1、自考 英语一课后句子 英语()Unit 1 1. 他们发现要掌握一门外语是困难的。(find it hard to) They find it hard to master a foreign language. 2.这项研究表明成功人士在许多方面是相似的。(similar) The research shows that successful people are similar in many ways. 3.成功的语言学习者不只依赖书本或者教师。(depend on) Successful language learners do not just depend on books or
2、teachers. 4.我们愿意帮助我们的朋友。(be willing to) Were willing to help our friends. 5.我们应该独立地,积极地并且有目的地学习新东西。( purposefully) We should learn new things independently, actively and purposefully. Unit 2 1.中国以其丝绸产品领先于世界。(leadwith) China leads the world with its silk products. 2.除了收入所得税外,有些州还要收购物税。(in addition to
3、, charge) Some states charge a sales tax in addition to income tax. 3.销售税随你所购物品的价格而变。(vary with) Sales tax varies with the prices of the goods you buy. 4.人们总是在抱怨着不断上涨的物价。(complain about) People are always complaining about the rising prices. 5.妈妈说他每天花太多的时间看电视。(spendin) Mother said he spent too much
4、time in watching TV each day. Unit 3 1.水手们担心他们会遇上坏天气。(afraid) The sailors are afraid that they may meet bad weather. 2.这座山有泰山的一半高。(half asas) This mountain is half as high as Mount Tai. 3.这所学校平均每个班有45人。(on the average) On the average, there are 45 students in each class of the school. 4.气候对植物的生长有影响。
5、(affect) Climate affects the growth of plants. 5.我的工作越积越多。(pile up) My work keeps piling up. Unit 4 1.他们的研究主要集中在成年人的学习技能上。(focus on) Their research mainly focuses on the learning skills of adults. 2.知道这些短语怎么用是很有意义的。(It is meaningful to) It is meaningful to know how to use these phrases. 3.成年组由15人组成。
6、(consist of) The adult group consists of 15 people. 4.不用说,我们都很清楚这些事实。(needless to say) Needless to say, we are all clear about the facts. 5.记忆力指的是记住过去的事件和经历的能力。(refer to, the ability to) Memory refers to the ability to remember the past events and experiences. 6.我总是把那支歌同我的学校生活联系起来。(associate with) I
7、 always associate that song with my school life. Unit 5 1.我们还没有找到一个代替他的人。(substitute for) We havent found a substitute for him yet. 2.孩子们很愿意成为像电影中英雄们那样强壮勇敢的人。(be eager to) Children are eager to become as strong and brave as the heroes in films. 3.他被我们认为是我们当中跑得最快的人。(supposed to) He is supposed to be
8、the fastest runner among us. 4.有些故事流传很广,而另外一些故事却不是这样。(widespread) Some stories are widespread, while others are not. 5.事实上,肉和土豆是可以同时吃的。(as a matter of fact) As a matter of fact, meat and potatoes can be eaten together. 6.人们常把学校看成是一个小社会。(think ofas) People often think of a school as a small society.
