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本文(届新高考8省3+1+2模式高三名校好题速递分项汇编2之完形填空原卷版.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、届新高考8省3+1+2模式高三名校好题速递分项汇编2之完形填空原卷版2021新高考8省3+1+2模式高三名校好题速递分项汇编(2)完形填空完形填空【湖北省黄冈市2021届高三9月月考】When I opened my door this morning,I saw a sign that says,Good morning,beautiful business.It is a reminder to me of just how beautiful our business can be when we put all our care and energy into it.I 21 the

2、White Dog Cafe in 1983 on the first floor of my house.It is the house I have lived in since I was a child.Today,much of the food 1 22 comes from the same land where my 23 once farmed.Years ago,it was a simple coffee take-away shop serving students who lived nearby.Over the years,we have 24 our menu

3、and grown to 25 five buildings.I owe my success to making decisions not for the purpose of maximizing(使.最大化) 26 but instead maximizing the 27 with our customers and community.Today I still have the 28 way of doing business-the way it was in the old days with the family farm,the family inn.When I mak

4、e a 29 ,it comes 30 for my decision to be made in the common interest of all 31 .Business schools teach grow or die.But I make a conscious decision to continue to be a smallbusiness 32 I know when we grow in physical size,we would 33 something very important-authentic relationships with the people a

5、round us.I have come to realize that we can measure our 34 by measuring how much we improve our knowledge,achieve 35 and deepen our relationships.21Aopened Bruined Cvisited Ddisturbed22Arequest Bmanage Cserve Dsupport23Aprofessors Bancestors Csponsors Dcustomers24Adragged Btried Cexpanded Dcarried25

6、Abuild Bconstruct Cbury Doccupy26Aimages Bfeelings Copportunities Dprofits27Arelationships Bpromises Cexperiences Dprojects28Aneat-handed Bshort-sighted Chard-earned Dold-fashioned29Adecision Bimportance Cschedule Ddiagram30Aextremely Bawkwardly Cnaturally Dsecretly31Ainvolved Binvited Cinformed Din

7、terested32Aalthough Bbecause Cuntil Dbefore33Atake up Blearn about Ccarry out Dgive up34Alifestyle Bfigure Cprogram Dsuccess35Apatience Bprotection Chappiness Dkindness完形填空【2021届广东省珠海市高三上学期摸底】 For decades, humans have torn up the natural landscape in Asia, cutting down trees to build resorts (旅游胜地)

8、in the most beautiful locations and caging wild animals to attract tourists.Bangkok-based hotel architect Bill Bensley is saying “ 21 .”When a businessman talked with him about 22 a resort that included a zoo in Asia, he came up with a (n) 23 : lets 24 the humans and let the rare and endangered 25 w

9、ander free.Sounds 26 ? Bensley is known for 27 ideas, so much so that hes been called the “Willy Wonka of hotel design.”At his Shinta Mani Wild resort in Cambodia 28 arrive via a 380-meter zip wire (高空滑索) over the wilderness of the South Cardamom National Park and are 29 to join Wildlife Alliance an

10、ti-poaching patrols (防盗猎巡逻).But hes not doing things 30 for eye-catching. Bensley is a lifelong conservationist who deeply 31 what humans are doing to the planet. Thats why he wanted to do the World Wild Project. 61-year-old Bensley says the first stage of the eight-year project, which will 32 sever

11、al different top branded hotels, is expected to 33 in 2023.The cages for 34 will actually be 2,400 hotel rooms, with a budget of generally a million 35 per room. Lets just say the guests wont be uncomfortable. 36 , its not the rooms the California-native is talking about. Having a 37 with a local of

12、ficial, he has got the permission to relocate abused animals from 38 in Asia, and set them free onto the 39 2,000-hectare piece of land 40 the human zoo will be located.21Ano more Bno way Cno wonder Dno doubt22Avisiting Bpossessing Cdesigning Drebuilding23Azoo Bidea Cresort Dproject24Akill Bapproach

13、 Cfind Dcage25Apeople Bbirds Cplants Danimals26Acrazy Bfantastic Cimpossible Dvivid27Asimple Bunusual Cabsurd Dordinary28Adesigners Bresearchers Canimals Dguests29Arequired Bcommanded Cinvited Dforced30Ararely Bsimply Chardly Dnearly31Acares about Bthinks about Csets about Dbrings about32Aapprove of

14、 Bhear of Cthink of Dconsist of33Aopen Bclose Cappear Dpause34Aanimals Bdesigners Chumans Dofficials35Ameters Bdollars Ckilograms Dacres36ATherefore BBesides CHowever DThus37Afighting Bmeeting Ctravelling Dspeaking38Afarms Bresorts Chotels Dzoos39Aapproximately Bcertainly Cterribly Dnarrowly40Awhich

15、 Bwhen Cwhere Dthat完形填空【2021届湖南省湖湘名校教育联合体高三上学期入学考试】Many people say that their childhood was the happiest time of their lives. But, that was not 21 for me, at least between the ages of 10 to 12. I was practically 22 by my parents, who seemed only interested in their never-ending money making. I was 2

