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本文(高二英语暑期作业复习第5讲与介词有关的9组易混辨析与3个解题技巧.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、高二英语暑期作业复习第5讲与介词有关的9组易混辨析与3个解题技巧第5讲与介词有关的9组易混辨析与3个解题技巧备考指导介词是历年高考中的必考点之一,不同的省份对其考查的形式是不同的,有的是以单项填空的形式,有的是以完形填空的形式,有的是以语法填空的形式,有的是以短文改错的形式进行考查的。一、9组易混的介词辨析1表示“使用工具、手段、方式等”可以使用by,in,on,with,through等介词(1)by名词或动名词:表示“乘坐交通工具”、“通过方式”。如:You can go there by bus.(类似的有by car/ship/plane/bike/water/land/air)The

2、 man made a living by selling newspapers.那人以卖报为生。(2)in表示“表达的方法、媒介、工具、材料等”。如:in pencil(用铅笔),in ink(用墨水),in French(用法语),in cash(用现金)等。(3)with表示“使用某种具体的工具、手段等”。如:with a pen,with a pencil,with a knife等。(4)through表示“通过途径、方式、方法等”。如:He succeeded through hard work.他通过努力成功了。Through these activities,the stude

3、nts gained a lot of social experience.通过这些活动,学生们获得了很多社会经验。2across,through,past(1)across“横跨,指从表面的一端到另一端”。如:Can you swim across the river?你能游过这条河吗?(2)through“穿过”,指从某个物体、空间的中间穿过。如:The old man led us through the forest.老人领着我们穿过森林。(3)past“经过”,指从旁边通过。如:When you go past the supermarket,you will see a big p

4、oster.当你经过超市时,你会看到一张大海报。3in the end,at the end,by the endin the end“最后”,相当于at last,finally;at the end“在末尾、尽头”,后接介词of,可以指时间或地点;by the end“到时候为止”,后接介词of,句子一般要用完成时态。如:In the end,they had to move out of the flat.最后,他们不得不搬出了公寓。There is a coffee shop at the end of the street.街的尽头有间咖啡馆。By the end of last m

5、onth,we had finished most of the project.到上个月底为止,我们已完成了这项工程的大部分工作。4except,except for,except that,but,besides(1)except,except for,except that它们都表示“除之外”(不包含宾语在内),except that后接句子,except和except for后接名词短语,except for表示其后的宾语与前面所讲的内容不属于同类。如:She is a good roommate except that sometimes she comes back too lat

6、e.她是个好室友,除了有时回来太晚。He is a good man except for hot temper.他是个好人,只是脾气暴躁而已。(2)but与except同义,常用于no或由no组成的合成词后面或其他表示否定意义的词后面。如:Nobody but/except Tom can settle the argument.除了Tom,没人能解决这场争论。(3)besides表示“除之外”(包含宾语在内)。如:Do you have other dictionaries besides this one?除了这本(字典),你还有其他字典吗?5of ones own,on ones ow

7、nof ones own意思是“属于某人自己的”;而on ones own意思是“独自地,独立地”。如:We have a library of our own.我们有自己的图书室。She prefers to do the work on her own.她宁愿独自做这项工作。6for short,in shortfor short的意思是“简称,缩写”;in short意思是“总之,简言之”。如:Robert is usually called “Bob” for short.罗伯特常被简称为“鲍勃”。In short,we must be prepared.总而言之,我们要有所准备。7b

8、y the name of,in the name ofby the name of的意思是“名叫”;in the name of意思是“以的名义”。如:A US.journalist by the name of Newton asked for you just now.一位名叫牛顿的美国新闻记者刚才找过你。We are very glad to greet you in the name of the Chinese people.我们很高兴以中国人的名义向您致意。8in fear of,for fear ofin fear of的意思是“因而提心吊胆(害怕)”;for fear of的

