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1、九年级英语词汇过关九 911 Unit 1How do you learn English?I learn by studying with a group.单元短语1. 通过和朋友合作的方式by working with friends通过制作单词卡片的方式by making word cards通过读课本的方式by reading the textbook通过听磁带的方式by listening to tapes通过询问老师的方式by asking the teacher for help2. forget/rememberforget/remember to do sth.忘记/记得去做

2、某事forget/remembe doing sth.忘记/记得做过某事3. 和朋友进行英语对话have conversations with friends in English4. 做习题do exercises5. 大声朗读read aloud6. (通过)那种方式学到很多learn a lot that way7. 口语技能speaking skills8. (对于某人来说)做某事很It is +adj. (for sb. )to do sth.发现做某事很find it +adj. to do sth,9. 练习做某事practice doing sth.10. 笔友pen pal1

3、1. 英语口语spoken English12. 有点紧张/感到紧张a little nervous/ be stressed out13. 说英语speak English14. 完成做某事finish doing sth.15. 作报告give a report16. 获取主要意思,抓住中心思想get the main ideas17. 不要做某事(祈使句)Dont do sth.18. 一个单词一个单词地/一点一点地word by word/ bit by bit19. 耐心点儿。这得花时间。Be patient. It takes time.20. 越就越the +比较级,the+比较

4、级21. 学会做某事learn to do sth.22. like喜欢;像一样,比如23. 大多时候most of the time24. afraidbe afraid to do afraid of sb./sth./doing afraid +that 从句25. poor贫穷的;差的26. 爱上某人或某物fall in love with sb./sth.27. 开始做某事begin to do sth./begin doing sth.=start to do sth./start doing sth.28. although=though尽管,虽然29

5、. 肢体语言body language30. 关键词the key words31. as well=too 肯定句中的“也”either 否定句中的“也”32. discover发现本身就存在、以前没发现的东西find偶然发现,强调结果find out(经过调查研究等)发现look for有目的地寻找invent发明33. 做某事的秘诀the secret toto是介词34. 小菜一碟。/你活该。Its a piece of cake./ It serves you right.35. look up(在字典等中)查阅36. 更好地理解have a better understanding

6、 of sth.37. 大声跟读repeat out loud38. 做笔记take notes39. 记住句型memorize sentence patterns40. 犯错make mistakes41. enoughenough+n.adj./adv.+enough42. 准确发音get the pronunciation right43. 加入一个英语俱乐部join an English club44. 天生具有be born with45. 是否wheher or not= whether=if46. 取决于,依靠depend on47. 有一些共同的好习惯have some goo

7、d habits in common48. 对感兴趣be interested in49. 关注,关心pay attention toto是介词50. 持续很长时间for a long time51. 把A和B联系/连接起来connect A with B52. 变得(感觉)无聊get bored53. 从错误中学习learn from mistakes54. think about思考,考虑55. 思维图mind maps56. 不用则废。/熟能生巧。/知识来自质疑。Use it or lose it./ Practice makes perfect./ Knowledge comes fr

8、om questioning.57. 擅长be good at= do well in58. 保持做某事,坚持做某事keep (on) doing sth.59. even if=even though即使,虽然60. 学习技巧study skills61. 休息一下have a rest62. 你自己一个人(做某事)on your own= by yourself63. 代替,取而代之instead of doing sth.64. 立刻,马上at once=right away65. 为而准备prepare for66. 没有什么可担心的。There is nothing to worry

9、 about.67. 怎么了?发生什么事了?Whats the matter?68. 一遍又一遍地over and over again912 Unit 2that引导词 if/whether特殊疑问词宾语从句 主句:一般现在时从句:不变 时态 主句:一般过去时从句:过去的某一种时态 从句为真理时,时态不变,仍用一般现在时 语序:陈述句语序,即主语在前,谓语在后 What+a/an+adj.+可n.单(+主+谓)!what What+ adj.+可n.复(+主+谓)! +n. What+ adj.+不可n.(+主+谓)!感叹句 How+adj.(+ 主+谓)!how How+adv.(+主+谓

10、)! +adj./adv./v.How +主+谓(即:陈述句)!单元短语1. 端午节/中国春节/元宵节Dragon Boat Festival/ Spring Festival/ Lantern Festival2. 多么棒的一天啊!What a great day!3. 听起来像是/听起来很sound like+n./ sound+adj.4. 与相似be similar to5. 我认为是这样。I think so.6. 一直以来都在庆祝have been celebrating7. 是的形状be in the shape of8. 传统的民间故事traditional folk stor