9、Unit 6 1.请把你要的东西清理出来并把其余的全扔掉。(sort out) Please sort out what you want and throw away the rest. 2.这部电梯的价钱比预计的要稍高一些。(somewhat) The price of the lift is somewhat higher than expected. 3.这些图案十分受青年人欢迎。(be popular with) These designs are very popular with young people. 4.他不写了,因为他的笔没有墨水了。(run out of) He st
10、opped writing because his pen had run out of ink. 5.有经验的人能够立即辨别出来哪个是真的。(experienced, immediately) Experienced people can tell immediately which one is real. Unit 7 1.在现代家庭中父母都挣钱养家。(earn) In a modern family, parents both earn money for the family. 2.她是一名教师,而她的哥哥是一名工程师。(while) She is a teacher, while
11、her brother is an engineer. 3.按传统,中国青年在长大成家之前一直与父母同住。(traditionally, until) Traditionally, Chinese young people live with their parents until they grow up and marry. 4.所有的老师都很关心我学习方面的进步。(care for) All the teachers care for my progress in study. 5.在一些家庭中,父母双方都是既工作又照顾家和孩子。(take care of) In some famili
12、es, both parents work and take care of the house and children. 6.这个组分成了两个,因为它太大了。(split) The group was split up into two because its too big. 7.他们计划扩展他们在这个领域中的研究。(extend) They plan to extend their research in this field. 8.两年前她同丈夫离了婚。(divorce) She divorced her husband two years ago. Unit 8 1.卫星不仅能够传
13、送电视广播,而且能够传送电话。(capable of) Satellites are capable of transmitting not only TV broadcasts but also phone calls. 2.从理论上讲,每个人都可以受到教育。(theory) In theory, everyone can be educated. 3.你应该按医生的指导去服这种药。(followinstructions) You should follow the doctors instructions on how to take the medicine. 4.计算机系统可以同时传送
14、声音和图像。(as well as) A computer system can transmit sounds as well as pictures at the same time. 5.是现代技术使我们走向成功。(lead to) It is modern technology that leads us to success. 6.这个病人应该与其他病人隔离开。(isolate) This patient should be isolated from other patients. 7.这个士兵表现出勇气和技能。(display) The soldier displayed cou
15、rage and skills. 8.他的实验充分证明了那条心理学原理。(demonstrate) His experiment fully demonstrated that psychological principle. Unit 9 1.成功属于那些努力工作的人。(apply to) Success belongs to those who apply themselves to work. 2.到了那个国家以后,他发现几乎没有什么场合可以说汉语。(occcasion) After getting to that country, he found there were few occ
16、asions to speak Chinese. 3.相互理解对于友谊是至关重要的。(ofimportance to) Mutual understanding is of great importance to friendship. 4.世界上没有两片完全相同的树叶。(no) No two leaves are the same in the world.或There are no two same leaves in the world. 5.我说他们是朋友,并不是指他们什么都分享。(When I sayI do not mean) When I say they are friends
17、, I dont mean they share everything. 6.会议涉及贸易和农业。(concern) The meeting concerns trade and agriculture. 7.如果形势变坏,可能出现严重问题。(come up) If the situation becomes worse, serious problems may come up. 8.我宁愿今天去,不愿意明天去。(rather than) I would rather go today than tomorrow. 9.汽车是由许多不同的零件构成的。(make up) A car is ma
18、de up of many different parts. 10.那个逃跑了的囚犯仍然逍遥法外。(at large) The escaped prisoner is still at large. Unit 10 1.人类曾好奇为什么鸟会飞,而人不会。(wonder) Man once wondered why birds could fly but he couldnt. 2.这个小孩把玩具拆开了,却不知道如何再组装起来。(take apart, put together) The child took apart the toy, but didnt know how to put it
19、 together. 3.不管发生什么,他们都将完成这个实验。(regardless of, carry out) Theyll carry out the experiment regardless of what happens. 4.虽然她很累,可她仍然乐于助人。(willing to) Though very tired, she was still willing to help others. 5.我们不应该嘲笑犯错误的人。(laugh at) We shouldnt laugh at people who make mistakes. 6.我们决心寻求这些问题的答案。(deter
20、mined, seek) We are determined to seek the answers to the questions. 7.根据我们目前的知识, 这一发现可以被认为是可接受的。(in the light of, finding, acceptable) In the light of our present knowledge, this finding may be regarded as acceptable. 8.你们应该使自己适应新的环境。(adaptto) You should adapt yourselves to the new environment. Uni
