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1、考研英语完形填空32篇和标准答案考研英语完形填空32篇和标准答案(总73页)完型填空练习题Text 1Every human being has unique arrangement of skin on his fingers and this arrangement is unchangeable. Scientists and experts have proved the 1 of finger-prints and discovered that no 2 similar pattern is 3 from parents to children, 4 nobody knows wh

2、y this is the 5 .The ridge 6 on a person finger doesnt change 7 growth and is not affected by 8 injuries. Burns, cuts and other damages to the 9 part of the skin will be replaced 10 by a new one which bears the reproduction of the 11 pattern. It is only when the inner skin is injured that the arrang

3、ement will be 12 Some criminals make use of this to 13 their own finger-prints 14 this is a dangerous and rare step to 15 .Finger-prints can be made very easily with a printers ink. They can be recorded easily. With special method, 16 can be achieved successfully within a short time. 17 the simplici

4、ty and economy of this system, finger-print have often been used as a method of solving criminal cases. A 8 man may deny the charge but this may be 19 . His finger-prints can prove who he is even his 20 has been changed by age or accident.1. A. uselessnessB. quantityC. magnitudeD. uniqueness2. A. na

5、turally B. exactlyC. especiallyD. particularly3. A. passed onB. passed awayC. passed outD. passed off4. A. ifB. whenC. thoughD. as5. A. reasonB. causeC. groundD. case6. A. constructionB. structureC. locationD. position7. A. withB. because ofC. untilD. under8. A. graveB. severeC. substantialD. superf

6、icial9. A. outsideB. outwardC. innerD. outer10. A. in timeB. on timeC. at timesD. behind time11. A. originalB. differentC. definiteD. customary12. A. restoredB. hurtC. destroyedD. restricted13. A. diminishB. disposeC. undermineD. remove14. A. andB. butC. whenD. if15. A. makeB. takeC. doD. adapt16. A

7、. realizationB. detectionC. identificationD. investigation17. A. In spite ofB. Irrespective ofC. Because ofD. In case of18. A. suspectedB. doubtedC. distrustedD. doubtful19. A. out of caseB. in vainC. at randomD. in question20. A. lookB. expressionC. appearanceD. sightText 2When television first beg

8、an to expand, very few of the people who had become famous as radio commentators were equally effective on television. Some of the 1 they experienced when they were trying to 2 themselves to the new medium were technical. When working 3 radio, for example, they had become 4 to seeing on 5 of the lis

9、tener. This 6 of seeing for others means that the 7 has to be very good at talking. 8 all, he has to be able to 9 a continuous sequence of visual images which 10 meaning to the sounds which the listener hears. In the 11 of television, however, the commentator sees 12 with the viewer. His role, there

10、fore, is 13 different. He is there to make 14 that the viewer does not 15 some points of interest, to help him 16 on particular things, and to 17 the images on the television screen. 18 his radio colleague, he must know the 19 of silence and how to use it at those moments 20 the pictures speaks for

11、themselves.1. A. difficultiesB. successesC. sufferingsD. incidents2. A. turnB. adaptC. alterD. modify3. A. onB. atC. with D. behind4. A. experiencedB. determinedC. establishedD. accustomed5. A. accountB. sideC. pointD. behalf6. A. efficiencyB. technologyC. artD. performance7. A. commentatorB. TV vie

12、werC. speakerD. author8. A. OfB. ForC. AboveD. In9. A. inspire B. createC. causeD. perceive10. A. addB. applyC. affectD. reflect11. A. occasionB. eventC. factD. case12. A. somethingB. nothingC. everythingD. anything13. A. equallyB. completelyC. initiallyD. hardly14. A. definiteB. possibleC. sureD. c

13、lear15. A. loseB. depriveC. relieveD. miss16. A. focusB. attendC. followD. insist17. A. exhibitB. demonstrateC. exposeD. interpret18. A. LikeB. UnlikeC. AsD. For19. A. purposeB. goalC. valueD. intention20. A. ifB. when C. whichD. asText 3Geography is the study of the relationship between people and

14、the land. Geographers compare and contrast 1 places on earth. But they also 2 beyond the individual places and consider the earth as a 3 . The word Geography 4 from two Greek words, ge, the Greek word for “earth” and graphein, 5 means “ to write”. The English word geography means “to describe the ea

15、rth”. 6 geography books 7 on a small area like a town or city. Other deal with a state, a region, a nation, or an 8 continent. Many geography books deal with the whole earth. Another 9 to divide the study of 10 is to distinguish between physical geography and 11 geography. The former focus on the na

16、tural world; the 12 starts with human beings and studies 13 human being and their environment act 14 each other. 15 when geography is considered as a single subject, 16 branch can neglect the other.A geographer might be described 17 one who observes, records, and explains the 18 between places. If p