11、ies9. 令人感动的touching10. 拒绝做某事refuse to do sth.11. 飞上月球fly up to the moon12. 摆放,布置lay out13. 他多么地希望嫦娥可以回来啊!How he wished that Change could come back!14. 结果as a result15. scary/scared令人感到恐惧的/感到恐惧的16. dress up/dress up as打扮,装扮/打扮成,装扮成17. 不招待就捣乱!Trick or treat!18. 捉弄play a trick on19. 圣诞精神the spirit of C

12、hristmas20. lie平躺;存在;在于21. be famous for/be famous as因而著名/作为而著名22. mean adj.吝啬的,小气的v.意思是;意味着23. care about/care for关心;在乎/照顾;喜欢care for=take care of=look after24. used to 过去经常做某事25. 警告某人(不)要做某事warn sb. (not) to do sth.26. 以结束/以做结束end up with sth./end up doing sth.27. deadadj. 已去世的n. deathv. die(died,

13、 died)dying28. 使某人想起remind sb. of29. 睡醒,醒来wake up30. 决定做某事decide to do sth.31. 保证做某事,发誓做某事promise to do sth.32. 在两者之间/在三者及以上之间betweenand/among33. 分发give out34. 母鸡下蛋。Hens lay eggs.35. 生孩子,产仔give birth to36. 是的一个象征be a symbol of37. 不仅而且 not onlybut (also)913 Unit 3单元短语1. excuse me/ pardon me打扰了,请原谅/什么

14、,请再说一遍2. 取钱get some money3.吃晚餐have dinner4. 获取有关的一些信息get some information about5.一对,一双,一副a pair of 6.到达get to/ arrive in/ arrive at/ reach7. 沿着Main Street走go along Main Street8.在右边on the right/ on ones right9. 去三楼go to the third floor10. 向左转/向右转turn left/right11.经过 路过go past=pass 12. 游乐园amusement pa

15、rk13. anyway不管怎样,无论如何14. 在那儿over there15. 没问题。No problem.16. need实义动词:need to do sth.情态动词:need do sth.17. 乘坐那个新的游乐设施go on the new ride18. 看起来很恐怖look scary19. come on 快点,请过来20. 当然Of course.21. suggest建议;暗示出表建议时:suggest sth.suggest doing sth.suggest +that 从句22.在我去学校的路上on the way to my school=on my way

16、 to school23. pass by 路过 经过24. what time=when什么时候25. 朝走去walk up to26. 稍微早点儿/有礼貌多了a little earlier/much more polite27. 在每个周一那天on Mondays28. 告诉某人(不要)去做某事tell sb.(not) to do sth.29. 两者都/两者都不/两者任选其一bothand/ neithernor/ eitheror30. 依靠,取决于depend on31. all right=ok 好的,可以32. include包括,包含33. 电子邮件地址e-mail add

17、ress34. spendspend time (in) doing sth.spend time on sth.35. lead into/lead to引入,导入/ 导致,通向36. 和某人沟通交流communicate with sb.37. 一个地下停车场an underground parking lot38. look forward to 盼望,期待。to是介词。39. be in a rush匆忙地去做某事40. 准时/及时/同时on time/ in time/ at the same time41. 第一次 for the first time914 Unit 4used

18、to do sth.过去经常做某事肯定句:主语+ used to +动词原形否定句:主语+ didnt use to +动词原形一般疑问句及回答:Did+主语+ use to +动词原形? Yes, 主语+ did. / No, 主语+didnt.存在句:There used to be +其他used to do sth. 的否定形式也可以是used not to do sth.单元短语1. in four years四年里;四年后2. 戴眼镜wear glasses3. what does he look like?/what is he like?询问外貌/ 询问性格+外貌4. 对感兴趣

19、be interested in5. 加入一个游泳队/加入校篮球队be on a swim team/join the school basketball team6. 有时from time to time=sometimes7. 如此好的一个主意such a great idea8. 变红turn red9. 看见某人正做某事/看见某人做某事的过程see sb. doing sth./see sb. do sth.10. 在方面取得好成绩get good scores on=get good grades in11. 从A到Bfrom A to B12. take up(尤指为消遣)学着做

