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unit2 Ill help to clean up the city park Grammar Focus讲解.docx

1、unit2 Ill help to clean up the city park Grammar Focus讲解Unit2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.SectionA1一.phrases focus:make some notices做些公告牌 ask sb. to come请某人过来come up with 想出 make some plans to work in 制定在某地工作计划the old peoples home老年之家last summer/this summer/next summer去年夏天(今年/明年)tell sb. sto

2、ries about给某人讲关于 故事 work outside在室外工作clean up the city parks打扫城市公园 visit the sick kids看望生病的孩子at the food bank在食品救济站 After-school program课外学习项目a group of students一群学生 cleanup day清洁日 from now从现在起汉译英1.男孩可以去食品救济站分发食品.2.女孩可以在课外学习项目中义务教孩子.3.从现在起清洁日只有两周了.4.他们给我讲关于过去的故事和过去是什么样子的.5.我们有一天也会老.二.Grammar Focus1.

3、 Things like reading the newspaper to the old people, or just talking to them. like是介词,其后动词+doing(动名词)e.g. I think of to school 10 years ago.2. Were all going to be old one day, too. be going to do 打算做,将会做表示将来.e.g. Every kid all up one day.3. Verb phrases1. You could help to clean up the city parks.

4、A. could 是情态动词can的过去式, 但常用来表示委婉的语气,此时与过去式无关,语气比can 更委婉,可以用来表示建议、劝告或允许。 1).We could go after lunch. 我们可以午饭后去。 2).CouldI use your pen? 让我用一下你的钢笔好吗?B. clean (+pron.)up +n. 收拾干净,打扫clean-up n. 清洁1).You should always clean up the room. 你应该经常打扫房间2).Lets start in and clean up the kitchen.咱们开始打扫厨房吧。clean awa

5、y 除去.clean out 把(某物)腾空, 清除2. visit the sick kids in the hospital to cheer them up.cheer(pron.) up +n. 使高兴起来 1). What should I do to cheer my sister up? = What should I do to cheer up my sister? 我该怎样做才能使我的姐姐高兴起来呢? 2).The news cheered him up. 这消息使他高兴了起来cheer up 还可意为“振作起来”。3).Cheer up! Our troubles wil

6、l soon be over. 振作起来!我们的困难很快就会过去。Care for / look after /take care of 照顾notice n. 公告 v.注意到:notice that/notice sb. do sth.(doing sth.)cheer on 为 打气,激励 ,向 喝彩4).She did her best to cheer him on when he was about to give up. 当他快要放弃时,她尽力鼓励他。Come up with 想起 Come over to 顺便拜访 Come in Come up 走近Come out 开花,出

7、版 Come on 意为“快, 加油, 加把劲” 1). Come on! Try once more.加把劲!再试一次。3. The boy could give out food at the food bank.give out 分发 (这句话里相当于hand out)1).The teacher gave out the examination papers ten minutes ago. 老师十分钟前发放了考试卷。give out还可以意为“用完, 停止运行, 发出(热heat、光light、声音sound、气味smell等)”.1).Her patience finally ga

8、ve out. 她终于失去耐心了。2).The radiator is giving out a lot of heat. 散热器散发着大量的热。give up 放弃 give off 发出; 放出 give in 屈服 give away 赠送、分发4. The girl could volunteer in an .volunteer v. 义务做;自愿做1).Many people volunteer to work on the farms. 许多人自愿到农场劳动。2).He volunteered to water our plants. 他主动提出给我们的树木浇水。 volunte

9、er n. 志愿者3).He wants to be a volunteer to help others. 他想要成为一名志愿者去帮助别人。volunteer to do sth. “自愿做某事”,5. We cant put off making a plan.put off 推迟;拖延1).Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 今日事今日毕。2).The game was put off because of rain. 比赛因雨延期。6. We could put up signs.put up 张贴,搭建1).Heput

10、 upa poster advertising the circus.他贴了一张宣传马戏团的海报。2).Before it got dark, theyput uptheir tent in a field.天黑前,他们在地里搭起了帐篷。Put on 表演; 穿上 put off 推迟; 延期 put back 放回原处Put out 熄灭; 发表 put forward 提出 Put down镇压; 记下put away 收拾;放好;储存;吃; 放弃 7. We need to come up with a plan for .come up with (针对问题等)提出(观点),想出(办法

