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1、吉林省汪清县第六中学学年高一月考英语试题+Word版含答案20182019学年度汪清六中9月月考考试高一英语试题考试时间:90分钟;命题人:李晓倩 孙宝俊 王影姓名 班级 I.完形填空(15分) Mike was a little boy. One day Mike went with his father to a small town to 1 his grandparents. _2 the train, Mike put his head out of the window every minute. His father said, Mike, be 3 ! Dont put you

2、r head out of the window! But Mike didnt 4 his father and went on putting his head out of the window. His father could do 5 . Then Mikes father wanted to 6 a joke on his son. He took Mikes cap quietly, hid it 7 his back and said, You see, your cap has 8 away. Mike touched his head and it was really

3、gone. The boy looked 9 and then he began to cry. He wanted to get his cap back. Dont worry, son. said his father, I have a strange 10 to get your cap back. _11 can you get it back? asked Mike in surprise. His father said, Close your eyes and whistle(吹口哨) once, and maybe your cap will come back. Mike

4、 came 12 to the window, closed his eyes and whistled. Just at that 13 , his father quickly put the cap on the sons head. Oh! It was 14 ! Mike laughed. He was pleased, then he quickly took his fathers cap and 15 it out of the window. Now it is your turn to whistle, Dad! he said happily. 1.A. look B.

5、see C. watch D. notice2.A. At B. Of C. To D. In3.A. care B. careful C. carefully D. careless4.A. hear of B. listen C. hear D. listen to5.A. nothing B. anything C. some D. any6. A. do B. work C. play D. take7.A. before B. behind C. after D. at8. A. dropped B. thrown C. sent D. flown9.A. worried B. gl

6、ad C. happy D. proud10. A. road B. path C. way D. street11.A. Why B. How C. What D. Where12. A. on B. up C. in D. out13.A. while B. second C. minute D. moment 14.A. terrible B. wonderful C. had D. lovely 15 A. threw B. placed C. brought D. gotII.阅读理解(30分)ASIDE A No. 293083Student Bus CardName: Lilia

7、n College: University of Chichester From: April 1st, 2017 To: June 30th, 2017 Price: $180Not valid (有效的)for travel unless its used in the bus companies ofStagecoacn, Season, Goldrider and Busabout in the UKSIDE B No. 293083Thank you for travelling with Stagecoach If the card is found, please return

8、to any Stagecoach driver.16. The card is used for_. A. taking a taxi B. travelling by train C. taking a bus D. entering the college17. What does Lilian do according to the card? A. A bus driver B. A university student C. A college teacher D. A middle school student18. You can NOT find _in the card.

9、A. Lilians age B. the price C. the card number D. the time limitB There are so many people I want to thank. But I want to thank my parents best. I usually go to school at 7: OO a.m. My mom always gets up at 6: 00 a.m to cook healthy and nice food for me. But I sometimes complain and want to eat outs

10、ide with my friends. My mom always tells me, The food outside is not healthy Eating at home is good for you. Now I know it. Dear Mom, my health is the most important to you. My parents always buy me my favorite things. I like strawberries very much My dad likes to buy strawberries for me. But when I

11、 want to give him a strawberry, Dad says, Oh, I dont like strawberries, my girl. I didnt know why my dad said that before. But now I know it. Dear Dad, you like strawberries but you like me more. My parents are always with me and do many things for me. I cant do many things for you but I want you to

12、 have happy and healthy lives!19. This passage is written by a . A. son B. daughter C. father D. mother20. What does Mom think is the most important to the writer? A. Homework B. Health C. Food D. money21. Why doesnt Dad eat strawberries? A. He doesnt like strawberries B. The write doesnt give him s

13、trawberries C. He only wants to give strawberries to the writer because the writer likes to eat D.Mother liks strawberries.22. The best title for this passage can be_ A. Thank you, my parents B. Parents always with me C. My love to my parentsD.My parentsCKaren had a son,Michael,and she would have an

14、other baby son.Michael was happy to be a brother.Everyday he sang a song to the baby.Later Michaels little sister was born.But she wasnt in a good condition.The days passed by.The little girl got worse.The doctor told the parents there was very little hope.Then Michael kept asking his parents to let

15、 him see his sister.“I want to sing to her,” he said.But kids are never allowed in ICU(重症监护室)Finally,Karen decided to take Michael to see his little sister.The nurse refused Michael at first.But Karen said if he didnt see his sister,he would never see her alive.Michael looked at his weak sister.Afte

