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1、商务文化与策略hnd1.0 Section 11.1 PESTLPolitical: Therewasincreasingpublicandgovernmentconcernaboutbingedrinkingandtheconsequentantisocialbehaviour,particularlyincitycentres. SothattheMartinisanotedeuro-scepticandin2002printed500,000beermatsandputup10,000to savethepound.Economic: Thesupermarketbeganselling

2、drinks. Thisresultinpeopledrinkingat homeandthiscompanyloseitscompetitiveprices. So J D saved the pound.Social:JDWetherspoondoesnotservecomplimentarycrispswithbaguettes.Customersthoughtthatthefriedfoodisnothealthy.Also,theybegantoreducethewinedrinking. ThenJDWethersponplcdevelopsakindoflowethanolwin

3、e.Technological: J D haveplasmascreensandcanshowTVprogrammers. There is aventilationsystem(costingmorethan100,000)whichaimstoensurethat customersdonotleavesmellingofsmoke.Legal:ThetiedhousesystemhadbeenbrokenbyarulingfromtheMonopoliescouldoperate. The government concern about binge drinking, so the

4、pub need establish a range of rules. Therewasalawseverelylimitedthenumberofpubs,soJ Dasaretailersteppedintomarkethadgottenmanyadvantages.1.2 SWOTStrength: Thekidscaneatinthebarparents.Inaddition,theylowerthepriceofbeersoldtoawiderangeofrealbeer. Moreover,J Dplacesgreatimportanceonlisteningtoandactin

5、gon,ithastwo-waycommunicationfrommembersofstaffonallaspectsofthebusinessaboutthefeedback.Weakness: J D cannot meet the social-culture even it did have TV screens and its peaceful motto is also no longer fitted. So that the pubs cannot solicit those customer like music or TV lover. In2001,JDhadlongbe

6、enastockmarketfavouritebutthesharepricealsofell.Opportunities: Pubs are not only provide breakfast, but also built a dedicated family dining area which make children and adults eat together. J Dalsobegundevelopingbudgethotel,thiscandevelopanothermarketandincreasetheprofitofJD.J D usedtohaveaclearide

7、athatitcanchoosewhatsortofpubsitwishedtooperateandcombinedthemperfectlywhiletheotheroperatorscannotdidthis.Threat: There are more and more competitors, such as Regent Inns, PunchTavernsandthesupermarkets. The market appears too many suppliers so that the marketing competition is become fierce. Exter

8、nal environment will influence on J D through opportunity and threaten. Threat could use opportunities to make weakness become strength.1.3 Effect of SWOTGuidelines for SWOT Analysis: First, keep it simple. Its important to focus on your organization. Moreover, be rooted in the now and dont get lost

9、 in the future. (http:/ the change of time, the internal and external environment will change. So SWOT would change also. Strength and weakness belongs to internal which can analysis the internal information, and the opportunity and threaten be

10、longs to external. Some strength, but also may be a weakness. So the organization should distinguish what is the strength or the weakness. ASWOTanalysisisonlybeusedforconsulting,wecouldntuseSWOTanalysistomakestrategy. Opportunity and threaten can be founded in PESTEL that implies many factor of exte

11、rnal environment. 2.0 Section 22.1 Value of CultureOrganizational culture encompasses values and behaviors that contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization. (The Business Dictionary. Organizational culture 2015 ) Inotherwords,cultureisakindofvaluesandSharedagroup

12、ofpersontaketogetherconstituteasurvivingdesignstandardsystem.Shared value is a high-profile symbol, and a formal form. It can become embodied in the organizations ideology or philosophy and act as a guide to behavior and ways of dealing with anxiety, uncertainly and difficult events. The organizatio

13、ns need “share value”. From one part, it can help them to guide the behavior of employees and regulate the workers. On the other hand, “share value” is the essential part of organizational culture. Assumption value is low-profile symbol, informal form and unspoken rules. The basic assumptions at ver

14、y fundamental, almost sub-conscious, level tell employees how to perceive, think and feel about things. Due to unseen and not openly identified in the day to day interactions, these factors also called as “unspoken rules”.In the case, pubs are commonly considered as socialize area, so the pubs alway

15、s supply cheap food and comfortable communicating atmosphere. Even more when people have awareness of non-smoking, the pubs will set up a special area for non-smoking which meets the customers needs.2.2 Type of CultureDeal and Kennedy created a model of culture that is based on 4 different types of

