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本文(外研版学年高中英语选修八同步检测Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe51含答案.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

外研版学年高中英语选修八同步检测Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe51含答案.docx

1、外研版学年高中英语选修八同步检测Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe51含答案03 课后演练提能夯实基础知识. 单词拼写1. Mr. Jones and his two friends are the j_ owners of the business.答案:joint2. Mr. Li is a_ to sleeping late to make the teaching plan for the next lesson.答案:accustomed3. The little girl who had w_ the robbery was so afrai

2、d of the robbers that she didnt tell the police the truth.答案:witnessed4. Ill look into the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little p_.答案:patience5. Its difficult to learn a_ English. We have to master more new words.答案:advanced6. A new idea _(跳跃) into his mind that he should call 110.答案:leape

3、d/leapt7. Hes not such a fool as you _(假定) him to be.答案:assume8. The little girl _(突然) out crying.答案:burst9. In _(尽管) of my efforts at persuasion, he wouldnt agree.答案:spite10. We are living in a great _(有历史意义的) era.答案:historic. 选词填空no more than, in spite of, become accustomed to, be aware of, in sho

4、ck, take off, be enthusiastic about, burst out1. I dont think people _ how much it costs.答案:are aware of2. I almost _ laughing when I saw what she was wearing.答案:burst out3. They went swimming _ all the danger signs.答案:in spite of4. Though they assumed it would take _ three days to fulfill the task,

5、 it took not less than six days.答案:no more than5. The workers were _ when they heard from the radio that there was a terrible earthquake in their hometown.答案:in shock6. The girl _ the basketball in spite of not being high.答案:is enthusiastic about7. Having lived there for years, they _ the life there

6、.答案:have become accustomed to8. In 1989, he met Bill and his career _.答案:took off. 完成句子1. 他本月初离开这里的。He left here _ _ _ _ _ _.答案:at the beginning of this month2. 到你毕业的时候,我们在澳洲居住就会有一年了。_ _ _ _ _, we will have been in Australia for one year.答案:By the time you graduate3. 我的公寓和他的一样不大,但是他的家庭不比我的小。My flat

7、is _ _ _ his but his family is _ _ _ mine.答案:no larger than; not smaller than4. 第二个送人进入太空的国家是美国。The second country _ _ _ _ _ _ was America.答案:to send a man into space5. 小男孩站在超市的外面,眼睛盯着橱窗上的玩具。The little boy stood outside the supermarket, _ _ _ _ _ on the window.答案:eyes fixed on the toys6. 很多人不习惯没有手机的

8、生活。Many people _ _ _ _ _ without mobile phones.答案:are not accustomed to living7. 他说完笑话时,在场的每个人都笑起来。When he reached the final line of the joke, everyone present _ _ _.答案:burst into laughter/burst out laughing8. 又惊又喜地,记者离开了。The journalist went off, _ _ _.答案:surprised and happy/delighted. 单句语法填空(不多于3个单

9、词)1. _(assume) these numbers are true, what jumps out at you from the picture?答案:Assuming2. The boy has been accustomed to not _(watch) TV.答案:watching3. The past decades _(witness) sea ice decreasing in the Arctic Ocean as a result of global warming.答案:has witnessed4. Why am I always the last _(find

10、) out the truth?答案:to find5. Wang Yapings space class seems _(arouse) the boys interest in space because he has been absorbed in the books on space since then.答案:to have aroused6. _ is known to all, China will be an _(advance) and powerful country in 20 or 30 years time.答案:As; advanced7. They were _

11、 a state of shock _ the very beginning of the earthquake but soon they calmed down.答案:in; at8. With two more professional hands _(help) you later on, scarcely will you have any trouble _(fulfill) your work ahead of time.答案:helping; fulfilling9. _ seems as if he knew nothing about her.答案:It10. It sno

12、wed heavily last night and there must be a lot of snow on the mountain.No, we found a little snow, as most of it seemed to _(blow) off the mountain.答案:have been blown提升实战能力. 完形填空Pressure means that people are expecting a lot from you. It also means that you sometimes have to do a lot of things in a

13、_1_ period of time. Pressure seems to be a _2_ of modern life. Everyone feels it. People feel pressure at work. Students feel pressure at school and everyone sometimes feels the pressure of trying to _3_ their friends and family.Surprising as it may sound, pressure can be a(n) _4_ thing. When you ar

14、e _5_ pressure, it helps you to concentrate and think hard about the problems that have to be _6_. It forces you to _7_ your time, to decide which problems are more important and which are less important. And _8_, when you have faced these problems, you _9_ a better, stronger person.Of course, press

15、ure isnt always _10_. Too much pressure causes stress and it can _11_ your health. It affects your heart, your blood circulation(循环) and your nervous system. People who _12_ too much pressure or stress have _13_ sleeping and eating. When this _14_, its time to get help from a doctor. If you are feel

16、ing this way, make sure you tell someone. The worst way to handle “negative” pressure is to keep _15_; it will only make things _16_.Your attitude has a lot to do with how you _17_ pressure. When faced with a problem, try to look at it as a challenge _18_ an annoyance(烦恼)Life is _19_ with problems a

