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中考英语书面表达复习题及答案word范文模板 10页.docx

1、中考英语书面表达复习题及答案word范文模板 10页本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!= 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! = 中考英语书面表达复习题及答案中考 英语 书面表达在中考试卷中占据的分值非常高,在平时多做中考英语书面表达练习题来巩固知识。以下是小编给你推荐的中考英语书面表达复习题及参考答案,希望对你有帮助! 中考英语书面表达复习题(一)(201X,北京)根据中文大意和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于60词的短文。所给英文提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。上学期间,学校的某些场所一定给你留下了美

2、好的记忆,如教室、阅览室、操场等。某英文报纸正以“My Favourite Place at School”为题征文,请你投稿。描述一个你最喜欢的地方,并说明原因。 提示词语:classroom;readingroom;playground;bright;quiet;large;help;improve_(二)(201X,杭州)请以“My Dream”为题写一篇英语短文,供英语课上交流。Dream I want to.Reasons be interested in it.Ways to achievemy dream work hard at schoolfind out how succe

3、ssful people did it.注意:1.短文必须包括三部分内容,需陈述理由(2条)和方式(3条);2.表中右栏信息仅供参考,也可自由发挥;3.词数80左右。My Dream_(三)(201X,沈阳)某英文网站的中学生栏目就报刊阅读这一 话题 展开调查。请你以“It Is _ to Read Newspapers”为题写篇小短文,谈一谈你的看法(词数80100)。步骤与要点如下: 1.确定主题,并在文中说明原因;2.围绕主题,进行叙述;3.讲述一段与主题有关的故事或经历。要求:1.补全标题(参考词汇:important;interesting;useless;boring等);2.字迹

4、工整,内容完整连贯,语言准确规范;3.鼓励写出真情实感,对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分,短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数;4.作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不能直接引用原文中的句子;5.文中不要出现考生的真实校名和姓名。It Is _ to Read NewspapersThough Internet is popular,we still read newspapers.In my idea,it is _(四)(201X,嘉兴、舟山)你校组织的英语夏令营向学生提供了两种住宿方式。有的学生喜欢单住,有的喜欢合住,请根据提示,用英语写一篇短文,向夏令营简报Engl

5、ish Camp投稿,选择你喜欢的一种住宿方式,并阐述理由。 quietfeel freelive comfortably. cheapfeel happyhelp each other.注意:(1)依据你选择的住宿方式,将标题补充完整;(2)理由必须包括表中你所选择的住宿方式的相应内容,可适当发挥;(3)文中不得出现与你身份相关的信息;(4)词数:80100。短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。Living _Some students prefer to live alone,while others may want to share their rooms with their roomma

6、tes.The way I like is_(五)(201X,广东)大千世界,无奇不有。相信 同学 们也遇到过这类谎言、骗局或谣言。假设你叫李明,是红星(Hongxing)中学九(1)班的学生,请你写一篇发言稿。内容包括: 1. 自我介绍 ; 2.描述一次类似的经历,并说说你当时的感受;3.以后再经历这样的事,作为学生,我们该怎么做?请提出两个建议或做法。作文要求:1.不能照抄原文,不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名;2.语句连贯,词数80左右。作文的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。Good morning,everyone!Let me introduce myself fir

7、st._ _Thats all.Thank you.(六)(201X,青岛)同学们,三年的初中 生活 就要结束了,在我们的成长过程中,既有快乐,也有烦恼。请用英文写一篇短文,内容包括: 1.你在学校或家里曾经遇到的最大问题或烦恼;2.你解决问题或烦恼的过程;3.你的感想。要求:1.词数80100,开头已给出,不计入总词数;2.文中不得出现真实的校名与人名。My middle school life is coming to an end.During the three years,not only did I have happy time,but I had kinds of proble

8、ms.My biggest problem was_ _(七)(201X,山西)学生综合素质评价的方式多种多样,同伴互评是其中较为有效的方式之一,它可以让学生不断体验成长和 学习 过程中的进步,并正确认识自我,保持自信。 某班一个小组正在进行阶段性同伴互评活动,如果你是该组组长,请结合本组讨论情况,为本组某位同学写一份激励性评价报告,内容须包含以下要点: the skill/the advantage/the personal quality the student hasone thing the student didsome advice for the student要求:1.词数80

9、词左右;2.不得出现真实的人名、校名。_(八)(201X,济南)根据所给图画,用英语写一篇约80词的短文。要求完整叙述图画内容。参考词汇:blind adj.盲的,瞎的stick n.拐杖 _中考英语书面表达复习题答案(一)One possible version:My Favourite Place at SchoolMy favourite place at school is the readingroom.Its very big and bright.There are many kinds of books,newspapers and magazines.I like readi

10、ng newspapers and books there because they not only provide me with much knowledge,but also help me learn a lot about what is happening around the world.Sometimes,I even feel I can have a talk with the people in the books.I can also relax myself in the peaceful environment there.When I feel tired or