9、意思是“生怕,以免”。如:Crusoe stayed in his cave for days in fear of the savages.克鲁索由于害怕野人而在洞里待了好几天。She tried to make no noise for fear of waking her baby.她尽量不出声,以免惊醒小孩。9in all,after all,at all(1)in all意为“总共”,既可放在句首,也可放在句末。如:There are 25,000 Inuit in all.(In all,there are 25,000 Inuit.)那儿共有25 000个因纽特人。(2)afte

10、r all意为“毕竟”,常放在句末;也可译为“(解释或说明理由)别忘了,到底”,用来提醒不要忘记某个重要的结论或理由等,一般放在句首。如:I thought he was going to help us,but he didnt after all.我以为他会帮助我们的,但他终究没有帮我们。After all your birthday is only two weeks away.别忘了,再过两周就是你的生日了。(3)at all常用在否定句和条件句以加强语气,意为“根本”。如:I dont agree with you at all.我根本不同意你的意见。Do it well if yo

11、u do it at all.要做就要做得好。二、3种方法解决介词(短语)的相关题目方法1图形示例法在高考试题中,有一大部分是表示方位、范围的考查,这就涉及到一些表示方位的介词,这里推荐使用图形示例法来解答此类试题。首先要牢固地掌握下面图片中介词所表示的方位,其次要在具体的语境中熟练地使用。典例展示1(2015全国卷)Tony saw a toy on a shop window. _答案onin解析结合生活常识可知,这里表示在商店橱窗里摆放着一个玩具,应用in。故on改为in。典例展示2Four Chinese models were _ the 14 people awarded priz

12、es on Friday at the World Supermodel Competition.答案among解析among表示“三者或三者以上的同类事物之间”。根据题干中“在获奖的14个人里边,中国模特占4人”可知,填among。典例展示3We should talk about the things _ the childrens understanding in a simple way.答案beyond解析句意:我们应该用一种简单的方式谈论超过孩子们理解能力的东西。方法2固定短语法关于介词的固定搭配,在解答试题时,要注意从句子中找出中心词汇,也就是这个词和选项中的词能够构成一个固定搭

13、配,符合句子意思,这样问题就会很快解决。典例展示1(2016全国卷)Now I am leaving home to college._答案tofor解析句意:leave .for .“离开某地到另外一个地方”。故to改为for。典例展示2When the bus finally came, we all hurried on board.I got a place next _ the window, so I had a good view of the sidewalk.答案 to解析此处是一个固定短语next to,意为“挨着”。故答案为to。典例展示3When asked about

14、 their opinions about the schoolmaster,many teachers would prefer to see him step aside _ favor of younger men.答案in解析句意:在被问到他们对校长的看法时,很多老师说他们宁愿看到他让贤于更年轻的人。方法3利用置入法解决介词短语的相关题目关于介词短语的相关题目,一般采用将介词短语置入句子,进行逐一翻译的方法。解决此类题目的关键就是平时多积累相关知识,然后读懂题干的含义。典例展示1(2014四川高考)Today, I am going to talk with what you shou

15、ld do when a fire alarm goes off._答案withabout解析句意:今天,我想谈一下火警响后你们应该做什么。talk about sth.意为“谈论某事”,talk with sb.意为“与某人谈话”,故with改为about。典例展示2His teacher took a deep drink and thanked his student very much for the sweet water. The young man went home _ a happy heart.答案with解析名词a happy heart 在句中不作主语,也不作动词的宾语

16、, 就应是作介词的宾语, 空格处应填介词; 由句意可知, 是指这个年轻人“带着”愉快的心情回家, 表示“带着”用with。典例展示3He was very tired _ doing this for a whole day.答案after/from解析因“他感到很累”应是“在他做了一整天事之后”, 表示“在之后”, 用介词after;另外be tired from doing表示“因做某事而累”,所以也可填from。跟踪训练考点突破.单句语法填空1. So, I just looked at her _ a questioning expression on my face.2. Durin

