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小学英语教案 北师大版五年级下册英语Unit9Day and night 教案.docx

1、小学英语教案 北师大版五年级下册英语Unit9 Day and night 教案Unit 9 Day and night单元教材分析本单元是北师大版小学英语四年级下学期的第九单元,是在七、八单元学习了星期和钟点的表达法的基础之上的进一步延续。主要涉及的知识点是一天中morning,afternoon,evening,night的表达法和breakfast,lunch,dinner,频度副词always,usually,often,sometimes,never以及日常生活中一些行为动词及短语getup,gotobed,eat,sleep等。根据词不离句的教学理念,我将本课单词的教学放在 Whe

2、ndoyou?I always/usuallyatinthemorning/afternoon.的句型中进行巩固和运用。单元教学目标教学目标:1、知识目标:(1)能听懂、会说以下单词:breakfast, lunch, dinner, morning, afternoon,sleep , when,等表示日常活动或行为的单词,及认读always, usually, often, sometimes, never等频度的单词,能在交流中运用。(2)能听懂、运用以下日常交际用语:句型Whendoyou?Ialways/usuallyatinthe.。2、能力目标:能用所学的知识简单的表述自己想询问


4、别。2.句型Ialways/usuallyatinthe. Unit 9 Day and night (第一课时)教学目标:知识目标:1、学习新单词:breakfast, lunch, dinner, morning, afternoon,sleep , when,等表示日常活动或行为的单词,及认读always, usually, often, sometimes, never等频度的单词,能在交流中运用。2、学习句型:When do you (get up)? I (always) get up at (seven oclock).能够在交流加以运用。3、学习故事,初步感知句型,理解内容。能

5、力目标:1、能初步认读运用单词及句型2、能够理解故事内容,并朗读课文故事情感目标:通过课文故事的学习,培养、提升学生养成生活有规律的意识和习惯。教学重点:能够运用句型:When do you ()?来询问别人时间的安排,并运用I(always)() at (.oclock).来描述自己做某事的时间和频率。教学难点:单词发音:always、usually、breakfast及描述的句型。教学目标:知识目标:1、学习新单词:breakfast, lunch, dinner,2、能够理解故事内容,并朗读课文故事morning, afternoon, sleep , when,等表示日常活动或行为的单

6、词,及认读always, usually, often, sometimes, never等频度的单词,能在交流中运用。2、学习句型:When do you (get up)? I (always) get up at (seven oclock).能够在交流加以运用。3、学习故事,初步感知句型,理解内容。能力目标:1、能初步认读运用单词及句型情感目标:通过课文故事的学习,培养、提升学生养成生活有规律的意识和习惯。教学重点:能够运用句型:When do you ()?来询问别人时间的安排,并运用I(always)() at (.oclock).来描述自己做某事的时间和频率。教学难点:单词发音:

7、always、usually、breakfast及描述的句型。教具准备:卡片、光盘、录音机教学过程:一、复习导入:1、游戏,猜一猜:师做睡觉的动作,然后提问,What am I doing?2、指生做动作,生猜,复习以前学过的表动作的核心词汇(playing、reading、 cooking、drinking、eating、Washington、painting)3、导入:今天我们要学习一些新的词汇和短语,请大家接着猜二、词汇学习:1、师做起床的动作,生猜,然后出示卡片起床图,引出短语并板书:get up,示意学生根据经验读e的发音,然后师领读,分组说中英文2、其他短语同上 eat break

8、fast 、go to bed分解,想前半部分和哪个词比较接近,板书bread,告诉学生记忆单词的方法 :用学过的单词来认读新单词,然后分解读新单词,再连读,分组练习读。3、利用卡片学习moring、afternoon、night、lunch、dinner4、学习频度副词:(1)师指着eat breakfast,陈述:I always eat breakfas in the morning。生猜测句意。然后板书频度副词:always 解释词义,然后读(2)提问:放学之后你通常和朋友一起玩吗?(3)其他词同上方法(4)板书,让生说一说其频率,然后按顺序读一读四、句型学习:(1)师继续指着eat

9、breakfast,陈述:I always eat breakfas at seven in the morning。When do you eat breakfast?生猜测句意(2) 操练:师生、生生When do you 。?I 。五、学习课文(一)看故事,了解故事的主要内容。1、生自己结合插图及句子看故事,画出不懂的词句子,然后和同学说一说2、师点击光盘结合图提问,理解故事 :What is Mocky doing ?Does he eat breakfast so late ?When does Ann eat breakfast ? Where are they going ?或:

10、What are they going to do ?(二)听故事:1、完整听一听,听后提问:What does Uncle Booky do in the morning ?Is Uncle Booky at home ?2、生回答,然后在书上找到相应的句子读一读。(三)读故事1、跟光盘逐句读一遍。2、自己读,划下不会读的地方 。3、重点指导读1、2、4、8副图,随录音读,然后师领读。六、小结:今天我们又学习了询问别人什么时间做某事的新的问法,我们一起来读一读。看黑板读重点句型。七、作业:听课文录音,朗读课文。Unit 9 Day and night (第二课时)教学目标:1、 学生能够基本

11、理解课文含义,能就课文当中提出的问题做出简要的回答;2、 激发学生对于课文故事的学习兴趣。教学重点:基本理解课文故事教学难点:频度副词always、usually、never的理解教具准备:课件,句型贴片,评比用具教学过程:Step One: Warm-up1. Good afternoon, boys and girls. What day is it today?2. Today is Thursday. Lets chant from Monday to Sunday, OK? (利用课件引导学生一起唱歌谣)Step Two: Revision1. Im Miss. Liu. Whats

12、 your name? Nice to meet you. Whats your favorite day in a week? Why?(个别抽问,请几个学生回答问题)2. Oh, its 2 oclock. Im late for the bus. (教师做出跑步的动作)What am I doing?3. (教师做出走、游泳等简单的动作)What am I doing? Can you dance? Dance, please. (请一个学生起来做动作,再问全班)Whats he/she doing?Step Three: New Content1. Do you know whats

13、Mocky doing now? Lets watch the screen.(课件展示图1)Whats Mocky doing?2. Ann asked:” What are you doing, Mocky? ” Mocky said:” Im eating my breakfast.” Mocky always eats his breakfast in the morning. Always means everyday, include Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and all the

14、 holidays. Read after me, always, use your fingers, a-l-w-a-y-s, always. Read after me, I always eat breakfast in the morning.3. (课件展示图2)Now, Mocky wants to know what time does Ann eat her breakfast. So he asked:” When do you eat breakfast, Ann?” Ann answered:” I eat breakfast in the morning, too.”

15、When equals to what time. (板书提示)4. When do you eat breakfast? OK, please ask your partner when does he or she eat breakfast? Practice in pairs. (引导学生两人小组进行对话练习)Who want to have a try? Hands up. (请几个学生回答问题)5. Do you always eat breakfast in the morning? On Saturdays, I dont eat breakfast in the mornin

16、g. I sleep in the morning on holidays. So I could only say: I usually eat breakfast in the morning. Usually means not always.6. (课件展示图6)Ann and Mocky go to visit Uncle Booky. Ann wanted to know what does Uncle Booky do in the morning. Do you want to know? How does Mocky answer her? Watch the screen.

17、 Lets read the sentence together. He usually reads a book. What do you do in the morning?(询问几个学生)Now you can ask your partner what does he or she do in the morning or afternoon, practice in pairs.(引导学生进行两人练习,并请两组学生起来展示对话)7. Ken, Ann and Mocky go to visit Uncle Booky. Now, they are at Uncle Bookys ho

18、use. But where is Uncle Booky?8. (课件展示图9)Do they find Uncle Booky? Where is he? Does Mocky know? No, he doesnt know. He says:” I dont know. Hes usually at home in the morning.”9. (课件展示图10)Uncle Booky is usually at home in the morning, when does he go to the store? Ken wants to know, so he asks. Mock

19、y answered:” He often goes to the store in the afternoon. He never goes in the morning.” Often and usually are almost the same meaning.(手势讲解差不多相同)Never means no, not.(加上表情、手势强调never,贴片讲解)Lets read the two sentences together. He often goes to the store in the afternoon. He never goes in the morning.1

20、0. Where is Uncle Booky? Whats he doing now? Can you guess?(请两三个学生起来猜Uncle Booky到底在做什么)Look, hes sleeping. He sometimes sleeps in the morning! Uncle Booky usually reads a book in the morning, but that day, he sleeps. So he sometimes sleeps in the morning.Step Four: Practice1. Do you like the story?

