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1、高三英语第一轮复习教案模块二第二单元Module 2 Unit 2新课标单词adventure n. 冒险,冒险经历astonishing adj. 令人惊讶的camel n. 骆驼dusty adj. 当地的,地方的camp vi. 宿营 n.宿营地dark n. 黑暗uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的,不自在的actually adv. 实际上,事实上clothing n. 衣服,服装helmet n. 头盔whatever pron. 无论什么,无论何事including prep. 包括supply n. 供给,补给 vt.提供giraffe n. 长颈鹿gun n. 枪;

2、炮scare vt. 使恐惧,惊吓tiring adj. 让人疲劳的,累人的sick adj. 感到恶心的;患病的sunset n. 日落bite vi. vt. 咬envy vt. n. 羡慕;嫉妒view n. 景色,风景forward adv. 向前;向着未来look forward to 期望,盼望note n. 便条,短信interciew vt. n. 采访,访问schedule n. 日程表,时间表,进度表sunrise n. 日出dawn n. 黎明,拂晓surprisingly adv. 令人惊讶地,意外地total adj. 完全的,全然的;全部的,总计的silence n

3、. 沉默;寂静beauty n. 美;美景;美人northwards adv. 向北reach vi. 延伸,达到perfect adj. 完美的officially adv. 官方地,正式地spot n. 地点,场所tourist spot 旅游点publish vt. 出版perfectly adv. 完美地,不折不扣地government n. 政府claim vt. 声称, 宣称;要求tower vi. 高耸,屹立,高高升起 n. 塔,塔楼form vt. vi. 形成,构成 n. 形状,外形viewer n. 观看者,观众speechless adj. 无法用语言形容的;一时说不出话

4、来的surround vt. 包围,环绕vast adj. 广阔的,辽阔的grassland n. 草原jewel n. 宝石heavenly adj. 天堂般的harmony n. 和谐,协调,融洽provide vt. 提供,给予endless adj. 无穷无尽的,没完没了的Common adj. 普通的Heaven n. 天堂; 天空Mild adj. 平和的,温和的课文出现短语1. be busy doing 2. spend some time doing 3. in case4. upside down 5. as as possible 6. up close7. make s

5、ure 8. look forward to 9. if possible10. be tired of 11. feed on 12. in the dark13. in perfect harmony with 14. get close to 15. refer to16. risk ones life 17. be worth doing 18. run out19. as well 20. in progress 21. at dawn22. in total 23. up to 24. provide sb with25. leave out 26. make use of 27.

6、 be tired of28. tourist spot 29. scare away 30. on clear nights31. make a fire 32. end with 一单词应用根据单词的首字母或汉语意思填写正确单词,注意形式变化。1The i_ with the manager made me realize that I must study harder to learn if I want to get a good job .2There are six people on the bus ,three children i_.There are six people

7、 on the bus, i_ three children.3The singer checked his s_ and found he wouldnt have a performance next Friday evening .4The weather changes so quickly that people say you can e _four seasons in one day .5If you keep traveling n_, you will reach the North Pole .6The bird is very _( 常见的 ) in this area

8、,7He was _( 恐惧 ) to see his hand bleeding .8There was not much _( 融洽 ) in international affairs during those years.9_( 令人惊讶的是 ), Mike , a top student, didnt pass the easy test this time.10We are eager to read his newly _ ( 已出版的 ) book.二词形转换1 astonishing (adj.令人惊讶的)_(adj.感到惊讶的) _ (vt. 使惊讶) 2 dusty (a

9、dj.) _(n.) 3 actually (adv.) _(adj.实际的) 4 uncomfortable_(反义词)_(vt.安慰,慰问)5 scare _(adj.感到恐惧的) _(adj.令人恐惧的,吓人的)6 tiring (adj.让人疲劳的) _(adj.感到疲劳的) _(vt.使疲劳)7 sick (adj.) _(n. c.u. 患病,疾病,恶心,呕吐)8 silence (n.) _ (adj.沉默的,无声的)9 harmony (n.和谐,协调 ) _ (adj.和谐的) _(adv.和谐地)10 officially (adv.) _ (adj.官方的,正式的 n.官

10、员,行政人员) _ (n.军官 )三. 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1. He was sitting on the floor _(surround) by books2. Im _ (scare)of slipping on the ice.3. Can you imagine how_(comfort) it is to travel in such a crowded bus on such a hot day.4. Once he _ (make ) up his mind , nobody will hold him back .5. He is a man saying lit

11、tle. In other words, he is the _ (silence)type.6. To my _ ( surprisingly), he should have failed the exam again.四. 用方框内所给短语的适当形式完成下列句子。look forward to in harmony with ( be )surrounded by belong totake part in make sure look out for (be) covered with in caserun out (of) 1. When he came to his life, h

12、e found himself _some beautiful girls. 2. The tree_ heavy snow, which attracts some children.3. The mountain climbers had to return, for their food and water _4. British actors did well at the award ceremony, but the evening _ the Americans.5. _ you turn off the lights when you leave the room.6. You