21、t 11 1.这家商店在邻近地区贴了许多广告。(put up) This shop put up many ads in the neighborhood. 2.有一些人厌倦了现代化的城市生活而搬到农村去住。(be fed up with) Some people are fed up with modern city life and move to the country. 3.我上个星期在公园碰到了我的一位朋友。(run across) I ran across one of my friends in the park last week. 4.他没带钱,所以他注定会回来的。(be b
22、ound to) He took no money with him, so he is bound to come back. 5.他现在正面临一个十分重要的问题。(be faced with) He is now faced with a very important problem. 6.所有没用的物品都应扔掉。(get rid of) All the useless things should be got rid of. 7.我们的责任是去满足人民日益增长的需要。(ever-increasing) Our duty is to meet peoples ever-increasing
23、 needs. 8.所有货物的价格都是原来的一半。(be priced at) All the goods are priced at half of their original cost. 9.这音乐实在使我感到厌烦。(turnoff) The music really turns me off. 10.他在这本书里清楚地列出了他的观点。(set out) He set out his ideas clearly in this book. Unit 12 1.人们普遍认为语言是不断发展和变化的。(It is widely believed) It is widely believed t
24、hat languages are always developing and changing. 2.她被认为是城里最好的医生。(be regarded as) She is regarded as the best doctor of the town. 3.这些书在图书馆里是按照作者名字的顺序摆放的。(according to) These books are displayed in the library according to the order of the authors names. 4.这些孩子们受其父母的影响很深。(influence) The children are
25、 deeply influenced by their parents. 5.他们对我的结论的真实性提出质疑。(dispute) They disputed the truthfulness of my conclusion. 6.这孩子是在一个偏远的山村中长大的。(bring up) The child was brought up in a remote mountain village. 7.当你遇到生字时,并不总需要查字典.(look up) When you run across a new word, you neednt always look it up in a dictio
26、nary. 8.你一旦染上了坏习惯,就很难除掉。(get into) Once you get into a bad habit, it is hard to get rid of. 9.就我知识所及,鱼是最好的补脑的食物这种看法不是荒谬的。(to the best of) To the best of my knowledge, it is not foolish that fish is the best brain food. Unit 13 1.当陌生人站在你家门前时,你应该有所提防。(be on guard) You should be on guard when a strange
27、r stands at your door. 2.事实上,我们找这本书的时间跟读这本书的时间差不多。(in effect) In effect, we spent almost as much time looking for this book as reading it. 3.她的信使我想起了我们曾一起度过的好时光。(remind) Her letter reminded me of the happy time we spent together. 4.除了少数专业保险人员外,大多数人不完全了解保险是什么。(professional) Most people but a few insu
28、rance professionals dont fully understand what insurance is. 5.这个方法是经过验证的,他仍然是行之有效的。(proven, effective) This method has been proven and its still effective. 6.他充其量不过能做去年的一半那么多。(at best) At best he can do half of what he did last year. 7.我突然想起来他已经两个月没交所得税了。(occur) It occurs to me that he hasnt paid i
29、ncome tax for two months. 8.他在这所学院主修发动机工艺。(major) He majors in engine technology in this college. Unit 14 1.他在听那场长而无聊的报告时睡着了。(fall asleep) He fell asleep when he was listening to the long and boring report. 2.他们甚至没有意识到这是一种好习惯。(aware) They are not even aware that this is not a good habit. 3.我们应该学会尊重对
30、方,避免摩擦或冲突。(friction, conflict) We should learn to respect others to avoid friction or conflict. 4.他们发誓不管发生什么,他们都会完成这项工作。(swear) They swear that they will finish the work whatever happens. 5.那些不懂礼貌的人迟早要为此付出代价。(sooner or later, pay the price) Those who dont understand manners will pay the price sooner
31、 or later. 6.我不渴。请不必费心为我泡茶。(bother) Im not thirsty. Please dont bother to make tea for me. 7.他对工作的态度深深地打动了我。( impress) Im deeply impressed by his attitude to work. Unit 15 1.和谈对两国的关系有着持久的影响。(haveeffect on) Peace talks have a long-lasting effect on the relationship between the two countries. 2.假若健康情况良好,我希望今年完成这项工作。(given) Given good health, I hope to finish the work this year. 3.我必须指出不犯错误是不现实的。(point out) I must point out that its unrealistic not to make mistakes. 4.许多年轻人对足球很狂热。(crazy about) Many young people are c
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