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1、美国高中数学建模竞赛规则及参赛指南2013美国高中数学建模竞赛规则及参赛指南大 中 小发布人:圣才学习网发布日期:2013-11-04 10:35共5887人浏览HiMCMContest Registration and InstructionsPLEASE NOTE THE CHANGES TO THE HiMCM RULES WHICH ARE HIGH LIGHTED IN RED BELOW请着重关注下面以红色高亮标注的竞赛规则变动部分Registration Fee报名费*Please register only the teams that will take part in th

2、e contestRegistration fees are not refundable*请只注册要参加比赛的队,报名费交了以后不能退。The first step in the registration process is payment of the$75 registration fee per teamWe accept payment via Mastercard or Visa,and payment must be made via our secure web siteWe regret that we are not able to accept other forms

3、of payment注册过程的第一步是支付每个队75美金的注册费。我们仅通过Mastercard或者Visa收取注册费,费用的收取通过我们的安全网络进行。非常抱歉,我们不接受其他方式的付款。To participate in HiMCM a team must be sponsored by a faculty advisor from that schoolThe registration process must be completed by the advisor为了参加HiMCM,一个队伍必须有一个来自相同学校的指导教师。注册过程必须由指导教师来完成。There are severa

4、l procedures that a teams advisor must go through at various times before,during,and after the contestPlease read these instructions carefully and be sure to complete all the steps involvedIt is the advisors responsibility to make sure that teams are correctly registered and that all steps required

5、for participation in HiMCM are completed在赛前、赛中和赛后都有一些流程需要指导教师来完成。请仔细阅读这些参赛帮助,确保完成了所有的步骤。指导教师有责任确保参赛队正确完成注册,确保需要完成的流程都被完成。Note that COMAP is in the USA Eastern time zone:all times given in these instructions are in terms of Eastern Standard Time(EST)except where local time is noted注意:COMAP公司位于美国东部时区,

6、所有在这个帮助文档中提到的时间都指的是美国东部时间(EST),除非注明了是本地时间。Contest Rules比赛规则1A team may consist of up to four enrolled students一个参赛队可以由四名在校学生组成。2You must obtain and use your control number and password to participate in the 16th annual HiMCMTeams must log on to the specified web site at the beginning of their thirty

7、six hour contest period(not before 3:01 pmon Friday,November 1,2013)to receive the contest problems为了参加第16届HiMCM,你必须获得控制号和密码,并学会使用。参赛队在他们的36小时的比赛期开始的时候(该时间不能早于2013年11月1日,星期五,下午3:01),可以登录指定的网站去获取参赛题目。3Teams must then choose to work on either the A or B problem参赛队可以从A、B两个题目中选择一个进行解答。4The contest runs

8、between 3:01 pmEST Friday,November 1st and 8:00 pmEST on Monday,November 18,2013比赛从美国东部时间2013年11月1日下午3:01持续到11月18日下午8:005Each team will decide on a consecutive 36hour period between November 118 to work on the contestFor example,the contest for your team could be from 8:00 amon Tuesday,November 5 un

9、til 8:00 pmon Wednesday,November 6Your teams contest ends upon completion of the 36hour period每个参赛队在11月1日18日中间选择一个连续的36小时时间去参加比赛,例如:你的队伍的比赛时间可以选择从11月5日星期二上午8点开始,到11月6日星期三下午8点结束。你的队伍的比赛要在36小时时间内完成。6Faculty advisors must ensure that no alterations of any form are made after the end of your 36hour peri

10、od or after 8:00 pmEST Monday November 18,2013Papers must be collected from students at this time to be email and mail to COMAP for judging学校的负责老师必须确保论文在36小时的比赛时间结束后或者在美国东部时间2013年11月18日星期一下午8时的比赛结束时间后不能被修改。论文需要在那个时间被收上来,通过Email和邮寄的方式寄给COMAP公司进行评阅。7All papers must be received no later than 5:00 pmEST

11、 Wednesday,November 27,2013论文接收的截止日期是美国东部时间2013年11月27日星期三下午5时。8A signedParental/Guardian Authorizationform must be included for each participating studentSchools should send the original forms to COMAP,and retain a copy of each for their records每一个参赛的学生必须有一个家长或者监护人的签名授权书,证明他们参加比赛得到了家长或监护人的同意。学校应该把文件

12、的原件寄给COMAP公司,并且自己保留一份文件的拷贝。9All accommodations relative to learning conditions for individual students would follow the accommodations used as part of the local school program in an affected students daily learningIf specialized staff is required,the school bears the responsibility for providing any

13、 specialized assistance as required by lawIf such accommodations are required for a student participating,the school should detail them and the extent to which they were utilized as part of the HiMCM activities所有与学生个人的学习条件相关联的住宿、饮食等条件应该被看作是本地学校日常学习流程的一部分。如果需要专门的人员去处理,学校有责任提供比赛规则允许的辅助。如果这些条件是学生参加比赛所必

14、需的,学校应该将它们细化,详细说明在何种程度上它们被用作HiMCM活动的一部分。Before the contest registration deadline of 2:00 pm(EST)on Friday,November 1,2013:在美国东部时间2013年11月1日星期五下午2点注册截止时间之前:Register Your Team(s)Online:在线进行参赛队注册:The registration process will take you through a series of screens that ask you for your email address and

15、contact informationEnter the required information as you step through the screens注册过程将会通过一些列的界面来完成,需要您填写Email地址和联系信息,输入所要求的信息您就可以通过这些步骤。Important:Be sure to use a valid current email address so that we can use it to contact you at any point before,during,or after the contest,if necessary重要提醒:请输入当前正在