11、)1).I hope you can come up with a better plan than this. 我希望你能提出比这更好的计划来。catch up with 追上;赶上 put up with 忍受keep up with 跟上,不落在后面 end up with 以.结束8. They told me stories about the past and how things used to be.used to “过去常常”, 用于表示过去的状态或过去的习惯性动作。 1).He used to get up early. 他过去常常起床很早。2).The river use

12、d to be clean. 这条河过去很干净。 be used to doing 习惯于 做 use sth to do 用来做. 1). He liked collecting stamps in the past. (改为同义句)He _ _ _ collecting stamps.2). There was a big stone in the middle of the road. (用used to改写句子)_ _ _ _ a big stone in the middle of the road. 9. Yeah, a lot of people are lonely.lonel

13、y adj. 寂寞的,孤独的,荒凉的,偏僻的(心理)既可作定语也可作表语1).She felt lonely and sick for her parents. 她感到孤独,十分想念她的父母。2).Thats a lonely island. 那是一个荒凉的岛屿。alone adj. 单独的;独自的(形体) 3).Though John was not alone, he was lonely. 虽然约翰并不是独自一个人,他却感觉寂寞。alone是表语形容词,因此能说The man is alone,不能说an alone man,也不能说very alone。此外,alone 也可做副词,用

14、于动词之后。1).By the way, do you feel _when you are _? A. alone, lonely B. lonely, alone C. alone, alone D. lonely, lonely2). The old man lives _ in a _ house, but he never feels _. A. alone, lonely, lonely B. alone, alone, lonely C. lonely, lonely, alone D. alone, alone, alone SectionA2 一.Phrases Focus.

15、 give up放弃 several hours every week每周几小时want to be an animal doctor 相当动物医生 the look of joy喜悦的表情get ones dream job找到某人梦想职业get a strong feeling of satisfaction获得强烈的满足感book lover书爱好者(登山爱好者) read by oneself靠自己阅读at the age of在岁的时候 try out for参加的选拔journey with伴随的旅程 at the same time同时汉译英1.我能做我爱做的事情,同时还能帮助别

16、人。2.爱丽丝热爱动物,想当植物医生。3.它能帮她找到未来梦想的职业。4.我想学会关于如何照料老人。5.在玛丽5岁时就能够独自阅读。6.他决定参加课外阅读项目志愿者的选拔。二.Grammar Focus.1. Mario Green and Mary Brown from Riverside High School give up several hours each week to help others. A. from Riverside High School 是介词短语,做Mario Green and Mary Brown的后置定语,翻译时要把意思放前面:来自滨江中学的 格林.马瑞

17、奥和玛丽.B. to help others是动词不定式,是前面动作give up several hours each week 目的,在全句中这里做目的状语。2. Students who volunteer. Notice: who volunteer是个定语从句,修饰student,翻译时意思放前,做志愿者的学生。3. Mario believes it can help him to get his future dream job. 这是一个宾语从句,做动词belives的宾语.1).But you can see in their eyes that theyre going o

18、n a different journey with each new book(宾语从句).在他们的眼里你能看到伴每一本新书随着他们走向不同的旅程。4. Volunteering here is a dream come true for me. 对我来说,这里做志愿者是美梦成真. A.这是动名词Volunteering here(v+ing.) 作句子的主语, B.后面是一个表语从句(一个句子作表语).5.verb phrases1. I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction get v. 产生;形成 常与feeling, idea 等词搭配使

19、用。1).Do you get the feeling that were not welcome here? 你有这里不欢迎我们的感觉吗?2).How did you get such an idea? 你怎么会产生这样一个想法? get better get 在这里用作系动词,“变得,变为”;后接形容词,表示体质、情绪、天气等方面的改变。1).He got angry with me after that. 那之后他生我的气了。2).Its getting hotter now. 现在天气变得热起来了。2. She could read by herself at the age of f

20、our.“by + 反身代词 ”表示“独自地;独立地”1).Children should learn to do things by themselves.孩子们应当学习独立做事。2). climb by himself(unit1) How to care for animals.疑问代词、副词+to+ do (v).有:what/ who / which /where /when /why to do .Why to go Hainan. When to do your homeworkWhich way to go what to do how to do it1).Does he l

21、earn English _ himself?by oneself, for oneself, to oneself, of oneself 之辨析 这四个介词短语均属“介词+反身代词”结构,在句中作状语by oneself 表示“独自,独立地” 的意思,相当于alone;for oneself一般表示“为自己” 的意思;to oneself 含有“暗自(在心中)”的意思,常与动词think,say,talk,tell等连用; of oneself意思是“自然地、自发地、自动地”Several.Adj.少数,几个人。1). Several student decided to go shopp

