Using computers makes it _ for us to do our daily work than before.A、easy B、easier C、easily D、more easily【答案】A19. He was doing shopping at the supermarket _ his mobile phone rang.A、when B、while C、after D、until 【答案】A20. All

4、 the buildings I have seen are excellent _ their location.A、except B、besides C、except for D、but【答案】C21. In front of the farmhouse _.A、lay a peasant boy B、laid a peasant boy C、a peasant lay D、did a peasant boy lie【答案】D22. _ already been interviewed.A、A number of applicants have B、A number of applican

5、ts has C、The number of applicants have D、The number of applicants has【答案】A23. A professor together with his two assistants _ to help with the work recently.A、were sent B、has been sent C、have been sent D、was sent【答案】B24. What difficulty will you have _ people when you stay in a foreign country?A、unde

6、rstanding B、understood C、to understand D、understand【答案】AII. Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. Well-preserved B. admitted C. construction D. including E. arouse F.madeYuanmingyuan, covering

7、an area of more than 5200 mu, is one of the biggest ancient Chinese parks. The _(1)_ began before 1707. The designers designed several hundred landscapes. At its most magnificent time, it contained three majoy parts, _(2)_ countless scenic spots. It was also like a big art museum, because there were

8、 many famous books, paintings, works of calligraphy, sculptures and so on tin the park. They were _(3)_ in it. It was the reflection of ancient Chinese civilization. In 1860, a terrible historical event happened, the British and French invaders set fire to Yuanmingyuan and the park was ruined comple

9、tely! After the PRC was founded, the Chinese government decided to keep it as it was so that tourists could visit it and remember the history. It attracts millions of people. The scenery and the ruins together _(4)_ everyones desire to study and work harder to make our country stronger. Every year,

10、on the third Saturday in September, everyone is _(5)_ for free.【答案】 CDEAB本文主要介绍圆明园,从时间,建筑风格,组成部分等细节描写,也描述了圆明园如何毁坏,后续中华人民共和国建立圆明园成为重要的参观浏览之地,让人们勿忘之前的历史。第一个空关键词是the 后面应该是名词,所以填写C, 第二个空缺少连接词,并且关键词也是在逗号后面的,所以应该是D,第三个空关键词是be动词,后面应该是动词的形容词,所以应该是A,第四个缺少动词,在BEF选项中判断,根据上下文的梳理,此题用E。第五个空用被动语态,用BIII. Complete t

11、he sentences with the given words in their proper forms.Success death surprised apologize imagine securely responsibility include1. She made an _ to her friend for not being able to write to him last term.【答案】apology2. The farmer who took pity on the snake was given a _ bite.【答案】deadly3. It is hardl

12、y _ that finally John managed to get on a plane.【答案】surprising4. I wont tell you his reaction- Ill leave that to your _.【答案】imagination5. The organization cares for the children who lack the _ of a good family.【答案】security6. I hope the food producers will begin to behave much more _ in the future.【答

13、案】responsible7. They will send you the book for $15, postage _.【答案】included8. Shes tried to pass her driving test for two years and shes _.【答案】successful IV. Rewrite the following sentences as required.1. Many dogs created much mess on the streets and in park. (改为否定句) Many dogs _ _ much mess on the

14、streets and in park.【答案】didnt creat2. Jill wrote some articles about the traditional skill last week. (改为被动语态)Some articles about the traditional skill _ _ by Jill last week.【答案】were written3. Ellen thought these peppers were rotten. (改为反义疑问句) Ellen thought these peppers were rotten, _ _?【答案】didnt s

15、he4. Did Damin catch a lot of fish yesterday? Could you tell me? (宾语从句)Could you tell me _ Damin _ a lot of fish yesterday?【答案】whether; caught5. The fisherman can run 10 kilometers in an hour.(划线部分进行提问) _ _ can the fisherman run in an hour?【答案】How far6. considering , paper, hobby, he, his, is, cutti

16、ng, as (连词成句)【答案】He is considering cutting paper as his hobby.Part Three Reading Comprehension 35%I. Read the passage and choose the best answer.9%AGwyn, my youngest daughter, held Tiger as we drove down the country road to the vets(兽医) on what was to be his last Friday morning. Privately, both of u