17、g the winter, they remind themselves, “This wont last long; well soon be out of here.”And _ the first warm day,the ants are out.3The new boy looked at the teacher _ a few seconds and all the other students wondered what the boy would do.4I didnt want to be laughed at for talking to him but I didnt l

18、ike leaving him _ his own either.5When Jane got home, with her small but wellchosen present in her bag, her parents were already _ table having supper.6I realized that the villagers who had gathered around me were arguing as to who should have the honour of receiving me _ a guest in their house.7Whe

19、n the time came for me to say goodbye to my friends in the village, I wanted to reward the old woman _ the trouble I had caused her.8I once took a walk along the street on a Saturday dusk,_ a Pepsi can in my hand.9We should take some measures to fight _ pollution.10Try on this red skirt; you will lo

20、ok great _ it.单句改错1. How amazing it is that astronauts are exploring outer space!Its a challenge, I guess, for man against nature._2Sometimes our opinions differ because what we choose to observe and how we deal with what weve observed._3How long have you been an actor?In 1995, when I graduated from

21、 college._4In those days, we had no phones, so we had to keep in touch with writing often._5. Everybody was touched by words after they heard her moving story._6The small child trembled at fear._7The man jumped across the wall and disappeared among the crowd._8. I worked like a postman for a short t

22、ime, but I am afraid of dogs and I had a lot of trouble. _9No sooner had I got off my bicycle than a large dog ran towards the gate, barking loudly to me._10The terriblelooking dog picked the card immediately and carried it in the house. The dog was a good postman._能力提升.阅读理解University Room Regulatio

23、nsApproved and Prohibited Items 9The following items are approved for use in residential(住宿的) rooms:electric blankets,hair dryers,personal computers,radios,televisions and DVD players.Items that are not allowed in student rooms include: candles,ceiling fans,fireworks,waterbeds,sun lamps and wireless

24、 routers.Please note that any prohibited items will be taken away by the Office of Residence Life.Access to Residential RoomsStudents are provided with a combination(组合密码) for their room door locks upon checkin.Do not share your room door lock combination with anyone.The Office of Residence Life may

25、 change the door lock combination at any time at the expense of the resident if it is found that the student has shared the combination with others.The fee is 25 to change a room combination.Cooking PolicyStudents living in buildings that have kitchens are only permitted to cook in the kitchen.Stude

26、nts must clean up after cooking.This is not the responsibility of housekeeping staff.Kitchens that are not kept clean may be closed for use.With the exception of using a small microwave oven(微波炉) to heat food,students are not permitted to cook in their rooms.Pet PolicyNo pets except fish are permitt

27、ed in student rooms.Students who are found with pets,whether visiting or owned by the student,are subject to an initial fine of 100 and a continuing fine of 50 a day per pet.Students receive written notice when the fine goes into effect.If,one week from the date of written notice,the pet is not remo

28、ved,the student is referred to the Student Court.Quiet HoursResidential buildings must maintain an atmosphere that supports the academic mission of the University.Minimum quiet hours in all campus residences are 11:00 pm to 8:00 am Sunday through Thursday.Quiet hours on Friday and Saturday nights ar

29、e 1:00 am to 8:00 am.Students who violate quiet hours are subject to a fine of 25.1Which of the following items are allowed in student rooms?ACeiling fans and waterbeds.BWireless routers and radios.CHair dryers and candles.DTVs and electric blankets.2What if a student is found to have told his combi

30、nation to others?AThe combination should be changed.BThe Office should be charged.CHe should replace the door lock.DHe should check out of the room.3If a student has kept a cat in his room for a week since the warning,he will face _Aparent visits Ba fine of 100Cthe Student Court Da written notice4When can students enjoy a party in residences?A7:00 am,Sunday. B7:30 am,Thursday.C11:30 pm,Monday. D00:30 am,Saturday.完形填空Todays students learn more in school than just reading,writing and arithmetic.They also learn how to _1_.More and more st

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