16、3 , a loner at school too, disliked by my classmates for getting good grades.Longing for 24 , I fell into depression and started thinking about death. While on the school field trip, I lost my footing and slipped into a marsh(沼泽)and got my 25 muddy. As luck would have it, out of nowhere, an angel, i

17、n the 26 of a native woman,lent me a helping hand. She 27 me to her small cottage and helped me change my 28 trousers. She made me eat from what little food she had, and told me funny stories, 29 to cheer me up.That lady saved me. She saved my belief in the 30 of people. I came to see that no matter

18、 what happens, there are good things in the world, which you can 31 for existence. Another thing I noticed was that the lady, though she lived in 32 surroundings, seemed happy. I realized that life is beautiful if we love it. Only those who are 33 their life can really understand what happiness real

19、ly is.I dropped the idea of ending my 34 .I must thank that kind lady for what I had never experienced till then. 35 someones life with kindness is worth all the treasure in the world.21Aprecise Bacceptable Cnew Dtrue22Acontrolled Babused Cignored Dmissed23Acareless Bpurposeless Cfriendless Dfearles

20、s24Afreedom Bschooling Cmoney Dcompany25Abackpack Btrousers Cglasses Dcoat26Aform Babsence Cdirection Dhope27Atook Bfollowed Cpointed Dguided28Atight Bwet Cnew Dworn29Aattempting Boffering Cdemanding Dhelping30Ahonesty Bwisdom Cability Dkindness31Adevote to Bcontribute to Crely on Dinsist on32Aunple

21、asant Bcosy Cunfamiliar Dnatural33Aserious about Bproud of Cbusy with Dcontent with34Atrip Blessons Clife Dprogram35AAssessing BChanging CCreating DValuing完形填空【2021届广东省惠州一中等高三六校第一次联考】I was getting ready to go to bed when the phone rang. This could not be 26 . My mind raced through the list of family

22、 members who might need help, but the 27 was hardly familiar.“Lindy, this is Lesley.” I didnt know Lesley well. We did 28 speak with each other, but to say we were friends was not 29 . I asked what she needed. Perhaps something really awful caused her to 30 someone she barely knew. 31 she asked me,

23、“Do you have room for a turkey? In your 32 ?” In fact, we had much room in our fridge. “Sure,” I responded, “Did your fridge 33 ?” “Not exactly,” Lesley replied, “but I will explain when I 34 .”Minutes later came a huge freezer truck. Lesley stepped down and explained the lease (租约) of the grocery s

24、tore her husband serviced had run out and that they had to 35 all the freezers that very night. Thinking it was a 36 to throw away all this good food, they decided to 37 food to all the people she could think of. Our home was their 38 stop so anything left would have to be put in our freezer. 39 our

25、 freezer was pretty empty, Lesley asked to fill it up. I asked her when they would come back for all this. Lesley 40 “We dont want it back. It is yours! Thanks for helping us out!” Then they waved goodbye and 41 away.“For helping them out?” We opened our freezer door. Inside were all the 42 foods we

26、 never bought but often longed to try. To make ends meet, we were 43 to buy groceries, yet it was not something we shared with anyone. However, our 44 were met in an unexpected way, by that 45 “Do you have room for a turkey?”.26Aunusual Bpossible Ctypical Dgood27Avoice Bimage Clist Dcase28Amerely Bf

27、requently Coccasionally Daccidentally29Aproper Bwrong Cstrange Dserious30Aconsult Breach Cinterrupt Dupset31AIn addition BWorse still CTherefore DInstead32Ahouse Btruck Cfridge Dkitchen33Acool off Bbreak down Cturn over Drun out34Aarrive Breturn Cleave Dstop35Adonate Bsell Cempty Ddistribute36Apleas

28、ure Bmust Cmeans Dshame37Adrop off Bget back Cturn in Dhand over38Afirst Blast Cnext Donly39AClaiming BRecalling CNoticing DExpecting40Apromised Bscreamed Csighed Dlaughed41Awalked Bdrove Cslipped Dfaded42Acold Bfresh Cexpensive Dold43Adreaming Bhesitating Cplanning Dstruggling44Aneeds Btastes Corde

29、rs Dambitions45Areply Bcall Cexpression Ddemand完形填空【广东省汕头市金山中学2021届高三年级上学期联考】The squirrel, Bella, had a rough start to life. At the age of four weeks old, an owl (猫头鹰) had 21 and badly wounded her.Bella stood no 22 of surviving her wounds in the wild. 23 , Ruby Harrison took her home. Ruby not only

30、gave Bella a home, but a 24 with three other adopted squirrels. They grew strong, but Ruby didnt domesticate (驯养) any of the squirrels. They are part of the 25 rather than a pet, she said.It was time to say goodbye in April 2009. Ruby saw them 26 into the trees and never expected to see them often.

31、Then, initially, the other three came back for a 27 once and stopped coming by, but Bella was 28 . She seemed to have a strong 29 with the Harrisons that kept her visiting almost daily.In the past ten years since her release, its not just Ruby herself who gets Bellas 30 . Bella sits right at the front door to look in for someones 31 .

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