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1、英语四级常考词汇大全恋恋有词四级恋练有词课程A. 单词识记Unit 1 man n.男人;人类;(有某类嗜好的)人 The man who has made up his mind to win will never say Impossible.Napoleon 凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说不可能的。 同义替换词: person, mankind, boy, humanity, guy Thats one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.-尼尔阿姆斯特朗 对于一个人来说,这只是一小步;但是对于人类来说,这却是一大步。 形近词

2、 manager n. 经理;管理人(明星、艺人等的)经纪人;业务管理人 German adj. 德国的n. 德国人 manufacturer n. 生产商;制作商 policeman n. 警察 human adj. 人的;人类的 n. 人 can aux. 能;会;可能 n. 罐头;容器v. 开罐 tongue twisterCan you can a can as a canner can a can?你能够像罐头工人一样开罐头吗? 形近词 candidate n. 候选人;投考者 cancer n. 癌,癌症;肿瘤 scan n. 细看;浏览;扫描 candle n. 蜡烛;烛形物;烛

3、光 more adj.更多的adv.更多地;更大程度上 同义替换词: furthermore, besides, additional, additionally 形近词 moreover adv. 再者;加之;此外 furthermore adv. 而且;此外 peoplen. 人;人们;(与政府或上流社会相对的)人民;民众;大众 同义替换词: mankind, citizen, nation, folk low adj. 低的;矮的;低下的 同义替换词:flat 形近词 follow v. 跟随;跟着;尾随;遵循(建议、指示等);跟踪 flow v. 流动;流向;(信息)传播 hollow

4、v. 空的;空心的;空洞的 mat n. 席子;草席;垫子 形近词 matter n. 事情;(是的)问题;关乎的问题;(印刷或阅读的)材料;(有形的)物质 v. 有关系;要紧;有影响 material n. 材料;素材 adj. 物质的 let v.允许;让;使 同义替换词: have, grant, suppose 形近词 completely adj. 完整地;齐全地;全部地;彻底地 outlet n. 出口;出路;发泄;折扣店 delete v. 删除;擦掉 line n. 行,列;(思想或行动的)步骤;方式,方法;路线 v. 排队;加衬,做里子 同义替换词: row, range,

5、rank 形近词 gasoline n.(美)汽油 headline n.(尤指报纸头版的)标题;大字标题;(广播或电视里的)新闻提要 like v.喜欢;喜爱;希望prep.像;如;像要 同义替换词: love, prefer, affect 形近词 likely adj. 可能的 adv. 很可能 dislike v. 不喜爱;厌恶n. 不喜爱;厌恶 alike adj. 同样的;相同的 unlikely adj. 不太可能的;未必会发生的 knowv. 知道;认识;通晓 同义替换词: be aware of 形近词 knowledge n. 知识;学识;知道 unknown adj. 不

6、知道的;未知的 many adj.许多的;大量的pron.许多人 同义替换词: numerous, multiple, lots of most adj.最多的;最大量的adv.最;极其;非常 同义替换词: maximum 形近词 mostly adv. 主要;大部分 make v.做出;制造;使成为;把做(好) 同义替换词: produce A plant may produce new flowers man is young but once. 花有重开日,人无再少年 just adv. 刚才;只是;正好 同义替换词: merely, simply, only, indeed, but

7、形近词 adjust v. 调整;调节;校正 justify v. 证明(决定、行为或想法)正当;表明必要 justice n.正义;公正;司法;审判员 newadj. 新的;新近出现的 同义替换词: fresh 形近词 newspaper n. 报纸;报 lie v.躺,平放;位于;说谎,欺骗n.谎话 形近词 believe v. 相信;认为 belief n. 信任;相信;信念 may v.aux.可能;可以;祝n.五月(May) 同义替换词: can 形近词 maybe adv. 大概;或许;也许 mayor n. 市长 onlyadv. 只;仅仅adj. 唯一的 同义替换词: mere

8、ly, barely, unique, simply comev.来,来到;出现 同义替换词: occur, happen, become 形近词 become v. 变成;成为;变得 outcome n. 结果;结局;后果 overcome v. 战胜;克服;控制 get v. 变得;成为;到达v. 使得;获得;变成;收到 同义替换词: acquire, gain, obtain 形近词 forget v. 忘记;遗忘C. 单词应用 mann. 男人 2011-12 阅读 “In mixed schools, boys feel compelled to act like men befor