16、使用的Email邮箱地址,以便我们可以在赛前、赛中或者赛后随时可以和你们取得联系。1All teams must be registered before 2:00 pm(EST)Friday,November 1,2013所有的参赛队必须在美国东部时间2013年11月1日星期五下午2时之前完成注册。At that time the registration system will stop accepting new team registrationsTo guard against the possibility of interruptions in Internet service

17、we recommend that all teams compete the registration process well in advance of the deadlineCOMAP will not accept any late registrations under any circumstancesNo exceptions will be made当截止时间到达的时候,注册系统将会关闭。为了防止出现在注册过程中网络服务中断,建议所有的参赛队提前完成注册的流程。COMAP不接受任何迟到的注册申请,没有例外。2Registration is via the contest w

18、eb siteNo other forms of registration will be accepted注册必须通过竞赛网站来完成,没有其他的注册方式。To register a team,click the Registration link on the left side of this pageIf you have already registered a team for this years contest and want to register additional teams,email us at himcmcomapcom第一次注册参赛队的时候请点击页面左侧的Reg

19、istration链接。如果你已经注册了一个参加今年比赛的参赛队,并且想注册另外的参赛队,请给我们发Email,地址是himcmcomapcom。After each team is registered,you will receive an email confirmationYou must follow the link in the email to complete the registration process for each team在队伍被注册后,你会收到一个Email确认信,你必须点击email中的链接来完成注册流程。Advisors may register any

20、number of teams,but must use the same email address and password for all teams指导老师可以注册任意数目的参赛队,这些队必须使用同样的Email地址和密码。3You may specify the team members at the time of registration,or as you enter your Control Sheet information at the end of the contestTeam members may be changed up until the beginning

21、 of the contest periodOnce the contest problems are read,team members cannot be changedThe spelling of all names and institutions is the responsibility of theadvisorThis is exactly as they will appear on certificatesCOMAP will not reprint certificates在注册的时候你需要填入团队成员的信息,在比赛结束后,在控制页上也需要填入队员信息,在你们选择的比赛

22、周期开始之前都可以更换队员,一旦获取到了赛题,就不能改变队员了。所有队员和学校名称的拼写由指导教师负责,这非常重要,因为这些信息要出现在获奖证书上。COMAP不会重新打印证书。4Once you have completed the registration,you will receive aTeam Control Number一旦你完成注册,你会收到一个队伍的控制号。5The screen giving your team control number is the only confirmation that you will receive indicating that you h

23、ave successfully registered that team系统给你反馈的唯一信息就是控制号,收到了控制号就标明你注册成功了。6In order to participate in the contest,you will need to return to the contest website to confirm information about your team,and to print out the Control Sheet and Summary Sheet that you will need to prepare and mail your teams S

24、olution Packet为了参加比赛,你需要在注册完成后返回竞赛网站来确认你的队员信息,打印控制页和摘要页,这两个页面在准备你的解决方案的邮包的时候需要使用。7If at any point before or during the contest you need to change any of the information that you specified when you registered,you may do so by logging in to the contest website with the email address and password that

25、you specified when registeringOnce logged in click the Register/Update button and proceed如果在赛前或赛中你想修改在报名注册时填写的信息,你需要使用在注册时填写的Email地址和密码登录竞赛网站来完成,登录可以通过点击Register/Update按钮来完成。8Return to the contest website regularly to check for any updated instructions or announcements regarding the contestExcept in

26、 extreme circumstances,COMAP willnot send any confirmation,reminders,or announcements by emailAll communication regarding the contest will be via the contest website经常返回竞赛网站,检查是否有关于比赛的帮助是否有改动,是否有新的通知或者声明。除非特殊情况,COMAP不会通过Email发送任何的确认信息、提醒或者通知等。所有的联系都通过竞赛网站进行。Preparing a Team准备一个参赛队1Go to the HiMCM we

27、b site and review the rules,guidelines and prior years problems to prepare your students去HiMCM网站查询比赛规则,指南和往年的赛题,帮助你的学生准备比赛。2Ensure that students have access to computers that enable them to word process,use a spreadsheet,and dynamically model both graphs and geometric relationshipsIn addition,studen

28、ts should have access to graphing calculators确保学生会使用计算机来完成文字处理工作,使用电子表格,会使用与图形和几何相联系的动态模型。此外,学生应该会使用图形计算器。3It is both legitimate and desirable to coach or otherwise prepare your team(s)Visit the COMAP web site at wwwcomapcom and search for modeling products to prepare your studentsRemember,the Summe

29、r issue of the Consortium newsletter contains the winning Solution Papers(or the solution abstracts)from the previous years contest一个合格的、理想的指导老师应该经常访问COMAP公司的网站(wwwcomapcom),为他的学生寻找有关“模型”的产品。别忘了,夏季的官方通讯包含上一年比赛优胜队的获奖论文或者摘要。4All parents of students participating in the contest must sign aParental/Guar

30、dian AuthorizationForm making their childs work available(with confidentiality assurance)for use in example and training materials for HiMCM professional development activitiesAdditionally,should their team be designated as an Outstanding winner,the students Solution Paper(or solution abstract)will be published in COMAPs Consortium newsletter,among other placesTHIS AUTHORIZATION FORM MUST BEDOWNLOADED FROM THE INTERNETAND SENT HOME WITH EACH STUDENT BEFORE THE CONTEST PERIODSIG

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