11、 unhappy,the readingroom is the best place to go to.Reading helps me forget all my troubles.For me,the readingroom is the place I like best.(二)One possible version:My DreamI want to be a writer when I grow up.Writing has been part of my life.Through writing I will be able to share my ideas and make

12、friends with others.I can achieve my dream by reading widely and by working hard at school to learn as much as possible.Its also important to find out how successful people did it so that I could learn from them.Im determined to hold on to my dream till one day it comes true. (三)略(四)Possible version

13、 1:Living AloneSome_students_prefer_to_live_alone,_while_others_may_want_to_share_their_rooms_with_their_roommates.The_way_I_like_is_living alone. First,living alone is quiet.I can study and read books in a quiet environment.It can make me sleep well at night.Second.I feel free when I am alone.I nee

14、d not worry to trouble my roommates even when I want to study late into the night.Also,I can enjoy a comfortable life and there is no need to share the bathroom with other students.Besides,it is easier to keep the room tidy if I live alone because less rubbish is left. Given the reasons above, I cho

15、ose to live alone.Possible version 2:Living with RoommatesSome_students_prefer_to_live_alone,while_others_may_want_to_share_their_rooms_with_their_roommates.The_way_I_like_is living with roommates.First,living with roommates is cheaper.I can share the cost of living with other students.It saves mone

16、y for my parents.Second,living with roommates makes me happy.We can study and play games together.I will have more chances to communicate with others so that I can make friends easily.Besides,when I am in difficulty,my roommates will help me,so I will feel safer when living with others.There is no n

17、eed to be afraid of living in a new environment any more. Given the reasons above,I choose to live with roommates.(五)One possible version:面对谎言Good_morning,everyone!Let_me_introduce_myself_first.My name is Li Ming,a student from Class One,Grade Nine,Hongxing Middle School.Yesterday afternoon,the stud

18、ent on duty said he had to see the doctor.I offered to do the cleaning for him.Later I found him playing basketball on the playground.I was quite unhappy. He neednt tell the lie.I would do the duty for him if he asked. As students,we should always tell the truth even if others might not agree with u

19、s.When others tell lies,wed better make them understand that honesty is the best policy.Thats_all.Thank_you.面对骗局Good_morning,everyone!Let_me_introduce_myself_first.My name is Li Ming,a student from Class One,Grade Nine,Hongxing Middle School.Last year,I received a chain letter saying that only kind

20、people could receive the letter.If I sent it to as many people as possible,I would get good luck.But if I didnt,I would die the next day.I was so scared that I sent it to some of my friends. As students,we shouldnt forward such chain letters.If we dont know how to deal with them,wed better ask our t

21、eachers or parents for help.Thats_all.Thank_you.面对谣言Good_morning,everyone!Let_me_introduce_myself_first.My name is Li Ming,a student from Class One,Grade Nine,Hongxing Middle School. I heard a rumor of the same kind this year.It is said that a Chinese medicine called Banlangen could kill the flu of

22、H7N9 or some diseases like that.So it was sold out in our city very soon.I thought it was so silly and I didnt believe it at all.I would rather ask the doctor for advice than buy the medicine. As students,we should keep calm when we face such rumors.Besides,we shouldnt believe or spread them.Thats_a

23、ll.Thank_you.(六)Possible version 1:My_middle_school_life_is_coming_to_an_end.During_the_three_years,not_only_did_I_have_happy_time,but_I_had_kinds_of_problems.My_biggest_problem_was too much homework.Homework seemed endless for me.It made me stay up late and feel very tired every day,but I knew the

24、teachers were expecting us to do better,even the best in my lessons. How can I deal with the problem?On the one hand,I concentrated more on my study in class.On the other hand,I did the homework as quickly as possible instead of being slow or absentminded.As a result,I spent less time on homework,an

25、d I wasnt frustrated any more. As we all know,practice makes perfect.Complaining or waiting cant help.Instead we should be active to face our problems.Possible version 2:My_middle_school_life_is_coming_to_an_end.During_the_three_years,not_only_did_I_have_happy_time,but_I_had_kinds_of_problems.My_big

26、gest_problem_was from my parents.They wanted me to spend all my time on my lessons.They didnt allow me to play computer games or have outdoor activities with my friends. I couldnt stand the strict rules! So I wrote a letter and told my parents I knew it was important to do well in schoolwork.I would

27、 make good use of the time and try to do well in schoolwork first. After a long talk with my parents,they agreed that I could have spare time and do something I like. Now I have realized communicating with our parents is a good way to solve our problems.(七)One possible version:Han Mei is an easygoin

28、g girl who gets along well with everyone.She is also talented in performing.Whats more,she is warmhearted.Once she knew a girl in her neighbourhood had so serious an illness that a large amount of money was needed.She put forward a suggestion calling on all the kids to give away pocket money to the unlucky girl.Besides,she organiz

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