17、laces were alike, there would be little need for geographer.We know, 19 ,that no two places are exactly the same. Geography, 20 ,is a point of view, a special way of looking at places.1. A. similarB. distantC. variousD. famous2. A. passB. go C. reachD. get3. A. wholeB. untilC. part D. total4. A. fal

18、lsB. resultsC. removesD. comes5. A. whatB. which C. that D. it6. A. SomeB. MostC. ManyD. Few7. A. relyB. restC. reckonD. focus8. A. extensiveB. overallC. entire D. enormous9. A. wayB. meansC. habitD. technique10. A. world B. earthC. geographyD. globe11. A. mental B. militaryC. economicD. cultural12.

19、 A. second B. nextC. laterD. latter13. A. when B. whatC. whereD. how14. A. upon B. asC. forD. to15. A. And B. ButC. ThereforeD. For16. A. neither B. oneC. either D. each17. A. for B. asC. toD. by18. A. exceptions B. samenessC. differenceD. divisions19. A. moreover B. meanwhileC. howeverD. or else20.

20、 A. still B. then C. neverthelessD. moreoverText4Smoking may be a pleasure for some people. 1 ,it is a serious source of 2 for their fellows. Now medical authorities express their 3 about the effect of smoking 4 the health not only of those who smoke but also those who do not . 5 ,nonsmokers who mus

21、t 6 inhale the air polluted by tobacco smoke may 7 more than the smokers themselves.As you are 8 informed, a considerable number of students have 9 in a effort to 10 the university to 11 smoking in the classroom. I believe they are 12 right in their aim. However, I would hope that it is 13 to achiev

22、e this by calling 14 the smokers to use good judgment and show concern for other 15 than by regulation.Smoking is 16 by city bylaws in theatres and in halls used for showing films as well as in laboratories where there may be a fire hazard. 17 , it is up to you good 18 .I am therefore asking you to

23、19 “No smoking” in the auditoriums, classrooms and seminar rooms. This will prove that you have the nonsmokers health and well-being 20 ,which is very important to a large number of our students.1. A. HenceB. HoweverC. Anyway D. Furthermore2. A. joyB. discomfortC. convenienceD. relief3. A. considera

24、tionB. attentionC. belief D. concern4. A. againstB. forC. inD. on5. A. In consequenceB. On the other handC. In factD. After all6. A. instinctivelyB. instantlyC. spontaneouslyD. reluctantly7. A. sufferB. subjectC. submitD. sustain8. A. certainB. sureC. doubtlessD. right9. A. enteredB. joinedC. attend

25、edD. involved 10. A. reasonB. persuade C. argueD. suggest11. A. stopB. objectC. banD. prevent12. A. entirelyB. likelyC. generallyD. possibly13. A. likelyB. probableC. properD. possible14. A. outB. forC. onD. up15. A. ratherB. betterC. moreD. other16. A. prohibitedB. protectedC. reservedD. cleared17.

26、 A. FurthermoreB. ConsequentlyC. NeverthelessD. Elsewhere18. A. ideaB. dutyC. senseD. responsibility19. A. persistB. maintainC. stickD. adhere20. A. in mindB. in headC. in heartD. in memoryText5Having passed what I considered the worst obstacle, our spirits rose. We 1 towards the left of the cliff,

27、where the going was better, 2 rather steeper. Here we found little snow, 3 most of it seemed to have been 4 off the mountain. There was no 5 of the mountain in the distance because the clouds were forming all around us.About 1 oclock a storm 6 suddenly. We had time to have 7 its approach but we were

28、 concentrating on cutting steps, and 8 we had time to do anything, we were blinded by snow. We could not move up or down and had to wait 9 , getting colder and colder. 10 my hood(兜帽), my nose and cheeks were frostbitten and I dared not take a hand out of my glove to warm them.After two hours of this

29、, I realized we would have to do 11 to avoid being frozen to death where we stood. From time to time through the mist I had 12 the outline of a dark buttress(扶壁)just above us, to descend in the wind was 13 question; our only hope was to scramble up to this buttress, and dig out a platform at the foo

30、t of it on which we could 14 our tent.We climbed to this place and started to 15 the ice. At first my companion seemed to regard the 16 as hopeless but gradually the wind 17 and he cheered up. 18 we had made a platform big enough to put up the tent, and we did this as 19 we could. We 20 into our sleeping bags and fell asleep, felling that we were lucky to be still alive.1. A. setB. gotC. madeD. took2. A evenB. thoughC. soD. if3. A. when B. whereC. asD. so that4. A. fallenB. flownC. splitD. blown5. A. view

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