20、,开始做take up doing sth.13. 应对,处理deal with=do with 14. 敢于做某事dare to do sth.15. 在前面(外)/在前面(内)in front of/ in the front of16. 不再notanymore17. 有能力做某事be able to do sth.18. 一直,总是all the time19. tons of=lots of许多,大量20. too much/too many/much tootoo much+不可n. 太多too many+可n.复 太多much too+adj./adv. 太21. 担忧,担心wo

21、rry about=be worried about22. 和朋友闲逛hang out with friends23. 准备好做某事be prepared to do sth.24. think about思考,考虑25. fight on继续奋斗/战斗26. a number of/the number of许多/的数量27. make it准时到达,成功做到28. 至少at least29. 害怕be afraid of30. 独处being alone31. 公开发表演讲give a speech in public32. 体育课P.E. class33. 画画painting pict

22、ures34. 校服the school uniform35. 擅长做某事do well in=be good at36. seldom很少,不常37. 照顾take care of=look after=care for38. 逃课be absent from classes39. 决定decide=make a decision40. send发送,派送41. 一所寄宿学校a boarding school42. 建议某人去做某事advise sb. to do sth.43. 亲自,亲身in person44. 尽管,即使,虽然even though=though=although=ev

23、en if45. 一直做某事be always doing sth.46. 为感到骄傲,自豪take pride in=be proud of47. 进行一次长谈have a long talk48. 在过去的几年里in the past few years=in the last few years与现在完成时连用49. remain保持某种状态,处于某种状态50. 一份常规的自我介绍a general introduction915 Unit 5被动语态的结构:be donebe(am, is, are, was, were) done(动词的过去分词,不规则动词表第三栏)步骤:1.看句意

24、-确定被动语态 2.看时间状语-确定时态(一般现在时am,is,are和一般过去时was,were的区别) 3.看主语-确定单复数(am,is,was和are,were的区别)抢做助动词方面:情态动词be动词单元短语1. 由制作(产品材料)/产于(产地)/be made of/be made in由制作(看得出原材料)/由制作(看不出原材料)be made of/be made from2. 因而著名/作为而著名be known for/be known asknown=famous=well-known3. 据我所知as far as I know4. 在山坡上on the sides of

25、 mountains5. 手工采摘pick by hand6. 全世界all over the world= around the world= in all parts of the world7. 对.有好处/擅长做某事be good for/be good at doing sth.8. 什么类型的what kinds of9. 无论什么/无论怎样/无论何地/无论何时no matter what=whatever/no matter how/no matter where=wherever/no matter when=whenever10. 避免做某事avoid doing sth.1

26、1. 移动电话mobile phone12. 日常事物everyday things13. 高科技产品high-technology products14. 交通事故traffic accident15. 不同种类的,各种各样的different kind of16. turninto把转变成17. 精美物品objects of beauty18. 孔明灯sky lanterns19. sendout发出,送出20. 向某人寻求帮助ask for help21. 处于困境中be in trouble22. 被覆盖be covered with23. litlight-lit-litlight-

27、lighted-lighted24. 升入rise into25. 热气球hot-air balloon26. 剪纸paper cutting27. puton把放在上面put on 穿上,表动作wear 穿上,表状态28. piece一张,一片;作品29. 童话故事fairy tale30. 历史故事historical story31. shapen.形状 v.做成某种形状32. air-dryv.风干,晾干33. take花费It takes (sb.) some time to do sth.做某事花费(某人)多长时间。 916 Unit 6When was the telephone

28、 invented?It was invented in 1876.单元短语1. 被用来做某事be used to do sth.2. 很乐意。My pleasure.3. 在我们的日常生活中in our daily life4. 有道理have a point5. 在那个时候at that time6. 偶然间,意外地/错误地,无意中by accident/ by mistake7. 据说/人们认为/据报道It is said that从句/It is believed that从句/It is reported that从句8. 饮用水drinking water9. 在篝火上面over

29、the open fire10. 落入,掉入fall into=drop into11. 茶圣the saint of tea12. 茶树tea plant13. 在不到100年的时间里in less than 100 years14. 西方国家Western country15. take place/happen有计划地发生/偶然间发生16. 了解know about=learn about17. 毫无疑问without doubt=no doubt18. 以低价at a low price19. 建议某人(不)做某事advise sb. (not) to do sth.20. 把A翻译成B

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