13、 should drive carefully in the evening, _an accident happens.7. Do _ the strangers and dont talk with them when you arrive at one strange place. 8. We are _hearing from you.9. Our government took many measures to provide people with better environment to be_ the 2008 Olympic Games.10. The students i

14、n our class can _ different after-class activities at the weekends.五. 语法应用Exercises One 1. She has just arrived and I didnt know she _ until yesterday.A. had come B. will come C. was coming D. is to come 2. He didnt look well, for he _ all night. A. had worked B. was working C. had been working D. w

15、ould have worked 3. The teacher wants to know whether we _ our papers A. had handed in B. would hand in C. have handed in D. are handing in 4. Will you please let me know when you _ your work? A. will be finished B. have finished C. will have been finished D. finishing 5. When Tom at last came I _ f

16、or two hours A. waited B. was waiting C. have waited D. had waited 6. She _ the soup to see if it needs more salt A. tasted B. is tasted C. tastes D. had tasted 7. I have no idea how soon he _ back. He _ on a business trip since last July. A. will he, was being B. will have been, has been C. would b

17、e, had been D. will be, has been 8. He _ in the USA for years, and is going to stay there till he _ forty. A. had been, would be B. has been, will be C. had been, was D, has been, is 9. She heard voices and realized that there _ some people in the next room . A. had been B. would be C. were being D.

18、 were 10. She saw empty glasses on the table and realized that some people _ in the house. A. had been B. would be C. were being D. were 11. Though Mike had been _ Janes birthday party now and then, he forgot to attend it, which made her angry. A. reminded of B. mentioned with C. told about D. warne

19、d with12. -Did you go to his birthday party yesterday? -No._ I was invited.A. As if B. As long as C. Even though D. If only 13. Everyone in our class thinks the question is _. A. very worth discussing B. much worth a discussion C. well worth discussing D. fairly worth to be discussed14. The students

20、 _ to clean the reading room and the dinning room as well as their classrooms . A. take turn B. take a turn C. take their turn D. take turns 15. We all _ the boys and girls from our school to take first place in the competition. A. hope B. expect C. look forward to D. wish for Exercises Two: Fill in

21、 the blanks with suitable tense1. By this time next year , you _ ( learn ) much more English .2. It was not until I _ ( read ) your letter that I _( understand ) the whole affair . 3. It is six years since we _ ( begin ) studying English 4. Once he _ ( make ) up his mind , nobody _(hold ) him back .

22、5. Mr Johoson _(teach ) himself abstract physics by the time he _( be ) fifteen 6. My neighbour _ (keep ) a very huge dog until one day it _( bite ) a pupil who _( pass ) the front door .7. I asked her what she _( do ) since she _ ( arrive ) here 8. We _ (try ) three times so far and we _ (fail ) ea

23、ch time .9. The result of last experiment _ ( be ) better than anyone _ ( expect ).10. The old man _( fall ) , as he _( get ) off the bus , and _ (break ) hius leg .六.翻译句子1.我们有责任全力帮助他们。 2许多产品在质量和性能上达到世界先进水平3许多记者采访李平的婚姻生活。4你体验过真正的饥饿吗?5在他们爬上雪山顶的过程中,不得不吃他们能发现的任何东西。6他们一定累了,因为他们已经连续工作5小时了。 七、Reading stra

24、tegy Reading strategy: reading an informal letterInformal letters are written to family members, relatives, friends, classmates and colleagues, etc. They are usually handwritten.In informal letters, greetings and closings are used, such as Dear Aihua, Dear Mum, Love, Toby and Best wishes, Aihua. An

25、informal letter usually begins with a casual and friendly greeting, such as How are you? Very often past events are referred back to such as Do you still remember the trip I told you about ? and I had a great holiday in Africa. When reading informal letters, we can see contractions here and there su

26、ch as were, I cant, and abbreviations, such as CU soon, meaning See you soon.八、复述课文1、Passage A(Reading)阅读下面短文,在空格处填上适当的单词。Dear Aihua,How are you ? Iv been busy (1) p_my holiday and the trip with my brother,Colin. We will spend a few weeks (2) t_ before he is admitted to the university. We will pay a

27、 visit to many exciting places and do lots of(3) a_things. My first destination is Morocco, in northern Africa.Were going to travel on camels through the Sahara Desert. I (4) e_ it will be very hot , dry and dusty there. Besides, sitting on a camel for almost a week makes me feel (5) u_Then we are g

28、oing to travel down the River Nile. we will go white-water rafting there. Its so dangerous that we have to wear special clothing, a helmet and a life jacket in case the rafts gets (6) t_ upside down or sinks.After that, we will live with the local people in Kenya and experience local customs. We eat and drink(7) w_ they do, including cow blood!Due to the long walk we have to cover everyday, I need to buy a large ,strong ,light backpack to carry my(8) s_of food and water. During the day, well walk across the l

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