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本文(我国中小企业融资难困境及对策研究.docx)为本站会员(b****1)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!




3、一步推理后,本文提出解决融资难也相应从内外两方面入手:首先、加强企业内部建设。试图通过加强自身的素质以及核心竞争力,提高管理运营能力,控制经营风险,寻求适合的融资渠道。其次,构建一个多元化的多层次的中小企业金融融资体系。完备体系的建立包括主要四部分内容,具体是融资法律体系、融资支持体系、间接融资体系以及直接融资体系。关键字:中小企业 间接融资 直接融资 中小企业融资体系AbstractSmall and Medium sized Enterprise (SME) is playing a more and more important role in the economic and soci

4、al development in China, and it has become the great issue and withdrawn attention of the whole society. However, the SME find it difficult in financing, and it has become the greatest obstacle against further development. Therefore, there existing theoretical and practical value in discussing the d

5、ifficulties, searching for the causes and probing the effective ways to solve the financing plight of SME. Seeing about the status of Chinese Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, this paper makes analysis of the current situation, points the financing plight, and proposes the effective ways to solve

6、the problem.Contents and conclusions are as follows:1. Simply reviewing certain related literature both in and abroad China, give the theoretic translation of the SME financing plight. And describe the features and characters of SME financing.2. Based on the financing characters and styles of SME, t

7、he paper analyzes the present conditions of Chinese SME financing. In addition, it searches for the cause and origin of the problem.3. Introduce and comment on some successful SME financing system. The paper chooses America and Japan as target and analyzes their systems structures and characteristic

8、s. Comparing with these systems abroad, the paper finds out some advices for Chinese financing system. 4. Based on the comprehensive analyses, the paper proposes some measures and actions for practice. The paper proves the causes of the plight which from both internal elements and external elements.

9、 As for the internal elements, due to the small scale, low management level, short of talents and etc, problems comes in many aspects such as unclear ownership, disordered management, imperfect financial records, bad quality and credit records and so on. As for external elements, it is mainly becaus

10、e of the lack of a sound multi-level financing system, which includes legal system, supporting system, indirect financing system as well as direct financing system. Various kinds of problems lead to the plight of SME financing, including short of laws and regulations, lack of improved guarantee syst

11、em, low level of credit system, little support from banks and other financial organizations, as well as the not fully developed direct investment market. All elements combine together and lead to the plight of SME financing.The paper further proposes two ways to solve the problem; firstly, strengthe

12、n the internal development. The SME themselves should try to increase their quality and core competitiveness, control the operation risk, and seek suitable financing methods; secondly, a diversified multilevel SME financing system should be established, which includes four parts, that is financing l

13、egal system, financing supporting system, indirect financing system and direct financing system. Key words: SME indirect financing system direct financing system the SME financing system第一章 引言第一节 选题背景及研究意义随着经济体制改革的不断深入,我国中小企业得到了全所未有的发展,并且在扩大就业、活跃市场、增加收入、社会稳定以及构建合理的国民经济结构等方面起到了难以替代的作用,为我国的经济增长做出了极大的贡


15、目前的研究分析,导致中小企业融资难的原因主要有两方面:分别是中小企业内部存在融资机制障碍以及外部环境障碍。内外部原因叠加,使得中小企业的发展遇到瓶颈,银行融资不足,其他资源又难以利用。因此,能否有效的解决融资难,关系着国民经济能否持续稳定的发展。只有加以重视,从理论到实践,积极应对并采取果断措施加以解决,才能为中小企业融资创造条件,促使它们在未来发挥更重要的作用。本文就现状推导出其原因,并以此为出发点深入探寻解决方案,为中小企业寻求可以缓解融资难的对策 ,从其自身提高到全社会的金融体系建立,多角度的观察分析。文章提出解决方案是从理论角度探究融资难的突破口,为建立多元化多层次的融资金融体系提供理

16、论依据和支持。 第二节 文献综述中小企业融资难是一个长期性、国际性的问题,世界各国包括中国都对此进行了一番理论与实践的探究。一些学术成就对现实具有相当有针对性的指导。一、国外研究综述鉴于中小企业对国民经济的巨大促进作用,国外学术界对中小企业融资难及其相关理论的研究早已开始。1958年,美国学者莫迪利亚尼和米勒在美国经济评论上发表的著名论文“资本成本、公司财务与投资理论”中得出MM理论,创建了现代企业融资理论的开端。其后该领域的研究在影响融资的因素方面主要有如下观点:(一)信贷缺口和信贷配给信贷缺口问题研究始于20世纪30年代初,英国议员麦克米伦在向英国国会提供的关于中小企业问题的调查(Macmillan Report,1931)中指出,中小企业融资面临着“金融缺口(Financial Gap)”。麦克米伦现,中小企业的长期资本供给存在短缺,这种短缺尤其明显地发生在那些单靠初始出资人的资金已经不敷运用,

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