9、e they understand themselves well enough to know what that means, ” the study reported. human adj. 人类的 2000-6 阅读 One strength of the human condition is our tendency to give and receive support from one another under stressful circumstances. candidate n. 候选人;投考者 2009-12 阅读 Throughout this long, tense

10、 election, everyone has focused on the presidential candidates and how theyll change America. flowv. 流动;流向;(信息)传播 2013-6 阅读 If they generate more power than the home is using, the excess flows into the utilitys power grid. completely adj. 完整地;齐全地;全部地;彻底地 2010-6 阅读 Early models often failed to withst

11、and crashes, however, so in 1965 the device was completely redesigned and moved to the rear of the planethe area least subject to impactfrom its original position in the landing wells. like prep. 像 2013-6 阅读 Aside from the panels on the roof, Premier Gardens looks like a community of conventional ho

12、mes. justice n. 正义;公正;司法;审判员 2003-阅读 Obviously the justices did not show their personal preferences, their mere likes and dislikes, they stated their considered judgment, painstakingly arrived at after thorough inquiry and deliberation. comev.来;出现 2013-6 阅读 In the absence of societal pressures to ma

13、intain pair-bonds, OSullivan suggests that romantic love has increasingly come to be seen as the factor that should determine who we stay with and for how long. alike adj. 同样的;相同的 2003-9 阅读 Television passes information, and indiscriminately, to all viewers alike, whether they are children or adults

14、. newadj. 新的 2013-6 阅读 Large companies have a difficult time switching into new markets because there is a temptation to put existing assets into the new businesses.A. 单词识记Unit 2 less adj. 更少的adv. 更少地 同义替换词: tiny, little, small More haste, less speed. 欲速则不达 形近词 nevertheless adv. 然而;不过 endless adj.无止

15、境的;无边无际的;无休止的 careless adj. 粗心的;漫不经心的 hopeless adj. 没有希望的;绝望的 worthless adj. 无价值的;无用的 conversation n. 会话;非正式会谈 同义替换词: dialogue The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest men of past centuries. - Descartes 所有的好书,读起来就如同和过去世界上最杰出的人谈话。- 笛卡尔 meanv. 作解释;意指adj. 生气的;暴力的;吝啬的 n. 平均值

16、同义替换词: imply, selfish, average 形近词 means n. 方法;手段;工具 meaning n.意义;意思;意图 meanwhile adv. 同时;在此期间 want v. 需要;想要;(用于建议)应该做n. 缺乏;缺少;想要的东西 同义替换词: intend give v. 为做;提供;给出;给予;举办(聚会等) 同义替换词: present, donate, grant 形近词 forgive v. 原谅;饶恕;宽恕;(用于礼貌用语或道歉语中)请原谅/恕我无知 much adv. 非常;很多;经常;很 同义替换词: extremely, greatly, q

17、uite, massive listn.一览表;名单;目录;(特定顺序的)一系列,一长串v.列举;力数(以特定方式)把列入单子(或报告) 同义替换词: catalog 形近词 specialist n. 专家 letter n.信;信函;字母 同义替换词: literature, alphabet firstnum. 第一pron. 第一次;首次 adv. 最早;最新;先n. 首次出现的事物;首例 同义替换词: primarily, initially, beginning, premier, basic life n. 生命;一生;寿命 同义替换词: existence, living, a

18、ge, livelihood need v.(为做成某事或正常生活)要求有;必须有;需要;应该;应当n. 必要;需要 同义替换词: necessity, want form n. 形式;形状;外形;方式;表格v. 形成;组成形状;使排列成 同义替换词: figure, model, outline, shape 形近词 inform v. 通知;告知;告发;检举 information n. 消息;(计算机程序储存和使用的)数据;资料 perform v. 履行;执行;演出;表演;表现 former adj.先前的;曾经的 pron. 前者;前一个 uniform adj.(同一物)始终如一的

19、;均匀的;划一的;(不同物)全都相同的n. 制服 transformer n. 变压器;转换器 look v. 看;瞧;望;浏览;查看 n. 看 同义替换词: watch, take care of, face 形近词 overlook v. 俯视;眺望;忽略;宽容 outlook n.(对生活的)观点、看法;展望 fee n. 费,酬金;赏金 同义替换词: charge, cost, tip 形近词 feeling n. 感情;感觉;知觉 coffee n.咖啡;咖啡茶 feedback n.反馈;反应 problem n. 问题;难题;困难 同义替换词: question place n.

