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1、中考英语数词考点真题汇总附解析【2017江苏泰州】7. volunteers will give out leaflets to ask people to protect the wetlands. A. Two hundreds B. Hundreds of C. Two hundred of D. Hundred of【答案】B【解析】考查数词用法。表示确数时,记数单位如hundred, thousand不用加复数。表示不确定数的概念通常用复数形式,后接of,如hundreds of表示成百的,数以百计的。【2017 福建宁德】34. Excuse me, which is the wa

2、y to the museum?Sorry, I dont know. This is my_ time here. A. first B. second C. third 【答案】A【解析】考查序数词的用法。从前文“Sorry, I dont know.”可以看出,这是第一次来这儿,所以用序数词first。【2017福建南平】27. Thanks to Project Hope, _ children have better lives.A. thousands of B. thousands C. thousand【答案】A【解析】考查数词用法。表示确数时,记数单位如hundred, th

3、ousand不用加复数。表示不确定数的概念通常用复数形式,后接of。本句句意:多谢希望工程,成千上万的孩子有了更好的生活。 【2017 佛山】34. Three students ran faster than Lily in the race. Lily was .A. the fourth B. four C. the third【答案】A【解析】考查序数词的用法。根据句意三个学生在比赛中比莉莉跑得快,说明莉莉是第四,所以用序数词the fourth。【2017云南大理】36. Every year, _ farmers go to big cities to work. A. thous

4、and B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of 【答案】D【解析】选D。考查数词用法。句意:每年,成千上万的农民去大城市工作。thousands of 意为“成千上万的”。【2017 贵州六盘水】27.There are days in a week and Tuesday is day of the week.A. seven,third B. seven,the third C. seventh,three D. the seventh,three【答案】B【解析】考查基数词和序数词用法。句意“一周有七天,周二是一星期中的第三天”,表示泛指一

5、周有七天用基数词seven,而周二是一周中的第三天,用序数词third。【2017黔东南州】33. There _ twelve months in a year. September is the _month. A. are, ninth B. is, ninth C. are, nineth D. is, nineth【答案】A【解析】考查be动词和序数词的用法。根据句意:一年有12个月,九月是第九个月份。nine的序数词是ninth,故排除C和D,再根据months是复数所以用系动词be的复数are。【2017黔西南】18. _ visitors come to Xingyi duri

6、ng May Day holidays every year.A. Thousands of B. Two thousands C. Thousand of D. Thousand【解析】A. 考查数词。当hundred,thousand,million和billion表示具体的数目时,用单数形式;当表示不具体的数目时,用复数形式,且跟介词of连用,故选A答案。【2017湖南怀化】25. The Olympic Games will be hold in London on July 27, 2017. A. thirty B. thirtieth C. thirtyth 【答案】B【解析】此

7、题考察序数词。根据句意可知此处需要填一序数词。thirtieth 表示“第三十”。故选B。【2017湖南郴州】29. Li Jiacheng plans to give _ of his money to the charity. -Really? What a kind man he is! A. one third B. one three C. one thirds 【答案】A【解析】选A。几分之几英语常用基数词作分子,用序数词作分母。分子超过一时,分母用复数形式。答案A。【2017湖南郴州】34. Last year, one hundred English teachers took

8、 part in the _ English Summer Training. A. two-month B. two-months C. two months 【答案】A【解析】选A。考查名词。英语中名词作定语用单数形式,因此用two-month。【2017青海西宁】19. _ trees will be planted on that mountain next spring A. Thousands of B. Two thousands C. Two thousand of D. Thousand of 【答案】A【解析】选A。考查数词的用法。thousand “千”,thousand

9、s of 意为“成千上万的”;当thousand前有数词修饰时,thousand只能用单数形式,也不可和of连用。【2017广东】29. How was your weekend?Great! It was my grandfathers birthday. We enjoyed ourselves.A. seventy B. seventieth C. the seventieth D. seventeenth【答案】B【解析】本题考查序数词的用法。生日前用序数词,意为“我爷爷的第七十个生日”。【2017四川凉山】( ) 34. There are _teachers in our scho

10、ol, _of them are women teachers.A. two hundreds; three fourth B. two hundred; three fourths C. two hundred; three forths【答案】B【解析】本题考查固定知识点。1)hundred 与具体数字连用时,用单数。2)分数表达法:在表达分数时,分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子大于一时,分母用复数。【2017四川广安】26. Guangan is a beautiful city, isnt it?Yes. There are about two _ visitors here ever