16、organizations. They each focus on how quickly the organization receives feedback, the way members are rewarded, and the level of risks taken: Work-hard, play-hard culture; Tough-guy macho culture; Process culture and Bet-the-company culture. (http:/

17、_culture.htm) ThemodeofDealandKennedywillbeusedinjudgingwhichtypeisfitforthiscompany.Through the case, we can found that TimMartinmanagesthecompanywithhismindandidea,itcompanyisincludebythefoodindustry,allthestaffworkhardeveryday,andthentheywillhaveaholidayforseveraldays.SoJDissuittheworkhard/playha

18、rdculture. They also have high level energy and customer-orientation. J D provide lower prices of beer and good service, and maintenance. Thecompanyalwayspayshighlyattentiontothestaffandthecustomers,andtheinformationshigh-speedrecreation, the feedback will rapid.The employees always have high-speed

19、actions which result in high-speed recreation activities. J D alsodoesthesesuggestionsquickly. So the risk is low.2.3 Relationship between Behavior and CultureOrganizational Behavior is “the study of human behavior in organizational settings, the interface between human behavior and the organization

20、, and the organization itself” (Moorhead, G., & Griffin, R. W. /1995). Organisation behavior is the response of the system or organism to various stimuli or inputs, whetherinternalorexternal,consciousorsubconscious,overtorcovert, andvoluntaryorinvoluntary. (Elizabeth,2014). The relationship between

21、organisation behavior and organisation culture is consistent relationship. In this case, there are numbers of ideas and suggestions are discussed each week in company meeting and staff are rewarded for their suggestion, staff can also discuss company issues with board members.2.4 Another culture typ

22、eAccording to DK model, J D could choose tough guy, which have higher risk and slower feedback than work hard/ play hard. J D can carry out more party to attract customer and take cost-advantage to confront competitor. And the type of tough guy mostly applies to this type of company which fast-movin

23、g financial and police force or athletes competing in team sports, and they are focus on the present rather than on the longer-term future, they make more short-term decisions. As the drawing of Christmas Eve, J D can plan a activity to promote their product and service. Sothe feedback is rapid, and

24、 exist high risk. However, even the reward of tough guy is high, it also may result in stress of staff and has influence on the performance of employees.3.0 Section 33.1 Business strategyThemainstrategiesareclassifiedintofourtypes:costleadership,differentiation, focus differentiation and penetration

25、.Cost leadership: is a concept developed by Michael Porter, used in business strategy. It describes a way to establish the competitive advantage. Cost leadership means the lowest cost of operation in the industry(Stahl, Grigsby,1997). The cost leadership is often driven by company efficiency, size,

26、scale, scope and cumulative experience (learning curve). A cost leadership strategy aims to exploit scale of production, well defined scope and other economies, producing highly standardized products, using high technology. Business environment: strong competition and a threat of substitute products

27、. Differentiation: is the process of distinguishing a product or service from others, to make it more attractive to a particular target market. This involves differentiating it from competitors products as well as a firms own products(Chamberlin, 1949). Business environment: The chosen basis for dif

28、ferentiation should be inherently difficult to imitate, and will probably need to be developed over time. It could reducerivalrywithcompetitors and improve customer loyalty.Focus differentiation: seeks a high price premium in return for a high degree of differentiation. It means focus on a well-defi

29、ned and probably quite restricted market segment. Business environment: If the market was saturated, the focused differentiation could provide opportunities.Penetration: It measures the brand popularity. It is defined as the number of people who buy a specific brand or a category of goods at least o

30、nce in a given period, divided by the size of the relevant market population(Farris, Bendle, Pfeifer, et al, 2010).Market penetration is one of the four growth strategies of theProduct-Market Growth Matrixas defined byAnsoff. Business environment: In a stagnating market increase in sales cause there

31、 is only possible by grabbing market share from rivals.3.2 Strategyduringthe1980sand1990sDuringthe1980sand1990s, J D Wetherspoon adopted the differentiation. In the case, J D Wetherspoon is a pub chain, which has many pubs. The company aims to manage the pub to satisfied with the customer, and it was always make its strategy in the pub chain, all actions of JD like provide cheap beer and non-smoking area and so on, which are all of set the main point to its pub manage st

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