20、 地方,地点;住所 同义替换词: location, site, house main adj. 主要的;最重要的;基本上 同义替换词: chief, heart, primary, major, central 形近词 maintain v. 维持;保持;断言;维修;保养 maintenance n. 维持;保持;维修;赡养费 mainland n.大陆 livev. 居住;生活 adj. 活的;有生命的;现场直播的 同义替换词: alive, exist 形近词 deliver v. 投递;送交;发表(讲话);递送;接生(婴儿) lively adj. 活泼的;逼真的 delivery n

21、. 投递;分娩;讲话方式 hear v. 听见;审理;听说 同义替换词: listen 形近词 heart n. 心;内心;勇气;要点 mad adj. 发疯的;恼火的 同义替换词: crazy, angry, crazed down adv. 往下;向下;朝下prep. 在之下 同义替换词: below, under 形近词 downward adj. 向下的;下降的;趋向没落的 both pron. 两者(都) 同义替换词: again, additionally, two 形近词 bother v. 烦扰;操心 n. 麻烦C单词应用 careless adj.粗心的;漫不经心的 2005

22、-6 六级阅读 But last week the New Zealand Life Sciences Network accused Ingham of “presenting inaccurate, careless and exaggerated information” and “generating speculative dooms day scenarios that are not scientifically supportable”. endless adj. 无止境的;无边无际的;无休止的 You endlessly think it over. Having the d

23、ecision hanging over your head is a huge energy drain. nevertheless adv. 然而;不过 2007-12 阅读 Nevertheless, soft-drink companies view bottled water as the next battle-ground for market sharethis despite the fact that over 25 percent of bottled water comes from tap water. specialistn. 专家 2003-9 阅读 Althou

24、gh companies tend to take on specialists as new hires, they often seek out generalists for middle and upper-level management. information n. 消息;(计算机程序储存和使用的)数据;资料 2011-12 阅读 People are being lured (引诱) onto Facebook with the promise of a fun, freeservice without realizing theyre paying for it by giv

25、ing up loads of personal information. deliver v. 投递;送交;发表(讲话);递送;接生(婴儿) 2003-9 阅读 But consider this very different use of the term, a newspaper reports that the Supreme Court has delivered its opinion in a controversial case. perform v. 履行;执行;演出;表演;表现 2011-12 阅读 The research argued that boys often p

26、erform badly in mixed schools because they become discouraged when their female peers do better earlier in speaking and reading skills. both pron. 两者(都) 2007-6 阅读 While you need to employ both to get to a finished result, they cannot work in parallel no matter how much we might like to think so. hea

27、rtn. 心;内心;勇气;要点 2011-6 听力 It takes a lot of energy, but thats not heart of my paper, so I guess I should leave it out. live v.居住;生活 2013-6 阅读 Romantic love has clear evolutionary roots but our views about what makes an ideal romantic relationship can be swayed by the society we live in.A. 单词识记Unit 3

28、 light n. 光;光线;(电)灯;交通信号灯adj. 轻的;光亮的;天色亮的;(颜色)浅的 同义替换词:lamp, shining 形近词 delight n. 高兴;愉快;令人高兴的人(或物)v. 使高兴;使愉快 daylight n. 天明;日光 listenv.(注意地)听,留神听;听从;听信 同义替换词:hear, ear mate n. 伙伴,朋友(尤指男性之间);配偶v. 交配;配对 同义替换词: friend, brother, colleague, fellow 形近词 playmate n. 游戏的伙伴;玩伴 climate n. 气候;氛围;形式;状况 classmate n. 同班同学 approximate adj. 大约的;近似的;粗略的 v. 近似于 intimate adj. 亲密的;个人的;温馨的 ultimate adj. 最后的;最终的;最重要的 effect n. 结果;效果;效力;影响 同义替换词: consequence, result, issue, outcome 形近词 effective

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