11、y week. A. thousands of B. thousands C. thousand 【答案】C【解析】本题考查固定知识点。thousand与具体数字连用时,用单数。【2017四川南充】30. I think _ should not be allowed to drive. A. sixteen years old B. sixteen year-old C. sixteen-year-olds【答案】C【解析】本题考查固定知识点。本句意为“我认为十六岁的孩子应该允许开车。”sixteen year-old 意为“十六岁的”,为“adj.”,无法充当主语 。而形容词加复数,表示一

12、类人,所以“sixteen-year-olds”意为“十六岁的孩子”【2017四川宜宾】24. If a = 3 and b = 4, whats the answer to the problem: a + b + 1 = ? The answer is _. A. twelve B. nine C. eight D. seven【答案】C【解析】数学推理题。a = 3,b = 4,所以a + b + 1 =8。【2017江苏苏州】8. The chairperson received about three _ applications to join the Bird watching

13、Club.A. hundred B. hundreds of C. hundred of D. hundreds【答案】A【解析】考查固定知识点。hundred 用法:1)hundred 与具体数字连用时,用单数。2)hundred 与of连用时,用复数。【2017 甘肃兰州】24. Now, everyone, please turn to Page _ and look at the _picture.A. Twelve; fifth B. Twelfth; fifth C. Twelve; five D. Twelfth; five【答案】A【解析】本题考查的是基数词与序数词的用法。句意

14、:请把书翻到十二页,看着第五个图片。“Twelfth”为基数词,“fifth”为序数词。【2017山东聊城】34. Please turn to page _ and look at the _ picture in this unit.A. twentieth; one B. twenty; one C. twentieth; first D. twenty; first【答案】D【解析】本题考查的是基数词与序数词的用法。句意:请把书翻到二十页,并看这一单元的第一个图片。“twenty”为基数词,“first”为序数词。【2017 山东临沂】22. Did you know that the

15、 earth is home to _animals?A million B. millions C. million of D. millions of 【答案】D【解析】考查数词的固定用法。millions of :成百万的,是固定短语。【2017贵州铜仁】26 About _of the students in Grade Nine this year were born in the _.A. three five; 1996. B. three fifths; 1990s C. third fifth; 1997. D. third fifths; 1990s【答案】B【解析】此题考

16、查数词。根据句意:今年大约五分之三的九年级学生出生在九十年代。分数的分子用基数词,分母为序数词。分子不是一的,分母序数词加S。表示年代的要在后面加“s”。故选B。【2017江苏连云港】14.The volunteers sent books to a mountain village school on Childrens Day. A. two hundreds of B. two hundred of C. two hundreds D. two hundred【答案】D【解析】本题考查数词的用法。hundred前有数词修饰时,本身没有复数形式,只有单独与of连用时,才可有复数,因此,答案

17、为D。 【2017湖北恩施】32. He wrote his _ novel when he was _.A. five; fifties B. fifth; fifty C. fifth; fiftieth【答案】B【解析】本题考查的是基数词与序数词的用法。本句意为“当他50岁时,他写了他的第五部小说。”描述年龄用基数词。【2017湖北随州】23.May is the _ month of a year. A. fifty B. fifteen C. fifth D. five【答案】C【解析】本题考查序数词的用法。月份前用序数词,本句意为“五月是一年的第五个月。”【 2017四川成都】41

18、. Some scientists think it will take of years to make robots do most work for humans. A. hundreds B. hundred C. thousand【答案】C【解析】考查固定知识点。hundred/ thousand 用法:1)hundred/ thousand 与具体数字连用时,用单数。2)hundred /thousand 与of连用时,用复数。【2017四川自贡】38. - Jackie Chan has donated dollars to charity. - He is an example

19、 to us all. A. thousand B. thousands of C. thousand of【答案】B【解析】考查固定知识点。thousand 用法:1)thousand 与具体数字连用时,用单数。2)thousand 与of连用时,用复数。【2017四川自贡】23. - I hear your friend is visiting San Ya again. Is it the second time for him?- Yes, and he will come for time next spring. A. a third B. a second C. the thir