22、ing just now.Pron.几个,数个。2). Several went to the cinema yesterday.OwnAdj.自己的.1).Mary has her own study and life.v.拥有.2).Everyone all own free time. You should love it.3).keep healthy, I decide _ (exercise) half an hour every day.try out for 报名参加;参加选拔1).Shirley will try out for the lead in the play. 雪

23、莉将参加该剧主角的选拔演出。2).Over fifty boys came totryoutforthe football team. 五十多个男孩来竞争参加足球队。try out 试用,试验3).My brother wants to_the football team.try on 试穿;试戴 try out 试验;试用 try for / after 谋求;争取 4).WhenItriedthecoaton,Ifounditwastoobigforme.try to do 努力做try doing 尝试做1).Letstry outyour method. It seems very g

24、ood. 我们来试试你的办法,看来这办法不错。 2).He said he was going totryforfirst place next year. 他说他打算明年争取夺得第一名。go on 举行,进行,去(go on a picnic/ trip/ journey 长途旅行)3).I would like to_the new work.Satisfy v.使满意.Tom satisfied his father last year.Satisfaction n.满意. To ones satisfaction 使满意的是.4. Volunteering here is a drea

25、m come true for me.Volunteering here在句中作主语。动名词可放在句首可作主语。如:1).Reading is an art. 读书是一种艺术。2).Swimming is my favorite sport. 游泳是我最爱的运动。A3一. phrases Focus:be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事 volunteer ones time to do sth. 志愿用时间做primary school小学 around the school学校周围book sale售书 homeless people无家可归的人们be worried abou

26、t sth. 为担忧 get good job找到好工作make money挣钱less lucky than不比幸运stop doing ones job to do sth. 离职做at least至少raise money for sth. 为筹钱二Grammar Focus:一.Use could for suggestionscould 是情态动词can的过去式, 但常用来表示委婉的语气,此时与过去式无关,语气比can 更委婉。可以用来表示建议或劝告,意为“可以;不妨”。1).The girl could visit the sick kids in the hospital to

27、cheer them up. 2).The boy could give out food at the food bank. 3).The girl could volunteer in an after-school study program to teach kids. 4).The boy could help to clean up the city parks5).- Could you let me have your passport?- Yes, here it is.could表示“能力”或“可能性”,作为can的过去形式。如: 1).Could you speak En

28、glish then? 那时你能讲英语吗?二.短语动词 Phrasal verbs 短语动词是指英语中有些动词和其他词类一起连用,构成一个固定词组,可看成一个整体,相当于一个单独的动词,这种组合称之为短语动词。短语动词的构成基本有下列几种:1.动词+ 介词此类短语动词可以用作及物动词, 后面必须接宾语。 1). Look at the blackboard, please! 请看黑板!此类短语动词还有listen to, depend on / upon, look for, deal with, look after, take after, wait for等。 2.动词+ 副词 此类短语

29、动词既可以用作及物动词, 也可以用作不及物动词。 1).I get up very early every morning. 我每天早晨都很早起床。 2).Can you work out this problem? 你能做出这道题吗?当此类短语动词用作及物动词时, 如果宾语是名词, 可以将其放在短语的后面, 也可以放在动词和副词之间;如果宾语是代词, 则必须将其放在动词和副词之间。1).He put on his clothes quickly. = He put his clothes on quickly. 他快速地穿上了衣服。2).Please wake me up at five t

30、omorrow morning.请明天早晨五点钟叫醒我。clean up, cheer up, give out, eat up, fix up, give up, give away, hand out, help out, put off, put up, take off等3.动词+ 副词+ 介词 此类短语动词可以用作及物动词。 1).Were running out of water. 我们的水快用光了。此类短语动词还有come up with, do well in, look forward to, look down upon, look out of, put up with等

31、。 4.动词+名词+介词 此类短语动词的意义取决于名词,而不是动词,修饰时不用副词而用形容词。1).We should take good care of our parents. 我们应该好好照顾我们的父母。此类短语动词还有make use of, take pride in, make friends with, pay attention to等。 三.动词不定式 Infinitive1.什么是动词不定式?主要行为动词后面的动词采用“to+动词原形”的结构,我们把这种结构称为动词不定式(有时可以不带to)。动词不定式没有人称和数的变化,在句子中不能作谓语。下面我们一起来看一下动词不定式有哪些语法功能。2. 动词不定式的主要语法

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