16、r a moment,he began to sing,“Youre my sunshine,my only sunshine.You make me happy when skies are grey.”The baby girl seemed to respond(回应)The pulse rate(脉搏) and breathing began to calm down.“Keep on singing,Michael,” Karen encouraged his son.“You never know,dear,how much I love you.Please dont take

17、my sunshine away”Day by day,Michael kept singing.Several months later,the little girl was well enough to go home.All the doctors and nurses called it a miracle(奇迹)a miracle of brothers love.23.How did Michael feel about his sisters coming?ANervous. BShocked. CGlad. DWorried.24.The nurse didnt allow

18、Michael to see his sister because _.AMichael was too small to take care of himselfBkids werent allowed in ICUChis sister didnt want to see Michael at allDhis sister was sleeping then25.What can we learn from the passage?AMichaels sister got worse and worse at last.BSinging songs is a good way to sav

19、e peoples life.CThe doctors didnt try their best.DNever give up hope for people you love.26.The best title for the passage is “_”ALove of a Brother BThe Power of SingingCA Beautiful Song DA Strong BabyD“Where is the university?” This is a question that many visitors to Cambridge ask. But no one can

20、give them an exact answer, for there is no wall to be found around the university. The university is the city. You can find classroom buildings, libraries, museums and offices of the university all over the city. And most of its members are the students and teachers of the thirtyone colleges. Cambri

21、dge was already a town long before the first students and teachers arrived 800 years ago. It grew up by the river Cranta, and the river was once called the Cam. A bridge was built over the river as early as 875. So the town got its name “Cambridge”In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries more and m

22、ore land was for college buildings.The town grew much faster in the nineteenth century after the opening of the railway in 1845. Cambridge became a city in 1951 and now it has a population of over 100,000. Many young students in other countries expect to study at Cambridge. A large number of people

23、from all over the world come to visit the university. It has become a famous place all around the world.27.Visitors to Cambridge can find the following in the university except _.Alibraries Bwalls Coffices Dmuseums28.According to the passage,Cambridge University is made up of _ colleges.A31 B15 C875

24、 D80029.The town got its name from _.Athe first students and teachersBthe bridge built over the river CamCthe members of the universityDthe person who designed the bridge30.Which is the correct order of the events about Cambridge?aThe railway was opened.bCambridge became a city.cMore and more land w

25、as for college buildings.dThe first students and teachers arrived at the town.AacbdBdacbCbcadDdcabIII 单词拼写,根据句意或提示填入单词或单词的正确形式(10分)31. It is no pleasure _(look) through these any longer.32. The bad news _(使心烦) him.33. He seemed to forget me (entire).34. Tell your friends that you are concerned _him.

26、35. You shouldnt _(忽视) my advice.36. _(友谊)is a source(源泉) of pleasure.37. They have made the final decision, but others might (agree).38. He took medicine every day for a full month. Finally he _(痊愈).39. I dont want to hold the meeting indoors; instead I will hold it _(在户外)40. She was only able to l

27、ook at nature through dirty_(curtain) hanging before the dusty windows.IV. 短语互译(10分)41.on purpose_ 42.为了_43.hide away_ 44.不得不_45.add up_ 46.记下,放下 tired of_ 48.一连串_49.suffer from_ 50.与相处_V.语法填空(15分)Dear Miss Wang,I am having some trouble_ 51_my classmates at the moment. Im getting _52_well

28、with a boy in my class.We often do homework together and we enjoy_53_(help) each other.We have become_ 54_(real) good friends.But other _55_(student) have started _56_(gossip).They say that this boy and I have _57_(fall) in love.This has made me _58_(angrily).I dont want_59_(end) the friendship, but

29、 I hate _60_ (other) gossiping.What should I do? Yours, LisaVI.单句改错(每句有一处错误)(5分)61. We often too many homework to do every day.62. I would be grateful if you could give me some advices.63. I am not very good at communicate with people.64. I stayed awake in order to having a look at the moon.65. It i

30、s the first time that I come to America. VII.书面表达(15分)以My Best Friend为题,写一篇80词左右的短文内容提示:1.介绍你的朋友2.谈谈你对友谊的理解 答题卡题号123456789101112131415答案题号161718192021222324252627282930答案I完形填空. 1-5 BDBDA 6-10 CBDAC 11-15 BBDBA阅读(A) CBA(B) BBCA(C)CBDA(D)BABD单词3140 looking, upset, entirely, about, ignore, friendship, disagree, recovered,

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