20、d【答案】A【解析】考查序数词用法。本句意为“我听说你朋友又来三亚了,这是他第二次来吗?”“是的,明年春天他将再一次来。”区别:a third time 指再次,又一次,不表示顺序;the third time 第三次,强调顺序。【2017江苏宿迁】7. Our school is so famous that people come and visit it every term. A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of【答案】D【解析】考查固定知识点。hundred 用法:1)hundred 与具体数字连用时,用单数。2)hu

21、ndred 与of连用时,用复数。【2017湖北宜昌】36. Our school is going to hold the Culture Festival. I see. And we can take part in activities. A. tenth; tenth B. ten; tenth C. tenth; ten D. ten; ten【答案】C【解析】考查数词用法。本句意为“我们学校将举办第十届文化节。”“我知道,并且我们可以参加十项活动。”tenth 为序数词;ten为基数词。【2017山东济南】33. Im 13 years old and my sister is

22、15 years old. So my sister is A. one B. two C. three D. four33. B【解析】考查数词用法。句意为 “我13岁了,我姐姐15岁了,我姐姐比我大2岁。”故选C。【2017四川达州】25. Is there in todays magazine?Yes. Premier Wen Jiabao saw “stay-home children” May,25th.A. anything special; hundreds of; on B. something special; hundred of; at C. special anythi

23、ng; hundreds; on D. anything special; hundreds of; in【答案】A【解析】考查固定知识点。1)不定代词与adj.连用时,adj.后置。2)hundred与of连用时,用复数。3)日期前用介词on。【2017黑龙江齐齐哈尔】22. A _ girl named Dong Xinyi looked after her disabled father.A. three-year-old B. three-years-old C. three years old【答案】A【解析】固定知识点。 a three-year-old girl 意为“一个三岁的

24、女孩”, “three-year-old”为adj. 意为“三岁的”【2017四川宜宾】32.“Food Safety” has become one of the hottest topics recently. Yeah, it receives _ Internet hits (点击) a day. A. thousands B. thousand of C. thousands of D. ten thousands 【答案】C【2017四川雅安】16. We planted trees last year.A. hundreds of B. hundred of C. five hu

25、ndreds D. five hundred of【答案】A【2017山东临沂】21. The government of Linyi is building cheap and good houses for the people.A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of21. 【答案】D 【2017湖南邵阳】28. of our classmates are good at basketball.A. Three quarters B. Three fourth C. third four【答案】A【2017广东湛江】2

26、9. What day is it today?Its Monday, and its my birthday.A. fifteen B. fifteenth C. the fifteen D. the fifteenth【答案】B【2017山东青岛】3. _ of volunteers will be needed for 2017 International Horticulture Exposition in Qingdao.Lets go and _ them.A. Thousands, join B. Thousand, be a member ofC. Three thousand

27、, take part in D. Thousands, be in3.【答案】A 数词【2017四川南充】24. My mother bought me a sweater for my _ birthday. A. twelfth B. twelve C. the twelfth 24.【答案】A【2017四川广安】30. How many teachers are there in your school? About four_. A. hundreds of B. hundred C. hundreds30.B 【2017湖北黄石】(D ) 35. Its said that _ o

28、f the water around the world _ polluted.A. two third; has B. two thirds; have C. two third; are D. two thirds; is【答案】D 【2017山东济宁】18. The earthquake in Yaan left _people homeless.A. two thousands B. thousands ofC. two thousands of D. two thousand of【答案】B 【2017 湖北黄冈】35.What should we do now, Mr. Clark

29、?Please turn to Page _ and look at the _ picture.A. Twelve; fifth B. Twelfth; fifth C. Twelve; five D. Twelfth; five【答案】A 【2017山东济南】33. Mothers Day is on the _ Sunday in May every year.A. two B. second C. six D. sixth【答案】B 【2017广东】29. Excuse me, sir. Heres a package for Lin Tao. Which room does he l

30、ive in?_.A.308 Room B. Room 308 C. The Room 308 D. The 308 Room29.【答案】 B 【2017贵州安顺】29. To finish the task, were tried three times, and after dinner well try _ time. A. the fourth B. a fourth C. fourth D. four29.【答案】B【2017天津】22.Where is Class _? Its on the _floorA. Six;third B. Sixth;third C. Six;three D. Sixth;three【答案】A【2017广西贺州】 35. This tall building has _ floors. And Tony lives on the _ floor.A. twelve; twelve B. twelfth; twelfth C. twelfth; twelve D. twelve; twelfth

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