17、nd pressurethey are never going away, so we have to face them and _20_ them. In the end, it makes us better people and we can shine like diamonds.压力是我们生活中不可避免的一部分。应该如何对待压力呢?我们应该把压力看作帮助我们成长的挑战而非烦恼。1A.long B. shortC. happy D. sad答案:B压力也可能意味着你短时间内有大量的事情要做,故此处用short。2A.part B. titleC. sight D. role答案:A根

18、据第一段第四句“每个人都会感受到压力。”可知,压力看起来是现代生活的一部分(part)。3A.affect B. pleaseC. improve D. join答案:B有时在试着去讨好(please)朋友和家人时,人们会感觉到压力。4A.ordinary B. rareC. good D. serious答案:C虽然听起来很令人吃惊,但压力也可能是一件好事。 B. atC. across D. under答案:D当你处于压力之下时,压力会帮助你集中精力和努力思考问题。6A.realized B. adoptedC. solved D. considered答案:C压力会促使你仔细思

19、考有待解决(solve)的问题。7A.limit B. recordC. organize D. separate答案:C压力还会迫使你去安排你的时间。organize在此处意为“安排”。 the end B. in a wayC. in turn D. in order答案:A根据上下文逻辑上的先后顺序关系和该空后的“当你面对这些问题后”可推知,此处应用in the end(最终)。9A.make B. becomeC. expect D. develop答案:B你会成为(become)一个更优秀和更坚强的人。10A.interesting B. important C. nece

20、ssary D. worthwhile答案:D上段讲了压力的好处,这一段讲述压力的弊端。此句承上启下,指压力并不总是“值得的”。11A.harm B. control C. reduce D. lose答案:A联系下一句的具体说明可知,太多的压力会危害(harm)你的健康。12A.suffer from B. take over C. turn down D. put out答案:A此处指那些遭受太多压力的人。suffer from“遭受”。13A.effect B. favour C. trouble D. danger答案:C那些压力太大的人会遇到睡眠和饮食问题。have trouble

21、doing sth.表示“做某事有困难”。14A.arrives B. happens C. works D. calls答案:B当上文讲述的这种情况发生(happen)时,你应该向医生寻求帮助。15A.curious B. careful C. awake D. silent答案:D该空前面一句说有压力时要学会倾诉。由此可以推知,对待“负面的”压力最糟糕的解决办法就是保持沉默,故选silent。16A.less B. worse C. easier D. harder答案:B面对压力时保持沉默只能使得事情更糟(worse)。17A.list B. handle C. avoid D. arr

22、ange答案:B你的态度跟你如何“处理”压力有很大关系。18A.rather than B. next to C. thanks to D. less than答案:A面对问题时,你应该将它看作是挑战而不是(rather than)烦恼。19A.equipped B. offered C. filled D. supplied答案:C生活中充满了问题和压力。be filled with是固定短语,意为“充满”。20A.check B. charge C. comfort D. overcome答案:D对于生活中的问题和压力,我们必须去面对和克服(overcome)它们。. 阅读理解Everyo

23、ne needs entertainment to take their minds away from the boring chores of everyday life. This entertainment can be in the form of music, movies, plays and various other activities. The most common forms of entertainment are movies, which are watched by people of all ages.Movies are entertaining, but

24、 some movies can have a negative effect on their audience. Little children may watch animated movies(动画片) on their favorite superheroes who do supernatural things, or on some other characters they admire, like Mickey Mouse who does all sorts of things that are not possible in real life. These movies

25、 can lead children into thinking that they also can do all these things.Many of the young people may like watching action movies, and the violence in these movies also has an effect on their minds. It makes them think more about violence and extremism, and may lead them into committing crimes and ot

26、her acts that can hurt others. These young people may watch their favorite actors do other things that are disliked in society. Their favorite actors and characters may take drugs, like smoking cigarettes in their shows and movies, which negatively influences the young audience and they may begin sm

27、oking too, or they may think that it is “cool” or it will raise their social status.Although some movies have a negative effect on their audience, others may have a positive effect too. There are many educational movies out there that are informative. These movies are very few in number as compared

28、to other movies that are not as informative. These movies are not liked by the young audience.电影是一种常见的娱乐形式。有些电影给人们带来了积极的影响,但是也有很多电影(包括孩子们喜欢的一些动画片和年轻人喜欢看的动作电影)给人们带来了消极影响。1. The first paragraph serves as a(n) _.Aexplanation B. introductionC. comment D. background答案:B篇章结构题。本文主要介绍电影给人们生活带来的影响。第一段提到电影是一种

29、常见的娱乐形式,主要作用是引入话题。2. The author uses Mickey Mouse as an example to show _.A. movies focus on education and entertainmentB. animated movies will gain popularity among childrenC. some movies fill childrens minds with untrue ideasD. children are usually naughty like Mickey Mouse答案:C推理判断题。根据第二段第二句可知,动画片中的米老鼠能做到在现实生活中不可能做到的事情。由此可推知,作者举米老鼠的例子是想说明很多儿童影片用一些超现实的东西填满孩子的心灵。3. Whats the main idea of the third paragraph?A. Most young people like action movies.B. Young people admire actors very much.C. Movies are responsible for the rise in crimes.D. Young people us

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