21、I like it because its funny. Lets watch it from the very beginning. After you watch the whole story, please answer my questions.(课件从头播放故事动画)2. Here are the questions for you.(课件展示提问的几个问题)You can talk with your partner, and then give me your answer.(引导学生小组之内根据课文内容讨论问题,然后进行问题的回答)3. After class, please

22、 read the story after the tape. Next time, please tell the story to us, OK? Thats all for today. Goodbye, boys and girls!Unit 9 Day and night (第三课时)教学目标:1进一步巩固用英语简单描述自己一天的活动。 2对学生进行安排良好作息时间的教育。3. 培养学生的听、说、读等能力。教学重点:1词汇: always, usually, often sometimes, never breakfast, lunch, dinner, when ,get up,

23、go to bed, eat, sleep,(in)class, oclock2.句型: Structures (Review)When do you (get up)?I (usually) (get up) at (six) oclock.教学难点:频度副词always、usually、never的理解教具准备:课件,句型贴片,评比用具教学过程:1.复习复习下列单词:always, usually, often, sometimes和never。把单词写在黑板上,看学生是否还记得住它们的意思。 复习词组get up ,go to bed, eat breakfast/lunch/dinne

24、r和单词sleep。用同样的方法复习其他单词。指教室里的钟表提问:What time is it?引导学生回答:Its eight fifteen.接着再问:What do you do at eight fifteen ?引导回答:We learn English.”复习上一单元的时间。指着单词always说:I always get up at(seven)oclock.让一名学生用always说一个句子,并把它写在黑板上,例如:I always eat lunch at12oclock。用同样的方法完成其他单词:usually, often, sometimes和never。2. 说一说

25、学生用书第30页让学生翻开书第30页,看本页上部的插图。给学生展示这一页。指着第一幅插图说:王玲在说什么?看学生是否能看懂问题。示范朗读,学生跟读。用同样的方法学习Cathy的回答。用同样的方法完成其他插图。把全班分成两组。一组扮演王玲,另一组扮演Cathy。让全班一起练习对话。让学生两人一组练习对话。鼓励学生用不同的单词(usually,often和 sometimes)替换always和never。板书 When do you get up?I always get up at six oclock.usuallyoftennever3.听一听、画一画学生用书第30页,让学生翻开书第30页

26、。把这一页展示给学生。指第一幅插图给学生解释,他们需要画出相应的时间。让学生说一说每幅插图的内容。用同样的方法完成其他插图。放第一句的录音,让学生指出对应的插图。用同样的方法完成其他句子。再放一遍录音,每次放一句。让学生画出正确的时间。全班一起说出每个钟表上的时间。4. 指一指,说一说学生用书第33页,让学生看本页下部。给学生展示这一页。指着Tommy和Ken的图片说:Tommy在说什么?看学生是否能够理解。然后一起朗读单词。用同样的方法完成Ken的回答。指着第一幅插图提问:What time is it?引导学生回答:Its one oclock.用同样的方法完成钟表下方的另外两个时间。指着

27、Ken起床的插图提问:What is Ken doing?引导学生回答:He is getting up.”用同样的方法完成另外两幅插图。(Ken is going to school.和Ken is eating lunch.)指着便签簿的插图,看学生是否会读上面单词。然后示范读音,全班一起跟读。让学生两人一组练习提问和回答。鼓励学生尽可能使用所有组合。5书写练习教师将事先准备好的书写句子的小条发给组长,组长让学生抽一张进行书写。再进行问答练习6.布置作业让学生练习用英语给家长说一说时间。Unit 9 Day and night (第四课时)教学目标:1进一步巩固用英语简单描述自己一天的活动

28、。2能掌握“oy”, “oi”的发音,了解他们的区别。3培养学生的听、说、读等能力。教学重点:1词汇: breakfast, lunch, dinner, when ,get up, go to bed, eat2.句型: Structures (Review)When do you (get up)?I (usually) (get up) at (six) oclock.教学难点:频度副词always、usually、never的理解教学过程: 一、Warm up: 师: Class begins! Morning! Boys and girls! 生: Morning ,teacher!

29、 师: Sit down, please! Show the flashcards and read the words first and make sentences use them Have a dictation二、presentation and drills1.T: Open your books to page 32 Can you read the words correctly? Try! Now what can you find out?2.S1: Yes, I can.Let them read by themselves first . Then listen to

30、 tape and repeat them one by one.3.Encourage students to say sounds of the letters.T: The letters of “or” “oor” have the same sounds. Read the words out: Corn horse store Floor door Box clock dog4.Listen for the sounds and circle the words that doesnt belongstore horse corn dogdoor clock box comic 5

31、.Check the answer together三、 Practice1.Please them read the words after the tape2.Encourage them to read and recite it in class四、 Sum up Practice the students listening And speaking Ask the children to know the new languages of this unit and at the same time, consolidate the key point for this unit. Consolidate the contents have learned. Unit 9 Day and ni

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