17、s nursed a forlorn (几乎无望的) hope. We joked and laughed, trying to ignore the shadow hanging over the cat sitting very quietly in her arms.At 16, Tiger was old for a cat. In quiet dignity, he let Gwyn pet him, perhaps understanding that this was a special trip. I glanced at the two as I drove, and tho

18、ught back to the day when Tiger entered our lives.He had been a Christmas present to my second son Brian, handed downas were his clothes and toysfrom his older brother. Sadly, even our dogs had neglected Brian, responding much more eagerly to my commands, and those of my wife and older boy.And so, o

19、n Christmas Day 1954, I rose early with my wife to put the tiny kitten(小猫) a neighbor had given us into the stocking that Brian had carefully hung to the mantel the night before. The first of my vivid memories involving Tiger is the look of joy on Brians face when he saw the kittens face ,when he sa

20、w the kittens head poking out of the stocking, and heard the plaintive “meow” that proved his present was alive.From then on, Tigers life was filled with love. Brian cared for him tenderly, fed him, played with him. For a sometimes rough, sometimes clumsy child, Brian showed a gentleness with Tiger

21、that was amazing. And at midnight, I would invariably find Tiger on Brians bed, stretched out beside him.My next clear memory of Tiger is also a happy one, which came after near-tragedy. One evening our next-door neighbor rang the front doorbell. “Im sorry to have to tell you this,” she said when my

22、 wife answered the door, “but when I backed out of the driveway this noon, Im afraid I ran your cat. I tried to help him, but he jumped up and ran away. I dont know where he went or how badly he was hurt.”Four weeks passed with no sign of Tiger. Soldier-like, Brian tried to hide his fear that his fr

23、iend had crawled away to die. It was a fear we all shared. And we came to accept his deathall of us except Brian.Every evening Brian would go to the door and call Tigers name. Finally, on the 28thday after the neighbors announcement, Brian had an answer. Out from under the front porch came Tiger, hi

24、s tail high, walking with the pride and majesty he customarily displayed, behaving as if he had never been away. As he approached the door, Brians face was transformed with joy. But neither he nor Tiger displayed open affection in front of the family. There was a calm acceptance, an honoring by each

25、 of the others dignity. That night, though, when I checked Brians room, I saw that his cheeks were wet and a blissful smile was on his face. And his arm encircled his cat, who lay purring quietly beside him.25. From the first paragraph, we know that _.A. Tiger was a cat and was dyingB. Tiger was a r

26、eal tiger and was dyingC. Tiger was the second son of the writerD. Tiger was a Christmas present to the writers daughter26. The accident happened to Tiger was that _.A. Tiger had a serious diseaseB. Tiger was hit by the car when the neighbor backed out of the drivewayC. Tiger had crawled away to die

27、D. Tiger was hit to death27. Which of the following statements is wrong?A. Tigers life was filled with love.B. Brian loved Tiger very much and tried his best to care for him.C. When there was no sign of Tiger, Brian didnt believe that he was dead.D. When Tiger approached the door, Brian burst into t

28、ears.28. From the passage we can draw a conclusion that_.A. in America, people love pets such as cats and dogsB. there are at least five people in the familyC. boys like to look after animalsD. boys like to sleep with cats lying beside them答案:25. A 26.B 27. D 28.B 分析:25. 直接细节题。文章第一段vet(宠物)cat可知。26.

29、间接细节题,文章第六段,邻居敲门告诉我们我们家的猫被他开车撞了。27. 综合细节题。综合细节题。文章最后一段当tiger出现的时候brain脸色变得开心起来,并没有说他哭。28. 综合细节题。A文章没提到。B总共五人。C文章没有说性别。D文章没有直接提到。 BDogs, like people and monkeys, seem to have a sense of fairnessIn the reward experiments, Friederike Range experimented with dogs that understood the command “paw”, to pl

30、ace their paw in her handThe dogs were asked to shake hands and each could see what reward the other receivedWhen one dog got a reward and the other didnt, the unrewarded animal stopped playingWhen both got a reward all was wellRange said she wasnt surprised at the dogs reaction, since wolves are kn

31、own to cooperate with one another and appear to be sensitive to each otherModern dogs are descended from wolvesNext, she said, will be experiments to test how dogs and wolves work together“Among other questions, we will study how differences inemotions(情绪)influencecooperative(合作的) abilities,” she saidBut the dogs didnt seem to care whether the reward was sausage or breadOne possibility, they said, is that daily training with their ownerso

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